Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 6

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6 Th, Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednes., January 19, 1972 Gre&Fisi, News ¶01Wr cuison Il is 29< fishrng tune again and for many 91<99 represents s<any hours of2 rela9199g sport du<îîîg the w991cr. Unfortusately like 999990119< sport, it2s being buedby a fewad this iss9poiig ilfor thehonest t f9<911ess fi<,lermsas. Some ladresop <9mBh are beusg closed tuwinter fisMng <Mile dloser Mu bornethere are a few laites being opnned for the Rirst fimie ihis year. Thse closest are lit Eugenia north elut of Flesherlas near Higbway 4, Bell's Lake west of Highway 10 above Markdain, Gillien Lake off High- wayt 61 inhe Bruce Peninnula and Carneron Labe, three miles «<1th of Tobermory. Stocked Tbe<e takes hav'e all beau sladsed and yna cao winter f lob for brown, brook, rainisb and lobe trout for the firnit lime. They witi Me open <ntil tbe end of Mardi. Ibis cld spell sbouid put more ice on Lobe Slmcne, whicb Op until «ow bas only Mad lhree inches of ice and Ihen filet was only for a f«< miles out. Checkbwithyour local guidehbetore you venture out. Pefferilwand Beaverlon have <ornie ice closelaoshore but itl thin and thetle is open forlthe greater par, (or it as as of Jans. 14). A few <oell and perch are Meing caught in very nsail namimrs. 1 was in contact «lbh an operatar on Labe Nipisuiog and Ile uays nothing 10 speak of bas hemn caught yet «xcepl on CaIlersar Bay wbere o fers picherel and perch are Meiog talan. Same ««yven Th<re are stil] a les wolves aromnd Hallon. Vern Galbraith of Bronte Club shot one last weeh and Jor Rtogers of Zimmermn also got The jack rahhil is makiof a food comebach. Jim Coullon of Lowville gol a couple of nire Ones jusI recently. Sarne people turs <ss up at lnosrahilasiltends toea litle stong Ilbhetps touaitin ahfiîtle saitlor vinegar overmight and hcoîg îiM ua hol. Then coob il asy <4y «029 <nsh. Plan convention Plans are stil heiog mode for the Ontario Federation of Aoglers mnd Honters Convention Meisg hetd ai Thuander Bay. About 20 memmes frorn tse Hallos mnd Qabvife Clubs plan Mofty lMere for the Controllcd hastmng seents MM bete order of the day and witdlfe mnagemecnt sress are Meing supervisait y Bhe Departrntent o9f Lands mnd Focesîs. They try Mo provide a place tau ut mnd enjoy nitdhfe. The osly <nay Bhe deparlsinesl cas heep tracb of morne Meing shot s orBte hunier tosentiinBte lassr aof the aia.Just recentlya hooter torned oner inM the Deraldtan district wi1h ail tenth rnissing. It Mad grown a bard rallousedpoil onBte jas nmd used Bis for leowsing. Second blggest David Anger of Saginaw Michigan had Bhe tbrill of a ifelime tant lail vises he corne within Bhree pounids of ealching Bhe tartesl pike ever caught in Ontario. Il sneighed 39 pousnds and two ounces asd ws 49 and a hall ilchtes tong. Tse record is 42 pounds, Iso ornes tabes Mn Detasey Lake inoBe Kesora District. A recnt reportof thedeer and moosehuntîng succesbas ben releascd by Bhe D<partrnst of Lands asd Foresta. Favorable sncather made Bhe hunt more entoyabte. Deer nurnMers varied greatly frorn district tu district 1n tMe Llodsay and Mloden area Bhe baster success s101 Mu 15 percent. Last wloler was4 a cery bard mne os the deer herds. Fass «cre bard bit by winter starvation. The lough wioler resuitedina lowerhbirth rateinoBe sprin. Survey The Lake Trout spawsing survey carried olt hy the Departrnt shows a pour <Mowig, cumpared la tout yeor. The murvey was carried out lo rnany aroas. mhe Departnsent pots screes bauketaesarly onlhespawnigM<los and covers Bhem mth sand. In lte OctoMer and earty Novernimr Bhe basketa are dug Up and the contenta rccorded. The suesher 9f eggs lo Bhe baskets mas low compared ta last year. Nets were set up tu see if predatars <ere freater in couber thosmuaI. Sonne <gg< were lmund in Mullheads (or targe chuh as we caU Bher) butsone seere found mn Bhe stornachs of socbers. Quite a feseseere loineltlasd carp. Thc Departmest of Lasds asd Forests provides technicat advice 19 Royresident of Ontariololerestedlinoperaimga pivate fish pon, firhrng pr<serco or a private fisb hatchery. Waters lohabited hy stocbed lish as Wellas Buose lohahited hy wild flob are suhjet Mu Bhe Darne asd Fiuh Act ad Bhe Ontario Fishery regultios. Th ownserof suc a pond may charge aglers arod or trespasmfee for LM prividege of fishlog on bits property. No licence or special pernission sa reqired. The pructice is Mnosn as fish larrng and is marricd on esternsvely rn Bhe United States. Great gBf A resoarreful salesnsan once «aid Bhe mmlt unseilish gUif a man can 95ve is family is tu Me covered by adequlte life losorance. 0e ay an even gruster gilt is Mo leave someloog Mehmd for future geseralions 19 enloy, the gdft of open space, foresta, <trearns and bllbes, a place where one cmn stroil or ride or even boni and fish wiBh peace of sind, Mnowlog he is sot trespammig on serneone's property. arems do exist in the forril<f provincial parbs, pienic sites cron lands and conservation arean. There are 0 agreemnent foras coverlog 231,000 acres lo So2thern Ontario. That ioIudes Irons Norlth Bay somB. la other ares of Bhe Province Bhere are thMmancis of acres of ceoses land. Let'n hope we bave the foresight Mo heep it Bhat way. Medicine in Africa VON theme Thse esperienres of a doctor <ho spent «<o yearu in Bhe African «90<91 o Sambia <ill Me Bhe highhight of 101h mnnul ««tmng of the Vîctarias Order of Nurses, Oak992lle Branch os Wednesday, Jan. 23. D<ctor John Hamialton <ho Mrcare a qualified doctor in 1960 in EnglaBd, sohere hie wsume, upenl frorn 196210o 1964 in Sambia. Ha will relate bis experiences lo an îllasîrated tallit tilled Medivase in an Afrieus Husp<tal,. me taiklb eeilMMlaI Luisit Hall. SI. John'. United Clsurcb, 131 Osas Street, OabviSe aI 8 p.m. A staff member of Bhe Me- Master Medical Unit sauce 1961, Dr. Hamiltas lives n a vaode w«<B bau «de. The Oabville VON sffeail of 1<sI2ile plus Mialton ~The Iavation ArmyI PICK-1U1PTRUCK IN MILTON5 & REA LVERTSDAY Mentally Retarded Assoc. names officers, committee chairmen COACH FRED STEVENS is nbooru giving opeuer bust oreeb. Millanu junior boukethall pre-game instructions la Rirk Roberts, Larry Ocam lest Mo Georgelaown in tise highsuchool Reuulieu and Andy Hou hefore the season opeuer,.--<Staff Photo) Ladies' hogh single Ja< 22<291<49 269, ladie' igh triple, Yvonne22 Dan2 99991<t 12790 Ruth T<2<4 658 22nm 999<951, Jea n99uso 645 L2...s<2,2 fo , DeFJuoins or 5 lîd2es h2 <, ooer9 for<29 -'2< 4992l single . Mik Blvee 227<<928 ute tai ril, ik 929eer 28kc2I 2. Chas9<0< Be 2479.2299, 991 09, rce 2W,Vid Heaps29 243 Frank Pedll266.19,«<9d<<29. Ve,2,0,e 6.3, Bill9L9 n 49<0 Ï 1229 V2as2 , Brais' ,2 won5 fr 9, C29<299 fo2r 63,2521 049 idlign2 fr 6,kBol Hastu9<5 fo 592< N22v. 52 for99922 5î, oa ielman 5 r 5 an Vi 29 .:< 1922<9<N0r99211 19,e 22922«s 273 Roth 99r 22. Ig2022922 2j2< 229r 2222<2< 52272 MM2s922291 ý 022<1n 9Ir,2,19 ný 72920 for2< 532*7922 5 fr U Morte[ 329, for 5229 RA709221.9<2.2A29<24.2<2 099212,912D2,2279922,, 2.222, lohtrpl, Jea<«n Wes60. me2 22< h s29 1,92 .1a,k G..Id 95< 221h- g.od oge, 2ra Ga 3<92 4 2 (Aher9221 goocd9,î trpe rnpLf«9,a 55EONESDAv NITES Lades' ihhiale, Helena De<1euw 283; ladne 9< tripln, Berib 20ther <9<9 singl<s, 91... Tlodni 72 2 9111. P<2299«40 229. Barh Tu9. .29 Moir 9121 2, Shirley Hall 220. 029<199let! trip e, Helena llezfn2n &12 sh Ir ey Hal 630. Cl<992 for 2<, Busn11's 1 5 , 2.92 m 1 2 fr 2 2Sany's 5fo 5 a Ly.d s2 for 79 M299rw 929 129, 2 k King 786. 2922929992Uga 92929.299k9<2Arthur 22229.199,92l mp,<î 99992 9999 783, ,.k 1'd2 w22, 0 forh6. Jet 7 fo h1,o 99 <9 99, 92. 2<91919<, la22 92 y 29 for Si2<4 11. C IVE MTOYOTA L9222 l CELICA 4 LAIS AND1600 ccMODELS *IMMEDIATE DELIVERY* ON MOST MODELS IF YOU HURRY 878-4305 826-2931 County nursing Halton Coasty Coascit rnay talle <ver hesllh <are and super- vision of the 14 attendansn lon HalIon's secondary schuosl, but under their oses tennis. Halton County Board of Education Mis askeci cuncd 10 consider taking over tse fumcton. Dabville Dcputy Reeve Harry Barrett cauthoned counicil aMut amsuming respossihility eiBhout hcing reîrnbursed. He totd rncrbers of the cornmusity services cornritlee Tbursday Bha< the coonty sbouild mil a servire to Bhe Moard, raller Bma talong il over and assuodsg Inrreascd camsi in the future. Arton Depoty Reeve Pal MrKencîe, <bu is principal of as ec1crmntary school in Acton, predictadi Ibat publie oplinn oould dcmusdmore nurses inoBe orbool. He sid Bherc arc 14 nreinschrnis now, mnd Bhat number shoold reach 30 witbm «<o years. North~ Halon Association for Bhe Meblaflly Retarded betd its msnual mneetlog lo Bhe Tinkbent Nursery'Schrnteoorn, Horshy, as Jan. 3. Th1e 1971 Cornoilttee Chairmen gave their ynarly reporta. Thse Bansime School principal and worbsbop direcîne gave a summalios <f Ihele yeor'u artaevemensanod Bhe Nursery Schnol direclar repnrled favorable peogreno uof Bhe pre- <chusl childes, <ime lise upenog of Bhe narsery Mn Septemhee. Eleclios of officirfor 197t2 wauMhldoandBte 1972 eseestive lo as futtusn: PasI presidesl, Rotph Raclas. Georgetowns, president, Wrn. freuhy, Georgetowen, firnl vice- president, Mru. Joyce Bartun, Georgetowns, second vice- peesideul Jake Kuibes, Actas, treasotrer, Mes. Ruth Mitchell, Georgetown, recordisg secrnlary, Mes. Joan Hunt, Milton, correupndlog secretary, Mes. Shirtey Dr<ffilhs, Georgetown. Name rammlsttees Cnmrnillee chaiernen are: Adult Services, Wrn. Tresby, Georgetowen, Residential, Leu Virus, Miltos, Finance. Mes. Joyce Barîn Georgetowns, Campaigs, Jake Kuiben, Actas, Home Care, Men. Edilb Davis, SELECTRICITY SIs Our Business FEATHERSIONE S ELECTRIC 878-6378 Miltoas, Norsery, Mes. Jase Reesey, Georgetowns, Poblicily, Mrs. Verna Canon, Milton, Recreation, Keith McKesnie, Arlon, Reseach, Mrs. Luritte Virus, Milton, Membership, Mro. PatlDarton, Actnn, Progran 1Dm Baardolf, Mtillas, Bouetin Mes. Dansa Mugfnrd, Miltan, Hlsorias, Met. Edno Damce, Milton. L tIe o Ilr M U Preoldesta ae cts te.Jie Casry, MititnMes. Olive Nve. Iegean, Mes. Peggy Treahy. At the ronrlusion of the election a osne and cheese party was Il tlites many yeomn le alli u a forent. Donni let fie eMacil duns in minutes. FROZEN FOODS BATýRegON3c Roll Sp a Sansh<ne "Fancyl, TISSUE L~~ Mai Facelle Royale Man Size la Bron-Re. 35c tin FACIAL Rq n Fillot of B c TI EsmaSSUE <" '9c5K9 Maok.rmI 5 9 Brao-Reg. 29c 14< oz fn Uni -Re. 2 fins 39c PLUN PEELED«.99, TOMATO B TOMATIES PASTE s'n; 7 99 AYLMERReg. 21C bylmer Clnoice-Reg. 2 tins 45C Ipb PFS or ATU a2e45 c/ coRNo.: )S Canada Packers-5 IPlac P9it Canada Pn<kersCofSwf Poamoal Bacon Lb. Polish Sausago Lb mium ne Lazy Mille Mnallett Leat 6e5 en di~Lat SLIOEI SIE WIENERS RAISING RISS Pork Rocks BAO pa 49 PIg 59 Lb 2 Lbs 49e Plg 59~ PGRK LIVER 2 L.- 49o c CHUCK STEAK 75*eb Fo do Sweet Jasey Yelforipe Suoblot No. U.S.A Mexscin GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS ORANGES TOMAIGES 10 o851, LG. 3<99e, 25Lb. RNe1 Ont. Canda Fancy Bed liman Canada Fîtcy COOKINS ONIONS DELIGIGUS APPLES MacINTGSH APPLES 10 Bal59e S b 59e n Lb. Bag 49e I FE TO F Ij F R S R FT E R G TT I I UA N I AtVR1E kF AIOI S î 1S ()yFR I M R E r v . -.---~ GREEN PEAS Pof y 84< Reg. s5< 4 # Banquet CHICKEN, TURKEY Or BEEF PIES 0< oz. péril. Reg. 33c 4b...9

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