r12 1he Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Februarv 9, 1972 Bill SmiIey - sait y, syndicated scribe IMis naspupen ollos tus esquintes ler reodens aoaut l S Smîy. Witene dans ke lite? Whal dans ite do? Witat cithe ite? eitc. This article ity Sitrley Wittinglce la Town and Country Pubtlicins, Eimsole, wei ktlp tnaonswr raiy ai Che qannien caot Ccdley, rite alamant o Canadian noionol institation amuîg smaU tan and ruac people. Once a rab, an Ontario hlgit achani teocher hanciten oser bis typoerter and staits ostoa solly litle cotiain aot timga 111cr mnrlgogen, lads, laxes aid Che nruel Canadien rtnter, Bill Cnley. rita seasans 15t reebly teripaperi acensa Canada aIt lats perannal blend of nogar and apira. talla il lie Ilta. He raommenta ci borne ie. "It is coettig ta ite borne, lisk santcosnso îngrcwn taesaîli." lHe toits abotoa lnly bang-usa "Momant'i taterande ChicnC Cihte s ropidily au Dada' haie ." Abtout tan job. h. sayî, "Carw me a Iaciter rn Jane and l'il shea ync citaracter witancrmpiedubi,. a rmbkled brow and a desperate liakii s ts eye." He bas icis ta say abota lte pmczllng business et lislag: 'lte Sinien pnndscnd Che miluaos at lads neo are nase a myslery andlterroirandkaeildermentar temils 0f Che Y, gbtfat Diee." lto neadeci 0f tasc mlsmn, Ddtl mmes ocros aceamie, irreserent and aitty man. lt'snannest prjecion. Hleaileothe ay ite tallats Sitting inhim lasaselte choir ce uccmicrlaitle straigitt borked job -kbi corl aie hand araced a drinkl and run the oter Ikaiugi hic Cîiniîg wite haie. He listais, aile canvsion lnas anaced tant, Chen deliseno a any and sually definitise sommeil,.in a saice ascon icnlobta asna rcely ponnb swing. Tcis rlry ensentimnttl aîîdcn i lterest ocqeaintaceeîframnîigbîto8 aihumfnr adsice Ibiu iaaby exstsldestinsite imtu Cheieaweddins.candaty eserykfmate he mentsil ta o 1>01. bit tnoos rit humn. And ibi s taity o clippiig ler o Saskatchtewan neaspopor descrikis bim as "hy ton u mat popuaasnyiaoedrataumniî." Bill ras bora in Perh, Ont., ond ras ctudyîcg ou Vitorio Callege riten Wcrtd Wor Ira kegac. He jined Che RCAF, itecone o Typlarn pilot and totai port in rcey dsogeras îous isos lk bilcit iiilg 380 miles on a tcnty hase pass ta see o girl. Hie regards Cai escapode rit thk camne pantiîbspprit os Che finie ite bd ta nisile on arield tan a couple oflor bcani ao lise bort itangung ler has uiigtip, Tii. obopa dawn kelar wouldntl et bit land antil Chey bail cleored arcy a1l Che men and machins "Il tandiedz', ki uayu. "lîike a men rkld glavsiating an eggc. Thko Iran ite a bat out aI b.l. in flytog biesl, rit a parachuate huminigon my bum"- 'lte lagit turne acre okruplly iilerrsped un t941 riten be au Calt down oser Hollamd and imprisorti by Che Germons. Hie carne home iauCaiee dicoiled byans S.S.but and rtC plans ta complet. is Hanoor Englihourceoal U. aIT. Tiereble met has darli-eyed aifk, aid beis ben onntancrng ener sunce Chal site c Che ract ai al] its TIbeyliitdany beentredoteamon dissulaîiliig onlove andery littetaney, ahei hiotagy Ikrer o ipoîmer it lthe mOulus. lsy (Crsie in ber lnieîdcî henonte pregnant and Bill desetopod 1.B. Aller o yeor of seporalion -'be in a ismitoiten. Cie au base in Miarion - lkey baCh rensmned Cte raSage coneeni, horiog Che midalgit id mit a haity son as teS an a ilachaof lent bnoks. BiI hadt litsc eye on posslgradsake stadies in Eutgllh aitit a nier ta taacimg. bal lragedy latersenied. Isy's brouter la ton, Che editar at thte tasarlan Eebn ras drisened and Chere ras enhedcy itak abo athe paper. Bill slapped laithe ceseit and tan ynara h.e lismi lte haoppy itoenied li1e of o smmdl lcwn neaspapor editar, rasing ta gel aids out, raserng cumcilnmeetingscand wmnte's taîlitule meetings." Is addition, lie multe o peonaa nolami. Iree frcm editoriol and reporting restrictions. lise tIlle natami tccgbtui Cri utiteneditani anepicimg il up andanme ofothen poid tinta ou c ta5 centaoaeeitfor ILelote longgriereigly weelien rere reprnoîîg Sntdey's Sugar and Opine. and lthe prnttreodiîg. mtailing and itilliig henonte a tontîty iidstry fan BitI, ly and Che youucslers, Hugit aid Kia. Wbei Che Telegenm Syidinote uttered bo We eust oonted tar aiisper mn t" trei ou ont1- morkt Bilî's coin, eoenyliady nos detigitted. Na mocre stishy Icegors front licking ennetapen ced ilamps! Alhnugit he ras establlsitid as an editar and colniaai, lte ange la keach taugermi in Bill. Off bie weni tai O.C.E. lsy managed lthe paper, Jiggling laterviews, cens reports and Che mnagement ifs asoe and tamdly seit chnl nffilicy He. =ian las l.achlg*ccana i Mldland, mie.l h. la ane lisadt 0f C.e shgla D8Patnts of bM. Llely h. bas jalami Che Arglesynsdicale. lTse Telea ri ta neloliole bp fealoring aoootherel nIlnown saominist in Sntitey'î fermat, but tas loyal readeriawerai't oated. As fr asîteyre cancennied, Bill Smiley lu irreptonnoitle. Proat nI bus reodenu' affection and cn- saInement arrivs in bus mailitos aimant esery day Whe ie menionedoaleayears aila im daugiter KIt rau daiugencusty IlI rit bepotilis. ga foo lellersa oried, aiChprayeri foreber recsery. n e sacid Chal, in i opinion noble TV roiex pIlai, lie ras ciciled by tro officiolc Iront a lange coice oelaorh, aito icggesled Coltporitapobheruetony idddngcean d l like ta retror ntodity flsi sttemnt in o bIten cctsmi. He ramI't H. dids't Luit yeor ite aiilitdly remrrea ltaI te'd lite bo gel aroy trom il aIl and enyoy o surrmer sacoion rit las rite ' pertopo in Che tarn 0f an cuo trip across Canada. Itains flonid in,.Mterlag eseryCiag tramt deep seo Iliaig la 1the Mariimes ta dancing ander Che stars la Billit Columia. A molsnn Ommnilg an Che DAlAI religion laspred a spirllerd if =gramislcol, reply ftraa traie Wesen. min a reI ite 0111, a entnorfsl tamnltyi aodefiitiase. is ii atl wont he itas refernodsvouey as "lite Gld Lady."' "he Ba111e Axe," or "Che Crss," is in reolîty on intelligent and attractise lady rito geti fan mail aI iter awn Ches os iteresled n arnman oîreodîîg ac heci, ond ployî rean gonte aI obosi Il rcaioally Ce dses îanteltaog uonity, lie îeting 1ke mtandlepieceoafire ali Chisltmait'iatl gritî ton Sîll' i nil Dougte litr.akoeutiflredbeadawiCha itlindtîg uile. ii correîlly o sudeot aI Erîndale Callege. ritere sbeîs eoring pratenannia rases Ion bier aitiig aility Cîiley's readera hics' ail aoute ber. 'liey hase keîn tolloaîng ber esploits Ibrougit Ditî's nolsji, Iront bier finit mtusic festisol ta hier sommer btlith-iitg adseebores. Hsgit. Bils ioidaonre an. ras alan aI uîisensily, and Smiley affîcicoodos rementhar natnnts about has piono renilal, ais summer arig on Che boatsanmd the lime lie itrole a fitger lniano restltog ta Menico. Billîs attiltude bo hic lads is a lypîcal itleîd of stgor oid spîce. '"Mone selfîb kbas Lot Cent lo oSer Chentelves. Irm goiog lar eijoy lite tuc rorryiîg about a pair of rolleningrates"Asite soysltais,ble ries out o iteclliy cheque lu help rilb college espanseî. ta wrttigte colomieser a core lies, says Bidl "S ho bas be in lte rail esery Tsesdoyinigit.and escry minute rilîg il a board rorl.I t oe if eucept rites tIc iikhd. Titen t eitCer leel Che glor of booaiig il coameoff, an c sntall rort of ntiiery siorlseatngorayoaînmeoad Icoolt eradicate il mtil lte oeil colun." Wîll h. eser reile Che Great Cmoadiac Nonne' "lThene are quitte o 1er ut ltent aotmd clready," be soys. "ity leliors lute Callagitao. Riciien, lOagb Gaorner and Jocli LudwigAs longoas l'intcachîag,t1ros' havce itnetocloarlooyCîsng scontbîîous"- Benarse Chere are sever enougt itours i Che dsy. Bill octen has tc luro down an vitations 10 speoit, un to cooduci anîltof sentinas. lThe Ina speoisg engagfentcs h.e bus cedertahen bote proven 10 ke ntentoeble occaosfor isitees. 'loca tagit scismi guadeaicg closi ise saîd. "Toîigitll'ntscpposedîospoa toyou about goid reodîng habits Te nhisoce of speaker ca abîlanious piese of nttscotig. In 1971. he oponed o speech 10 lthe top offîntais of tise Royal Coicdti Legios ibis rcy: "Voe mt rooder usaI o . ptddltsng ltale one'ti>e ltgitlo is doisgoaddeessangic BILL SMILEY mncugceltbody. Ad dîrondenedlthe some." Hecas sersed os Chepasel of jtîdgen Ian Che Stepiten Leoni Arord fan seserat yenrs, oncole be csîoyed benouin il bepe bit obreost of deselopenteels in Canadio rilîg, a aubjent te ric be as iîlesely isleresled. Hic amititons are îlta Cîibs inippol frontonaoldncolun "WesIl'intuS1lamIIso be boon ta lte Nursing Homteo 'slitai old decil Sntîley, who pioches yoor bottont esrry finie you pasri eel cir." ta tbe meoitime, esery Tusday nigit Bill returas tlics centuryalId brnick homse and duntpcthe dsy's crop ofumianhed essays or Cxms nte lalcites table. He selles lantieif aI bu typeaniter riCh a drink,. amyting rel -Cobe, cattee, iteer, tea,) and acsnohe ('11saicteli 1icreoa!"' mnd porcolates bus reeily rohion aI rry nom. mnt. lthes ke sartc rappiag ih Che folles in Catingarod aid SeatorCh and Higb Hiser mnd about c hmndned olber sery important placea in Canada. Ask park in Esquesing Esquesng plamnig board rutt moite lte decîston an an cpplication Ion aponctisa of o pont os Icnd ai Lot 17, Coi. t, oned ity Normas Dougtas, R.R. t, Antan. Townshtip cosacil blid Me. Douglas Ccy itod lac oCher soci applinotions aitiog bo be Pronessad by Che barnd and bis reqest rauîd ke iiclcded on C.e agendo. Thay agreed ta sentd i Che denistos. Mrt. Douglas cctd be oned 145 ocres of Imnd, mostty banit, ond ke bcd iteen odvsed ity o peclasan> lu-smC thecisiersty of Guclphit olhe losd ros useless Ior n cyllag else. 'l'esty-Iao acres are cultîsotd. Sase DepI. Tise cpphncsnt scid ite bcd clnecdy iteeo ta lte Depantnti of Tocras.Theycadsedibâtito, ne cuil tirst, ke bld lthe recta atîeo ilsrmed ke ranI see Che Deporîmnt fist. "They acrit in rysteroos ays," nttered tise reese, sotîsg lthe Deporteit bcd pnesuumsly taîd nomuil il as Che oter ay romnd-Depantnt harst, Che concil. Mn. Douglas aid he rosî't sre yet wat crot lthe petit rould lait., but ke ensisieied c placc Ion trailens mnd tans tl set op us the rory, fsnested crac. -Ivt orfied oMlo Ion the Osor Feshivcl neleitrotion ibis Frîdcy, ttoturdcy asd Susday. KAISER Aluminuen Hause Sidiîg far corefree beouty. 1 Enhamet ooyhomie olatr e s tocco, noadfraoeor hio<ki -NEVE R SEOS PAINTING I 20 VEAR FAýCTORY GUARASiTEE I CIOICE OF <aLOUeS AND FINISHES ISamne location over 20 years. Factory trainnil installers assure you of expert rorli Vou cao deal wîith Federal Industries wîth complete I confidence. Phone tor fran estimate. I Aîuminum Doors I Combination Windows e ca r ports e Aîuminum Awnings FEDERAL IDUSTRIES Plan onnulai for Chamber I Plannlag fan th. anua esl sp an aba ne j () OPrti. NEWS IbrSW9nF(*n o lyransi :v panrton d.;ao Febrceny mlg ai MIlc Pl' nefopaliaLd Ccnriderable lime bas panseil ity iie um lestat re i I jut laites anme people a notitlonger ta gel osver Christman and New Year's)it iabout limte ta catch up alto sornie ai lthe ac- Otînualsofthe club. On Dec. 2 ousespenial goncicot thte esmling rere Mr. Dpi frram Campitelindle and Mn. Mole frnm Toronto, bot repreaening lthe Air Cadets ofCanada. They npalte la os aouta lthe Air Cadet Coq>, and lthe rote it playn la Canada taday, aimo menioned wu lte pnsiidily aI tonmlng an Air Cadet Sqeadran mn Milton. Sinne lter enst ta us, Bnys' Worit Citairman Don Cotons han an- nempanied Mn. Dpi te lte Optimiîl-np encore d St. Cathtarnes Sqaadran and clan le lthe Hamilton Seicadron, o see rit al nitien ane aneded la atarI a iqeadron. Anyoce lataeaeted econg t loielp sniit lte formation of o Unitîhere inMildton sitontd gel itoant wsith Optiralal Don. Onr tant meeing 0f lthe yen>' tecu on Dec. t6 and ras the ceosai Chtmeas dinnen for lte ladtes. Optimint Muke did o ternifie jb of arrangng Che prgnamn Ion lthe eseing. Atter an enjeyoitte dinnen,' canota rere nang ccd a festise almanytare presailel rici ran itigiligited ity a vsit from Dld Saint Ninit tamieff. Fometa rere gisen out anda lange Chitman nard, fnomn ail of lthe iteihanda tai ail 0f Che ai ses (and girl letendi) ras preaenled ta Optimi Loin selle Alice, rite neturned il tamu fer ont înrop, booit. A pleasanl esenlag of nords fîliered and na njoyed ity att. Smndoy, Dec. 19, 000> Che mcmul Chitsmas party ton Che nitildren of te memkrn, hetd la Che Ooyne Carmasity hall. Optimist Mike led Che yemgstern (ad uldîtars> il naod iaglag and somne old tine modies wr stoan ity Optimisi Bill Mclonla ataith rere enjeyed ity att. Aflen Caisopprosenotaly 40 nildrn reneised gifts fron Santa Clos, MIten alait pop and mce ce wsdiited ap ity Sonta's itelpeni. A smncene soe of oppreniatten goni oct ta Charmnmm Pete, Optocist Mite and Don and Che eolîre nonnttan ton Che wrni pst cluo Cai prognent. During lthe munt ot Denemiten ltreenoea rembens rere dsntad intthe niait; Cey ae Eonl Dcty, Hansey Zùmmermon and Brnry Eitenley. Congnotuloions are rn order bo ail titnee rito are oireody wrng on dittenent prajects la Che nlub. i oam alan pieaied tc report Cale Che oh>ldnen aito wren ahe bospîtl osver Christmcas rere once agen iooited alter. Dur lit meetlag 0f Che oea yean ras held on Jan. 6 and plans rare mode ta enter o foat la Che Wicter Connisol panade on Feit. 12, duso on Che agenda ras Che plcn elrnady rade fer cen oraoanîa cnstest te ie held rn Mannit. Alan placoed rasea celeitrotien ut our luth mnîsveriony, adorce and ituffet ta ke kld oc Feit. Soti Che Sportsmen> Clsub an Che 'lte December MW1 draseu *iini,aais, mas.e.. and5u aaosace mode ce imcan seau ann r ndic nirr nis nd o do he CChamberdlma e enng. letchber af Miltce. Tihe drasese clon fromt the Idonembev drase, posnibly don ta the hectivý holiday seuoon, butlaebopelo ie bacttri ocen thse $200 mais tor Jonuany. 'lTes. 50-50 drar ticketa are anallable frram any member af lte Optimist Club. Willsligna fffar naseand hape to heep ya tehrenand nC Doit actit:ent tlula newear. The. belt dental insuanne la yaar nvsnent la regalar hoe and prnlessiceal rare. Vais cari isenent mant dental dinease mlith sacit cre. Fnb. f thrangi 12 la Dental HealIli week la Ontaria. from theW GREAT 1972 VENTURA $ ar SELECTION S 150 H.P. 6 cylmnder engine of AM RADIO -Body sud. moaldmngs 2785 VENTURAS 0Delaxe Interise e Ser. No. 2Yus0W- 258825 Plus Tan and Lucense cit g - LTON MOO SA1ES u 'sI; PRIDAY FEBRUARY il th Z e11er__________ P.M. to 9 P.M. STÂGRITEg MENIl while your wife is busy with the grocery shopping corne in to ZELLER 1S and have one of our pretty hostesses ossist you in choosing her for your added convenience we are providing a GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE during Stagnite. Visit the information desk and ask for your hostess Zollor's County Fuair G!ORGETOWN MARKET NO. 7 HIGHWAY - GEORGETOWN tealtus'ieg as a Snant Festiual specislhbecause qoitetfranily oor scppiy isi.ited.taodon't spead tis ronrd, luit slip sioeg ysurs.it to Riiandsce's Radia andi TV au 201 Mole St. Tise paus wrd is AdmiralI. areotis. t ta os and .seIl kncwaiainou'neaten Dut den't put il off BILLIS AUTO - BODY 269MAIN STREET, MILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 1p1r1,ý ( liody Peparý & R, fýn,ýhrg Alo ( w>tor, Pefinhmq __7 14- about white