Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Mar 1972, p. 19

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Sc t ~ oc S u a es Ie rn n gThe Champion, Milton, Ont. wednesday, Match 29,17 mode# squre daince technique Oece flic cale prenot-e ai rual people, lin torm ot enierlaioaveni hnon as square docn n carrntly njoying an up=ge lan lpaplarity aouong people ai oiter professions. An csampi ofitis là flou Scotchi Stock Square Dancers. The peoup, acganiucd letfaili, hou a ht-dp floue dancing iu tac Uigny Hall au fin Flifh Sidccoad nortit af Matto evcry Monday nlghi. lu, flic pai, tquare dancing han huid a nsquare" old-tashioned avili tltl pou tce ouly aid iaolaoeed aspect ai ibola club l tic arnouatl ai culoyuelt ihcy tIenne iroav if. Leursi basles APpiaalit 30 la 35 peuple arc ioarning baic squarc dancing Muanoeunrcs scd au * Marlinough" Iroas calter Les Cairns. Caicns is pectiaps symonhoir ni tene tre cnd in tîn type ni eetertaictsent. Il yoa nee tio t-luit une club you avoatalai heur an nid toue tiddler avISa an douerican avld-wcst ianag. flic cluhe cater la un Eugliuhouou Whon Icaracil fin art ai square dancing la tut counutry beltre launlgratiug fa Cauada. "Square dancing ta snorld avide ad isennan populat-in sut-b lac off nations us Japas,' dlaims Cuiras. A nctcrae baltroues dancer, Calrns at-ai lits nfe begaucsquare dancing afior lallrcm dauctg bogua o uiller a ctldl pepuiart aroound t9t5. "Wo weroni keo aulie mod-rn iypes uit daucing ohico avere roplacing if," hoe uhalol. Sargals a 12 A reeldeni ai Bariuglan, Cairns Icarein l Noneouber ltai theMilton club needel a calter o la notuutecrod hou serniceu. WiUs a cu-lautrucior Mru. Jeau HalUutofhhuslouauga, ho coedecta Sac dauces et-ccp wook. Ct per laght per couple la ina dollaru avlacb Cali caSla "a prollp gond largaiu.'" Square dancing hau iwu dinisions, aid urne andl modern. Scotch Stock Squares are learniug tin basic ulepu ai lte lutit, avhich Cairnu capu lau a biuiury span ai about 15 poars. "Modern dancing dicru troca ila oIder relative, in finat records are osin place of ahfddte. Also aay ai tce cabl ofth fioller varity noce lantin iniorchaud b tce dauceru. Wit moderu square dancing tce danceru are tot suce which uiep avIl la calied touai," Cine ulainu. Compleelini lea la May tce cluh avIl couac upocabionu lac te unuer. Sy uit floue Use oucoboru win bane houa rcbigioaulp afietding lte ienualhi uuios, avIl have ucuaei Ut inuIticiqueu ai lihe lirait tend square dancing, Cairns inlievez. There are ihrcc lceuaiso square dancing ho explan- heglueer luermediate and club. Eac leel roqulreu about a pcar'ccnperieece beiore Peugresalng la te sout clat, anae Sac indlluclor. Honener, aouea daceehecuavea pruliciet iu mauterlag the basic uiepu, hoe tearnsalaiere are avare cuavoler now ana gruves, la, clacboiou &sofa 9lO par tee ui7) SWING T0 TRE LEFT nse swtng la flue a groap urgauid laf tall Culler Les Cua-rns righf,. . . Havng a hllI are Use swtnging inepa tise dancers boppoug -(Staff Photo) meoulara ut te Scotch Block Square Dacere, Miss Joan Melor ... iNgambî, nbich the Milton j avltionary nIl have la Icare as sjo auns cin arrives in Chail. la addition ta ber bukkeeping dfices, Mica Meliar cuperla fa nor nit tce yout and Sac wni ni Mouandou aid belp ninrevcc shn cou. lJriid siruggle Suc bac licou norlang lanard le ac fo thea pai 20 peurs, bai Iif han bee anuaphsll uiragglc a Stce nay. Rer avuibor died avbou jsin nas macr andl ube nus cainil as au orphouagc. Cbcn abe nus t15, altec jusf une pear ut lagb aclioni edacation, shc wnu fu nurk Mo hclp aupport ber faiaolp. Mica Mellor sapa Utc had ber trip Mo Atrica in Mvindi and nurked ut a oaricfy oi occuauios la give int-cait a gond bac-kgruound. She toufhi berseli bookkceping, thrbcugh cupecience, andl nover tono a incaval course in lte la 1953 stenenf fo Rogina aid cnrotlld in Sac Canadian Bible Collef e, graduating tram ifs miscsions rancse in t9tI. In t9it ain avent la avort aihSa Toronto laadqonrtera office ufthSa Northi Aunent-an Brandi ot tce iludan United Miasion (avhich laier mcrg id aviUs TEAM), utaping thSare acer mwo peurs. Sac tIrai applied Moga la ChatI whde norbing ait Use SUM office in 1960, baIut Usa fan tie Chut lied joaf become an andcpedcut rcpubtic aid Sac pabbtcal cllouate made ai anlcusibtc ta saut a single gi-t inla the fiecld. Prom 1963 uati trec anda hall peurs ugo, abe avorbed lu Sac Toronto beadquarfcra ofthfli Chrst-in and Misona- AI- liauce, tn came 10 Matfon ta wr avath vSafi Camnplal-Recca fbls e or, a numan lu Sac bield sent oui a Iciter appealUN io taocmeune la corne la Cliai and lakte ut-or Sac mioin's bookt f cdiene lh in olooonarica toc bua tim bocork aviSa lin nationalu. "I tienued, nery detouîuety, Sat Sac Lord nac sinavîug mc ii nus ME iHc avanted," Utc said, o ube appid again lu go fa Cbad. Siu s aontsaagauhe learned abenuas *at-cepfcd. 'Ttie Lord sun fu it Saut t gui athSa breas, abe sape. "If la ccally qmite mat-neltu Usai Sa ntanp ulinge avucbcd togellar lu Sac puet lotfit me lot- my mach," ain adda. Needed support ¶Sairce she tlrt tearned ofaiber at-ruplasco, Miss Mdlur bat been ao y llng up 7uppori. Sutue sb-croldg ailc ladt Marange Olti lcus ufn ni suppies, plat $280t u monili (ior four peut-s) for lar epenacu lu Use tield. flic $W1 eners ber jsalut-y, administration t-ns, tansporfaion, avedical needa and oUser maintenance in t-lad. AS Sac munep lad la bo pruavlaed or doatela beture sha coud louve for France. Fclens, strnulera and peuple SWINGfNG TO THE MUSI C are square donct-a Nora Boyce and Ed Bt-own, meminra uf the Scotch Stock Square Duncers. The club moula enerp Muudap nighf at Llgnp Hall.-(ýStfuf Photo) frac a alksi ot lifhane caSautd la gincierUthe ecccat- support. Etmmanucl Supulef Cliacl has afcsed la andaravrila a pardion oi lac moeSaly epeavet, many tailles banc pruomised la set atadc a tcrfai amuount oudi avunth and many otinre fane cash donations. -' hane tuai inen flillel ai te inforect peuple banc becu atcaning," site ud, 'anud avien peuple are puuling Sacir maney inla caavcSalng toc Sac Lord, pu cat la cure ofthUscl peuper lacblug fan.' Speakbog engagemens Mica Meilac las aino been tipeaulng la chancit groupe aid nuaon organinaiunu areund Sac pcovince, fdlling flam ufthSa mucl inl Cbad and thuaving pic- tucot aupplicl by TEAM ai te onditins lu Atrica. Site lait Sac Campbell-Rceac fcam in Fcinonry aid han since apaketi in scd placeot asuChatamc, Gwn Sound, Toronla and Hailton in addition la local groupe. floue pat ion moche have teT nnFrance,auome:ging afraiglit la t3sad-and iig up tauf-oiulual letala betore louning bor Martin St. aparfaveni tuc a mec-pouar sporn. Chimnoy fire A chiuuey lit-e uithli home ut C. Fauter ut 52 Britanula Rd., Oubvalle rauced no dtamage, reporns Pire iet A. E. Cleavent. Thse tire occurcel carty Fciduy aicreon. Thece nere nu oUser incidlents during Sac pai nerk. -Mohawk Racenapas spt-ig meeing gai aidernuy tuaI nanta and gond t-ronds arc repurted au Sae Caupinllille raclag unul. (Contissoil teom cage Si> ceai day and g par cent cerncnt Ilach could laut for 30 ycacs. Acceuge lacset acide up oubidi fa teacb fin naives la pridarce caope. Tait sorgham grasa ta bard la dent nlt. fIcey noce itd Usait nlth uppurbiity Use peuple in Afnt-a are capable aif renslng Uscir an aS airs aid Usai te lIte is vcry uioueiilcd la te ceay ai cevoluios bai Usai fiensatives are ncry appreciauive ai ubai tce neuf lac donc o tut m, oUser- nase Sacy noulid lave ns arll, no charchen or inapif ait. 1973 CacîtI dapuofpesper Mca. Carl Srunsridge Saanbid Uhsa tatane pariin the peogram. fThe Eaclac Thask- oticcîug nus cuttccfcd. The miutels ai fin last meeting nome read hy Mca. Jin Carticy Sac ecrctary. Mca. Tomv Sualtld wn la lte bey lady lo- 1973, Corîdas Day ut Prayer. The Hl- ct-ast Dalloufl Lundieun avilI la iîd on Apeil 19. Mins Helen Alien ai To-day's chilI or un Faavttly Pier on Sudoya ait 1pou. avil la focal spear. Four ladies icum Hilicceuf uttended tce annua Pt-eobytoril meecting. Spoos ut $2.00 and $3.00 euch arc avadlable-prrcode ta foi Sacth M Us S Fend. Mcu. Leuhce King gave te treasuner's report. Mca. Carl lirenridgc gave a repart ai Sac sewarda meetiing, hld on Marcb 6l. An initation nus rcinid troas Si. Asdren'c Cburch, Georgeton la attend a Shan- ottecasg on April 12 uit li po. flic upeakers avIli la Roc. aid Mcs. J. Kîchnood. Mrs. O. Wilson ccporfcd on teir aupply parcel for Atrica. Donations a balcn adae fanardu Sala lac artiles ot uvatlale Mo la pacchasid Iroon tonds. ttccd Christas carda nere seni ta ladîa. Rarveai Fair sot-ha nere given ouf aid procenduuare toleused lot- tce argon land. UCC attened M puy up Mo 10f on a P.A. cytota. Mccting cloec aviSa peayer aid luch nus acrvid by tce Siarfighf Unit. Judy ordon ufthfi Sixtb Lire, Homhby aid Tanycon Jenninge ai Pot Credif, arc eejuyavg a tavu neek vacatin in Use liachadan IARDSON fscy expertoib ome onEastor Suday. aU~ dance Thc Romnby Menus Sait Club Division hld a nory cucceaiul dance ai fin Rumhy Tonor'n un Satorda- nigbt, Marcb 1li. Musc wasuppied hy fin Mermtuct Orcheatra. The iocby daur prize mat non hy Mca. Clarence Mc- Caca nlach nou a $24 voudier; a spot dance nus non by Mc. nd Mca. Ednard Robertson, Pcftor ilicavoan non a plani andl a priac nua non hy Margarci Taylor. A delîcînua lunch nua cnjoycd tulloning the dance. The North Tiralalgar Endce Clab hld Uscir neckly cuchre purfy on Satorduy nigltt, Mardi 25, ai the North Trafalgar Rcccation Centre. Thcre mere lunc tables ai euchre in play aviSa lin peluca guing fa tce lloning nlancru, Mca. Frank Peannck, Mcs. Ray Wdlson, Mca. Jin Caunounghamv andl Mca. Cilinri Ras. Ice ninneca lac Sac foula nece Clare Wilson, Lamne Chambinan d Juin Roberns. Lachy drana mccc non hy Mca. Jue Savi and Jin Ramltn. Mc. and Mca. Ocrald Mardi- ment ufthSa Sixtb Une, arc eolyof a vacaion ou Florida. The Eden United Cburch Young People's Society mvet it tce lame ai Rcn. and Mru. Jin McFadden, an Suuday aifemnuo nbere fhcy enj oyel fhc abondance oi anon caavpacid fa te ucnw in Sac Romhby district, tut- avnwobiles. Rot coRan nind luch nece suppliut. licthday grcetiega are entcudid fa Mcs. Road Plant and Jack laniord nbu nll celchrafe their baclbdaya on Macch 3t. Mc. and Mca. Ronald Planf aid cana Dacid aid Tonmty ai tce EigbSa Une oud Mc. and Mca. Oacry Hamillan, Kent, Kendru and Kunouy and Jaie South apent Saiday ut Casaga Beach. dance technique. "Yu oct-e stop icarniag,' adds o inîcadctor Mca. Huilas. Althoagh the club consiste; oualtly of peuple oner 30,i Ifdote inat ai a couple ai Yung danceru. Oue ai linsue la Feun Lawrence, ta, ai R1f. t ilton. Because ber avuilar was ulck une dance uigbi, Fore tus lac place au a dancing pantner tor bier laiher, Deupil. Discuverlut square dating meas ian, ube decidel in loin tce club. Ansyuge gcuup An cmoutyee afilton District Hospital, Fera sapu atave ai ber frouds danit uuderciand ber penchant lft- oai avoume cunulder au aider persan's ouciieaveu. "I1 cao get atang avISa aey ago graup," ube qip. Sinas hupIg lac friands avIl gine te dance a "whlcl" nbe tce club afaria frmsh la Sopteoubor. Participation in tce club, avldch Calrna sape la te usip square dancai club in fin Miltas aires, is pechape aveuli, bat aveobera arc opfiouiatic toc a larger croavi seat peur. 'One gond poai alaut square dancing ou geserul and anc club in particular la. pou don't banc f0 no-cy about aihaig on fin aide- inca. Thoreas ainayu a partaer ready and nllang 10 dance," oncladcd Cuit-s. A youeg lady retocavil bore teai Monday cnening, Mardi 20, fa apea la tce Farca Forium Comn- musity Clubuas Ontario Princeso. Nancy Browvn ot Grasnd Valley nus the gacci speaker aid tlli ot lac esperieuce as shc pruavuien tce Dairy Isdusiry. Inciodein l bor pelue of aitip atclteiritih a aunver Teu Service, a Occmncey c atlnd coavpci nadconr ii club hud lia insg usFue Rdio Porou ad baul. e mveting lac 27 yeacs. Special gueeia ait Sala meeting weeMcc. M. J. Scanai Mitn, nito a Nascy's gruadnoter and Mra. Elizabeth lirain ai Bruampton. flic mccting as bell ut te inave ot Mc. andl Mcc. Slpencer Wilaon. Mac Alexander presetn aecyiSa a nouaS glit lor an .uterot.av lalb. Foiluwing tahousiness a copte ut conteats noe resoducnd hy Mca. Gay Wilson. Arangemvents wcre adae lac teir annuali sght out whicb nuli la hetd ai tce Mohawk tI. ai Cavphctvlle Race Trcb n Tucaday cvening, Macch 28. Lunch nus sert-id hy te h....t uhu non acalateil hy Mca. Biruce Thtcher. Kenîn Jcpson spent suave inlidaya ai fin home of Mc. and Mca. Jün Haoudton of tce NinSa Une Hocnhy. Oct aveU nIches ut-c enlandut ta Mca. ton Breaki, hy hec muny friceda in tce Hocshy ditrict. --Scinul atodenfa cnjoyed Sacir waier break tuai week. GEYTTLNG READY for the music are dancing portnerc Fern Lawrece and John Pordy. The two-oome are meouhers ut the Scotch Block Sqoare Dancers.--(Staff Photo) MARCEL - JIN & ROSS NOLMES TO SERVE YOU SPECIALS FOR EASTER WEEK Ready lu Serne Ham SHANK PORTION ........5 BUTT PORTION ..........691b CENTRE OUTI.......... 79cb SLICED HAN ........... 891b LET US FILL TOUR FREEZER REI BRAND BEEF FRONT ..................63 ci WES EN METMRE -4 AI T.8860 LgHOMEIM1 W4<U eUMBER A Planned Kitchen.. epicplte ilth beatitol and veratile cabinets can pt aaaed storage ana ettîciency ln the ok cente Cpelanaccabinetstfeat-e hadsone woodunuins .!t hstin-snoothtfinishes in today's most anted tomes. Check, the range ot styles, the sapetiorI1 gqu:ity standarnd teatates ana the speciai options viae.Copelana cabinets are ail hardnaad cnstruction bath insie ana out. Ceacter tops are ln beotitai long-iusting genoine Artonite or Formica0 searnicas counter tops with rnoolaclin backspiush ~ gPick up a FREE PLANNING GUIDE and hegin planning your new kîtchen. Sec cahat but n convniecce tîned breail drawers, cutting boards, slidung sheines, slidcout mastehasket andl tray rac-k inserts can offer in pour kitchen. Free planning assistance Open Monda y te Fridat yO a. m. tu 6 pot. Saturda y 8a. mn. tut1 po. a.. c lu-home consultation available on pour kîtcheni hom2e improeentnprjr 2172 Main S. E. planning. 8~1' 78-2351 Actual cabinets on ilpay uimB1ER nose la aur ahoavroomn oe ~ ~ ~ -î:: O" -2mOie Ct Comnmunity Clubs are ... E DT 35) kIO JACK RICI ,415~ "Try and Top This Deal"# FREE ROOF RACKC ON SPECiALLY EQUIPPE> SGCKEVY WA0048l PLUS: Sec ail the other attractive bonus options at aur April "Red Tag" Chevy Sale JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS Ontario St. S. Milton 878-3812 _ài 1 L IL 1

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