r"à The Chamnolon. Milton, Ont., Wedneaday, March 15, 1972 Cw& iehSsc5 HIONWAY GOSPEL CHUXICN A local asaes*ly of Thse Pentecostal Assemblies of Cunada Waefileld Rd. and Hscs. 25 tton 'Pastor: Rem. M. Clvristensn Tel. 078-2064 nie Lores Day SONOAY, 'MARSON 101, 1972 9.45 u.m. -Susday Ssoot. 11.00 aas.-Motrsing Worstsip. 6.00 pas.-Pustily Frayer. 7.00 ps -Snng Svanel- sic Service. Wednesdy 8 pst. - Bible Study. Fvîduy, f pan. - Yongt Peupl These aili5 hae I aritles Iat Yoa thut helieve on the na ineCth Son oif <2od; ltaIt ye May hnovc tisait ye have eteral life. 1 Join 5: 13. ST. PAIL CNURCN THE UNITED CNURCN 0F CANADA MaOin St. aI Jaese St. Misister: Rev. C. A. Humner, B.A.. M.Div. Otarrist and Choir Leader: Mrs. Harotd Maegee SUNODAY, MIR5 lit, 1972 10.45 a.m.-Morning Wortivip. Sermson tapie "The Great 'Proenisele 10.45 a.m.--Ghurdv School for ail depurtinents. Nurtsery facilities for hal AEl WeAorne THE PRSYTBRIAN CNURCN IN CANADA KNOX CHURCN MILTON Minister: Rev. John M. Murroy Oeganint: Mes. L. Vlathtori SUNDAY, SIARCI4 101h, 1972 11.00 ags.-flivise Wornap. FI Pesentation, tILkea fttint Aeoty' - the s10- et ofCoraI Ridge Presly terlan Chutoh, Fort Laus- ethale. 9.45 ae.--Sestior Chlnrti Schol Ail1 grades. 1045 as -Junior Chutot Nésee factîtiles uvaitli iSpeciol Note: Doln0 enoya tiniithn Sasetunry, pIeuse use the tide delr West of the Chueoh, on Hiets St. CNURCN 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sidenvati ed 4lt Licle 10.00 a.à.-BIe School Elasses for 'ili salen. 1I1.00 aas.-thortang Wnrvhip. tiff P.et.-Preactvng of tIse Gospel. EMMANUEL BAPTS? CNJRCN Commercial Street, Miltton. f878-906 1703542 The Lorvlc Day S IDT MARCH lOds, 1972 Speaker: Rev. olt Wilkins Hamton. 9.45 air.-olhl Sdsool. 1109O a.mi-Mostrning Worottp. Series on "Jesus Csrist- Servantacf Jehovah God. 6.50 p.m.-isnnyg Service. 7.00 pas..-Evening Worship. Wmlinnsday, 7.30 p.e.-?ruyer asdBible Stody. Seins Of studies os -Bath f boots. 't us enter loto tise Hoose of tise Lard urit t-hanhngiving andtiloto His Cont siti prael. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 870-2022 Chriotians gnttsesod in tise namse of tise Lord Jesus Christ. Lord"s Day SONDAY, hOAWGH 1911v. 1972 10.30 u.m.-reahing et Breuad. 12:15 p.m.-Sunday Setsol 7.00 p.m.-.Gostet Service. Wednesduy, 8 p.m. - Frayer undif iblie reoding. AIl Are Weleome To These Services Tis is le eternul, that they alift hntvs Thon, tise onîy toue Clod. anvd Jeton christ, vehom Thou bast sent. John 17: 3. OCACE ANGLICAN CHURCN Milton, Ontario. Rector: Res. E. W. Fboter Assistant Caton F. H. Masn SUNIDAY, MARICH 1000, 1972 Passion Staotay 800 aas.nly Commutnnion. 9.30 o.m.-Jr. Church Sehool 9.30 u.m.--Mt0n ami Ser- 10.45 ast.-Se. Chorals Sehool. 11.0() an-Confirmtion. Ser- sman, St. Rocs. W. E. Bag- Thnetdsay, Mtcht 16, 10 arn.- Hely ComSrroeanv. Yoa Are Alveayt Welcone At Dona Cisutsh BOSTON4 AP4D OMAON PRESBYT5SIAN CHUCCHES Mininter: EnIv. W. S. Lewis, B.. B.D. 079-420 SUNDAY, MAION lOtis, 1972 0STON 10.00 a.st.-Wornhip Service & Chutuis Sohlsol <'Noeset7 prusided.) OMAOSO 10.13 a.tn-Church Sehool 11.30 a.m.-Worvltip Service. (blursery providi.) A Cordial Invitation Is FEntemed To Ail ACCOUNTANTS CARPETS & DRAPERIES CONCRET! GENERAL PAINTING and SMALL MOTORS CONTRACTONS I DECORATING Service and Repair EAtI G. BLACK RPR NEW CONCRETE WORK K t.:t: R l.A., L A DRPEY k, Siop B: c: FI-,: GENERAL BUILDING GIL VANSOELEN Let Us Service Your Chree Acontn BROADLOOM RESURFACING CONTRLACTOR Sttcctbile Chain Soco 14 Mui St., Mio *ubs Rpate7tios, tvtOttdifi. h5 dlln P A I N T 1 N G gOtbord Motor Motoucycle *Rsd.i Guvaaleed bond. a New constructionLaMoee SonBoe Phn 754 rnusr rec estimate frost tettrete GER EWTConfractor Motoriued Garden Equipment * Contl Ii.87-54 INUTIA FteNIL itriig&ftrn ROBERT J. HARDY ecilCATHEA CONCRETE 87-54 INUTERIAL - ESIEIAL Wntrzn&Strn Chartred Acourotoo 1 Ready. -mode Drapes in stock 21c-tt NEIR-ETEOs MILTON 181 Main St., Milton. For Cosiomn Sei-vicr RETBI N LTAD. onNn a rtEtsae MARINE & SPORTS PHONE CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME 250 Martin Stret PR1 878-6137 25 Commetrcial S1., Milton 878-3483 - 270-5125 APPOINTMENT i 878-6853 MASOINY CONSTRUCTION Box 114, Miltos. 878-6521 2-f2Ic-tt LIMITED 1- 2Ct R .1 Canttdhtfkulle, Ont. 1-f1-t SYERS ACTION PRECAST a Re.idential a ceonnerioli NORCO PAINTING & SNOWMOBILES ALUMINUM 228 Main, Su 1711107 a Itductrial DECORATING ALiJMINtlheti LE SCSTM oc CONCRETE & SUPPLIES TEL. f54-2672 otr 854-2532 Fil Sancding & Refinishin I N' ALMNM1*Sepîti Tanks 2c-t'f Drytcnll Taping A ' LTUCUTMTAILOR Weil Tihet Frnt Estisuates Windows & Doors YOUR Othe CoceePout Garatee Workstanviip ;,m GARAG E GLASS und REPAIRS D R A P E R 1 E S Pontping Servie KENNELS Phone 877-5866 Rupp nnccstohiles, inini bites, MOB05L PAINTS Our eperts :,ill, crtale 853 1529 Anytime alter 5 p.m. _fng-karts utilhty tratiten hoult, W J KOSKI mt en cette homte. LMTD F:,r Irce in yt:r .-hanse Boardtlg P.efnts Reg a. Decorating Il MT Fotot 71052 dettorsrvi.e DDSOKRMVL Ntew building, quiet ntanded Iehnl Fultot nn. 87e-9452 Co 878251 STCcrV L ting, tcdividaal peos, enclos- 1 'Srce BeidBinBs eat. Cl 7-53Today rd totcsidr rouic, eloulric heat, H N Srie JIe-ti JUNE DRAPERIES PACONI pick-up andi delivery. (Div. K. C. Decotraln ap i CSO UL LMNM1 Milton Flotta Stcen INOUSISIAL CUTO BIT LUINM21e-uf'Dead Stok emovau D. JAMES e COMMRtCILu WINDOWS, DOORS ANTI ER. 2, Castphellville e RESIDENTIAL AWNINGS stade hy ___________ LIMITRO (Batse Lint N mile West of WEATHERIGHT CAPTCENERS Ot drod or disahled Cattie Guelps Liocneaesinar CAPE CLEnod Horses. Phone 878-6816 878-2711 ALUMINUM CO 1 21c-tf Wr speevoîtor in stoîlpaper Alto costhinatioo cliding datesý MILTON CARPET and Phone (416) 692-4421 Binhstuk' opplication. Speializing in Frnnai dates. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, i.N.297 21c-tt LIBAR HUR FOR FEE ESTIMATES ______________________________ Caît FOR FREE FATIMATES ELCRCLSRIE1PLUMBING ELECRICL SRVIE I Mooday 10 Friday CONTRACTONS Bruno Casarin 878-2223, les Call 12 Nao tu 5:30 Pltesl McPHAIL ELECTRIC Evenings TED'S PLUMBING KAISR ALM74U LIMITED Taacday -Tharcday - Friday R.R. 1, Casehllvilýlr. SIDING (9 SM. TO (f F.M.I le INDUSTRIAL 6:30 Io 9:00 pst. FOR REPAIRA CALU Sufftt - Fadia. Windtos si 2ltf a COMMERCIAL Soarday 854-2413 Doorv. Ascnitgt. Carport and __________ FARMS & HOMES 10:00 ast. to 5:00 pas. oAnotîrRes CARPET CONTRACTONS la ELECTRIC HEATINGý 2tc-ti! Rano ae 21c-tf Eailings, Eovestougfiog ___________________ INSTALLATIONS -EEA kNUTIE , Charles St. Milton OEDERANDSRE Supplying and 87-59 MOTOR REWINDING PIANOS - Tuning and 0F CANADA 878-9513 - 877-5795_____ Font af Forsyfte St.ai 21c.tf Repairlng (MJCVDLE Installng PHN 845-0318 THE 53-ST IN PNEOAKVILLE PIANO SHOF 210tf ~ ,. . FARM SERVICES 878-4111 or 826-1223 305 Chorcs SI.,at Reynolds rîoor s..overings Oakv le ae BROADLOOM COSIPLETE ELECTRICAL Piames toncd ond repoived. BONDS & STOCKS a ( ORLON & CUSHION &MECHANICAL N NA DAL I N spcttiei n good eeotdit- INV!STMENT DEALER FLOORS INSTALLATIONS & REPAIES Eîectric Co. Ltd. ioued pi Lan DEos. 67 a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl PETERRLTOO CAIOPE 844e-6671oy aocr 0 IDORýUTOO CIý ETaî Eltourtoisa e alr"b 3153 Base Lite Rond.itt ilton. Open daily tsntil t ps. George E C. Jackson K. W. CLEMENT tPool 3î Hec - Bral Ooir 21o-tf eg. Rersvctotivr & O Excelleot Veetilotitg Systes____________ PNTN MILTON DIRECT LINE &2 hno StNt CALL 853-2160 PU1sIITIPA 639-5916 EVENINGS 878-250 21c tf --Conni. JAn Redpath, accident prevestian offirer ut Millon OFF, rersntly lectureti stesuers Of the Artoo Junior Fartsee aboot snnemobilr lests aod safety. TOWN OF BURLINGTON RENTAL HOUSING - IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN OR - IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS 0F AGE OR OVER - IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE - IF YOUR INCOME US MODEST ibIS Is of Interest to Youl The Ontario Houslng Corporation, et thse roquent of pour municipal counicil, Is consldering tihe deveiopment of housing to be rented on a geared-to-lncome battsi ln thsa Town. To dettermine thse local need for this type of accommodation inferesled famillies and senior citizens are asked Io coenplete survey questionnaires and Mo return thees to the Ontario Houslng Corporation. OnIy by fliing ouf a questionnaire can you fil Os.fcdairmine whathar a prolect thudbe daveloped For familles and senior citizens Interested ln renting an Ontario Housing unit addltionai Information and questionnaires are availabie et: CLEK'S OFFICE TOWN 0F SURLINOTON GEORGE W. NARRINOTON Mayor WM. K. SIMS, A.M.C.T. Towen Cieris MILTON 878-2194 -878-2194 Trouler ups enrolment Adoîl enrobnent in the arts anti n-af lu courses offereti troogs the Sheridan Trailer are optenal the Castphnllville figare, rrports Sherridan Ce-Ordînutor Siserri Bîrtwisslr. egistration oas isrld lant antis. Couses ut tise Irailer, whirh os Itraleti ot J. M. Despes Srisanl, isegan on Mcay and Siseridan officaialot tisaI ostie courses are sîtîl open. Tise nerîns on Wosen in Conteaporary Society piostil foe Tiarsday ban isren firuppef hneausn of lacis of interent. A corse an isatik in repîoaig it. LET us Ist yer atch undlown . n trd lets yo tiown? Let us nepai lt n STORE I4OURS Closed Ai Dec Motiay Open Tues. Wnd. Set. to 6p M Tisces., Fri. ta, s. 184 Main 878-9972 Rural Maintenance Service Lt et Estioutrs No Ohligation 21s-tf FLORISTS HORNBY GREENHOUSES LTD. A. Trtvehlcr S. Tenes Jr. Caîl 878-6438 Anylime Laies[ florvl arrangestents. FlocI fn-oh frnt, an o gcrttsco. Fee Delivary Letated mt Drrry Rd. ut 6t Lis ve, Huouby 21n-sf TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBRS Taons Cil andi Tresonrer tnspectoe of Buildings, Plostiing, Tranchses Planning Sourd Custatittec of Adjustmnt Town Supermintendent 878-4151-2 & 3 Strrrtvillr 826-3902 Sestoge Plant & Works Yard 8784171 Fie Csief's Office 878-9251 Eatrgrtcy Ptrt 87"4922 Police Deporîment 878-9561 878-6969 9 arn. to 5 p.m. OnIy lIn-tf FINISH CARPENTRY TIIN *REC. ROOMS OKITCHEN CABINETS OVANIllES ARBOSITE COUNtTE1S CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 21c-tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE Poserat Homte Ltd 114 Main Si. Mitlton O:i 19th year of helptul, f878-4452 -Gsegetown mif eînheute the tovnn lOts iirthdap 601h a celeiseution on tise Julp I ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETSEVERY TUESDAY 9 p.m. HA lf.Vt. A PROBI.F31 DROP IN. H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Opticiens 6W0 TRAFALGAR 50t5D Brittania Rood ot lrousquin Weekdvys 6 p.st. 10, 10 p.ss. Weekendc.l10o.m.to 6 pi. or by uppointornt Tel. 878-3944 Ocotisi's Rx's promplly fiSlet 2 le-tf OPTOMETRISTS Arthur A Johnson, O.D. MILTON - 218 Main Si. 878-3673 Actes: 54 Miii SI. E., 853-2520 Wrdnnsdoys & Sotvtrduys Recidene phsone 81152 21n-10 PLASTERING & STUCCO Plastering & Stucco Ail Types of Stuccs New Pluster, Repuirs, Cove Ceilitgs Aîdershoi Plastering Co. 878-2016 aitter 6 pas. 699-Q1.1 Calf CoSent 2Ig-If aBROCHURES a PUBLICATIONS la BUSINESS FORMS a WEDDING STATIOINESY A cosplreDesign and Production Servie 878-2341 Dilîs Printing & Pubîishing Co. Ltd. 191 Main St., Milton. ROOFING M1T C H 'S ROOFING and EAVESTROUGHING Speciaiing in eroaifing anti fatarol mraoirs. Steel stock on haros. FEE ESTIMATES R.R,1, Moffat 854-9894 21c-tf SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 8754161 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin SIrent Servicsuand Rlepion ail makes af snouri machines Jîn-ti STORAGE ACTION Terminal Wsrehouse LPMITED Industrell vi Domstce Storage Frivole Foraituce Lochent Sondeti S toeage Pick-up & DnSiverll - Movings BRORAGE SERVICE Phone:t 853-2320 Acton 3642841 Toronato 210-tf c t h T i R.5. 2, HORNBY 900 LINS. Souths of Derry Road. 826-3468 21t-tf TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS <NIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Steet PHONE 878-4472 21e-ti TILE - CERAMIC CERAMIC and MOSAIC BATHROOM and WALL TILE Fret Ectistates BRUCE McGINNIS 878-9700 2lctf TRANSPORTATION BUS SCHEDULE MILTON and TORONTO Lv. Milton *7505 o..,*01 .M., o--8I1 as.. a-8.35 ps.. >-6.30 ps.. Ar. Miltton *10.00 o.. *6.30 .., n-7.30 ps. MILTON & KITCHENER Le. *$ 30 p.nt. Ar. Millt n7905 a.st., olS MILTON & HAMILTON Lv. o-8.55 am, c-5.30 ps. MILTON and GUELPH Lv e-If ont, Ar. Miltton c-2.30 ps. -Dotîs' eveepi Sotcrday, Son- day Holiday. ouSotordoy otly. -Sundiy or Holiday. atFriday. -Tort. Thuor%. Sot. only TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE Dtcscont Wnter Pries Trtmntog and laocgr Tere Ranoval Fully tncoet PHONE ACTON 053-1010 HAMILTON 527-7976 21 c-tf UPHOLSTERY Milton Upholstering Reopsoltteitg -Restylitg Costoin isoilt fornitore C ontract upholctering A osplrte celoution of varn- ooc fabrcsat retsonislr ovt Feeetitates Fese pick-uap and delivevry 878-9094 SE. 3, MILTON. Loame Arthuor, Prop. Written 3 yrar goortee on wochstannhip. 21 c-tf WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weîding Service Fret Estistates Costrcial - todustrial W. KAMINGA S.R. No. 1, ACTION Phone 053-2430 WROUGHT IRON * Rutlingn-tndoor & Outdolv *Gates * oam Dividees CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. ,BILL HEARD 250 Martin St. 878-6853 hirÊh ot Milon 'Mon-h I Cheristop OuIi C pltased oI eir E lIen. gt andeis Lloyd Ji grondais Frank E KATS- ton St., cctight District MIl WATISOI! Waiso ville ant vise hiCi ton Dis day, Mu -Milton i tise trit te:., .Dar Wayne t Mec. T CCI TODD. Mec. ,Millt tise for tîn-ir do Me. Ris oi Mr. tsI Sedl toise pi 3.30 Pic Choyais, BLACK, ,M *B.E March lt1other Ilao; Lohn ai J-ames c Oakvtll e Fanait Otktilli any et tise Car 153 Lvr ten D tIOS. M Whislt and Ru (Jeane) Caethol 'Mes. St Teroot Fricot Funseral and ifre orvday. Thuevd; Et-erget CA We teigl*A ers in 50th W ,My g celalice Fadter Chanel an Cho Richard thcir sl ,y, grttitu n-ayc c Aikeehv scoad Roc. 'N We o geatitat h.lped lttted I scoolt vilai Httstt Towes t ted ail ccd roi oed ha lmes ret. J problet Chamnp