UThe Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, Match 15, 1972 LowviIIe Peru trip takes 62 days, 177 rides Gary Peice, lotchikucg in South lon ice community oa tltinking meira han mude quit ain olJack Baeton attbislime and OOpesiîn on the native people, cnyt.oyccopalioy tu tain on te In Treujillo, Peru he was lots of ic dear wile Agnus. inteeniemeil ly the bown We alto reniember Mrs. immopaper, which didi a buman Feourle Rtobertson mOuo la i interest ntory on Gary and hos Miltoln Hospital. tr'ip. Durîng January 1172 lice mhe headhone ticut appearel Barhongtoo Citizen.' Conunitlee mat -From Canada Mo Trujillo in Foc Pollution Control cailected 62 Days and 277 Rides". A picture one lufth of ail te maleriala alto, aceompuleil lihe article. At recycled during lthe year 1971. a resciJi of tis publicity lie mac Amure cîtizens liane made use ot iovîted Mo attend lectures on 179.91 tons ut materialu thai touarito ut une ufthOe tehoolo moutd hune been garliage. lthe and auliec tu speali and ansmer reidents ut une large apartinnt quottions lielore 300-400 people hune liecome kecs esougli on toc t5mnutenteontated bya girl tepurution lor recyrling that top into Spami. He wastie inited askel tce C.C.P.C. lu rontinae tu lunch andilctures tlie cent day tei n, ovemeot for separating and tallied Oc Spanitli himself lu muteriait wliel umount la 800 14 and là yeue oll trchoot lioys. poundc per meeli. Thte C.C.P.C. Gary it a ttudent of journaiton. information centre la 443 Louit vilit Dungannon SI. ut Elgin la Barlington. Garfîild and Hunel Cotling Renoacce Mateelal liome rcectly visitrd mili The conter la open Friday 6-9 p. Merte und Stceila Gunliy ut m.uand aturdyt10a. m. tu4p. Dungunoo. Bruce, Rosemary, mc. mhe nuonher is 634-9311. mhe and tuto. Poole have joct retouece material oa a tetection returced froon a tmo mcli lioliduy ut one 60 boulin, periodicalo, in Florida. repurts, gonernent publications The Louville Uncited Cliarli and 35 oniltimetre nldet ond an Yout Cliock part ut a Sonday up tu date file of nemu clippingi evcning tolt tervice ut East tuhet troon lino local Plains United Cliueclin Burlitg. cemupupeet. Omagh Stylists wiI see haîr demonstration By Mc.. Ceci] Patterson bItter ofthbnks froon the session mhe third mceeting ufthOe 4-H lue the W.A. dontiont lahOe Styliste mai leld in Oie FOmagl National Denelolonont Fond. Mc. Cyel alo Stru ad aid Mcc. Samo Fincie cent teir l mîtc 12l onletraid Ma approciation la lice members for nîcîtur uttondîng. Nuncy cteeîog lu Ilir daughter't Lawrence , nîce-pretidect mac mn moddmg te Fcbruary. The fdi charge ut te businetss meoting. benuar ml M lie hld ut Bucce Nuit cauh mac uccmered by Ceocre on Sauarday No. 25. shliomg lice cumpletod tampleocf Donotioul poriud masino charge patetang. Ai-onu Ogale,' a nisitor of Mct. J. C. Marshall. muelied te uttendauce cliart,' Mct. C. Patterai. preuidoil for mloene cial gnoje cliurt lice W.M.S. meeting upeniag mi M he nx etn W ioito th Stoiugbtfortedey, "HeM.a Mardi 18 teumn 2 10 5 p.m uclaevod tuccecu wo b as lived mhe ctyict troon Oie Houme of moUl, laugbeil utten ami loned H air, Milton Plana icus lindly ocucic»Mrs. R. Lemla mac Oie contenled ta vicit Oie club tu leadenddoni embers lanli part domonotrate loir stles and hair in Oie Worldis Day ut Prayer cure, mhe plansto gine individuel Service. The pot loch luncbeon, 10 attention lu oaci member ami Me leld an Boyne Centre un April offer suggeonso on liair ccyliog 19 mac ditcued. caîiti to macl girl. A spocial guet cpeakier Mc. Ruomaey and Munica Oscarilcimclemlitshow flmns Lalicalil ottoced te .uppiy Oie aid givO commentc Oc soOcO ut mnec o tuehe refreuhemi lime. berroceo tripe. Mct. M. Turner Met. Patteecun and Mcc. and Mcc. H. Rutherford more Kiernun, leaders led cniamed 10o1 Oil te douter tickets. inleruing ditout.ion about mci annuel dinoor lias become a peccucal gruoong. Gleailinca cradition tue Oie W.M.S. aid l. lice coener.îune ut gond ladiet and gentlemen are groumicg and eccential memod.T mer41 eqmipmont includet soap, maron onugaiberd aid mdl get onder mater, yoar umc lumel and face my ac 12.30 pin. Lucliy dram. clotli, ot patte and hrash. are an addod atcraction. Uumng Oie material ami pattern il mu. derîdcd 10 malie mse cf ut Doani Salîha the memberc Oie Pcoubyteclan Recocd la Oie more sbomc Mmw ta steuigliten meetings, ech OceOcer Meing metemal hum 1 toiolom a plattecc ailiod 10 lig hejef commente on layuut correctly ami the propor mhut intecmlted hier moct in te meOiod of pmemig un patterns. cncrout issue. mhe vuriouc ncarling. more Mc.. H. Mcain displayed a eciplained and ail made tedlor green hlid ami masi Octtucted 10 tack.. Il l. Mcl l lickep patterns Icurchate tenon more for te flat un the tuile mlion cuooing, lanemect mindoos 10 darlan Oie oning dreetmalior. sieur.. Col connut nu films May Mi dion outmwilh long tmooOi ctrolies, ami sati.tactsrlp. eut nutchct 0o00 n Oite seam A memioriam service oas heid dlomaice. in meomor-y of Imu bled At the clone ceuhien aid lau mombor, of te W.M.S. mo Mad meroserned y Caol and Diane pasmi amay cocentiy; Oie laIe Salua, illic nom mendier mac Met. A. A. Galbiraith and the laie wcîcommi. Met- William Hamilton. BoOi Vlait home more denotoil muort ami are MissAnn uhl f Gulph nucl i noed. Seneral qdit tape Mniest A t a ut Gucîpndli mere haidedu i y Mias Maggie ber parents Mome aid mai ut Douglas' mmee mii Me qulted or guot t i e dance aid dincer hied aid nulut te hale. Party for Mc. ami Mes. j. Mrt. N. Marshall reported on Wdlamison. Oic capply fond. mhe tdy bookl Miss Aruna Ogale ut Oahnie un Atrica mas ginon hy Mc.. H. mai agustci lier triicd Miss Peacucli, Oie Oiome "Prohleon.s Mary Ruhl and parents oner the aid Lilemnai mccliend. mhe study booki contaiim a Get mdll moshot 0 Fed Hait. mrealOi of tacts, figure. aid Oh- manwho a apatientcfor.argery servationt about Alcicas and Oie in Milton Ditrict Hospital. peuple there. Norman Manwell s in Milton At Oieclnoce a deicloon bondi Hupilul wiOi a leacturmi Np. Wma need hy MrIV .C Frimait extend gel oeil wi.lio.. Marthall. Mc ad Me. Clin urchi The Ontario Steaon and Antique _Colmd mrl iineMrshall Preterner. Asociation held Oieir mi Ohir parents, Me. and Met Macch meeting aI Oie Boyne Albiert Hotcg of Nurtaj Cenre on macnsday Mardi 9, recenîly. aci cîgnimg thce regelter. Motter. The arc meeingof he SeamShowwer dicu.ued, ami Oonagh Pemicylaccan W.A. amdinîtore.tingflmso more .homn. W.M.S. mai Mld unthîe church Pretident Ruai Calder mac III Oie hcaî1l on Thrutday Mardi 9. chair for te meeting. AI Oie Pretîdent Mec. Roet clote lunch mai sornedi hy Oie Bruoeîrdge opened Oie A- W.A. of Oonagh Preshytron meeting wîi a paem, mTe Ruad Ocarcli. tut Counts". Flats more cmude Birtliday greebengtgo lu Nelson tue a weddmng diner un April 8. A Loorence, Mrc. N. Lamrence, lter uftIhanlit troon Mrs. Bolli Marnhaill Joo Vaidevali, William Sluutt for lucdnett ami Sharon Junes Met. Joe Wiimott. floumec cent lu teir cdute Oie CtarlIe. Lorence and Roeret lateeMcc W. Hamilton, aio a Sarget. ~Iiampioui Hornby 4-H queen contest offers $1 ,OOO prize WITH HADS CROItSED, cutmaster Allen Your Pinwhle Arnold recoîveil n five a gid Diviin Commlaleoner Fred lThe Ime met acqmred lice pbms dc An lis te First Klbride Culi Peck peint toi Pucli', futher aid see banquet la Oie long service pin. top mmme amardeit for io.day at Killaide Schnol.-<BStaff P teir orl in ut ceuting. Sargint acqulreit a 15 Cub leaders honored at father-son banquet Tliree Kilaide acea mon more Monreil for ibeir participation and service ta Scouting ai a laitier and mon baiquet MMl aI Killide Public School lait Wednesday. Culi Maîter Allen Sargint receined a 15 year pin froc Commîsmuoner Don Drymood ami Divisiun Commicaioner Fred Arnold acquîred a fiv mc eur pin. la additan ta Oie pin. Sargt mai preuentedmit a bonok, "Tmu Linon of Badon Pomeil" troc Preciding Officer Donald Couluoin Coulton Jr. A cuit li aid île bar more precenleil ta Assistant Cci Mater Bob Robinion, for Hos morl in Scoutig, bp Ji-t Pumeii. Banquet gueua Ouest. at the banquet includied: Commiscioner Don Drymood, Divison Coin- oniculunor Fred Arnold, Cui Master Alien Sargint, Assistant Coi Macler Bob Robinson, Scout Leader Mr. Patiende, Venterer Leader Dane Cooli, Ladies' Aoiary President Mca. Wright, Non. Harmood of Kilbride United Ctarci, Non. W. M. Irmin of Luonilîr United Churcli and Ventarero Simon McDonald ami Bilt Oranger. Daring Oie avant, flomers more ginen ta, Oie precident of Oie Utdiles' Aucteiary Prescient Mcc. Wright iy Kenin Murray and Oie Scoute' muoiercmwere Oiailied for teir efforts in propoming te dinner, by Ricby Muirbead. A note cf gratitude aid tanku mai entended te John Marr, John liiyccoppand Murray Cdllmay for their mccli in =aiing money forOthe Scouts iy me i paper drives and eter meOiodn. A talli on cubbing by micilater. Hormuud and lrmmn ami a diupluy Roy Messervey i n Can.t forces Ruy Homard Measerney, 248 Martin Street, mai recentIy imorn in ai a prinale in Sme Coondias Force. ip Majur J. M. tinian, Conunandig Officor ut te Hamoilton ReccuitBog ami Selectiun. PIe. Menuerney iH bonne Miltoncbertlp for Canadlan Force. Base Cornmallis, Nova Scutis for three months of rececdt training, aller mici ho mii Me posted la an uporational unit for specialist training. THE LATEST IN OPTICAL FASHIONS HOURS Telephione WEKAS6 PA MO 010 P.-3 4 WEKNS100A.M.106P. PI 878-3 4 The Esqueslng Public Llbrary Board mas esfablished Jan. 1, 1972 accordlng to Part 1, secfion 3, sub-section 2 cf the Public Lîbrarles Acf. Due ta an Ontario governotent grant, the facîlifies of Acton, Georgefown, and Milfon Public Libraries are avoulable fa the resîdents of Esqueslng Township wlth no "nan-resideot" tee. For t urfher Information calt Esqueslng Township Office, 877-5247. of pictare. ut tlair trp 10 Japai iy Ventucer. Simon McDonald aid Bül Oranger more ahao teatured uith bl anqaet. Monday, April 3, mii Mc Oie date ufthle nent Group Committee Meeting, mic miSl le liold la Oie iCclrido Sonday Scbool Roum. Tue meeting .lartn tInte mite, -OMy have Il pour 007-itcs lumatu juice and ot lipsuieli-but mico mac the ttrnata?" IbBy Mrs. Jlm Hamlton, mesecond meeting of the Huoicby Northi Seior 4-H Cluli vrut helil un Murcli 7, 1972 ut 7 pn. ut te Moneofu Mrs. Jion McKay. The rail raIl, 'lte type of dater t plan ta make." Thenroll cdU masanumered by tie tenon onoonlier preant et the meeting. mhe pronidont for tia nmeeting mon Barbara Le-Riebe. Joyce Wilson mat the pressareporter fer tismeeting. mey decldedlaucall the club, "Hocnby Nortb Funny Faces." Their nntoneeting mli beled aI Mcc. McICay's on Match 13, et 7 p.m. Mrc. Normai Clarke ut Holiday mtagie la la give a demostration ut Ois tmo. Judy Gardon la la write a letter cf innitation 10 tbeir Hume Economiot, Mms. Dureen Banniuter ald la, incite bar la attend tii meeting. Tuenomtes wbicb were entltled Personal Grooming and Malking teMost oft nClute mere read aid discuaaed by Oie leader. amd te club meimbera. The title ut Oieir Arbienement Day puesenlation la tubea "Eaay Stepa la Perscal Care" Nu cmmdtiee mai pnt la for dite cince ail the girls toit, tat ohmn thre la unly tenon gicla tbey iMOU tubre ai artive part MOthin lahe nblt aid lu'eparmng It. Tbey diocuaned putting up a .pecial enlabit at Achienemont Day on the lapec ut wbet 4-H reaily la. Mcc. McKay tld teen of thm queon competitiai et Oie Milton Fuir aid bet te minner mdll go on a te Toronto Exhilition mbere ail Oie qaemus froon the tati faima mii compoe tor a $1,000 prize. mhe North Trafalgar Encire Clubi eld teir meelily amoire party on Satitrdap niglit, Match il, ut lice Northi Trafalgar Recroattun Cetle.moere more tino tables ut euchrn in play mth Oie ladiesprizes Meing mon by Oie lullomîng minnero: Mc.. DIa A. T. MOORE CAMPUUVIU NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING The Burlington Planning Board wlll hold two meetings for the presentation of THE RURAL AREA STUDY Thursday 16 March, 1972 ut 7.30 p.m. Killaride Public School. Presenfation will be made speclflcally for the area bounded by No. 10 Side Road on the north, Walker's Line on the east, Hwy. No. 5 on the south, and Town Line on the wesf. Thursday 23 March, 1972 at 7.30 p.m. Fairview Public School. Presentation toili be made speclfically for the remainder of t he area as folfotos: lai Area norf h of No. 10 Side Road bounded by Tremaine Rcad on the east, Base Lin. on the norfh, and Town Lino on fhe west. (b) Area soufh of No. 10 Side Road bounded by Tremaine Road on fhe east, Hwy. No. 5 on the soufh and Walker's Line on the wesf. Welding Gases .. Contracts for weldlng gaies, oxygon, acetelyn. nitrogen ore nowv belng handied by OAK VILLE AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LTD. OAK VILLE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Limifed 386 Sfeeles Ave. Milfon 878-2305 243 Main Sf. Acton 853-0320 76 John St. Oakvlle 845-4233 Robain, Mcc. Martbe Richardson aid Mci. Franki Peacoci. mhe geoto' prizeomwece awardod 0 te tulloming minner.: Jion Hamilton, Joo Murray, Albert Halter aid Wilbert Nin. lice larliy dram. more mai by Mcn. Jlm Cnnningham aid tlerad Toneyehe. Grmeletig Birthday greetinga are amtendaidto the tollomlngwho are ceiebrating their blrtbdayn- Sherry Sim on Mardi 17, Pa. Flippancoun Match 17, Clharle Peoney wo wi11 colebraa ber tifth blrOiday, on Match 10, hIc. WIlmer Matiso, Mca. 0111 101, Cliacie Austin aid Scott Ledâe dilon Match 2l; Jamie Sncm ami George Bruiencidge on Mardi 22. The Northi Trafalgar Communfity Club metetOthe home of Mrs. Alfred Blion Wednondny night, Mardi t, hirs. Gordon Lealie, te prenident, melcomed Oie 14 members ta te meeting mici men upeond mth Oie repearing cf Oie clb, "Ode". 'imo nome membec., hic.. Reluie Salone aid Mrs. Anidrea Major m melcanned te Oie club. Daine Oie buainess period Sta pou canin more read. lthe encire party mblch mai beld on Fctiday, Pub. 25, oasa mccaaifi. mhe 870 grup more aaied la being tarte aid the 828o mere anbed la mupply snimiio for the oeit; encire party. Juai Wianmon mli Ma la charge et looking alter the prizon aid Mcn. Vera Williamaai miii loo atter Oie carda. Mca. Joe Senmirit ami Mco. Bort Leslie mli Main cahrge aillae door. Mc.. Alfred Bai mii e in charge ut the advertising. Met. Maybeill May and litc. Voeus Wdtiamtoo are tlaook alter Oie posters. me peogeuin for lice mot of April mdl lie cocducted by Mc.. Allai Raus, Mrt. Basie Marshall and Mrs. Duug DaIlei. memeiig max cioond mth the oedito ami Mc.. El11.0e Baei and Mcc. Vaiderdaame reminded the member. la brlag teir "Pae" muncy la the neot meeting for te le-per fond. Mci. John Cocdlngley, cnndarlad a content on "Weight; and Meatoret" aid on Cuieof u Ontario. Mcm. Bort Leslle rond a poemn un "Graidmia tisonnes a Glamor Girl" ami alto a pirce on "Slom Me Dome, Lord." A delcicloua mci mai nernedi by te boenUd a social hait boar nied.The neni meeingmwiHbe ;:Pdatsthehomeof rs.Eiton Bai un Wednoaday enenng, April 12. Mc. aid Mcn. George Treanor of Clarbeun vlaitied un Salarduy erming mi Mc. ami Mci. Garry Hanmilton cf te Ninili Lino. Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Maamn and Mr. and Mro. Norman ~trighave rettirned Mome =rom apeanant holiday in Florida. Mc. and Mc.. Harold Ctozier ut Derry Road, E., nisited on marnday niglit mit Mc. aid Mcc. Jim Hamilton ufthOe Nint Une. Birthday greetingi are eended tola ille Pierre-Andre Dufoar mbo mli relebrale lin fourili iirthday on Taesday, Mardi 21. KAISER house siding ... for the ALUMINUN corefree beaufy ofit. Enhanes cony home, oid or new, stucco. ood fome orbrck. * NEVER NERDs PAINTING 0 20 TiAR GUARANTEE * CHOICd OF COLOURS AND FINISH15 LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS * Aluminum Doors TERNI e Car ination Windows A"VAILABR,c ar ports * Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL RNUSTRIES 9OOt 0F FORSYFOF et. OAOVLLg 845-0318 *T-O-TOWN 088108188ER PONE OLLEOT