Footioo50 in Europe Three days in dirty Istanbul Asdrew RaId af MUltaon bas fittie vegetalisai, Use eceptin bean travellng ia Enrope and being amaut abeuao and grasses. Great Brifais and Use fsllswlsg lu Frise Alexndfrspals we tnt f the fnrlofbtus articles onbis earlyinte orning, hoping to traveto. reach Istanbol by nightfatt. Sethsg out froin Tbeonatosfkf, Driring tftroogh Turkey, se Grce eaeîy ose snorning, me merc inferested in Use Tucks' s drose east tomants Istanbul, apparent dinregard for their Turhny. Censsing nortbern animis. Dead dogs, sbeep ami llreece t,, Use border fan of eeen dnnkey boy on Use nide of Use Alenandîropal us. me panned road wbore tbey bod been bit fit Uscougli mainty Pasture ameas, passig nebuirtesor baed died fromt Use main occupation of Use people oeerssorb, taisg sbeepberding. Tbe land Saaaggp City itantf ins very barren, witb vert' Appraebing Istanbul Ibat esenen me saw in Use distance, Use City, bsrely discernable beneath a Cloud of blacki baze. Affer three dayn in tfhe city me reafizd thafthe dense smogswe saw on entrng non permuanuent tenture of Istanbul. Arriisg inlthe Cityinenere îmmedîatety etrack fly the incredihie traffic situatinn. Cars, mosttp tanis, mere jaminnd op enerywhere, moving nery stnmtp, Useir deivers apparentfp retying on nerse and fack ta annid ac- cidents asUshere were virtually no THE SHEEPHERDERS of Greece are s lun tour nf neyeraI Escopeas cousnres, by colorful niefit snd Andrew Rufi esnunftered van. -haoby Asdrew Ruhl) masy uft dem by Use roaduide an Ion cistinued Milton District HighliSchooI Smoking hall controversy By John F. btelwraith Jr. A long lime isue for mant' ut fthe sI adents at M.D.H.S. fias bon Use nemi for a "Sisokers' Rouin" for Uhse inho mont, Pressousty smoking mas otfoined oulside, bot tis agomn con ron mie difficuttien one Use ssfd oaeatlier arrises, Me, Ziegel, the noce-principal asd ose of thle afdee "omingers" ai M.D.Ht.S. fis, for a fusie aI feasi. oppeared tae 'Lion" fly aftoming Use studenis lu sesohe btlieen Useoulside donro amiUse corridors of thleIlId"Tech"ining of Use scfl. Thue stodenta moisty fly Uses oin efforts fnrffler - soinmodoted themnelves milfi benches and a quiefly intaflished sond sysMem. Despiteal fthUe organinahions in Use moefd. prnflles mere boumi SMme parent got mmnd of a remari Usai fier 'Jobosy" fad MLensen smoking ai Use bigfl scbonf. The profltem' Jonny mas onty 14. The principal mas inevitafly eaulgft tIneen crusofire of Use studento and the parents te boUs ot sbom fie in renpnmifle. Snlutin? fJnly studenta 16 years ut age or over mere attnmed t0 use smofing hall. Cflecfling mîtb the police, and wnthlae cmnoperation of Chief Rap Andreso, t bound Use foftomisg stated in an edihion of Use revsisedi stanotes of ontarso. In Chopter 276, page 797, tîshid under Use "Minors Protection Acf"., if stes Usat no ose under ifle age of tSîsatowed ta purchase or use sinoke> cigarettes, sîgars or takacco i &Dy foune. Oaldated? ta this tam hy asy chance ootdated? Is smoking a malter of perssat conascience or legat etîgifitsty? Altflougb t don't mondone smokimng, 1 must note. and t standit bet corrected)thUaI a smoking hall is another firot for Miltonn, ami aUf of Hatton Coasty. M.D.H.S. studest councif mitI ta seltisg peppermint palles te 1 TICKLE BOX' bylTedlTrogdo L "ia' rned tohiey." : Spaasared by Milton Recreafîsa Cammittee SATURDAYS JAN. 22 - 29 ONLY : * Between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. o autthea :Ontario School for The Deaf: indoor Pool (suid.g *Doars opena 1:45 pe. a a Admisnion Iimifed ta pool capacify. * * Tht sin senperttmental peogrann tedeterine * moirent. tt msahonnedlend JaurO. a : Admission at the door 25, aN fNAdance Tickets)f raine tonds for footbaff flleachern. Pepperint psttien. o ocanonal bousehofd fasurite mift btanold insour area sor! Soy a box and support yu Hîgh lieboot. "Maocbsfd" wiltrockhthetos'n of Milton on Priday mighf, Jan. 28. Doorn open att 8,hand taginsa- 8.0.Dontm in !B Tee M. M. Robinson Parents check up By Duma-Jaue Bycrs Gond asornisg' Wof, et'n start the seek'n coluio off isU Parents tdight. Cossmontp eerred te as "Tell and So' Night. We had a fastastîr tourenat of monootes and dad- dies, ail ehechîng op on thesr kiddîes. mhetaee thev brua 40 ner cent student or a 9f pee cent sfudent. Partftooof the toupart feau retis 'Isensdat Jan. 1fîshes parents mîtb smaines M-Z iove Ladies' sollephati bus upened lisseasun doors. Robinson nîsited Atdeshot for a triple header fibns week. 'tise sîîdgetn eoaehed hi' lusabte Mes. MeKîrgan fett t0 the tassi softeybatt fiogers of the opponition. The jasiors missai by UsaI ferossos Miss t imh., beganftheirmwinningsaays oîth a spîke here and a smash fhere. 'Tiseniurs, altUsogb tbey base a u'rf yoong teans. are beîng stoppai lutt shape Oy ose reader Mrs Gîi. They ton ceff the batttefietd victorieons 'The nex Vrafilenîgon andsno pnlice controt of any kindinan evident. Forfonatefy, me managed onthîn a fewm onuten, f0 finit a sosil, boff isithin mathino dsace of central Istanbul. rented rooms for abtis80fents a mughfeach. Frsm ose fîrst look at Use ctty ne mere impresned by the eastaen may of lire, mhich mas compfetety dîfferent frnm onything me had seen fiefore. Beggaen everymbere The streeta of Use city wr încredîhty dîrty; garbage cosered many of Usemt and fieggarn. maoy miUs tins or three ninaf chdldren squatting arnund Uscin, mere sitaatef at frequent inlercats affng Use sidematha. If mas sol uncsmmon to nen children fietineen tfhe ages offive ondt10carryingtlarge heavyoads untheir hachn. We wr parlicutarty intaresird in the faot Usai eseryone in the cify infi coufd afford it,drank ostphottled The main factor in giving Iutanbul the eanfers looh s ita hitoey.'Tse City,.forinerty knosn on Constantinople, han atmays het the dîsîdîng point hetineen east and ment, that is, betîseen Europe and Asia. Most Antan coustriesmwoatdsend their goodn via Constantinoplteothe i'iiet countries of northern Europe. 'ro us, ose of the mont întereslîng placesinlthe ctymwa Use Grand Banane, a fahyrinUs of nmafl I hopn sîtuated in Use renter of the mestern sîde of the City. Thtis markset dtspfayed a sariety of gouits froin the rant inctsding Pcrsîan rugs, bond paînted china and amîde sctection of suede and Icuther garments. Atmonl onylhîng imaginante sould be huid at unusually cheap prsces. Buck te Greece Anter three days in the city, me pached ouc ftangs and feff, heading hack lu Thessatonihi aiierss'raping off fthe thicli layer ot snot anîf oily grase t hat had tmrs dcsyositcd all aner the san utltee our short ntay in Istanbul. 'flic return triptThesalomhti mas unrsrntfuf and atter paasing for a day in thit City, mc continuerdnouth. hoping toreach Atcns in four dan n if %as travelling donfthe rani -Ds'atofireecsthatmrflourd the firt esidensu of suh tropical Se7shtain. Wr pasocîf through maso frein of citron fruit larmisgswherr trees merefsoadet adOh ocangcs, feinos and graperuit. Wr aino nain hondreds oftac'rcsofaoli'e grosnesen Upon reching Atlsenn se laord a tieapyouth hsfeflont hrlossthe assied Acropofis and nerynreur thercentre of thce City Wisfer banc Wc secs imsoediatcîy iiiyresnril hy the number ot ouong(Canaitian and Soirricas 5'.is'lles ose touontfio Athens. We rs'aliirif that Athens mu-. the %%ne aefrtav'rlling nsdesfsjst as Amtîserdamn haut mssn the tin centre sn thn' the'îoany snteresting hintorieuîl gaisns a haine treaf 'Thucndan tas 20 vs. tle Central Siones. Eses wilh thertrrifielay ut 'Kass" Jeff White, ou ior baskrtfîaff fran coufd nat pull a fi ve he rycn of Nesn h'ridav Jan. 7. Both the osnioss oith sreaft aorsfrom Rick fRuss and thes miforto er Astuatef by rallher fssg.' Co, .7 -d Pao, B6) School news Learn about hîgh school Grade eigbt students of Martis St. Schoat witt be acqiie first hand hnsu'fedge ot the arademie aspesss ut iigh sshoot. Tfse puv utlo Mistopn Distris'iHigh S Ih,) s lu s, lu.'. il î ius li desci be the grade sîne curriculums to the studentu and aossrany qestons they mighl hase, as a meeting ptannet f or fan. i9. Mr. Hanter and memhers ofhis staff df bie meeting with Use grade eîght students' parents, tn anwrany questios they nsght have about flîgb school lite on Jao. 2i. Thse meeting isî he hetd in the auditoriumnof thenschoolaut 7.30 pa. do athfetic assemhf y mas hetd at the schoo on Friday afternasn for Use psrpnse of amaeding physîcat fîtness awards to memflerssofthe studenthodymwho escefedi in tant year'n athtetie pcogram. A newsinging group hasheen horn in Milton. Memfsers of Use gr'ade cîght stans of H..ty Rosary Oshoof havr formed a junior folk grsup. The group han tentative plans for future publie engag'ements. A girls'hashethail match, Hstp ftosary s. Martin Sftreet mas field as the sehouf on Frîday af- fereru At the samne tisse Use Hiily ffosary boys' hashethail feuai journeyed f0 Martin Street fur a sumpetitise match. sighfu Athens bas f0 offer. Wrineresvery mach nterested ithe diffrent types of Greeh tond ne found. There mere many gaod, cheap restaurants inhere full sorafs coafd be had for abost 50 cents. One thing ne particularp onjoyed mas Use pnpular Greek "nousiaki", a dish inash fîhe North America's bsmhseger.Talsng a tem stahs of roasi heef lromi a large hsrbecsîsgnspît, the mal.ter ptascd thein on a pancahe-lîhe roll alongith onios, tomates and siostarf, then rofted the uu.ufliiiiation uy sf5o a cn oliapci snodwich shîch mas Aclîcîsus. 'ffsey could b:o ha'f fsr for about a dimc. Inexpinsine montes Du)ii oaur stay me ment f0 t1'ifcces lmost eviry eeing. i'opslar Amnirican and British fuisms ocrc runnssg rcgularfy and il o cr in Englsh muth Grrrk sub-tiflcs. Tfis prie ot admission wa las lefcnirh 35 cents. Frain Attiens se nîtl he s'ontssuiing afsng Use nsuthcrn Coas of Grecandfup the nent co, ouu'idcstinatioshring the porI t of gourntsa. The Cha "pios, Milto, Ont. Wndces., Janay f9, 1972 B3 White Oaks Why criticize school? Oy Ed Ford 'fie Wîtdcat hockey Main bon finafly toond ita mark as Usry troussai and lstally buiniliated Milton 10-3. The main could do n mrong as tkey, mercîtensly peppeed tke Milton goafie iU kfanîng obota. Big scores came [romn Scias Watson. AI Date and 'Coin Dîson. fise semior hashetbotf gaine sas onoîker malter, thoagb. 'Tkey mere defeated 5954f by Georgeton. The boys hase flees Usinking about graciousl y bomiiig out, but sho knomn, t bey may min a gaine pet. More hadt ns kit White Oako on Wednenday. M. M. Rohinson's o'reslng feuai somehow inanaged tesneak byus and in Use match ky a mere 3f pointa. 'lThe inrestferi soin go to a tourna- ment is Strertssttte, and hetter fochîis estendedioethein. Revoltl... Certain radical groups in Use ,.bont hase esn stsrrisg ap qoite a bit of trouble in Use pant fesi days. iisey claon thal WhitM Oahs usri by a heaurocrafîs, tatalitaeian, fascsnt orgasnation. 1 realfy question this, Where ese haut sn shool do you gel Use chasse f0 reaf fy do inhaf ysu ssant" There in a boge nefection of subjcts os shîch pou faite onty six. and qoste a tes of these shî .ects are intcerst sohîectsblke f bea tee arts or joornaf in. Ir. scboof yen con, if pou winh, tacome educated. The probteil Usai many people do not mîsh ta furiher Usesr fnsmfedge hut jnst go te schonf tacause Usey have t o. But ynu cas quît scbont affer yoo re 16, and fin sure your parents mafd junt as soos see pou morhîsg an manhing yoors anidother people's tine in scoo. lichoofmtaites yenreatine wbat a sompetîtine msrtd me tisein When you faif ansuoect you say you atinoif passedi if, but as yen bom -abioss" doensi malle if, and "atinost" getting a jobisn't goîng ta hefp you. Tblns tebo Anoaif er fJeann or0f schooltls Use entra-curricatr actinibien surfs Percy gives weather talk Wetf-knoms C0C nealtarmas Perey Sait nmas mîll be featured ia sein course ai Sheridan Cottege Brampton campus-- "Everyifiing Yeu Ainayn Wanted 'To Kno About Use ineather ami Were Afraîd ta Ask - Your LChnilrer." 'The nineflectures offtueohours eash mîlf ras from 8to 1f pi. Mondas nights, begîssîng Jas. 24. Oneof thensessionsimay take the form oftasssit toa seather officeý if pou are s inclined. Teachees nowadays are much moe nderstaoding than eser sad in ouse o mna hm 1 ah ere an guiasonse fh ors. body tohad Isoahe the radei o r gl dyahae In hra o Jaoo n .es 20ymr u no. te 0o s30 ai 9a sortM let your hair show its heauty Wr style, eut and set s our hi te bring out listu e t. Expert hair eolorisg, too. Cal Fashion Beau.ty Lounge 171 Mais Si. Phane 8959533 'I 'It ollng for parental malaria :orne out year. '.ST and Ltd. pariai n.R.os iroduots Of flookwl CHOSE NOW FROM TV - Hi-Fi - Stereo- Record Players - Radios - Tape Recorders - Humidifiers - SmaiI Appliances - Chord Organs - 8-Track Car Players - Speaker Systems - and Stereo Chairs Your dealer in Eloctrohome J and Sony fine producto RUTLEDGE TV 26C Main Stf Milton Paul Ratledg a87s.4633