VOL. 112 No. 48 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1972 Use laser beam to lay Immense sewer lunes 15 0 15* '9c i'9, C9 'c r c ussder Ontario St. lu connct seita tac 00w isomes. 15 font lrench A treocs, il fmit side et tac ille bcbng dug ta isouse tac ,tw a lses. Oqse oftclisesfe saentary uoc Le consectod ta tac te seer. Tie cond lissn a storesem r h wisi iicarry exc"n wnter from tac borne project to tac crecis. Tise sasilary sewer lu about tes test in diameler. Hoseever lis relative meusures as imemense eigist lest. Construction seorisers are eorking cauleards front tise cresis te Ontario St. and bove esmpleted about 500 feet ut tac 2,000 font long project, accardog lu tise manager. Under Ontario t. Alîbougs the teo seseer Unes are barscd oyate fet undergroun,7it bas: bes estimnaled taat tac projert miglit boe lu go ciglt feet under tac tstrio St. crecislied, isecas tac fiat grade tacre maises tac flow of seater dilticuit. Ontario St. soill bove lu is closed to traeil for a fee days. Hupefully tac mndertaig efi lie tmnisted by tac end of dAsril, suggestn Higgn. Measeisile seorisers continue to follse tae laser lieues igft. Stili trimming town budget as council batties to hold fine Snow suggests Bruce St. site ifor senior citizens housing Tise Breure St. scbool prcperty saui. Proposais lue a 22-soit on armna, cosssssamly centre asnd moaldise "as idea][ site" tara se building ere called mnd oniy ose sunm g pool site. Cisairman senior cilloons isouxisg unit, mas eeived, but il mas sol Dave BeossisofMMaton Commonlty Hallos East MPP Jisg Sooe, acceptable. "They are bacs 10 Service Gaibs ouggested lis slle Ontario's Misister of Publie stage ose ugaia," lie said. too meebo ago and coasmcil meule Woeiss, ld Tise Chsampion tala Greatlatcas tac scisool board ta sec if tac land eeki. He plans t sais Ontario min as for mile. Hoasssg Corporation to try 10 "Tse euidol nesd lis obole A reply recoived Ibis semis v psrebase a or port of tac scisol site, laxt a portius ut it," Soss iodicates tac board boss't pet site, if tac Haillon County Board issdleated. Tise neisosis locution rescsei aoy conclusions on tac of Edacatius miii seil il atter tac close ta lis plaza and tac disposai of tis property. Bat tac scisuni clones its lis-pear carcer doms to ares mabes il idesil isard's saperisiendeol of tais JuncfrtulIp omi o business amd inonce Bruce T. Meanebile Milton Coc lub s ndicy prsmiscd tise leller "OHC tex liadt a nery difeul exprcnucd an interest sn ut- mould tie piaced "os file for lime fiodsng a site for senior taiulng tac blocs of land on elles fut ure re teresc eben the malter ethizcus isousong in Milton," ie taecorbool sit, posly for useas oa mndc comsideration." Chaingate project Ru tepayers continue condominium protests Falliogisesoke Ralepayers taee ere drainage prolema in dssociation spoliesnes rarrf mi tise neufisisorioosi nom and tarir btIe ta lisait a con- marned ugumult allomlog asy domînîsso dcvelopment os devefopesent mlles migist taunle St. lu tac Milton comeiil cospund ta proiles. ebumsers Monday creniot. Heari les Spoliesmas Esi Liepricis argeil Chialgale Devriopestenta LIi. a couneilors lu restrirt lis iscigil wçni tefore tac Ontario Muni. mnd dcnuity of mpy devciopmienl ripai oard aI a isesrlog Marris mn tarer vacant Oroolu St. fields 17, secig permission 10 builsi ta tac sonn isiglit ami deusity an 250 ttee-storep condominiume tac sarromndog propeeîics-all amia on tac Ibres vacant blocks single funily, one slorey uf land norta ami sauta of Hesiop dmdliigs. He alun ssggcnlud Rd. ami Aune filysi os lis es Fuel oil spilled CN cars Canadien National Raîtmay cesarc investigatino.tac cause of un accident tat derudesi 100 tanks cars lsaded mita fuel off nerMilton Salurdup morslog. ise cars ocre derudced mises ftur diesel cogmnes tae inlto tac tanks cars, intondingte1 bush tacmuopand tabc taemlto Toronto esarobaosung yards. Crees morlucd ail mestend ami Mondap slpbonimg oùl trous tac groaxd. Hondredo of gaions of tac, fuel poarcd oltos tac g round aller tac crs ocre punelurei. CIo publie relations offirer M. aide of Bronte SI. The application mas mîtadramo by tacesw mises Chialgale reiscd lu sigs a last- minute agreement tac counecil dcmmnded, etacs moald caSl for ntagusg of tac developmnesl and tac sapportisg alerta semer tene. ounecil's stere of lis $145.,000 tee mas ta tie 060,000 Tie ratapapers' aoclatiso ftomd jasl Prier ltis iseaerlg tac protasît niver 40 famille1 tac 0100 bearisg didolt progreas very fer before it mas called off (Cntisned un Page t'xiotve A LARGE TRUNK SýWER LNE lu morking to fout sanitory seneer plus un cigso foot ils oay acreos lise norli-s-cn section 0f luo stores semer, picturesi bore near tise Court Sf, on oeimen froco Wsmpoy Constr-uction cmi. The lires ix msing a laser boum lu esore prepore for a 4800-lot isoumg dcvciopmcnt tac ise is laid on i0 mas designei. '-<Staff cont 0f Ontario St Tes tises arc biscig laid, a Photo> derail Youth Council asks T>800 lawsun saîd lise accident teppenesi ut 9.01 uni. Salarday. He seud damnage mas monflil 1 toh a e ofe o s tam 100 cars mnd no people cere o h a ne c f e h us soloresi. CI4 Police Sept obserners out of Milton Youta Couicgl esecotive men Brian Grecs ansi Paul renovatîoss ocre more esten- memiscrsbîp until lise Place tac oay milc crems moeised t0 memisers appoarosi before Perroîl bld the couniilors, The aine--ansi copoive-thao tac upens. To dote lis geoxp bos setd emmore lis derailesi cars. i mas Hilton Council Mosday evening cost is estimalusi aI teteeo 30 Youta Coondiilited estinsatei. $00 in mesoternis but Mosl of corlp eresofg tefore tac cars t10mb for SUO ta bustaS a isallog mnd $1,000 mnd tac Voutis Councdl Oresn saisi because il cas o. taose ment lu Rtotary Glus uf ocre fily frees in t tac, upsîces aI tisir Nipiusing Rd. only bon $121 lf bn ils bantit misi, tac postas of tac toue mere Milton usemsers, 001 ta young The accident oes.urred sorta of cottes bogus, accouest, lue maii. rcfusisîg lu lacs out for morS peuple. Higboay 001usnd cuot of Higbmay Tise colles bouse lu sot lellp Gave $41 parties lu gel tac cottes bouse in Altougs service clubs donatesi 25. Lawmon inidicatasi no cause up" as ose couiclillor statai a Tomwn coune il bad carlice utae. 300, mml t tat bas isen spent tes been determloed for tac cosords unetùig 100 es ago, grantad tac Youta Cosocil $41010 Atampta lu seSl memtersops un lumser, rmateis, telepsone, deoalisg but saisi tac malter mas tet il cml' progireass anp furtiter pop the first tares montas' rent te lis pouef people bave aiso gas ami hydre servicen. "Wr teisg onvestigatesi by CN et- until tise lieaîing systesu s on tac cottes bouse projeclan olsi failei, ie saisi, liccause taep don't bave enougs mooep lf lu ficiala. , isallesi ami eorbing, spolies. fursîlare marcisouse. Sut mon't invest $0 in a thrce-esota boy matarials to worb mita." (Crslined onPage Sceen TWO TANK CARS rarryln el il fere derailei mnd puncturei ou tise CNR bine Satarday essring. No ose mas injure in thlie crash, Tise accident occurred wholi four diesel stocixpard i0 Toronto mises lise accident engises isacises op te bououo te tac cars. Tise boppenesi norts 0f figisWay 401 ami ranI of cars ocre en route te a CueSsilas National HlgisoSy 25.-<Staff Phst) Two seseer finses, whacis est serve tise Wimpey Home projeet on the eastoaide of Otario St., are bielgconsrced with lheaidcf a laser beam, reportsa ti ecet0 moanager Aiea Higgs. Worismeo are foiloeiog lise iseam ta eosure tac linos are straiglit and properly sloped. Hs ayose asr beaim su o àrotsepin cstuting lise two ins ebîcs rues cast fron lise west liibatary of lise Slxteeo Mile f36eeis ocar tise C.P.R. statioo. Thse seers arc bibloi the Candian Pacifie Railway tracs and miii evcntsaily submerge "We're rboundnge Dance, open house to aid coffee house "ýWe are reissasdlsg," eeresuosy, ai lise pel-ta-se- esecuaive sesuters of Miltion spescd coller bosooe os Nlplssing Yeata Canseil tald Tise Chsampion Rd., os Saiseday afirrusos, April Tuesday. MYC leaders Paul 8 ai t psu. Mesuters of Milton Perrofi and Briss Grecs sais iIt esascil. MP Roi Wiiisg, NIPP disisi appear, front Menday's Jis Ssoe, tis Masuritas, Milton cfr o te s and qustionss isy Sesior Citizes Clais ami tac Matsez cousellrs, sisal tisep generai polir arc iavtrd le conid recelve tac $M1 gract tarp essor ses lis projeri and esjoy reqocalrd ta liraI taer robfer colles ami dosais. Tise MYC bionne projeel. te tacp isave made sursuero saisi tacy mass people otaer pions, ta ses the bisalding as lu stasds, 15 FInit part efthIle plan lonsîves a encourage more support la tarir teest la tte memtersip rester- altasupl 10 gel i resovatcd ami tary plan lu preseni a free opened. Ealrrtanhument wcli asrsbrrsip card tlornerp tentatavely taclade a lvr isani residess et Hallon Cesiensial plus Iota stager front lowe. Mensr saoue lise tais cccli 'Wr Tird part et tarir plan, cita arc rmasizog taecofler lInause final deisils prO l te ae onmmced, se toc yoasg ansi eld allie," saisi s a diane scliedsied fer Frday Pereefi, "se ere glvlng ail Olie rvesisg, April 7. MYC lispes t0 fuite aI tac Maaer a tres pass sO maoite a sanail profit frosu tac taey con vOmit the rele lieuse diase see cli go tocard ony tibo they cant." mnotter suosîlis reatai ai tam Serond part et lis pion se on building. More detala clii te spcn base and rliteon-rsolog noanrei seat eeol. Attriopo 10 bring in a "hold- the-liner budget for 1972 ocre dela yrd Tuesday nîgisl ohe Milton Council, afler a six and a hall h our marathon budget rhoppmg session, gave up and agrrrd 10 tarbie it again seul Mondsy. Coaocil was allempliof 10 tries $44,428 off proposed 1972 expendîtures of $1,700,000 tu keep thesrmIll ra ie hesate lesel as laut year, but Ibdu' 7.15 pffi. t0 1.45 a.m. chopping seio TuenslaY only fouod $27,902 diat coufd ie tearneed. In trnis ut dollars, a isold-lhc-lîoc budget mud mcao an $0.55 tax increane lu lise average Milton homeomner iserause ut a dîsroolîoued provincial suidy. But if tise budget rcmaîos attse tevel t0 woiih It as redued Monday. an increase of 147 mdis, ILworks out ta a $29f. isirrease on the average home in 1000. Aithough tisey ocre atlemptimg tuiîsiafîze the esmales ad ml raie ai Tuesday's meeting, counrîllues derîded lu taise aruliserrrsaIe iooering tise budget agaîn nesxi Monday rrcoing. Screrai rondiions rompound tse setting of tise rates Ibis ycar, Trhr Haiioo Cuoty Bourd ut Eduratoo fery of $098,636 ns a grnerai redariion ut 400 mis obîf e uncontr oliaisie exprodîtures fuse tise rounty rouref ilcry and lise Huiton fRegioi Conservation Authorîtsv fery are up sfîgbtly. flhc prorinre han droppcdl is provincial tas rebates this year wfsrh ocre munis arouod $61.70 lu mort isomeooners in Milion iasi year. Couurioas attmpting lu panis us tise fuer eduralion rate tute taspayers' to offset tise losu oftaerprorincia Lt rebutes, ai lise sainelune lryiog lu hccp lise ruotroliasie mdi rate on bine oitb last ycur. But il wiii tase anotiser $16,5f0 rchop fromt geoceaf expendîlures lu do il and musi of tise rurîcllors indicated tsey oaoicd 10 rontinue rutimg exp roses ustil tisai lerclis rearhed. Monday's meetingtceatured ulep isy stcp, item sy itcm rerîeos of ar ouriiommsitcc budgetu plus lise budgets ufthlie faiu orai huards and rommissioum otais dram tonds fromt ruri. Represcofalires ut seseral rommiltees sal in us tac sessiuon ta cnplafn thisc espensen and anomer rounrilior's qenhions. Major items in lise budget, as il curecnly stands, inrlsde tse derîsions lo go aisead mith tse hsrog of a luit lune rereaion diecior ibis ycar and tise purchasse ut a nco gurisage panser taree ton aod hait ton trucs for tac morbs depariment laor rosis and staff salaries ocre up ut ail lerels. fbuty bsudgeta miîr rcmumned uosraiisrd aller Monday 's risopping sessions ocre ibose ut tac Cummitlce of adjusimeni, Parhs Sourd. Rerreatios Comminttc andrrounrii's srcci bigig cummittree Ailisougs rourîcl allcmptcd lu rut ail tac budgets, inreuses ocre upprored Monday on tac polire, pruperty a nd mater rumesitice bsudgets. One of tise mayor s prposet redurtîonn-a $1,000 deerease on lus son salary-mas nul arcepicd b)1h lrcrncillors. Tbcy ocre ablr tu trio $1,20f otf tise prprird $14,000 trial tr cu(ilr*salaries mises Crirocilfur Mrs. Mariorie Poors indicaled shemwould notacep ami par ment fre r ors un corncil. Counrcillors eeire $0 lire tisg Ir op tu 6f meetings in a ear. Mms Powyss'aîdsite bail infored tise treasurer wben rbe ma s lied eleeted tisat sise mrafd nrt taise ssny largest ert made Mondai mas $1lo Mrfront the induitisi and planning cominittce'scstmates Ira planning sudy ut tise rentrai erore ofthe town. Couorîiior Ivas Humier claimcd the econouses ot the aeea mili dis'taie cure deselopmcnî. miîle Counrîtlor Calis Sînlue fiî tse on statt sisul do tac siudy. sut usade crnssltanits. A lurtar $300 max ueuin thatitmeitter's budget leasing a sel toal ut $18.832. Planning orard's budget of $bl90i mariait $200. Main copense thee is $6,000 frr salaries. 'uown employecu' Christmsas lou ses iotallîng $1t100 ocre eut lrmntae general dministratin ususitiee estimaes,ron a54 vrie, in whics the mur or cast tac decidisg vrte élt aircnitioning sytcmfor the croif chambrs nus eliiiated fromt tise pruperty budget. il mas estunaîrdl ut $2,50(t Tise armna hourd's budget ut $61,0061 mas redued by a fiat $100d and lise huard mas iosteucted touseconesrain its rsrefonud ta carry out tunne eeuriatiuns trltheareaisics ocre fîxled sn tise budget. Coxoril cul rise li,275 tuowaed tac aeena operation tais year. 'flc Mifltan Publie lisrary Bfr«d*s budget of $304014, ut iscb cuunicîlisrespxsislctfor euîxog $30,479, mai, rut by $1,000 and lise huard Oas bold tu use $1,00t) fronm ils $600 reerre fund lu maise up tise dîtterenre. Milton Paring Autisority's budget cutunute ot $510 mas rut ta russ tat hall tat tiguee-t,398 -but MPA eboîrmun Mise led. mita dîd nul ubjeet lu tac ruts. f.brsrlofsnoe emral, saiding anddsupervisionuoftaecneu Mary t. fr1 mure eut deastîcully. Engaging a reccratn doreclur. un r alter May i mus apprsed ohmn tac Rerreatios Cunrimities 034,372 budget max .upproed mîthosi ebang'. Cuancif wifI raîsc $25,500 ut taat igare. 'flic board bas $6,00 in tise budget lue part of a year's salary fur a rereatîso dîrctor. Mîito Polfice Deparîment tured in a record budget talalling $160,145 but tac figure sbid nrlinclude thebiring ofto oru cons tables tais yeae. Wisen tae crsisof teir alaesoas added and four minuer deletions plus the compensation poymenta ta Ogi. William Pattertan ocre taises it accourt, tise budget endcl ap ut $167,623lor $1.628 urer tac original requeut. Cruncîtlors drcded lu purchase a e cusrîrglit amuy causer tisas mi intil Decemiser and cul a $1,0r0 expense loe arsîlaey peficcinen's unîturmi plus a $610 mve prulectur leum tise esimatr.tIn aseparatcrvte courecIl endIlorsed iîeng a peutatîuuaeyrconstable un o ahui July tý Slreetr and wuliss budget mus wttîd isy $7,25f but dexpîte aitempta tu reduce tse $4,000 figare for sîdemuls repair, tac item max left mn."Ts ideoals in tais 1000 arc on une iseriura mens," declared Cuotueil tnilie. Sencral ugrced mita bon. Tise budget nom toiais $123,890. Seweis and sanitation budget max redued $2,300 ta $11.391: garbage mas rut $1,110 to $57,375, and oateroorbs max set ut $167.000. Tlie dog ronteol eslunatc ut $6.100 max eut to $5,f0f. Fons acre clf mn tac totals for tise annual ndei banquet tis ycar. Memis usird tac mutar accort bus as $80,000 rush surplus $52,0t0 ni obîish ouf go tue a Muain St. outcemuOn tais year. Budgets leftinotact ocre parte board ut $9621; street ligbiog ut $21.000 and Camsnittce of Ad- luxtesenI ut $2.08. Cruocîllue Hunter max adumast tise ton iscep rboppmng taeccsinnates utiluarcduction i taxes eud hoe gicen tise taxpayers. -l iisi tisese pexple arc puyrng enougs taxes nue, fur obat tacy gel," ise dectarei. wen y- wo ages-rifteen Cents. T t T .