anises Jas, 26 - on st 10.20 nen, ea mas programn I isad oeranged Ies. J. C. Marsball Clancy. Ail more by Edgar Gsest - aIt Cout, A nSmile Se Swift Thle Day. gave tise cioslog Slcisas luncs eas S. R. Marshall. A ;odismavies hed tao- mornoe of Toronto daier aI <Seagis Cissicn on Jas. 16. eserutine directoi nl Denelopepne nurrisandisoors torches le Canada, asion mork, ami ie S pronines except 'Hin lait mas very ter tae lancismi nd Mes. Robsert tees Marsisall 15th irnrday mils ety aI iser mime, yong trindo longail, Koron MPaeo Bit Jishnsten, Lari Stesenson, -leatiser McKee, Sandra t)ebney, 1asd J. Bremnean, se Sataeday, iJan. 15. Ge seel Grt seti oises te Mrs. Margaret Lambsert misa has bers a patient in Oatiîte Hospitat. Mrs. Wittiam Hamitton who sas been a paisent in Milton and District Hospital tor seserot weeks is nase a resident of Hatan i2entesniat Masse. Mr. and Mes. Ades Bausan eand soss ai Etesira werr Ssnday oisitors withtshUe Cecit Pattersos iasaity. liirthssay greetints ta Mes. John Wîttmett, Martin Vasdeevatb, Miss Ana Rutst and iseenda Vivian. Me. and Mes. Tssy Breeke attended a bartsday party and iaier fsr Use latter's gndrisild, iSosan Vas teeket ot Aurora on Use iccasisn et ber esgtibU birUsday recenty. GIVE ~oistein breeders Iect new siate IlBy 11-ry J. Stomaley Barnismse R on Tisursday. Jas. 13, thse vitle;pesdn, Ji tnon Holstein Breeders met ie Georgetown; tient se ee Nertis Oaisilie Coemnsse.ty Ford, 1265 Bsrnlnt )entre, tlaoiy at 10:30 arn. tur Oakvilte; secondi hîi annuat meeting. Peesideet Bennett, Bertiognen; %neld Finsh auties the many tialpis Ford, Milttan, e .15sîtis ni Use latas clais Martyss Hes!ep, BerS, lurmng t97t ineladiog Ladies ilirecteeS mictode Bt *git, a bus trîplsteign Baelissgtn; J. (lare tetgjdigscismi, thse BuceisamUsorpe Rd., tank and White Sho0w and Use Russelt Hurcen, Cam lrni meetingi. Colin Marshtll, Mlt n oel Hmtp sale, agnt, McClure, Georgetose 6,peeted 117 head 51 Histele soid McDoeald, Georget r an average prie et $401.00. Macray, Actas; Je isis compare ta 233 iseadt tor an Gteorgetown; Harotd average et SM3.80 th1e previnas Milton; J00 Pelletier year. A toal of 32 membrs W. J. Pcood, 191 Bore nrlled witls4-H Holstenealvee Rd., Oakeitie; J. imit year -m etx iof hmore tirst Georgetown; Deonti yeae embers. Barliogtoo; Bectcarn Fresldent Peesent Herobti. Faces Reoceaentaives for lis Abner B. Mactio, pcesideet ot Nare, Geortetown tise Heisteos-Friesian Associaatioe Hotstein-Friesiae ti of Canada, was pcelont aiesg Je Seydec, t He wsUs nationat dureclaca, Eaci Etosea. OJesor, Bruce Reid and Homard e Ladtam. Ten otiler Holstein breoders, Ctaude Piciset, Haltes LowviIIe m ad Ctareece Eby ot Watecloo are enmot in li zonee an national directaro. Tise etectiona D e i lake place at Use annaa meeting S p c in Torontoeoe Wedoesday, Fois. 1t jattse Royal Yock Hetel. I one efthUe maey isses ta L1e a f fi scssed at Use asesat meeting d y f ii be Use suggestion Usai Use Hotsteie-Feieîsae Aînocition purpse o mil t mi and oUI C III prnvîsg issls. The Haitoe breder tuneddo Ibtis shu n b l fine isaods of Use fa mEI il) jprovncial and tederal Fettemieg a tunchseeeedisy Use B r.RSv iet o tise dicectses, srphes fyNn .Ss îsere peeseetedte thse wisners at flues past Sundaymw Ue Hlton Btak and Wite Sbow day fte F.0. Col a t Mitton Fair. A speciat Tiseir grandsent ertiticate of recognition mas oln, sn f presentad te Rase SegsmsrUs, an Celle wsg cstee f isneraey direrter ni tise Italiet tsnsarlese Holstein Club. Rose bas bers Presisytarn Cisur active in tbe Hatton ctsb, sisce fereGLwvearn t My 1937, servisg as a dîrertar uebil Gave arnet and LMi 1951, a national dirertne Omtit 1964 adtve Feolatdse nlsenisesweannational presideet, anElveauu;, andi bas bers an isnneraey Leevîlle Uitedt CE dirertar since tisat toue. busy place Sunsiat, Ouest speaker, mas Grant ta bore tbeir pirture Smitis et Burgessvitte, a Use Pirteriat Centrai iHoeian Breeder and ibrertar et tise Lenvitte-Zi tise Ontario Mitis Marketint rengregain sere ut Board. He discussedUste expert at Use aronged in business stating Usa te Unitedt pbetograpby. Chuî States ta ooe t negest rus lamer, *tiviy qWutres mar purrisasssg clone ta ose-bail sf se everyese mitt o ue experts. Meseoa nd Use tarseardîte ecessing jCaribisean arrount foe Congratultions tas Iapstseeinstetyeone-sluartar eack, munaty are sentateS wt naUo smatt percestage galet te BreUset an the biut IEurotse and Japas. Ho statad Usat daugistar Ketty. deman if d e nre ta retain eue ot t.emvîtte St. qaty eushaemare enses Anglican. Tise L.asvs Wisen a visiter tenes anetber attend and fIes. Wayn Iciuntry is visitisg ynar tare, b takîng part sne s IGrant Smnitis suggestad Usat me a.m. Inient ise rnurtees ansmer questions, present eue rattte preperly, pravîde estended pedigrees, and bave eue Durseg 197e, Cana Ibuildings, sarnendîngs and population exreeded cotse tankîng gned. be, ciîrens, tari Chonste fiers and germe. f Oirers and Dirertars risesen j ere as tettess-ettirers: past presîdent Arnotd Fisk, te53 W.A. retlects.. )r ta aborI. Discasa Ponley moere sens discussion os tise eredit peicy recenninendesi for Use purcisase of roses for s beif mmw-cati enleeprior. mhe bert producors prmaent sere nat le lavor ni Mhis ponery a s il nose p' stands. mhe forgîvaiste part ni Use boan neemesi 10 dram mant epposition, boseever, Use greup neemed te support tbe eretge govrnseent se uta efforta te mobe avaitaiste morie reabstic me sperual cesit ftee seres-cail opeentors. lg taueity. tee Wilkinson gave a briet tory Neit report on truckig catîte te tramt Mers and Use ment. He teveds trucbseg ed aI Knou oser brîegung ratIte in y rail ris. Guesta sentiaeing tess rinb et pinktog up e ceremony diseane ansi ne deat s eie as elle Ceing. taie i eentîven. Tise rosi et reue Haley, isppg by truckuand rail inthe entas andsainie iurcbmwas a Jas Wucbs, a repeentative tan. 16. Ail fromn UnitedtCo-op , Usen spoke. nkn seantnt fie steessesi leediot operators serluded in serd te study the sales amid ial bobk ot mekets and ta aseare ot pricon. mmserman fie rencoueagent the use ofthUe Use ekureis open market muîb more ses for Use comprîtuton ansi tbe rnis grnup eppartustuies oI iîgier market a*àc taktýâpis H fe Ibmn nsuwed an ta soing . neýfrlisetonIstîdes niffedlIeta tiseir book. se tbe mîi-esi Unitedi States. itise corn- Ose ediot be bad vinite in thUis ;an and Don ares ted 110,ii00 beasi. Il b o ethUer contaiet a staugister basse rigbt onUse site. He meninedUshatif seul b ised Mhis leediol sere stappueg caille George's outtforniauttisr ibere moutd be lle-Zsmeuer- tucr nemi-traîtr loasis per boue. insitad ta eîgbt boues e day, tire dope a eurinseili aiesk urevice atIl Garsî Speakser A detucîvon meut of bot roant tari ansi bot ruant pork as servnt. Tisere sere 1ie peuple served. Sa's pouttry 'lie gursi speaker for tise at- tee) milin teremen cas Joisn Wolfe trom eps, docks PailepOntario. fie us le tise belf flt busnesrs andi runs a case- d. Oak- onReid, Ice, Ciare barpe Rd., vire, Bilt serretarp, aies agent, ngten. i Bennett, Ford, t265i Oakviflo; Iptalinitte; os; Beuce s; Gordes sme; Kee ft Nurse, Patteron, in, Milles; bamUsorpo C. Reid, aSinclair, iStewart: Safty o ierre Joli mnd lise etdmmn ta risorl SI., il By Hagis Cooks Thse iannot meeting ai the Hottes-yenl Sert turadceen 5500 heidson Tsday,Jan. 13m Uste Fretl Jnior Former Bilding in Bramptan. mhe meeting mas betd in nnnjanctisn mîtis the Fretl Farm Weeb. Thne Hotîn-Peel Park Peoducers sere isvitad te attend. Tam Jackson, Use Haltos ami Port Ceunty Dîreetar n Use Ontario Bort Impenvement Association, gave an Outllis ot tse mnrb bing dtip by tise Ontario Bref lmprnvessent Asociation. He menline Use mors done isy Use Otaris Beef Imprevement Asociatin wsen ta. esore tisaI ieet peodurers seilitaegiven a sata n seeUereor sut Bilt C-t176 nsoutd ise imptementrd. .ThseOntario Bref tesseevemest Asociation statepmg ta spnsor researchs ut Use University of Guetph on tlltiand cnf soues. Il mas drawn ta Use attentison ot Use genup Usat tare la sema vaccine tor IBR avadlabte in Use forro et a muetl spray, tor use on preguent cottiserd. Me. Wole spobe very highlyof ii efoiîî as a foagor befctle laee iiisct bin posture or as boy. PesturingUshree sternper acre an tretaîl and timetisy, be producres 00pnunds ofbeertper arre et the rani et 7.4 rens par pond sU guis. By strict panture management and rotation grazing bie estimutes bie cmn pendure 50 pnds mare iscot per Mr. Wolte dees set innente for t.B.R. He tees oSt ratIte bave mome fte et .B.R. but nti Use nuises are put tesder a stress il miSl set merîossy atfect Usrm. Treal for moreon AS] ratsrs breugbt inta bits tedtt are treatet tar seanms ants tramisul, cnsecutatrd fer bturbtrg, branded, drbeened, re. He mses Remnet ltnetan) in verticaltbaorrubtars tekeepicer Obituary Art hur Whtet vîsîling tise home ai bis natter in Severn Bridge, sese Drittia, ArUsur Charles Course in tas 77Us yrar. passed ecay suddenty an Jan . 7, t972. Me. Ceurse moved cut its oaife ta Strertsvill rtte tUeir isome an Use EîgbUs LUne aout tsen yrars aga. He issurvived by lsseife Ruth, daugistees Evetyn I Mes. K. iStever î, Streeinvîtte, Daretby iMes. J. B. Wallare), Merws U.iSS.R. and a son, Dieti et Horniso. Hie is aise survuvesi iy sîsters Cs i (Mes. Wîtdman) i oe Streonvite and Lys i Mm. Jerk Johnson) ofSeverniBridge and by o beetiser ltad ai Vancouvr and by rune grandciddrev. Tise lunerot Service was isetd et St. Stepbrn's Anglican Csuecin s Hurnby an Tuendas, Jas. tt. mhe gev. J. E. Maxwell conductad Use service wiUsînterment foloseîng at St. Stepben's Cemetery. mi~~semina AN EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT OF 5% US UN EFFECT UP TO FEB. 299 1912 *W. now have a supply of 1912 hybrid corn reports ___________- FARI FERTILIZER W. are agents for 0.IL. fertilizers. Do jeu have vacant space in jour barn or shed? If jou have now is the titill to save money on jour fertilizer purchases. FEBRUAIT PELIVERY DISOUNT 13.00 PER TON MAR01 DERIVENT DISCOUNT 12.00 PER TON WE STOCK A FULL LUNE 0F MASTER FEEDS Store & Wareooso Hoars-Opea Tii s p.s. Mon.-Pri., Sat, Till 12 Noos Ebenezer U.C.W. le new off i Annuel meeting Beef producers discuss pollcy, reports, speech The Chsasmpion, Miltes, Ont., Wednes., Jonuory 19, 197281 Eaony; Assistant Organinl: Mes Murray Fatt ; Pees. Mes. I ects Me L.ean , secrelacy-treassre laros Simpson; istsariaes, Mcl. cers Tehsessrellnh assisted bs Mes. Harmard and By Mrs. Ron MeLean Tseenty tadies enîaped tise U.CW. annuel pet-tank tuncbeon meeting Mes. Word iiprvrd the ithoghiiforihe- liay Mis Java ilica picarviesi Use slate ai vtiicvcs for 1972, as taileain, pont presîdent Mes. Joss; presîdeni Mes. Word, tient vîre-presdent Mes. H. Weîdeman, second vire-president Mes. Gevrge Hemer, serretary Mes. M. Hayaiard, treasarer Mes. styts, pregrues risairmmn Mev. D. Janv, mamnse risairmn Mes.- Oîemend, neminating rhiaresan Mes. J. Henry, Cthristian and ssienuey edurotien Mes. BltU, Gned riseer serretary Mes. Henry, supptti serretary Mes. Diamend press necretary Mes. MrLean, auditar Mes. Aisred StîSl, pimnt Mes. Eartp. Rev. Fsetey instaiei Use sew ettirers. Mes. K. Moore gave tise inaciai repart. Ttse roll catt nos tettvnved isv tison ynu notes tram sonnevoftie wheiaitudreeived Chisitmas isoxes, t2 et misics anere sent ot .Tise Study Park tue 1972 is vs Africa. Par tise Marris rati cati, flmnetetta ttsings for saisies, drens iengts, senties and tbread, emisrsîdery rutten o ig is ,and flica in cbc anîd in the eaebl s wt uln o One point he treesed for abet entarpeise taise profitablte wse keepsoversead on tow as passible. lise etectien ef Dirertors fer 1972 wsea ai toitomnu roanty dieectar ns Tam Jacksoin and Use atternate ns But1 Sheard. Ontario sert Improvement Asociiation votmng detegatas are Keith MonkmanHarry Bell, Met ArmestrongAllan Cook and BuSl 1.9neard. Diîrertars are Atlbion, Jack Wrigst and Mersvtanin; Catedon , Mers Robinson and item tebaurmun; Cbinqssrnssy. BM seard ansi Keila Mnbran; Teronto Gare, Horry Brll ami Lawerence Fines; MissIssouge, Jao Juhnson and Ais Meride; Haltn, Allin Cook , Bi Aliimn, Bris Meeey, Le Wilkinson and Bois McDenatd. Ce Course Petiberers sere Fraib Creselard. Des Ceusetard, Ken Seabrigbt, Harold Motisess, Etaus iStever ansi Bruce Wrsterbueg. WINTER JACKETS OVERCOATS & TOPCOATS 1_331/3% OFF Pullover & Cardigan SWEATERS 25% OFF SU UTS AND 00-ORDINATES FROM OUR FALL RANGE 15% ta 25% OFF TAILOREO TO MEASIJRE 20%7 OFF Store Hours - Mon., Tues., Wed., Sot. 9.- 6, Thurs., Fri. 9 - 9 V"« 5;«ý/ MEN'S WEAR. 202 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4472 mIttas bandages foe tepers are ta Mes. Jvss tae benugisl. Ebener anma vete Prepare prngramn plaved fvr Juan 1e .Mr Yun andiîiiî MrAI H. Hei pragrann. Mes J. Deisîcue reod SwV iii Use scvîpture tram Mats. 1v 10- 20. Mes. Heint gave a readîng, Tise Weeid in Mine". Mes. resumes Young read apaperReigin& Exlend sympaisy A J anunry experti Sinrere sympaUsy is estened sseîiming foe rildre ta Me. and Mes. J. Rg Barret in Saturday aternnansatUshei Use sudden pasning et tiseir baby pooi et 050, resusses daugistar. Soturday. Miltn Rere Me. and Mes, Haynnard sere in Cemmitter snied the Michigan user thse seeekrnd sssim sessionon Jan. 8usnd attending Use marerai of anuOncte reaonaktynsuccessui. a o hrs.~ aDu m attandrd. otiaspn Congratultions te Committer fiii o CaUserine (Nareissi Fettes, uttnof enere e Atmx an tse iUsf am titis. 3 oz- comodatd ateone time The daugister, Hetty Marie. Session tests trant 2 ta 4 pu. Mr.mad Mes. Ras MeLen sonmemap wmt tacomeuti attendedtise ~ ~ t tuea tMs .tavoid aiting iftUses H aîtee nh Putenneo s.W titîd up attse 2 p.m. nt H. Wite inPalerson. toue. Admsissio is 2ccn Cisoir meeting Thse Usird vessieswil Ftamierea chiraldUsheie anssil Saturday, Jas. 29. Auner merting aI Use basse ot Joisn ami rerreatîn conueitter et Audrey Kitcising, tise chisor tender naît decide nisetiser tises andnrgamnt respntvely. The berti satient sntee samne ettîners as tant peur are te continue tise iSecueday carry an. Assistant Leader: Mes, Sessions througsnut tisei OFFERING SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON THE PURCHASE 0F MADE-TO-MEASURE AND READY-TO-WEAR SUITS HOUSE 0F HOBBERLIN MADE TO MEASURE SALE « 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE OR ETRA TROUSERS Speciol Clearance On MENS SPORT SLACKS Flannel Worsteds je many shades and colors 20%OF LONG SLEEVE SPORT AND DRESS SIRTS i/p ~ 1/30OFF See our 1/2 price counter 2of outstondlng values ALTERATIONS EXTRAON s/ PRICE MERCHANDISE Country, Mort Rockwood ,i. EE. Acton MQINMENT FOR FARM LAWN - GARDEN - RECREATION -Sales -Service -Parts -Repairs 3 miles Went of Actas On Hwy. No 7 Phono 519-856-4712 SEED CORK SPECIAL orders for ... ASGROW UNITED HYBRID SEED CORN -I -JJrlo Coulson recentp reteed atler t8 e r ut P. L. Robertaso i Manoîaniiorung Ca. lad. Multan Hue retîrement mus unnoacesdin Panorama, tise compenp' magazise. J. R. Curle 0. OPTOMETRISI BURLINGTON MAIL TELEPHONE 632-7788 muent, tis aties finIt it mais n 116 nt eut M. but .artcng Usat, e ban wnter.