2 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, atch 15, 1972 Sky-high Mary St. parking? Posoîidity of torniog te ccir town-ond parking lot on Mary St. ne Hugi St. alto a to-tier or titren-tier parking lot mas broacked 10 Millont Couril tis week, ky citairman Mute Lndsnitt of te Milton Parking Autisa'ity. Ledwith, in a Intter ta counicl, sugse oinain o an apper levnl parking ramp migitt be inchided titis year itn te nnm lot is pavnd. "lt would cnrtainly ite a wortltmiile ntnp," ite aaid. Coonicillora sail lithe type offoanidationaifor an overhead ramp depends on itelter il's t0 ite talc or ltre tinrt high, and suggestnd lte Autorily rome op witli more iformation itefore tite roquent is granted. A.riai Iacdd.rs suggest.d Higit-rise developuent in Milton la causatg lte Milton Ares Fire t)eparlmenl's governug canimiltne 10 worry abtout tite need lur an semi laddier. In a letter la connel Ulis went te comnaitten suggnuto cooril skhould gice early consideration t0 providing iunds for aeril equipmenl. Coainrillors, allter diacussiug lil, declded tafile te lter for 110W andt amat a curreut sludy of lte tawn's flrefigilg systen mitici leing rarried out ity lthe Ontario Pire Marsitals offire. Titeiire cummittee puinted out ltai altitougit te tour surrauudatg maniripaities support te toa rigade mt funds, Milton lis lthe only muirpality weit igitrises s tte cousu f aeriai equipenenîstiti likety haetoite borneity Miton only.Cosl ofan aerial truckwita tll-fool ldder is eslimaied aI $110O.0. Limit parking on Mary St. lot Miltont Council mas asked ti week ky lthe town's parking autorîty to estaitlit a moitor Iinitibtleen 8 arn. andt8 p.em. ou te parking lotal terorner ofCitarlesand Mary Si. But ruanicillors asked lte autority t0 cume itark wit more specilic informuatiou. Titey nuted lte lot le usnd ity maoy domutomu mercitautu ami staffers and il tey more turredl out of tatlt, titey mugitt mant ta park ail day on lte main street. Acton honoirs Rud Whlting Superlatives weretilowngifrnely litmweek iteu lthe toms ni Arin aIdte Arlon Literai Assuciationsinpartirular, iteld au "appreriation mgitt" toc popular Hatu MP Rud Wiing. Belmeutediuuer and the dancing Mayor Les Duity, ami LiteraI Association memiters Aldu Braida and Lau Bonnette paid trikule ta te MP for ltuantirng efforts on iteitatiofthiepeuple of Arton. Attend O.M.E.A. convention Mgton Hydre citaùiran William Rowuey and cumaiissiouer Chtarles fThomnon aM teir alve mere amnoug more titan 1,4100 detegatentfromthrougitoat te province wito altemied te 1972 Outario Manicipal Electrir Association convention ai te Royal Yont Holel, Feit 27 taMaeit t. OM .Astitrea.day fl annmateoneoee as iteld joastiy wit lthe Ansociation of Municipal Etectrical Utliîies cnvenion. ,OMEA relteentu about 350 memiter -manicipalities mit appruuiaaly 2,0011,000 "itydro" cliotomees., Toe angocietin tradil- ionàtty serven tn mattain cimse scrutiny of power cmtiug, 10 ensre ltai aners gel tise best service consistant miii te tomvent possible rates. Higistigitof mlte conterence inctuded a discusuimn of "Curious Casting Concerna" and addirenses ity Joitn Butions, presideul of te Canadian Federalmen of ledepeudeut Business; J. Dean Munconler, l3tairman ufthîe Sleeriug Commille, Tasit Force Hydre; G. E. Gatiserenle, Citaicnmi îl te Ontority Hydro Etectrir Pomer Commission, ami Andrete Frame uf Buriuglen, OMEA presîdent. Skating champ wilants nomination Oine ofthe men seekiug te Coinervative nomiation le Tnronto's ltgit Park tederat riding on Marcit 22, is Otto Jelinke of Oakvtlle. OIto and is lester Maria mon te muid's pairs figure skating citamisponsitip toc Casada in 1962. Jelinet says kie decided t0 con for te federal parliansent aller le boit dillirully secsring capital le Canada for lis skte manaiacluring itusiness in Oaitville. H1e cecently 1 sold lte f ita a0 U.S. compmy. 1 Haircuts, 20 bits le The old "shave and a kaircut, 100 kits" (25 renta) adage mon't bc l eard any more. Thteprireinaup to "20 b10" ($2.501) toc a hicut alone, 1 in Burligton. c Tihe tomn's karliers' association annuonced lasI menti ltaI mires ki go feom $21t012.50 effective Morcit 14. Mtegit lthe haiers itlanse 8higiter rent mnd uppty mots au te relation for te increase, il is a welI leoten lartthat longer itairslyles and temer hita's ar ora kig laco in c te pre of tamsoriat trealments tese dans. u HoId Burlington meetings B to explain officiai plan ti Publie metings sponsored ky Thal meeting miii ite keld ai a te Biictaigoo Planning Hourd Kiltride Or) sol Thursday, Marrit mdll le itlli ai Kdkcîide Scitool t0 16 ai 7.30 p.m. and a second a esplai tentative chaonges at te mneeting mil ie keld aI Pairviem bi updaing of te official plan toc Scitool dealong mil an updaled Sb thot area of Northt Burtinglon officiai pIon for the cent of noceh 10 eounded ky 10 Sîderond ou te Bouiglon. PTe second meting ci Nort, Walter s Lin on île enst, oit) le kcid ai Fairviem Sctot Pl ion Higitmayon te sout ami Morr 23. or te Town Lire on the West. Millin Clannier of CommmSc mii taveb Jacka Cacjpltlorfu tuomoting Milton aud stores mîtkîu lthe toms. Citamier i'suidest Iton Harris sod ao ut 2t,oog mouhd te puktisited ami diulciited 10 iudustries toc itandonts ami te eneryne an lthe the prokatiily oftlaiting part in n mt migit iecome a eonny - t radetfair. tmanlisougtthetfir Viaumni. Inte secondirw t migitt revolve aroand tse tison mcli ar lorhHillon ltins Miton, Antaon Beivedere, Faufto Baccege, and Georgetowen. anny Zanerva, Visce Crsi Cousideration a atme gisent t0 andi Jetas Denicit, Thse chit's reviving te citizen oi lthe year yFred Rigo wms absent mlnen amard. Thte ecrent practice of taisei.-<(Staff Photo) lte toms is la utner peuple bar upeciilcontribistathge ton, Reeve goes to bat to preserve wolves Naunagamnyn Iteeve Mca. A. ceainly cei, imlit Ù go ta te MacArtitur, alli itas long itemu tOntario Municipal Asanciatian dakled "te voire of lte uort" and posil un te lte province. moy motn ite tagged as a "tfrient dli aI lthe molf." tfi At an administration meeting 'The ofi a mark matlgned ut Hatton Caunly CourieS Weil- animal, il gem iacis a longgbute. orsday, te iteece came 10 itat Yoa knowthtestories,ldloeks for lte olf, wiic site clait a and lthe tnes iears ami Red mrougly ltkeiled a vilain.» Riding Homi and te evit ol." Mes, MacArthtur ami te ad- Site suggmlted lit many dngs ministratiou commitîne more keing kitled itecause lisey recumrnmenddthe county drap teir mere minlakten for mulven. "lIls leanly un boome and urge te st a faut kork toc mmne. Homo province lu drap te muS ibonny. are rannig moines doon wlith If tle motn isl approved ky mnommoien," THIE ITALIAN-CANADIAN CLUB of Mlton directuir Chartes sud district receutty nansed oew oflicers for directorn Mise 1972 and titey ure pictured uit a dimecors' Laligi Rota, T meeting, lu lte front roor are directoir Tony Anuihole Zutian Graci, treastirer Lotuis Nudutiu, Italian Essgtishsecretas secretary Franki Mureuntonio, prenident Pred lise photo wast Bmn vîce-president Severm Seremîn ansd Italian-Canadian Club names officers for '72 Ollirers toc 1972 mece etected commîttee, miSh Viore Celaci, recenly ty lthe talian-Candiam Loigi Rotu, Faunto Buceega Coit ai Milton and district. John Denict and Tony Zanerva Fred Rosi mas returned an on therecretin commsifee presideol mth Sevecino Scceiun Faud raining comusitnee as vice-president. Lois Nadatin inditen Louis Nadatin, Fred itreasurer, Frankt Marcastonin Boumn, Annikate 'Zntian and Italian secrelory mnd Fced Rigo Severmno Scremin. Advertising Engitsi seccetaey. roîumittele lu Tony Geaci an Otaries Vinaini. Comaiillee chitaunen more nino Mastees nI ceeemunie bue te nansed. Franki Marcuantouin, clsub dancon and erento wiS ke Severio Srremon mnd Anuikate Mtke Beinedere and Louis Zlian troin lte bilîding Nadaiu 1972 nurses' contract goes to conciliation 'flie 1972 conrc r Hai1l110 AS i lte memiters of. the County Healt Unit Nurses tas association are public hýaltS gane 10 conciliation. A urses and 21 ni tem, :are conciliation otîîcer masta1 ment quatiiied publie heatk nu"es wth represeulativet of lte roaoîy and lte associaioi Naîstarere yeslerday. "Association memiters 'ieet In a press cetease rons te ta te personnel cummitlpe le associationi, secretacy Lynda solasincerei lisefforts ta stéralt PaIrnan ii te Haln County moce desporatety neded nurses Coonrcillors on Iler personnelt 1te coanty mten alter boue commeittee togeter miS te mneetings lil tus oI made any personnet oltîcr reisseil toroncree obter," te releaue saud. discuss tle nurtes' proposais Thte Regislered Nurses' suitnitted aI te commsencement Association of Ontario is o) te meetigs and have yet t0 assistiog lthe nurses in lthe cnake a sotary oller. targaioing. ITALlAI SANADIAN CLUB OF MILTON % 1 ~ Box 92xM ns0 .. tan 12.30e a.m ATTHE Holy Rosery Hall -Marlin SI. Milton Tony Benedetti OrchestraM PARONOU TUES. $2.R0 21sf A F O R 7.30 p. m. MmLTON DISTRIC HIGH NnM es $.eCHO Wul .ns Avnu 3 pce an ses-Plus G in e C rvon esfC ta ur eant wibT'le Chemserprouetaia and woutd taise lise forni nf a citizen nullhe yenr aword, mtlle the toton certîftî are un suatly lan McNaIIy Cunîl, Ian M. MffNetty, currenty servingoth lise Milant OPP delactmenl, tes been engaged ty lthe Miltas Pnae DepartuenuL He'il nient monO as e second dians constable an Aprl t and In ta cessais et tsaI terni for one s Chamber's new Snowblrids Snowmiobill Club DANCE SAT. MAR. 25# 1972 ATTH E HOLY ROSARY PARISH HALL J.C. & The Squires Dancing 9 toi1 Refresisments 14.00 par couple FOR TICKTS7CALL 0 FOR iueiu TI CKiietittETSumi.teetuue e 7eaee t4e SWIMMING Eacs Afterneon -.25c I:OOPîtu2ioeis PERIODS 3:0 op 4:30sPes 3 DAILY TUESDAY & THURSDAY EV ENINMGS -SOC O;ilp.m.lto9:0p.m.. .. Youths and Adatls POOL CAPACITY 75 SWIMMCOS EACH F00100 -ia.on Rooidi-COMPETENT LIFEGliARD5 -ImtrmiMNn St asuI&WOi ADMISSION SV TICKET ORLY FOR SWIMMERS OVER 8 YEARS 0F AGE Tickets must be obiainei in advance I rom Municipal Office, Towen Hall (ICKETS ON SALE FROM il a.m. MARCH 13t -1e0... pan is ls'"dn n 0? 1~ pro ject l my speak uit noe ut lis meetings oI the Ctamec in She inture. joins force poar, Miltan Cuancil duclded Monday nlgtt mrit ltey uppenned Ciet Bey Aasdress' rcoenedation tuaklcelthemon. Tmo menits ega cnunclilors uppcoved adding tonu mmou lahe taon tus-ce tisyeac - one espariance m nis eayý uaid Milton Public Library Free Holiday Programmes for Children Wednesday, March 22nd' 10: 30 A.M. PUPPET SHOW By lteé Southt Central Regionet Toocing Players ASK FOR TICKET AT THE LIBRARY MOVIE MARATHON Friday, Mardi 24th 2pen,1o3:31p.en. Contieuous Film Show Corne Aed Go As Yoti PIeuse Weddlngs UP/ZS Pri vote Parties Halton Country Inni 55th.Le Nassagaseva West of i'Iihseay 25 cumPeinîtoe Sidurnuti 8786701 A Mediterranean Cruise of a Lifetime at an af fordable price.... A Coivse of a lifctîle holiday effets ominaioof aonOek ,llLoodor;,a,,d tooorkSof c Sheci d q crlo i asin o : ~ y SPI lrde &O0 L-, Th-e i) v2 day hotLIS incldi ASK FOR) A RE COL000 BrOCHOOF Mi LTON TRAV EL SE RVIC E iNa rint SI. Miton 878-92i 878-3272 or 178-3210 Flyer promoting Milton Thi Hailt Char 1009 miîi Bu are, H1e i yeari Du Merl, YMC mise) OXF leonti aides Ho tract siter bs 1 Mes Bres Man and hns Al part maill Joli I., irie doe B Act For repi Boa tin Clui Cl H Mill yea plat jun stet in A pla: sv the di Iig ret ci Cor "Pi This PrograM spoMaed by the Milton1 OnnreoOse CorMmîtice in onanecatiai iith OntacrioShol fo, te Onat Ae IThe Organization Sîarrtug Sidney Poilier Shoselime: Wed, &Thurs.8Ip.ns.1 Fn,. & Sel,.? pis, & 9 pi. Spesiel Matinen Feiday,Marchtl 2:00pm in Admsissis on Cttidren 75c Adals. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and YOUNG MEN bletween tihe ages of 13 and 18 ... here's your chance tb loin the AIR CADETS A Miltoe Sqeadron is keing fornsed by lthe Optimist Club oi Milton. Any lnterested young people and parents are lnvited ta a meeting this March 16 THURSDAY At 7 p.m. ln O.S.D. JUNIOR SCHOOL AUDITORIUM whien lthe sqîaadron wnill be expialIned. Application rens wnll ho available. More leaders are needed--Ofler your Services ta fil Optimist member. 0