84 Ths Chasmpion, Milton, Ont., Wednau., Jnary 19, 1972 WINNERS OF THE CLUB bouapset ai the Milton Cureing Club reresily arasa rni skipped hy Anme Ptstamy. She lu sisasn in the frunt ait eiad mates, Jaise Arnold, Grave Duncan and Anus Evas standing telunsi tise stop.-<(Staff Photou) Six rinks play in club bons pie! A ladies' in-caub isospiet sets team memisees Etesuor Besuet, betdi Weduesday St the Milton Dlui tsehbause sud Florence Curling Clubseitb six emtstaup Bell part. Gne game aimner as Paggy Higs tea gane mmcce af the Jobustau's club aile mambues day assa rush shipped isy Aune Joyce Roatey, Etata Gliare aud Pstemy aits JO-Anse Arnold as Caratyn Mcflamett. vice, GrscDsussecond and Soaconveners Rasy Childs Auna Evsus s lisdi. sud Hasat Ried sud this c ais Second prise seent tai a rushk suttea served a detiisa luch sipped isy Evetys Nadatin aile iseleacu garnes. Cancer Unit appoints new patient service chairman Bruce C. MseNais asureturnad medîcal sapplies vastbe pîciasi s presidentbubth ltnnsd sp frna bier at Dr. R. A. Disteict Unit, Csuadisn Cancer isashy'soffiermtt1a.m.to 5 Society, at tise geo usiat p.s. Aaty. meeing an Jsu. Il aI ttc tases Pap tesle hall. Tise Unit is reveivasi mauy Mes. Durean Bilt is saeeisry, lactsfo susîssar pap test Mes. Marj Moseray clsncand plasare blug mde teansportstion shisaman, Mes. J. o isolA osa in the muar futue. MeCareos chaiesoan ut sisitaian Mes. MeCarron sud Mes. sud Mru. A. Hall presa reporter. Moseiray repared thtet aithc Aller msny yesrs nf volutear rsn tie hr ae o servive, Mes. Halles Straus tes peattm ieascs retîre trus lue ilice aents la bu vsuitasi and su retredfrm roficeasp altie n tis raeqauir iung chairmant nf sursices ta patienta, teansportation. Bat valunîae sud memburs anprrssed tiseir drivers are saadad iu tise aplreiaisnlortheeuorhsibas Caepisettvilta, Hurnisy and damc Mes. Mary Bell cas nmcd Palarmu arlsansd suyua ait s ta replae Mes. Strain sud car aisu van gîve s le isaurs oI taie lune ns aslsed tai contact ,i Mes. Moeisray a1 070-2382 for SmnaiI ff c ither dats. Ptans aura mada e asutter ~ meeiug on Fais 7,s1t7.30 p.m. lu is uetrym2u the tasen hall. A smstl supping office aitah r ai o the Star Steel Ltd. bulding un thse Ttrd LUne, Miltn G V taies abuant compleluly daslrnyad isy bure Friday nîgisl, repurts Fie Chi f A.E. Clament. Thecauseof I I I lise lira and the amoun oI ttc damnage sasa nisese nul musas aI press lune. A lac isurs sitar the Star THEeat lira, the lire depseunent s OFa F salled lu the resîdense aI Glus Camupbell a1 4563 Fsartb Sidaessd. Burlingtan a1 1201 a.m. Salaeday marning tu duse ,RR D Y a simaili cmney lie. Tise lire siieeportsvery ille damage ws causud Jan 20 -Yungsleen are usng thtce se LgonHl sarIsse un the miii pond ait 0 0r6319. vealenisl parkhslsvsdsiy . Mrs& H. Coulson returned Ontario Dawy Princess -- UA ~ M A5tells W..abu travels os presiUcflt oT uuLW Tte Jsusy gesersi aeestise of St. Pestai United Ctsrcs Woaueu startad offseitt s pst tact suppar. Tables seere ail aerasged sud tstelty desarated, wbus 32 mensiers sal t ve luw enjvy lellvuAup luguher. t'eu uhort souirastmng uhîts made su itereuhuag upeuîug. Fieut oua demomitrated buse, a group planing a social asasi mun leuisk ut si atter ttiuas lest do sut hetp, sud as the timssa sttstied bave uattîug se- romptisted. Tise s!cuud use fattuseed s defisita ptsu, tegisutug seitt a prayer. ucriptare, miutes rad sud adoptad, en the leader read the pp asnsd tauctis af le Uitd trch Wsmeu, resebluf tiseir guet. Assa reparte As thtitsshe anauel meeing, Mes. Harold Coutsu, prasidasi for tee second yaar,' catled for te fait repart of the yesr's seort lrsm the serretary, Mes. E. W. Fauter. Ttas wsea as asciig sud anspiu coasptiuig of sciuet sccsmpisbsests. Ttc 197t yearty treasuer's repart sud resdiag of severat apprecistiva letters roas le buitdlug foud, Fred Victor Mission, Overseas Reli Stinaisa., Steeat Hassas and oitees, sies gises by Mes. H. R. Mages. Mes. James Hottas reparted su Suppty, coverluf tt seurtetup meetiugs, seudlug 32 quilt sud goad msettle second baud ctling en buttes tai Toronto Norsesy Hiouse, tapera thes tsestly, matiug csverstts sud titeis lte pre-uctosi reisrded etildeen, as the quantities ut fise tuii weaufr ail seau. Mes. Hajsuc glave sune interrsting otes of thauhu front thrse places. Coming escale Business items seere maiensucnd, sart s itlug aisesn makiug raflas aller the mornlug servireand aulesetaluf ttc ue trasurar toi psy ail ustasdiug bais. Tbuu imotasrit annuuca- meule seere St. Paut's United (barris anuela cougreatissat -meetlug Wcdsday, Jas. t9, at8 pas.; the enarive ai Halta PIessylersa U.S.C. meeta ai itpplesy United (barris, Jsu. 24; lUmm sttenabug are ta trug lsunch; the anuelu Presisytertat U.C.W. ta te ted ai Csutsittal United Cbarch, Fat. 24. siartiaf at 9:30 sm., ysar detagatas seul te appalutcd for leis meeting. Mes. H. Catuls, presidasi, msvitad the geseral asecatise toi ber boise us Satscday, Jan. 22, to tarmuistu pias for the esastug year. Tise slfioers of St. Paut's Uuited Cisurcs Womeu acre tautslled lit ttc muraiug service, Jan. t6 isy Ras. Ctertes A. Haluer. Neeftirera Uit teaders arc Mes. T. Hateblusus, Uit t; Mes. J. Wriggtcesrtb. Uit 3; sud Mes. K.Fay, Unit4. Atleader ils tob named tister for Uit 2. Officers lue 1972 are: Houary peuides, Mita M. Huma, Mes. Haiser; pai presidasi, Mes A. Ceiras; presideut, Mes. H. Cautas; lirait vice prasidesi, Mes. J. Gilbert; second vive presideat, Mru. C. Thoson; ecurdisg sesrelary, ,Mes R. Cule; assistant svcretaey, Mes. S. Lave; coreespaudiug secetary Mes. G. Thomas; tressurer, Mes. R. Lasece. Citiaemthip sud sociat acion, Mes. Wiffiam Mates; cmmuuiiy frieudshap, sud visitisti, Mes. Reith Fay; ssppty sud sociat assistance, Mes. ,1. Hutases; Christian sud missiusary edusatisu, Mes. C. Ttumsun. Finanre, Mes. T. Hutchisma; Steadstip sand vocaiun, Mes. A. P. Gattssay; numiations, Mes. H. Coduin; press sud patticiiy, Mes. F. Harbttte; literature sud comunicaious, Mes. J. Mceactie; mambar- stap, Mes. D. Grass; ftssees, Mes. M. Ladeits; manse, Mes. J. Veenstra, Mes. Gveasd; ut- sereer, Mes. J. Purdy. The lessars meeting ut HrtWumeuu usitute sets ai lie oasea Mers. M. J. Brases, Miton seul 1.5 ssesstrs and Mix siiur rsant. Mes. Vita. Metsu, Presideat upenad the meeinug ittsapoem. Tteroll cati My Pet Eeuuumy, wau anuered liv ail preueut. The inutales ofthse Iast meeting cure readby Mru. L. Sampsu. Casrrcspusdesce suesisted f ula lisan yu Iruas Eteanur asd Gladys Ssults, 4-H Queas sud Princesu for 1970 sud 1971, foe gilts received frum W.1: A Ctristsas cerd fruta tise grup's sposred chitd ta Hong Kuong; a rareiptfrum the Salvatios Aesuy; s noice ai tisa nae 4-H Tratlnhssg Seteut ut Liguy Schomi; atmo s Foud Forum lu St. Paul's Uitedi Cssrch Miltun, Jeu. 12 au 1$1 seueth uf moetat". Outario Fruitsa WlI. sumsusry dy ciii te hotà as Fat. 1. Mes. J. licCarrun uflered tu tesa represtealatise ta the 75tls suuisersary celeallos lu tisa Rayai York Hotel sud tee seay lu ta bu patd by the traset. il eau decideit ta traser $M0 Elizabeth ry Societ seeks members here Loae seoman ittresiad lu tta ai bu fiel ai te Brampten Bhsasidsitce usdbe gted tafivc seochoîthe ElizabthFry Sorciy *Y", 248 McMurcsy Si. S., taniser informsation tai anymae sud enîsutese surin l ara jais Brampion, slerttag aI 8i pis. luterasted, df itcy cati taerai 878- ara luvitad lu attend a meatiug aI Mcs. Waed Brosesridge ut 673a. tisa Brampouuctaptar itis dsisgrasa, s trmblr uf te 'lbarsdsy asestau. lus. 20 ta Bramptou shaptar, experts te Brampton. groapus aork adfi acrasa atas A dairy ruse prodaelug t1,00t Jsdge W.D0. Augasi, a te naew Maptaisarni raglousi psundsof ul alis a yesr (abuti proncnialcourt jadga, willspeah dateulsun ventre upens lu Milton 5,1.00 qas) canumes au un ahy sitiseus stuid teoesm ansd lis sntacestcd lu gatiuf mureavserage aI 45 tans o ul l-8 tans isvaied lu ssistig tisa criminel comen Icuas ibis area active lu aI laad sud 37 iss aI ater. mauri praradara. Tisa meetinsg e assariatiau's satasiver aorh. Tisais 247 pasada a dsy. NOW I I iIm . AVAILABLE Now you can start the Young Readers Nature Library for just 9C Here's a colorfully illustrated, authoritative sreofthe wonders of the natural worid. It has been written, designed and edited to stimulate children's imaginations. The Ed- itors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS have adapted this new series from the famous LIFE NA- TURE LIBRARY. The same naturalists who helped write the original series hava con- tributed their talents in preparing this special childien's series. Start with THE BIRDS-you'll quickly find out what an ed. ucational springboard these books can be...L Get the first volumne for only 99c fTHE BIRDS aees thea nhla feaîheitd oiA, nith closeasyn ai everthin tha 1051is aso tst avalionesas sas go issknards, andtsusp tht ave disppacd. THE SEA TEEART H EVOLUTION THE UNIVERSE ANIMAL TH4E REPTILES M" iv vas"si BEHAVIOR sntsc, ie n the --5 - il Wh d.5 t ,y d sot a la .. ut If e u 1 . thVsu, ta.- ah.tcyas g.vv, sg. 555 e mu vae ad? H-v cati. i ak ssvc s standasiadi -d m-isasavî pectsshare ttc assest u,, st ssî 6.000 d e -h ikse has aid thea, kdi. -sessly Sa. v estnî us pat. saled n teisbok TH1E FISSES F esas fcsý 55, ,saesofthewcuvS, shvc.t9nh t. u THIEMAM MALS THE DESERT ae thsons g the suser sciasses, stili bea-4ia ls nspecia;lnta nsetothe 13n avtpî if, i ton bie falsie ui;sisis ated Man s a5 vassal, ta ise. upSas ei: and so is a dwas tsaaes emape shsew that neihs tiead food leshnmr supin Y lu interest trami tise tbtilding tn toithse gasael tsudee""long M Uis dld nci elua ut tise acctan. Mes. -M. J. Brases, Home Feasnsesc eser, apassed tisa prugreal with s slssg smng selle Mes. E. Mayaithe pisa. Mes. H. O'Conuor gave the Motta "lse mau buîlds a hume but tse esmuan buitAs tise home." Miss Naucy Browu frot, Grsund Valley, ithe 1971-72 Ontario Dairy Pelurasu represseuting Dallaris Couuy agèlasi 40 star contestants toits the guasi speaker. Ste acie attends the University of Waterlo. Ste tedl ted s trip uvarsas, ted tamn lu Wisconsin, ted tees is the Ansuel Meeting lu the Rayal York, ted tripa stil ptaused ta Nurteru Outaria, tied radia interviees sud as officiai tdsstograpt taises fue pstliciy. tasy prizs Members sette itd the cumpatîtisu prucadura uacasssry ta beconmea miroselr luctudes as intervieseseitb jdgas, as acddrass fisse, s couple of Impromptu qtuestiinsand milig a cuse. Ste I!1F4 EAIlLY MAN THEPRIMATES "Esîlu sas' uses Tic guSill...ýj vasesi un"e n his1 o ankineac srm mias asie it. th eur,5les e riîrsa the wor .pa ut 70 ailso iin.. d Cl,. 555r ag o h mon- a. o BOOKS tedt recalivad s teautl âinlere tes services, s eattred iSeottars msu asduaeros stahr gifla. laufaete seils racipas Intir yagaet, choisie,assw ceeam, blendr mlt-makels tste gies ul. tise Il as watt o na ty ltse teatesa. A esestas eutted tw Mes. M. J. Braown. Lusnct fullowed prusided ty Mes C Paitersun and Meu. M. Brase. WOMEN CAM CIVE BLOSI TNO Ladies sets cen sportas hasl tsar la Ulve blaad as JAN. 20 are argsd te attend the seal Mayar's Challenge Cllalc ln mhe Lestas Hall, 1ste eus0 Ps.. and .tul 9 e. FOR FIEE TAXI Froua Anysehere la Milles Oasly - Cail Asy Milton 1 Taxi tires Buy ana of aur Villa Fashions aethme regalar price and choose another of equal value for r1 lXç SHOP EARLY Sale Nose [L I LA iProgress 'LADIES' WEAR Monldey Taesdspy Wed. Thulsadeat. l. 51.m. Frida 10 le 9 p.se. 70 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-3813j M li Bu Jan luCi p a r an t ai Op te lt 4 i L 131ul)- _1ý%