ers if Canada fa bo n of teachlng, Bing fna u am"a A large cromd atteaded Oie Satucday aîghl dance in te Legion cluhcssm, niih Oie inusic for dancngf boing provif cf by Oie "Deep Se". Ouesfa of Oie Legion for Oie evenlaf mare perents of mimer hockey pinycen fram Boston. Thee teamas f rom Bostn mere in Milso on lin meebomi for aL lonenament anf Oic players meos falotedaet Oiechomesaof players in Oie Milton Minor Hockey Asociation. Evccyane bof a gami Anse ami Oie foar prise mas mon hy Legion Preidasi Steve Rasinrcy. Congratuations and hent wisbos go fa James May of 58 John teet inho celehealef IS brihday lasi Thurmiay, Fch. 24. Me. and Mes. Brian Seat, Me. and Mes. Bah Ceusa and Mer. ami Mes. Art Peacuck have malt etrnef f rom a trip te, Grami Bahama Isanad mhere tbey attenfed a BeaU Rsaae Board convntion. White on Oie laam, Oicy afailed mite Jean Lame, formerly of Kingeleigh Ci., Milfan. While in Miltus, Jean mias employef hy Oie Rank of Nova Scoaafi nl i Oie boakaet eeport. Grami Bahama Islandf. Grace Charch man club met ai the homne of Rap Waters, 11 Wakefield Rf. os Wedacsday Pcb. 23. Thic fie. Canon F. Maison mas g acat speainer. MoIton's oma "J.C. and Oic Squiresn band mas hssy entertainiaf one Oic mechomi. lhey played ai Barfingn Legion mn FIifay sighl fac Oie BayaI Canafias Nany, ced os Sabsrfay Oiey entertained at Oic Narval Junior Farmera' d ance mhich mas bcfd ut Harahy Tomera. Many bappy reiuna of Oic day are misbcd for Haccp Burtn, Third Lise, Milton, mba eeîebratcd bis hîctbfay on Thncmiay, Pcb. 24. Me. and Mes. Fcank Peacoch, 14 Bacton St., esteciainef frienda ced ncigbbors of Basais Simi on tee occasion af bor birteday on Pcb. 22.- Four lucby people mua peines for, ibeir progrcssive cachre scores. Lunch mas serncd, ami Sasse attcsdisg enjopef the cvenmng. Bob and Marie Nemman of 114 BOnte St. banc jusi ectorned Ocomn n holiday in Naplen, Florida andf wite ibece, ihey mccc enteciainef by Paul nf Sandra Malies, loemeely of Milfan. Miss Pcggy Home aceived in 711f fn Oeom, Edînbacougb on Frifay cvning for the fuserai of eigEh it weII BYLAO COULTER IMPRESSIONS 0F FLORIDA An item in tis wccb'n Orlando Sentinci fines an an example Oint mogbtil be fallowef by boards of cducation everymfnerc. l.I Daval Cosniy (Jacksonville) and fane otee chies an esperanenti peogeam ns ainsci ai rewaeding effective icachees inhone imagination and bard moeh pay off in dcmonairabfc eaulti. -The $770,000 geant fOm, lin U.S. Office of Education miii ici a teachee pick apii$0seta a mnOi iffb s acigmdcnough. * The tcachce inho eaiss classes te a specificif fend of aspeonemeci gela lhe ceitra mioney; Oie lmaccer inhoalUs shoet StUI gela cegulae pay. -Wchave long feli the beilliant andf imaginative teacher should i h patid ihat he's moete. An il in, me ae iosing many of Oie besi yonng men and momen fa business and indunffy. -Thc precies sysiem for Oie most paet eiards ihose mbo sc- esmufate ieioeiiy andf add sEnrmîer college ceitf. "The hboen teachcî' inho finds a way fa each andf impein his yomngsteeo. often leanes inacfanf hccausc il fa neiOiee challenging mnougb mer fmancially cemarifa enuugh. -The system fa hcif logeOice hy the avcrage campaet teacher who morbi haed day afier day and docinit rock Oie buat-andf me aoreo't giving Ointe teacbecî baif macla. -Yet if a f aie andf acecate, yacdortich: of pupil achievemeni cent ho aifainef, icacbers shoulif mclcame Oic ment pay challenge. 'Obele Profcssionalism mulI f sharpenef. fliy moafd bom mmcrobody fahe pcarem andin imhfaig fa. They'd bmow fuether Oicy mmfld mi ho peaiefoe boing average bot ouId hoe remardeif for meeting Oie challenge of the classeoom.' Wc ceMemner Oiis syîtem mas oned mhen Oh ic 01e ei scinol- bosse' mas in upecatiun, ecmpt ibot mhmn a inacher ntuldn'i penduce she mus ceplaceif-anf nu douh Oint's mbp s many fans peoplc came out of Oiai sasse nebootemase. We hope Ouremany progressive boards of educain in Ontarin miii nOUeD iry oui tis otd-nem" systeca. COOT OF LIVING Thic peint of geocecien dama bore fa not mach differemi Oin at homehbutif ysseal out Oie crait fa ment reanahle. We more Invilef ta tomna famdiy of fricada on tboir mcekly asling lasi Friday nlghl and Ait one of tbo papafar cafeterias I chine for my dinner grillera choppef sieloin steak, a sevig of ameci palatun, a devilef cgg, a square of cors breaif, n piene of caultaci pie andf a glansa of nulk. The fatal Peine inclsding tas mas $1.68. Evea mbos yas labo a gmod nizeif secving of essst bcef the eot tfassly a bit over $2. plnedfo te eptemiber. About the_ ~~ownI f,,wth Doores MelansonJ Consider establishing local coin car wash A reminder Oiel imides Oie imy nOier activiies gaing on fa Milice, Oiere fa Oic World Dey of Prayer, an Prldey Msarch 3. Thse servicoes w81 hoe held et Knox Cnnrchet 2:30,4:15 ami Z -m00.t Thse apeaker for Oie aflernace in Men. R. E. Austin Orm Camphcllvllle andf fie. W. R. Lemin of lin Boston and Omagb churches miii gine the enening addr ens. -Phony $20 bills banc becs reporief agais in OnOnille. Waich ont for bogus bitte. hec aister, Oic lie Mes. Inabella Wbeclee. Many senior cîbszenu nitended tee faneraI on Uatncday asd members of Kon W.M.U. ced fafdies aid served boa in Oie charch acbol Cocon, foffomlng Oie bmrreraf Service. Sent mfabcu for Oie boppient af birthdays guisu Damee Dfannan of 310 Martin Street mho cefeinaine ia 12OI ithdiay as Ttiemiay, March 7. Tmeniy f cienfn of Gail Hutchean attendef a miacecOaneaxa allumer in ber homer ai lin home of ChIda Richardson, 327 Oak Street os Monfay, Feh. il. OnUl fa a eacner ai Milon Ditict High Schosl ndf many of ine feffom boacheen aStendef Oie sbomer. A lunch mas servaet anal OnUl rercinef mn lanely gifta. Membere of Milton Hortifiatral Sociesty tenvellef fa Toronfa hy bos on Wednefday, Pcb. 23 fain ie "Semoer showe" mfadh mon held af Oic O'Keefe Centre. Congraulationsndf heat mininn go fa Betty Saave of M6 Robert Steet min, celeheatef hiec barthfay on Sanday, Fch. 2f. Me. andf Mes. Normn Harding banc reoenily movef fa 384 Kingsleigh Ct. The Hacifingaboal faon Dartmnouth, Nova Soa nf me luin with thine cneigb- bora in mefcumoing Oiem fa oser fon. Conatlatns fa Marias Poule of M8 King Street an bier eces promotion. Marin wsea preionaly the antOie iOgei Officer at Oic Begfaley Offie in Mtilton anf fa nom Beginirar of Decds andf Depuly Master of Mleinf Brampfan. Congratulationsan cesincere gof mîshes go ta Maeg Waremtagfa of 335 Womimard teet inho celebeatea hiec hlcfb- day on Snify, Marcb O. The Jshn Milfan Chapier of ie I.O.DE. boif Ohii MIL cessai fînner ai Ligey Hall un Tharsday, Feb. 24. Itmwasithe fiest time Oint hbasu ami gusnf mere inniied cef Oiey mere eained hy Oie Cbanaeeties in n bail bouc peogeom. Mca. Harold cOce fa fin Regent for 1972 ced gceni t ofhanar for Oie enening mas Mes. E. E. Vains. A gcoup cnUlef Oie Scotch Blod Squares sa haning a great lime Icanofg square dancing. They mcci enecp bfamiay enening ut l.igny Schosl nfer Oie direction of Les Cairnsand fahe in ail age gronpa fronu 16 10 oser 60. Anuihor clana for inginnees fa poampe mere installef mfth the car waah. Cseeently tie tie officiel plana affamas an automobile service statinin a C-1 ne care ea whlle if das nul aloama cae masO. Me. Worths mas anfifaf perenn ta lasild ifhere. Plannees agrecif thcy manIf cannait the Chief cf Police cncernmg fils commenta about iCaflle patteras in thai aiesa and hein thea oeld be etteitef by the devlîpinent --Stafents ae looking foemaed la the minier beak, Maecb lOino 25. Thc Champion, Milton' Ont., Wefncday, farth 1, 1972 BS Requirements too çtiff A commercial denclopmcnt situation mas receinef aI bitli Proposef for Oie corner cibMain Planning Board Wcdacsday. and Bronteffla. han ien ainetef. Plans for a commercial -Pigi,hbey, cackes,auakns denefopmeni inclsding storesand of facm podscc nd animaisncll apacitmena on the ment aide of lheough The Champion's tht 1,(,1) ýtor, fias been eeîth- prcde for sale" 'aid 'animtais eq ilo lanigiiBord wet eee, tee Miletos -lnigOec cc Champion clasoîfieds are lin nenoo.excellentipfaue-ingcrs. Placecan A lelfar froin Perksan amdi mespensine mi Uens mech ami sec Siaifan, mhlcîtors for Moniesr fain easy il fa 10 gel a geat Oenelopmesis coplaîniaf the respoase. WEDGEWOOD 200"s A 69 CIGARETTES CARTION INSTANT I N3 COFEKE 10oz JAR 11 JELLY £ PO WDERS 26' LOILAWS KITCHEN P8IDE MOT CROSS 38 HIGH PAnK ONSWFEETn F006L GRAPEFRUIT CONCEO- JUICE 32 FL. OZ. BOTTIE53 LOBLAWS KITCHEN Paint APPE 4ZPO PIE 24O.FK.3 *11N D a .i Jsan i EN F1iIL * IIII TAPEi IL soING IN 15 TIE DRCS SLI ATHROOM TISSUE CHIC FROI86 RED or BLU BRAND BIEF GRUYERE 12PORTIONS-steci CHEESE oez. peuPok CHC INSTANT 8,go Tenderloin STEAKS COFFIE oz.JI8 SUPERBUY ~SUNFREUIIHLEo FACIL TISU[EvAPORATED 2TI 39C MI J CC COFFIE nzu 9 'Y J ~CREAMER 6zp89 CARNATION INSTANT :E SUPER BUYS - MASHED BURNS PRS90 $16 ICT ao HIDUITA BRAND! POTATOES IOZ K.59 Rindless Side B cn 18 lia.Fn 2 1 I CE 91( OZINK.IFI' 11008$ LU F106 Y $0000 6166 MINIMUM FAT, 10066 tFF AN U NOI RSPE O II Cooked Smoked Hamis 960$Ci60F890 PEFRUIT Po5fKJ6. inor 8 BRAISING RISL.4 [ExRGE5 308 48ffl-oz 1.00 Cookêd HanÎ1oC063, pizza006 1is 80095 NTFR61 IORHN AIG SHOULDER 0c CDRNE 20. 9 FROCOt 61810POST S OZ K,5 0 LAMB C 48P BEF0 4 îs MU 530OM PRIMO BRAND BEEM 11" OAO E NCLE BEN«S CONVERTEI PRIMO1106 RICE 16 rtadella oî 68, MEDIUM îlE & d t LN R AICE leZ. PIFO C SLM HB G1 9 10 ounnaso PîMNîto LOOSE cACK I AN lAMNILLA OLIVES 15eeLozjAo 9 HIEAD AND 13 SHOULDEIS SHA MPOOI BAN 4aOZuEaOSOL 9 DIODORANT"I97 RUSSELL'S COOKIES 3 1ni eZ.RÉI.0 COONEY pAsCv FROZEN SIICED i5 OZ. PKO. STRAWBERRIES 43 aîou cHoice COCKTAIL lA LZTI 27C ORANGE 6 31/4 oz 100 CRYSTALS Pv S GARRAGE o0S Pao4 *AGS49 LIQUID 0LOZ 7c BARS 'Le. PKG 43C ISHREDDED WNEATI -QUALITY PRODU( PREMIUM QUALITY! DOLE OR CI BNDANAS RIVER WHITE R 6 LARG JAFFA O0 0018f SI11 8t)9 $80 M COtIFORRNl8 GARDER11 FR 110$GR BRUSSIL SPRC YOUNG READERS NATURE LIIRARY GET 1HF FIRSI VOLUME -TH BIROS 12 Colourfully TNISWE VOLUME ON[ Y TH1E R EPTILES " rIllustrafed Volumes I,,,, EAH GLMEONLY$1 9,,,, 99, AU7AFNCYMIRE IBRTLETT PEARSI u DILL PICKLE'S u CORN OIL C AT FOOD I PIE FILLING ANE CAKE AE ~ 7 A L__0__IAA____.5_5F__1_TN59c1 o I 1 Ci I 2 I 9C1 Z.4 MOus- Planning Board ill81 moake a decinios ait Ohi Mac meeting cancerning Oie appae or dinaspeaval of a car me beisf esiahOishef in the damatoses cace. Mn. Wocth repeesentîso A.L.D. Canada Linteted, blid planners tee 11cm hed a 15 yene nease os land onComamercial St. properiy omneil Up Brian Best. The establishment if hauit manif hoe operated hy Diago Carso. 10116 iUTS P00638 RfAONOBLO F06100 RGUOIRiME6It x _LoMmw~ _MAXI- SAVE DEEP CUT PRICES - - SALAD 1O FL OZ JAR >7 DRESSING 371 PEANEJT 2Z 44C ROMAONA PURE VEGETABLE 32 FL OZ.6 OIL BTL 9 WETH EYS APPEA C JILLy 24 FL. OZ JAR 497 CHUENEO 5 HONIY 12FL-ZMG5 N DIVISION Ms. i eth, 1e72 nr lilas knRs doL YID Prime Rib Prime Rib Roasts Steaks 10 1st 5 RISS lHOTt Cli - A 1 F -SUPER BUY -1 SUPEROUY-1 Me. Woeth esplime tie car wash maOnLIC have foue staflia far waahing and tw 00 ncanca anifa 20 cars. He naif there mas a POssibilitY of instailing gas Pumps ai a latee date. le there a cholce Receve Ron Harris and Syd Childs agreed the establish- ment would be a pour use of printe landf. The reeve wondeeed if the plannees woald have any Say aboat the establishmnent if