Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Mar 1972, p. 13

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ith Beker Mbal th dursiltse crmarista auker hait m istrahds, ri adA peupe helpt ace iMt sue Neaci, FNA 'OM2.5 1s,u Ester message irons tise Ministeriai Associationoft Milin and District, prepsred iss tise 1ev, D. IL Ifiholata, minister of St Davidas Presisyterian Churcis, Zampisdllvitte: Crucifixion wsea tise mosi terrible form ut capiai punisismeni whiicis Imperial Rorne could devise. At tise tisceat ofitI, meut iso feared notlulng cisc, moutd recudi, Tise crois, on tise one issnd, ma tise symisol ci Roune's stern domination sud, tos tise otiser isaud, Iitlas thse ultimate degradatit.s Mo miics a isrnmin heing cusuld kg cundeunned. Yet, tisere mas One miso clhose a course misicis He kusew wossid lead Moia cros. Jeans; Christ iuself decisred, "For thms cause came I solo titis iseur., Tise roail tisai led Jeans Mo tihe cross, isomever, did nul endt tisere, St Ma truc tisai oser tord psid thse supreme sacrifice by dyist onua cruel croiss for tise purpose oi forglvlog oser sin. But tise stors' of God's salvaicu for man continues tisrosigh s nurriful Fridas' Ms victorions Ester Day - tise Day ut Resuirrcctiou. Foliomers ut Jeans came to, tise grave ou tise firsi day of tise week witlsoti Mo anoint bis body. Tises' mers oi expectiasg to sec Hlm alive agais, Otiser disciples ment dejectedly bacu su tiseir former occupations, dis- couraged sud defeaied. Agais tiseir on asi, isowever, tisey became convsuccd tisai tise Jeans ut Nazaretis mhom tisey liad foliostei for about Everybody Mn Ontario heu two Mia- iasases-isis oms ami tourisus-tse Hon, John White, Ontario's inister ut induatry ami tourias told tise Associa- tion ut Tonni Resorta ut Ontario memisers ai tiseir annusl conveution recentis'iM Toronsba. Hlis "two beuseases" idea should certaiuiy bu iseeded by evers' man, maman sud citd Mn tise province. We'd huke to sec tise challenge carried ont Mn Milto, too--for tourin Ma s vlntually ntapssed but growing business in iai Miltons location between two major cises, Mn tise iseari t oftise fastesi' develossing reo in Ontario, bringu tac tn mure Mourisi business tisrosgh desuilt tissu tisuugis pruomotiou. Yei ur local resources make titis banu sud district an ideai place for traveilers, Thse tisg mv taise for grsnted-tse escarpmeni, hilting tratis, iscautiful sceners', golf courses, quiet country mauda, tise Kelsu park, smimming facilities, gond restaursuis-ilshe tisings tise banniM isoukiug for. This sies major drambacis M us iack of motel ami camping ac- commodatios. Factities for buta are limitaid oua, but if tise tonni business increanes, nea motels ami camp- graunda wouud sprisg up as tise demsud Front tise House tof Commotons debatea: "Mfr. David Lewis (York Sautai: hic. Speaker, I shlusld like Mo ait tac Primie Minisier a question. As honorable membur: Donitbutaer. He le readint a book." For tac i4ta yeur Mn a rom uts a pleaure Mo exiand a hearty "melcomne Mo Milton" Mo ail tac Young mes visiting Mtontis meek Mo participate Mn tac Tri- Counity Juveotie Hockey Tosunament, Tise taurues', misici started on Suturday, rune through to tis Suturday sigisi sud Mhe arena mill lbu a hive of, activits' ecery sigisi tais meekemi. Tisose miso apgrsciate gond hockey mii bu treateit ta anme fine entertainaent tanougisout Mhe week and capecialis' ai Mhe champlunahip ganses Saiarday. Ho sure you extenit a frietadiy melcomne M al Mhe Youg viaibars sud officiais miso are hers for tac tourseaient Tiare mas no intention, Mn a ".commenting briefls" item Mn tant meekas Champion, Mo sitar Mhe Cancer Society for dm gond mark 10 Me doing. We simply aslied Mhe question, "how tisree yesrs sud mison tisey isad laid Mna grave just tisree das's before, lied becs rsised frons tisai sanse grave. Wisat a change tisafaci made in tiseir lives, Tiseir despossdescy ami doubit mas trsssformied MMt faltis ad se- tion. Tises' mers ow ready, if secessan', Mo toril tise worid upuide doms for tise sie ut tilelrliving Lord sud for tise purpose ut snuricng titis 'gond semu', Tise ResusuTection of Josus Christ Ma tise corsersione of Chrinianis', Wstisout IL, isys tise Bibie, "me are ut ail meut tise moist miserable sud me are yetin M ur sins," Itowever, wits faithin tise riscs Christ miss couquered sin, dests and tise grave, me cas ns'y mili confidence, "Tisasa bue Mo God miso gives us tise vitMry tiarosugi oser Lord Jeans Christ," Thsis Ma tise message of 'gond news' tisai tise Churcis, ami ail miss protes tise naine ut Christ, are commesded Mo shars miti lutiers. Wisai differeuce dons il muire if we helieve titis message or seul? IL Ma actually a molter ut life or desti, Living Ms shai mur existence Mn MM morld Ma ail about, Jeans said, "Because I Uive you shail live aso, Our Lord came Mo give mesnlng sud purpose Mo ic, Wltisout God an oser etersal Fatiser sud Jeans Christ as savior, canspaion ami friend, lite Ma not mortis living. Sn tise mords ut ur Lord; "I ans thseresurrection ami tise Site, bu miso bulieves Mn Me sisa live. arises. Tise ares s closest canspground ai Milton Iteigis miii bu Mn fuil ogleration Mhia year. For a atari, letse ail do mait tarse tist M islp develop Mitons Moui industry. Walk ersct, smie, sud taIse tise initiative in speaking a word ut melcome Mo strasgers. As Mn,. Whsite says, "Mouriasm M primaniy a miltter ut treating oisis s friends, So blesscd bue tise tan station attendant, tise bus driver, tise maitresa or Mhe store clcrk miso heu learse t Mat a stranger Me a frient misose acquaintauce you haven't made yet." Tise friendi' usie ami tac marmn handasake are as important an Mhe big fisis. tac soft mattrean or Mhe fsucy dessert, says Whithe. SIn essence, Mourist pruomotion Me friendis' communication sud human relations. Tise minisier also offered taese suggestions for increasing-and holding--tse Mourisi trade, "Market yuur availahie resources mita kuom' hem sud kom-msy Provide standards umatcheit asymisere. Build a reputation of extras, Offer ait Mhe con- fnria of home-mwita none ufthMe cou- flirta.", Remember, s'ou have Imo businesscs-your oms, ami ta'iamn. come mors money Ms spent ou csucer researchs Mas on traffic safety?"' Dave Breush of tac local cancer societs' maniai Mo point oui Mhere's a gond ressort more mouey goea into cancer researchs Man traffic safety--people canvass for tac cancer fusd sud Mes' dont taSe upua dour-to-door collection Mo isattie traffic safety. "Traffic safeiy mn combinaion ut praper training sud common sese, mite cancer ie a dacanse," bu sd. Seulur Har-y A. Wli, mia died Tisursday, mas Mhe f aMer ut a Miltonu mamant Mra. Wallace <Margaret Aune) Gras'. Ses, Wiis mas midely Insoan as a Couservative parts' fund-raiscr sud mas n directar of several compunies. Ne man appoiated M Mhe Scuste in 1962 and f romt 1943 M If19I mes federal cisairman for Ontario of tise Progressive Conservative Party. There are s0 nsany Ontario residente visitig tise Siste ut Georgia cacis year tlssisg Mhe spring uciseol break, Mhe state celebrahes Mhe mecS as "Ontario WeeS," ......... WIN,ÎTER ON THSE FARM-The snsa is crusty and high atout tise roadside, as tise naced trees saay in a gentie ublemsled in tise fiat fields, and thse pluma have isanked it breeze and tise buildings glisten heneats a strung sui. VOL. 112 Na. 48 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1972 Seonud Section afteu aud itelan, 5nsiey, du yoa ksuw thr cas boy a tru in Cassader"' { ~ _ u a HSp s plan, aller rlae as nt ta ga Lhead far Canada, and drive armas tise by b ii s ii cyuntry bytruck. lt's quite possibte tisai Pucitar, sO, but t coulda't remember a single truc idealer, ss I don'thuam at tsappened. Letussc. Tise tiras New Zealander Ilever Tise neat New Zeatanders t met were ut met a a Frenchs teacher called Jeannie trainmn, in Engtand. Tisey spaise Englis, Tis seems tise a long preamisete s Cameman. Ilisucdisr up in an appteirnee but ilstauitile diierent. OnceîI astsed smethiat, andt ta i. Writng a catuma i one day. she vite 26, and nety. 1 viae 19- tas ot tsem abat ttey acre duin tisai suae ut tise tunetteat jois in tise asrtd. Once antd 19. evening.Onerephied, "Wetisettae'dwerh i saatue, shostmg uts tise vaid, ysa heur ecress a cepple a' peddocks anes a an echa. IL narmsithe heurs. aSscis saiis, 515e mant a New Zeatunder then. tshe isayai." tramt Auckland, New Zeatand. vite a isigis sciant Muacher. And I wuu a stadeat. Intfact, mises tise aurd gui ueuand Mach reseurchs divulged tisatiis mesni Takyu erBilSiefryu tisai Iitmua kiauiug ans Frenchs teacser op they thuhi they wautd mais arrosa a TahydueStmiyarar in an apple hrec, IL very seueiy ruicd me couple ut paddocks (fields) and have a delagistfai coloran. Here t am. 7,000 mdles mils my ta-peur-nid girl frieud, atm heer ut tise pus. tram hume and 1 tels tat my luttle aurtd thugsi teacisers uhnnld he seca and man crumhhag aeaaad me. Wear heurd, hut nus tnuched. Tises I guti u n qundrus. Tisree al usn a graduaits' tusiag eserythîng and ai test. Tas Canadins and a Nea peeseat may tame sur bouse aunwe try ta Huacace, tisais anutiser stars'. Jennme Zealander. By tis Lime I cud taih New malle a gs ot t in New Zeatand." Idl mn lave mitis a New Zeeland aicuan, Zealand. Nîcs mas an aid guy, about 25. dnrmng tise mur. Nia ame mats Auds'. taid Guud type. Eurths', pracicai, reniistic "As assalis happeas aitliases tise these, ie uaaed a sheep ranch. But I rechua se The siser Canadin, Fredds', mas 19, miror prahiemu secut major aise and as as n shue riens. virgmnal, adeaishc, and credutaus. Itesu seemsanipossiblhtishsld yasrhead upslita He ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sr ouf an istrn rmts ad t seam etweea. positve mariner. Se iis ssaherctIsvas Hets odiserensefrnt misamnrds Nof ua taeu siiysais u st aaght ahea tise Saassman arrsved Canaienservcemn, wo mrrie Nik ued t tel tht by strie th tframt Bowanvile and t thpped tl spcn tu luvet' httle Engliss dacis un tise sirengts crtie ha hianti and evea csried uty iair s'aur colsm... and rend aboat 'mca and ut their big caille ranch, ne gald mine, sigistly. Ne isid an tise hsggcst aies abouti waauerurmase mastaises'. Wteil, t acarîy hueS hume. Tise irs came out cspecig tisa tah and tise deer and tise shees and tise ied laughing. And as icli se gmd ta laugis. Tise Puadernua, nd tund tises' acre tise momes ut New Zceland that I ilsiai, evea somecualons120tncresto len d roc. sua, tu tais ut hom I haIt ischeved hâti. Or Joheus' didn't happes su sas usaI gstd mine. Ne Imit msried lu i. -el, ta mase a loag stars' short, is as Freddy mus anld nd mc tarmai a wsts a mach lagliser heurt usas 1 sauag ast Tise rhups acre sut hcsug dishosesi. syndsicale, tacs and usere, te guise N.Z. mîsî he halanighst ta put tise anisk hotles Aster ail, if yuu mid ta an Engsi girl, tise amr aad get cris in imu years. sut. 'risg dadast secm ta li an had nitr Tise aid mas huas 120 acres", IL madac s yndiasmncuedsstea ie ail. And t oas sd1 risucihg an murs tat an sisougis tsere muet Me ni less tes Nîisk aud Fraidy acre iiled in sac accis, I ssddcaly ealsuai tisas my head mas servanis. Ifhcsaîd, ""aa gntd muiser", IL and t man sisot dama tise sesl. igh. my strade coatideat, and use aigisi maundai an usuagis he had a gntd mine, sisy dams here as reaily heastital and God En prison camp, I mcmw anather Neasie i up tacre ... hoa hnd t targoiisa? Jant Wtel, Jense ment ta New Zeeand mius He man n suadeu tender. Everyhody ta Mi able su augs again ai moneusing. It Ands', and I hupe site siepi met, roanting cisc issnght hie mas arousd use beud, hut t raîts' dors do tssd tise anedasne." uhsue mun-exiateni uheep as uses' ieaped haca he mas just nther Neazie. He'd oser use situe coaniter. cmc su my ranan in harencits every an Ttsash yosaa drar lady. Don[]in thisCorner withroydonJ muose misa vmsit Niagara Fails in the somrmer uni camte bame tai ap mita the cruadu, trafiî, hîgs prices, cammerriatîsas, aud ram-n-rom mas maseasanmd cateries, ahouid s'y a asier nusit. mercuare no rds, mnd Little trnii me rammeriisans lsti tacre, but LiS nst as hiatant herasse bail tac stores rutering ta the taurasi Iradc have clssedi ap. And tise puires are na lamloer in miinter tbau daring tac sammuer peuh. The Dames nsIs' made lisa nsal manter pdlgrinunge ta sell tac anveuts monder oi lia munit bust mect, ahea tac childrca acre hume frontsucheai. Dur ecuse isr goiutg Vits that it s v uitias ute. Bat inther and mataer scedeit o break Mao. Thegirlsmwereglat M gemas'y, for more resmaus us oe. Firsu ai aU, tacs' hud hemn honme sick mita a brchiial virs Mor a meci butantstMe mister semaIl break laenu sarid, and biig copeit sp Mn tahasbose ior 14 das mas a Uitile Msc murs. Secsdls', lias' lave living ina -etel, especisiljy If tiare's aifrer ire cuise machine tant arud tac corner troan sur ruses. maids', tae place ahere ne alass sias' ai tae taits bas ycar-rund sn iaamiag. ste nere jusl taere tisce dsaunit tas mughta but IL au a great bhlduy tue tise s'oangtcc ad aaelrsmchbreakhium the msuai routine for muianit dad. ste uias'cd up lais, uleptin as isese, gargeti sarseives as ars' meuis, swnm ta ou esarts' coatent i the moisi peut, and taurei tac shape mnd mmseums anhandcred hs' croadsanmd istrar las isics arc the normal suemer trude- mars ut Niagara Pas. Our favorite mascsmn us use Niagara Fats Mnseum, ahuish han tac disticion ai beln Canalu aliteat msum. ht mas mitaisbedin 1827, asti tL ban a grand collertion ai Casadins piussa gasti diaptas' ut tae isarrela asti castruptios durcitevila aseit ta go oser the ins. me nuscuan's Egs'ptin mamans' iuplu s luse ai tac hcst in tac world. Thc girls picaded mita me tu tllhe, hem throughtheli "Nasse ai Fraiscastein" aaanesm. iryce bers nacim a comaiy show as TV callei tise "Nasse ai Frighteastein" and t tucas iscy tîgured tise ispluy as ise Faas nssld be alaag use samne bares. Dad taey lever gel a surprise' usuth ftbener crrd, almast lu tise paot ofteiars, aises use istc'lic mas dumasies muste esiita ment Ibraugs thisr pares. Tises' clutci ans band and nssrssurcd omeusiag nbout manliagt M get utibut therewauuno ecacpe ...m is ad tMms u tac enlhda us ni taey gti tuner and tunier us mie meut niuag. Ater Ivite masu user, Chrintine aummcd op tacir feling of diappaimeat tat the eahihits acre se srars'-"Meogst it mas guingte Mia bmy," ashe said. i't't's thseTV intluencefor ysa. And tac flis acre heasiti, an assai. Eursted in ire, sbrasded as spray mnd duinmtedisycslsrfiiligbts ach eveing, uses' are ansaderai attraction and a sîgt so'sail sever gct tirai ai serino. I've secm usean ai lcast 10 Limes sn, sommer and meinier, day and aigisi, and tacs' are st enrisanings' iasiul andi majestic. Beside5, as nan a ireut ta js drive lia car rîgisi ap ta the hip ai tac gorge and mua 10 teet tua railmg ta sce tactauu, mnalt tais spiendar. ta tise sumamertane s'as rai park atiin 10 blockss ai tise tas and peuple are msuailts'urue-deep siuring at ira. lits ruiher rctresbssg, vlibatig Niagara Fatis in the aiter. Tes' il ananetime and uer. Guest editorial Good news at Easter Pages of the PLJ 20 years ago Taises tram use issuc ai The Canaias Champion, Thursday, MarIs 17, 1952. Maltas guesao the air Maudas', March 3u. Ycs, the stars' ut me Caunda Champion mdl the stucs' ut Gaege Nemutreet, Miltonas grandutld mas naît beaun CFRB. Fur tise second s'ear a Fats Fesival is ien ield ni the hoane ut Mrs. Ras' Csslisr, Camphellotile, tram Marris 19 ta Marris 23. 'has s'eue tsar bos tram Grey' Camis' jouled mata toue girlu tram Natas Counts' ta pariciae in an iaseressisg pragrasu. Aclua Junior Farmeru dctcuted Paierma Junior Furmerut7'ti auddcadesta tomne playei March 20 as Miltas Area. t0epreustatives ut ailth clb rinl the Nalsu Cousis bauchati associaiion eucept Arisa asti Clachusn mel t aahrne Liadgr us aurda' Marrb 15 tue a chirises dssaer,sthecasual meetinguandelctn ofs uttacees. Prter MeMufles mas clerlai presadeut and serreturs' treusurer for the s'eue mcii beiJ. taldie Bota are ut Miltons Tise North Tratultur Fana Faranm ouod up thear wnai ce asa arliosties mita aursurestul social lusi Mandas' erraisg. 'lhsrstd Oephas came ta tuas Mondas' aigst and tac Cs.spu sacre tartanais ta cise out a 5-t ais toclua the tirst gume in lia che utlff s55 rie s Philosobits Bs' EdlthSahue Tueu nauoans uta open s'or heurt ta confidences, s'et iserp tasse confidences mitais lise luchai duor oi yaur heurt. A ubansould bc able as iseep secretu. A maman shsuld encourage n mas tahbe the heul ansiscas. Anuoan asmauser ta eser' muild atm uppruaches iser. Tu heu anmature mamnan iss taneet surreas mita puise mnd homdis't mnd teauccepi tudaure aitarcourage; deiscmananglol riharder the sceut dus'. ashe sbauld neyer give up. ahe sbaaid isecp hope in ber heurt. It is soi easy ta lic a asan in ts haus' moridme lave lu tadas'. Itusont easy taise an inspirtin ta ail peuple mnd a source atlas' and crantart su tasse s'as love. But lise arc tac thingu ataih aie a noansapeal. Andt heing n woas trais' wnderai, helleve anc It Lu. A praymng persus tisAs ibat prayer us as openaic tie sa "Greiser Paner". Thcre are ano isus' signis, au parts' tnes or interruptioss an is service. me licu are never dead, soua ofurder, crussed or eut. Ns usirce illsa?"Srr',s'ou're theeiutes are sp." Thcce are as charges, mises, or muatals' bilus. Ymi don't bacc ta dm1l long' istlance as nuas rayer lic. Stus a direct raaaectaaa,ahch au lise ame ailacerithe 'ihere as su Atlantic, Parciri, Estern, Weestecn or Dus'ligst ttuviag time. Nu matter sahea s' alu, "vase Parts"w mdismer. 'ibis service mas sut aaccsisd bs' Aleander Grahuam Bell se ns suser banan iaing ou tais utuverse. Il's s-sasi existence aince the isegianig ut time. No repasr mes are aeeded ta tia the lise, and aLi sS' sci csssgh ta acar i sut. Iflo s'as svea't matie 'ur railltadas ta the FPrayer aService," irs il. Finit sut for s'saruelt hua quaisîs' s'ue "Parts" miS musser your rail. mhese arc sonne ai tac talagu Ill cnarnt Trascs bappusesu. Hure nil s'ur seais met hs' suc pars. Expiais tun. FuSe uumnethag tue ser' long. Rereave love onsdmnd. Carrysa ncsctrcveror euperssute e rcardiarevrce Nase good waaier aises yss ant ilu. larve everysse equails'. Lore everysse ail tise tsar. Hure everysse lave s'as. o evers'taiag rigst. Be uaderstmodhs'eveyuse. Suve tac saurld. Be whece s'as nant ta be ail] tac time. Share ait yasr secrets. Agcce mata ab taaughtsanud hehiets of yaur ovai osac Regesecale deud lave. Nulti a triesd an lorrr taroags taut or obligatio. Go utl dus' natasut hreutauig se iaiag. Waush aas'tsmg nttr taan wte. Fessve (lad, lare un hanser. ttasroe sasx onus' ail the tune. 14cr in tac pai or ftire. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION r.LL iNTN AN a -I. COso cc.5, O LT5, rass u fW,,'ria, Nasacura su a.,*.,rna I5casnnaa j ýConimento*lg bri-effly

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