finish in fifth spot Alec Overilu couldu p ssssl rersst- fo tee i an asial carne off vUthsoane plapa Usas as Bave reatisel Uhse. agioe at plyof 'pet. veast tetievei a pattern. Use goal Sie sere oi Use Flse peayt anotUe a bar Bramnpton gavte Sere Feils7 Setieraer la Ue ofsee Wvgern Seld ont id paris ilit. fla gm aPfalla Prsdap sud ile h.e os M,, Us WbniSg o Sel' peis KlirterFipam- ag 3-2 tir alU sbt in Use pont 10 ar 12 gavrornes isaeain he aop iga Bramptou andl avoided o 0dme- WBite Use clab vies aidi roagisi passes auto tise utic tUe vap tir vath Preston and vaaing anme mistaises, Usey aPPaseute, mode se efthOe mui mnand Bad s mn lu Use slet aida Usey coaid. Ries MelVaris, ap tram Use javesilen epesed thse ncartsg for Mitn tramt JeSf Lecskige and Hugi Marsall. Metrai vos ose ai tkee rsougil ap tor ek garne. Sdi Pressias aide ploya far Use javenflea and nov action wiUs lie Flyr Fridoy. Rins Gollng fillil ausUserrvacancp la Use Baneap. Frans Piashisui sud Alec Oveuden fireif third perild couniera te even tiga op Fiay nigisi. oa Sciseil, Sadsiy 'bottras, Oral Sattrran d Glenn Roisinsen pirised ap assis. Press bord Flyers flt betood t-gi Ohe fient persdron a goaltspKenGer., Vie WVright sud i'isei Weitliamo scred in Use second periud for Brampton. Flyr presard te erra tigsuap laid Us tird ami Beid Bcampton scoretess. The Guudsng, MeTracs, Presniak trio pruved id id a trernua belp. Flyr cuachs Veco Qsagiey figares en boviog everpe Bakrs teeUe pisputta escot JohnArnldawissillain Bespîtai and pesshbly Keits Bridgmn. Thece bas Bren snve censidecatien te Bridgman playrng alish a speciai rosi an is tO breisen fingeru, bai ne tiasuon hiadt Bren made s press tirne. Go vih Habor Denîs Dutear and Tecr Mastose are un the vend ami erpeeied te ha dreruilrd thes ptayetts os Hespeter Weluesdsy and Berne agarn Friday. Qalglep tigures un geisg ats Dave Heisue raUsier Usas Masine in Use tirst gaie asyvay, heaase uf Mastares spraied tinger su Bis coiehrng bond. Fiyecs play in Hespeler Welnrsday ai 8 p.v., at borne Fcsday at 0.30, lu Heupeter USudayat 7.3 and have Tsosdoy ai 0.30 it e turUs gave is receseary su the Usree ouioetOve series. Tise gits gave la in Hespeler, if nreessary, Thacvidy ai 5 p.. Flyrs tant te Duodas lin Tauday and te Gakville Sosday nigBi. Dandas aun M- sud scoe Usrer geais aits Milieu a vas sort and tO aiiB Harold MWq mnute misconuat. SBoers Jeff Laecidge, Mîtes Laiesuesue and Hldei Mecry ticef cosuiers for Milieu. Tem PartUsonis arred a Bat tirs and ted Drndae. te Use via. Wayne Urban ncoeeri taie r tes tisodas elab vaire Brian Jenes and JirnVarni singird. lIv asUshe secendf via tise Stars pieised ep agarnst Flyrs se tiseir last tao mneetings. Fiyers satal at ide Biadrn frein Gaisvie vn Use firnt pectei saoday endf carne oat alUs a t-t Bie ai Use end uf Use first perli. Stades harst Usig open la Use second wiaUstc geaI scociog rarnuaoe. Flyrs acre ieft shacUsanded in Use second aidu Hags Marsal dra f ire minuies lu the ain Bis fer Butt rudiug andf Msteh Laîcanesse veut off fer Oive insstes fer lits part lu a BigBi alUs Bcian Bennett. Aire Ovruden sud Haroldf Meccy scoceif fer Milton ahite assssts arut te Roinsen andf Grue iegis. Dure tiheriseis piied in Byve geais and tae assiste vaire Greg Pust sced taire and Scias Bfenntt andi Kerry Davidsou singled. n 4 Tise CBsmpion Mifton, Ont. Wed. Feur 9, 1972 Flyers meet Hes peler second to apreal Useir bood sud then tlreil toa mare la Use third. Brunt Murray aced onsosiiw os Use second t-rnme and Brane Eliou finlishei off a play tram Tncry Fcstsley ie give Miltons o susistantiel 4-t eail gaiag liet Use Milieu Beld Heupeler gal huniers scaretea n ahUe second perli. Pauli Sproat and Rail Golaug acoreil tird portai geais. John Touent, Paul Stover anil Dore Tirner pirised qp avînsts. Soauey repentse dcluk s la goal shape sud togs spiits idadig osto OMHA acion. 'Tse club Bas reatiy gosd spiito oaid Usai con vaite ap tar a lot ut Usvngs. " Milieu ai play ide alaner ot Use Parue Ingersoli sec vs HOEKY MITO -ARENA MITO FLERSi 8.2 P.M. Tii esgeeoute of Lad. fsane raesstse TO 3 TH WT HE301 ThiVE Tesg rAVdEL FLYEOS HIJSTLKD arossal Use Brampton bore. Bill Preaniais (2), mil lOch SacTrach tiry ami Fciiuy n1ght bot acre rohisel an arveral te get lamse la tise nIltî-(Siaff Phoato) occasionas. on hoil ica id uni a van op Quigley optimistic Flyers face big task Wheu yeu're gig agavins a riais Usat Bau manager ta Seat poura qut ceussuieuily durrng Use regutar sceduin, du' baril O hae epterastie. WBdle Flyer Coach Vers Qusgiry isusi kiddiug hirnself or auyoue rens, Bn lis tsaageg n optirnistie oailoos, or at measo as eptamsair an ide tarie ".If an pay'an aiei as ane aid agaus Brampton an jost vlight gntBy Usev. Theoifleare agaist os. acer Use seasea n t ard botier agarnsiSarngeon an r (bdi Hespeler, iut asindint matier aBat tearn yeu play", Bantams defend ttif e Milieu Lagion Rentama ai vert Paria an Use firai aouaI et GMHA Sautarn piapsff actin ia Paria Fcilay, and cohau te Use covîscie of Berne se toc Use second gave oa thnasra's Satsrday ai 5.30. Manager of Use Milie ub B Si Rencey ssiI the club ta in goad shape, ieuisiag tervard te Use terses and ati resly te go' Rewney sail ide sericu vighi hae a dst of tire haut bat Usat han pet te Be deradeil. The provinciali vaser ai sec actiun su tour seraes. Milton Ba, Use Bonar et boing deteuiling champions. Their oisjnchre et course is tedefend Usas Bonor am eep the Provincialihardwsare in Milton LowviIIe duo race winners Leavuite Raraug Tesos continues to pife up troptees and cass avarIe ou tha aeescnd swneaoBile reeiag crcuit. Chros Braing and Wayne Aucisland won ocrerai prizs at race i GOal, Georgetwn, and Actes onusd paistw Ove nsl. CBris teuit a f iras prize vn Use volifiel "A" cis at Oaklasai abute Waynrciaiaoel Usee tirute, iariudvng tas for higder pevered machines% Usas ais 400 seris. At Gcorgniuwn'asssaactouel vert ou Use verieril, Chit vas secoaI in lis Seat said fourtht Us thestuee Tisey als pent sonne tdn as Arion Suoday, ahere Chris cliirel tvo Birus place tespis and Uscer secundo. Wayne tosis tO airt prize tropisies Usere. ITT. urd7o OPTOMETRISTI UURLINGTN4 UMALLI N'o lock Wr les Usemn visf sp but tttey tSsnday ntght an misseil tsar dont les os. That harki." sure geais in tise tirst period ami Usta ed t ades docing Usat Figure peried. WstB any loch we asi Bave corne est et tisai perisil wits tire goals isiet ufne." rlît peointe ti Use yosg sk t s clbadtegeneral taris et Iat r expersence as tise iggrni single tactur asrkog againsi tise mass tests Fipera. Bat user Bie id qsics te rnase noie Usai Use riais sheald ise Tveuty eue eut et 27 merniers rn Orne shape urut year tU a of Miltes Figure Uidirng Clubs cluis sel iardeued alish esekies. have pesseil examnuahoun. Id Use Ftyeru ge isisUse playetta adairelniryaes an li seurty a Bail ioeap. Big John Adliinr tdates atts, CllisHoi absne sW sui l a e issp te aa ad Jesi Parien did Use Cansat aBence Bigan urey Bema rnt Tango ami Clscistai Cnurimacs, Ke o idgnn vayhe play Is Lana Elisos, Sandra Gaom ami se actie Kaue ther ptayutts depeuilg eu arrangements tara Kae iieyddth Svieg spritastaisideeeded lu tise Janior Breunze te pcetect tvu heeken hungers. competitien Maritys Hrnd ami Go alish Hoboe Kathy Russelli Bd the Fiesa Qosgiry tîgures en gulug tU Tange, aud Jesi Heel did Use Gave Harne rn lise tirai gave et WiUevw Wat. Jean Biscstari, Use piayetfa acysnay, te, allea Meret Grîsweld and Kelly Terry Masine lirne enutgh te Vickery id Use Tes Feu. have his catehiug handif Bed. Figures "Lt's face it, it la Bis ratehing o PrnLaElin baud and lBe Bas a leng carrer Jaens Pikes, Landa Ethseo aisead et Bsts. I veisidut vont ta Crud Virse, aud Gand, seeCml Rend Paiti lise amietani ueno Bew ayvet Ua i1 Siephan Mcautcheou lI liseir Tiserias aUtan agresive prelcolnary figues. cleagisti se onr.t guiva Kima StraUs pasared Bier iliver enough in the corn ers a'egta fe kahsng ai a preleos test 0ev gays Usat Bacs off. If Usey day Betd at Sarfiegln Figure idat yeu Us te pais y.e edead %oaùug Cleb. Minor Bantams bounce Hespeler Steve MeCeichea paced erd ivu assistaec ansd Gay Delirn Ores. Mrnor Banidma O MeGosuis Beiped rnt rn eue guet. tO vins ever Heopeler Saoday. Mcuicidan surrns tO geais la' Singlefor Siraik each gamne, ronîinaiog a Deug SiratB addrl eue goat tu predactive atreais. lit tiste fiftitBrr Mctitcheen's tve geai garne in a rua ihat MeCutcidos queta Seeday. Lru Sceau Bas scoreil tO goas os ecri asaisteil taire and Prie Rets garnie. ouce en the Sasday garne. Dan Zamitta sud Ferry Capatu The cluish aiat farUser verd ecred singlen i ide faust garne ahaut ahe Useir unix eppesition vie tru Sceau aod Prie Rets asi hae S cA 00 NTiL cLOOIGV A Y F05 5AT NUIA 11 DRIVE-I Frdysal rdaao12s i Milieu Lagion Osutamu navald s cacs ai ONIHA action visen Usey bamped Heapeler out of Use TYs-Cosiy piapoif Bar ide GMHA suatitying roandl. Milieu von Use final gave et Use seris 6-i. Dave Tarer epeurd Uhese norng frev Pool Spreat ail Reil Goodiog. Sprost seerril tei give Milton a 2-t eail ovr Hespeter aet Uen rai thUe first pecieil. Daco Turner ami Gooiig pirise ap assiste ou Usai goal. Spresdleod Milieu neereil taire vn Use OT nips Mustangs Gaisvite Trafalgar HsgB Brhaai ailne ou Use pewer vn the tirl pecsild ami pacopeil tire geais pasi Milieu Mastang goalie Hnry Scostoas te pruvide Use DOakile club alUs au tt-3 in Meuday attecueun sn Milton Mustangs fr5l spact ai Use bat perid andl OT ras rampent for tire geais, peting Use tead aay out et range foc the Mesangs. Scarero Bris Pritcisard, Kent MeVeigh asd Jrff Lueat firnd tae geais eaeh foc Use OT squad ahile Bi Richardson, Gerry Neatîil, Sol Cernie, Jsrn Hagaslîda andl Scias Craig ait acoeei singles for Use aieorng OT gcuup. Utiris Pi, Phit Cotlisansui MiSe Fraye pokin s singles fer Use Milton club. -Town aecisveu arr fearlasg in Use sifes andl appreacses to Use Pacisaay Dr. featiige, te vase ut ssfer fer children vhs mse it O cross Use creeB te sehvi. MILTON TELEPHONE hANSWERINB SERVICE '*CGNPI1GE NTIAL h*COORTGOUS *PEOO55LIZED 818-2020 2pern «0o4v p..Ailsl anil ru auBesl Shaticg o.5PM epa 9 p- Mnor Hous League Pelirosry ut 4030 O 7.30 p..Pigore Slaiav 2cbuisarl 3 est af 5Oe e 8:30 Milton Jra. on. Heapnier Peisrsary 12 9:30 a.m. i: 30 t. Toronto District Dea Horse Lussor Tsursaaert. 2e .v. ou 4 p..Pui Skstlc (25c) Cougars oust Hespeler in a thrilling series Milton GaUsunger ior Pre W atvetiril laid Hespeler Saadayeid garner tdfi secouai sitry la as rnu storta la Useir boni Usee ast et tive senis. Capiain Don Hakkirs led Milieu vliB a bot trick la Use liard tongist garne. At ide t2 vinute vans Haisir peiied hua tirai geai, assisait isy Champean. Stiip Guenco avore laie la Use Birai assitel isy MacDonald ami maris O give Milton a 2-f IraI gne soUesecond perind. Heptroel 'n0 i t op laUs areusa penmd wiUs a aris User tep geai getter Glior Tled gose Glrnur Olnd ide gave vida Bie acrerits Hasecend geai of Use gavne in Use dyiug minutes ofthUe restent. Milton as ployiog shartsondrf ahen Uheseaconai goa vas seerel and tise gavme liedt op. Don ilokknrk fireal hdo second goal of ide gavne la overime id pot Use ldolttiai onced m &ain. Dnosopoarn amidoa assda Use aloolog goal Hosek=Be lise aluner vison ide averise period vos s minute and 30 secosudk. Hokirs vent in atone alUs 30 seconda lait la ide clark id score has Usird goal of Use liare, tar a Brnai amoe of 4-2. Mise Spoit ployaid on ontstsndaig gave tor Miton idiaren tise pipes and tise ramainder of Use lorals plaped Useir boit harkey af ide peor id corne ap aliB Use vin. tuolbora club CoacB Kent Macintosliaitd Ha hays op for ide tial game ofthUai sertes la Milieu Sandap id mbdae a steishar Hospeler bosco Usa vas Bigkliog id stop olive. Gence g l 10 o 0m hUe Io"al molli iddtg mlatid of diUe gaves la rosile op alis a 3-I sitiry. The Deagars put ont a gaod boom effort id earn Use n. Militos opeoed Use sorlug ai Use 11:30 mark of Use tirai perlod alish Usant dopa cltcktog an o Usree a pao plap tramn Haisiirk sud Bell. Afte a acocelesa second peridd Heapeler satd potiig su Use presure and tialiy paif off alUs Hart Oonisiagsoaplay tramn Hagep ai late break Cangara e ami Md ou a goal bY ChacooUs wit 4 secands lait lh Us gvem Hakite peibod Useikr Mtlon goal halot tse esupiy net. Radahan picked op au axit on tise lat goal and liaikirk; ami MacDonald ossiaird on tke second goal of ide gave. Colligea a avrait yard abaut Useïr sent oppoosition. Just one Gniy ose bailing permit vos hasuell id h muais of taonary la Use Towship of Soanagavepo reparte bailding inspectir Spd Sovoge. Tise permit va boaued tar a commercial kaildl-ag valaed at $2,000. Ski rocIÀig clous 141, GlmitEdenSUhblsa oayot ski rarisg pogar la neac- ematal, ~ ~ 0 are aanav id fstse5 pliotsi r being refused. Brios Hadfsid et MUltes, ose ot Use parents invoiredin 5 srgiig tsNacy Greene anai Altekloosaldtlte pnsng sker âmlagra re on lise puai aeekeed, iealglog Satordap and Soodap seuls a Nsalye slalom course race aga=otum. Ilsere nr thsee Nancy Greene (oapllait elgislitu 13) and toa Alin eaans (14e t p earo) ami th"e plan coospelllon bots ai tseir borne rcais and agaloal aidera f-rnm tws allier ni ceas later la lisemasos. Caacsiog id beiog kondled bp Muse Weioa John Sciareilser aM Milse Clerotai. WIns $237 Gos Mowkray of Milaon vas oaosed vioner efthlie Opiliniat Clubi nf MUton's Jonosrp 01 drase Saxo weeo. HI ticket, P4smker 402, vose vortlh $27. Hait tse proceeda st lthe drov go ti lise atoner, lise cesaI du riiyosil vork, reporta drose coormner Cliorlie Tbhosssaa. MROs PZ. RI Ta Ou Don't miss the SNOW FUN Ss)) plteoftif terlerUts SPECIAL ee<oy. Don'tfîghis) i-enjoyit FEIRAIT os a dependabte SALE at LGWEST PRICES Modela VR 292 -20 H.P. 440 - 38 H.P. OLYMPIQUE Modelae 300 -t5 HP 335--20 HP 320 HP E esrstAnsk about allier modela on stock GET 1H ON THE FUN SkI-Doo Clofhlng to 40%0/ off Skiing Equlpment 40%/ off- MILTON MARINE & SPORT 25 Commercial St. Miltos 878-6521 4.30paý i,63 Osep Tr Cosory Houkay 2.30 to ose -Tr Cause Hoctiey Felirosry 14 ta a pan.-Monday O pa tso0P.a -Tri-Coustp Hockey g4 '30 ao 7.30 pa .Figuren aSkig aClub ,o. - ----- a-m Legion Bantams in OMHA bout