v ) w bace hrought a e siite no closer thon ails. rangeviltosite porteil tise tisat ril a site in thse ares misile tIti-o i tacattans more ase ne i tise Artoni- etaun ares, anotisor rry antI yet anmuser Minuster Don ped Ontario esuld unis décision so liii ,wcoutld begin tise airport andI baffer taone tiat anspp opl ud woptnna tIse jet imible pollatin. oral members of tante ssggesteil tisat -ai andi proinia connot se niaise londs tise féderali ïhufll pick a site on ransport Minister Nangiston roisssed ta ta tise coutrncersy, 1 Isinteil tise matter n resalveil. OFFICERS OF Campbsell Loilgo, Bro. Motrice Beoilieail organist; Bt-o. Rick Caniphollville for 1972 are front row left ta Britan assistant socretary, Bec. George rigist Bro. Ted Jemsings junior warden; Wor. Pollettorio innter guard; Bt-o. Doce Ballenbne Bec. Lloyd Rasiserr imstaiting motai; W. Jr. stewa.,di; Bec. Atjton Portons Si-. steward; Bec. Don McMitan diroctar of céremonies; Bro. Wayne Taylor tle-; Bt-s. Chartes Bryont W. Bro. John Beadiseail Worshipfnt Master; cisoplain; Brc. Alex Moore troosurer; Bec. W. Bec. Don Simpson immédiate pont master; Len Andresws Si-. doacon. Abseont mas Bro. Bec. Ken McNahb Sr. scarden; W. Bo. Rass Becck Harrs junior deacon.--<Pots hy Jim Consort socretary;isack i-ow leit ta rigist W. Jenningsi Council gives ... <Conllnsed frocs Pna 1) con ment tee challenge, fie lsrmod sitaer tee town romni addrd. Secerol rouriillors met wite poang people tai heur praiseil tee pouls for tabla th teer romploont and seeorie initiatice ta start ssch a prnject. solutions, lollowing tise wild Qunstinneil fy Contcillni- colin Hallowe'en nigisi in Milton misen linodise about tee 3 arn. rtssing tee mopor mail tise RisI Act t1 on neebenls, président Porroît disperso o band of 200 youtla miso soil the youog people arr sut that ocre cousing propoi-ty damage inlate anyway, and df tere >la no tie a lstn ora. place lu gn teey widl ho iangig Arballenge ont la restauranta or on te let's sec if lise Young people tienta. iere oant in t970 andI s major pi-siecta, a orenIs andI a ai.- ent résidenceoti e lil reotei octine ot sunsnsr. Tise een idle for uta tms Constrution, a Osisama Wtmlesale, precont connoete les. al i- pplied for frues Esqoening mnci a tew es mnt tside Mtarage ai te tnt. No formol I oI tet plans mon esdop nf telhois e. -ion >atIm. He isopesto1i îsbip officina ocor oe o licence. salil, lisand bas r mottp yoart, long ildlag bp-tam mas s fleen o chsango ai-ont isotlmting st-up. Wfly mould SIos us up? tere ta a mach ntage of cors tean sirrico. But the uwesg, undi tiishs ai-o usrd 10 uting oi- the cluiris may se o podol for ismisulun cars teat .ely nlo purps isut Bf font actice uni lie Ontario llafety Auto Lot Font Manchsester misici tise pédalua; y s partictalarly seut rtîlf artiritla. ION SALES AL E 6.30 p.m. SOtai ANTIQUJES, CUJLTURAL HIALL 1 at her eidnc, wchring cosducted oniscaso; 2 round 2 Ccolonial coffro te piOlsi-es; otiser ahy cibi and mait- nr chont; rosker- 'iI i-obkr; 3 sed sets; 2 used l osi- tcepfeer, 20 cu. dbo; electiic desk touse solf -cloe cre; 2 humeidifiecs Il1 ceulsar snial ondi. ortomoens - Os ynisr, per- 1; large rots isrt- ys; wond planes; rack, atmo pot-focs .. 1,350 .. 1,195 1961 Chevelle, 2-door HOI., 4-speed 8-cyl., green, Lic 70233 ... 11,350 1961 Chevrolet sedan, 6 cyl. attomatic, Lic 70771 . . . 11,100 1967 Chevrolet Caprice, 4-door HDTP . P.S., P.B., P.W. 327 Auto., "Real Sharp" Lic. 80568 . . only $1,195 1967 Dodge, 4-door HDTP., P.S., P.B., radio, Lic [99317 ... '1,150 1967 Ford Galaxie, 8-cyl. convertible, Lic. L70749 . . . $1,195 1966 Mercury, 8-cyl. Station Wagon, Lic. X35417 . .. 11,175 1966 Meteor, 8-cyl., brootn, LI L70751 ... 1895 1965 Mustang, 6-cyl., std., burguody. Lic. 70772 1965 Cadillac, 2-door, 8-cyl., blue, Lic. 70747 1965 MG Midget 4-cyl,, red coupe, Lic. L70791 M ..'875 .. 1,275 . 575 RVVIYMORE TO OHOOSE FROU ON OUR LOT .... i RO lm New!i f ree choice OSSPrF Haton Président Tons tansoutarsings tald itas paper tas segauszotion ssppoeted the fcee cho ice of scisools systent adcyr,-t 1; hc h Hilton Colid9 Boacdof Eduaon cccîy and thc stipulations lthe board stituted. of schools Ho soid bis fédération recognizrd tee odcantages uf te ssto n ta llommng transfersto1 oter ames. Ho salit t s-anIS holp a yotingstrr ci,, wastcd ta stay aI his aid sciool, oese s-hon flis pai-enta mosod t ante zsone and in se cases isoundaries ame We are pleaseil ta annanc tisat George E. C. Jackson is nom onsociote ith iour fin os a Registerel Representative ~uIDaviduon &kempn 20 Jackson St. West, Hamilton 525-6320Milton &19-5910 525-6220Direct Liari jFederation supports ESQISIG 7&,tkiuCosui/ At tise reguler meeting Monday, Esqaesîng enunicit, -Roceiced a loBter fromn tise Haiton Oonty Sepai-ate Scisool Bsard asiig for copies of tawnship cooniti minutes, ta retaro, the board would tend liseir minutes. Coonicit issti-srted lise ciers to write tise bsoard and ailcise township minutes rsntaused nnly tare reférences ta, meetingn and ail the résolutions. -Appointed David R. Craig, R.R. 2, Actas, to tee townstap planning barid for tire prm, and Cosorjitor Dîcis Howitt ta te board for 1972, -hppointnd William R. Wilson ta tee Cossonster of Adjontonent for thee yeors. -Passed o resolutin strikine onrsllertoisle taxes of $3,014.73 andoanother of$30.62, frons te tas roIls. The anonînt arr totals of ancoilectahle taxes fri-se 1960 ta, 1071. -Receiced od fromt tise Departimont of Transport teot sahsidy moud ho pesd on tir fult amnoont ni $20090 for o rame-rt spannin g tee cirois at Lot 25, Con. 8 Ordinaeily tee suhsîdy only ers lise Ion tender nic nos $2,1010 in lise date. -Agi-ted in prsocijair to sou 0.14 acres toi tee oontp fromt te aid moi-ta yard in Stewai-taon loi- $2,000 alter hearing trorn Stephen Smoe, lond calsotor. 1969 Chevrolet 8-cyl., 4-door sedan, green, Lic. L70754 1968 Meteor,4-door sedan, green, Lic. L70746 sponsibte for noni- SOHOUTEN. ontioneec, 878-2576. SPECIAL OF THE WEEV 1968 Chevrolet, 4 door. 6 cyl., autornatic, lic. 462136 '1,195 The Champion, Miltn, O-t., Wednes., Januay 19, 1972 nat suitable ta, ail. tranafer. He said tisat reservation "'turatio ms the ony could precent soute taon tohtng disadoanag ta heutees, ho advantage of the progrant. .icrae. Th sor as agreed He said fie mas alto pleased ta, flot to procîde an spécial traits see the bsoard roconaider rutting portatios for those cboosîng to, supply teachers' pay. I amn ploasrd in annusce .ny association wiih D),vidsor & Compaîny Meesiers: Toronoa&Montentl& CanaitanStaock Exchange Comnplété iavesîment security sori-ces. Information: Lands. Stocks, Fonds, Portfolio & Pension Accouota. Irec Une Telephomo For Milton & District 639-5916