BIATHU DARDS 0F_7HANS OR SALE __ CLSIED R TS19 LEGAL ra DtSOE 17rdat arlnStte lak ate iitt SNOV/LOWER Telephane The Canadien 191 Main St. The Corporation of the il ot the arrivai ai Dionne Lotu Bitta nrivnd dorinp my stay oY Milto on 'Denemtter 22, 1971, ai lnd- Haspital. Sptolat tltanks ta' ATCMN87231 hapn MienOtra TOWN of BURLINGTON ni taeIw yea r' Mt trtaetioapita, Hamittoe, nei. Contons Manttay and Jonsn teGGEMtT -nrttoOo N. oatto t ghî 7 lia. i0Poz. Itirst gtoen"ild tarsnt atd taff. Fur 1000 POWERl HANDLE FtO AE OntR rt ETC - tanea us ,15 I THE MATER 0F Sectionme for 'Mr. entd 'Mns. Rd De Bcier c35-5198 -Mns. B. Chritonsnn 0 tntnno tno oO 443 ni Tihe Mutnipal At, R.1 and fit grnddaoghtnr for Mr. dn i o .wld Illo -h ot ,oto 0 93,Catr24 and 'Mns. James Birnie. 'Mr. and ttlrt. Colin Omiti 845-3701 1,tootttn o ot tot NWL-Mran r.Go re happy to anonon the final 9 tm- -6p.m. Wnkdot, CMf VN, ttontt-t..t loirt-oo tttooNtot; AND IN THE MATTEROF c[lin/ adpto tfohei coe d t1toa c35 aieg ad atappieg ap parto e rgt Nettveit let Richardton) ter, 'Mâfargat- Etîn INMgI AEORA 1à ls1,PPItdIl es.rhedaiioebycenedunopee i ti5 -Maie S. 'Milton are pina- tilr o i c nd y I tott EDtttrttn Ptort . REAL nanrt etd$y5 t , -net totoe Gtn, rodat aonad plic arj ted to aneouie the hirth eftîhanistt 1 thoan that-ottsitd J ' O UB.St hsfil- .,ýdtu.,frel ato h App t n-f thoir Ilon Chritopher George, ot. Wtt hovo &cet givon th U Llt ntn ottoo onatti par ai, th A betCrsmpe TROPICAL and tntfiflc l iriot Hoapital te Detember 28, ot -ileh et my fleah, TAK F NOTICE tht the Cour-~b 1971. Finit granchiid for Mn. Non -hontet Ilhoe EXO TIC FISH DEiLN 15 12NO TEDY, Corportion h lot- n29 To-no Blt.dotng 1 Oailie and Nieîh granitiid Nttonr forget for o tingle nai- 1 .m -6 . Sondnya foi- tootgoth [tnon E Milot. îoo did't grnw ondor my cMiLTON HEICHTS CRESiS. HL ATD e HLPWNE e% Ot NIKIFORE~~~~~ -AratdM. er.ooroat' mot Holtoo Board ol 1. HELP WATE s EPWNTO tP t,]ho Unopo-tot Ap-> iilIIF RK _M ad M . Bt i i. c5-529 duatin bildngptobt Loto lto.o hllowno.tto loto les, Thomas Nikiiork (liee Rnlhie- Bta e l nt529 Eotoin odi9 POD C IO tot oto Lot, 5ond 6, dit, sot) of 8-JR. N. 2, Roionood â________ t MILTON0 HEIGHTS PR D CIN CLERK TYPIST Lnonin2 O. .tottn are pleated ta antonoc thot tng al at Point jo-tootit o] hll hirtit of lttiïr datagiter Lita DOMINO EVENTS AQAIMSadSPPIS o roqoire amatore penton toto Uttto ,tnolece tn rfcont o jc ad etndtog ,Milton Distrint Hospitat on Cht- le-I nt inolrool and iopitg dolnes, Io work tn the plont for oo notonn tt;tttto Mi:tatDy eiwttgss.25o1971 fBiegn gane ene, Manday Production nndinedet SUPLE .ottntttodopotBttoS it sC trn evc Atiaterifor Pauand Snon. nta98p.m.S150.tPJao t nHniy Th Pnotitohonoint ritttn lo n neetd i 1 ai. teodGvnRa Rotnny 'PariaIt Hait. -Milten. TV TThc o oot e iitot toonotino-oto op t. pto 2 ToEto]hoDdEtRnS,,t tednStf-3192{J V T W 1 tigoot p' poartng tohedototo and repont-, ood othot roittod toti foto tttnotik AInttioht Lino], loool- 18 TE D R EGGMNS Biegn ene, Tetdny night, 8 Ao I, r.c,,,n ENGAGEMENTS______ p.m. - gi Hall Milton spnýI, S L PLEASE PHONE TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW. tJno.n tott10ntb ] n____ Mrse MaEmr olka Roya Cadies t0iot. h r)lcCekadeted E DR Mr. Banpdt s. Edar op Palk Rotoya Ladita Aeg osn y,3 tomon instnlid nith ai] P. L. ROBERTSON MFG. CO. LTD 1 io fotoi, tiprnt] l 7ot t 6 ThboniyC, ordo Mn. drmtn n. r ap ons o27-462-tt ,hnbnel StHF hood^, 12.50. 97 Bronte St. Milton, 0Ont, wotio lotiv ,tnonoti, . l itoo(tn t e onders _ ne~~4 tomo ]nttoiin ait aill ea Gr 878-2861 ANr UTE r e a Sh-o ed- thtir dnoghtnr, Dethie Aee, to In eties ' Mnpley1t t a t Cen-, 192 hannnî VHF hnad S76.50. 8c5AEN To on to- t. tt.toMoREn ofM. tn rs. EllecMerkley Inaeletcet ho Miltont 50'tttowe is alled atith ail 1__ ~> iCi bot the Poblic Wttno tl-:I il] dho-nt 4.0 linm. EST. A T M O R Mil7o M-r ae M a.tudBne R752tanding roral tot onoot.t ootiodtin arvaPfc )of 359 Wiann Ane. Mlibo ad t Tht of do aiTe Ea18,os nio ptad t35 192 att 7.30 p.. in thet 1 o ct- Eitct Sniotnc Sop CAMPB UL E plented oa announe tht engage- ]Star No. 280, oam hlig o tto ho odt ]to seIo pe we par p im 'Phono 822- - .tntto Bild it o2 Badt pl5 A/V Mtachtin Suppies Th4 227 ment ai their daghter, Maortjt noohnn aod 'bridgt, Pinn Riront aet). tnttnitd 120.00. 7748 -(2 ' mioioînStrei n Bttiinlo. a Ontrot nt, on oohn onttoo8 4 2 7 Coneri 10 Her Ceta Uia ni annly t, 1972 at F. M. sttro hoad. Instalind, 8c36-4514 Sinoot Bttt itgton . b Onta solii- Dototîod tendernitttand oth- S oMr. ntditAuheCnt CI. oti . Lonoh and teriet. 120.0. licoretuagn npesadMs.A hnyC ln'i? -k' SALES pnopie, main anAd4 t onolo gn ton po -nontot tttntnoon, in ho ohoane - a RIR No. 1, Milton. Admiasion 75n. o_ 36-5025 I/HF bond, intnind $39.95. mtait, roqoirod ion oor txand- -ohotIim bt toltd -iittntttt- ooho attnd . e n~ Albetan Canada s Ilhenetit Coot-bintion toolon hond, VHF ong Milot offio. Raperinceho ntîtill ofotdhoto ho otoo Aditsoto tht Rotant Tranol and Adnon- aond I/HF, inttaiiod $84.95. an attot, or miii traia qoiiid Bo-a l a nt] oho tppieton ho Otttce. 2050 Goelph Lioto, Son I DETS tom snrios Taotdny, Jatoant 4, Aooai onhItaid pope.Fritnia. n]88r od. Iington, Ontario, i thoS eti Anoo to tt9511, N. J. Longo Real Entate, The loooeto-tendr o. COttON anh Einhtt -Dent.B pot. Son tii olortfilmt Mrnbnr of tho Oakniilln Rena AHPYAl ~ ~ :o otooo n-Toltotto o o omt aith OtaioScoo fr ll S9.5.A APY ND !ýitrnvbn inopontod doning o]- 'aooooondnsarl ho oooopted WTRALSOI2 AtIL N CarattElizi a ter ntoattd -h7 inith 'MnCeti. Ad- O taoBoard."- 8n29-4399-ît PROSPEROUS tonic hoon os aih fioto o] Wil RIl1,Lm oueOnai AHaiton tema Mr lttt 51.50, ntdett 75o. Edo- Repoira ot ail types. NEW EAR K. Siotc CionIt o] tho Con- THE HALTON COUNTY -,Mt.,st~ai on 'Friday, Etertetier 24, 1971, onliono] inmiiynentnrtnmnt. tttn RhRp ,Iektlç-nwoin Snno Riznhth ihhtein otno3550a SECRETARY pfor ntn o] tho lotn o] Bon- BOARD 0F EDUCATION n kte.eoale SrhEiaehTblsinbrc508PART-TIME STLL ARN ion 4211 Bnant Stotot, Bon- e83 nwmoahlo Rentais 87th yoan, heosed mite ai Wiitl- SEL A T N lingion, Ontonlo. 1h5 Campetittee Snomo ee motia Coo]son et 'Milan; eAar ,tat RICHARDSON'S Il0t 4 p.m., Mady soeok. Ta ottheo et Uta Mastien of FO SAL Mont typr & anamon tolophone. 878-6705 DAE IbBrintntis THEi CORPORATIîON 0F Inanke. 7e Hamiltot; Crin. Veronnd 17c3 Esansinen Dm, le-lab 97. TE ONOFMLO HaroM et MAtlon and Kenel- ADDINO 'MACHINES, typt- Radio & TV CaII JEAN MICHALUI< 175 2Jd1e mohn 91 5ETRN(FitLO Teiephatapp4il o] Cantitie wtrs -fer eate or rentai. 201 Main Streot East 844-2403 WýMý K. IkMS ATMNDETS Eunerai aervice mat heMd te Pbtmt487M»Zgjn(ad , MILTON N. J. LONGO REALTOR 19 LEGAL 4Bant Stoet,TEDR Monday nm tht MobKenie Fait- ery. >3o4rf 426 1 int Onot tototO oral Home, Milton. ltneteetAPoe8864 8t1, ConitRLoS Tnt 19o52 - u D St. Ceogeas Aneglicon Ctmttee, WR non is atnthieg (atl IDB8899I HRE Oi- MAIN STREET EAST 15 tntnito. moat>. For repoins 10 hoose- i-tf 'FARD R.ýR. 6, Milton, o-il] t. 08E Eî tTisenr halteqoipmn anA thingt, onul 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO net ho mosponsiblo ton att * STORM AND SANITARY ;Dintrict Momtorial 'Hospital - doi tntoonto J. Sotrd in. MOVi U!RNKSWR on Satonday, Doonmher 25. 1971; CHLD 8-or etyr $15; 2 PRUDUCE FOR SALE 'DESAING donc, sPc ramnlooo i. Shatend n mn P00 oomnDI Recoon btse da5; Do- o Better Lvn y SEALEO TENDR ilb Etta'iPriddte, mite Of DaitComteitpyrexnnmra e l ttL - iliiaig inotatonnitymooar.Ph- cobooa2, 1971.oitloootmy Liin cbY onitod bn-Evt-lh mohn t'Bae iw eitt Rit, r ot d 1 30 Holoial , nyb r 8- T bol aw 8721 an, 45c o on 878-5198. 9toRR41 mnittonnsignature. slling articles you IoCrooto oe Mn. Fre <Aine Jamon, an a87on87528161.t 2co354929 EXPRIENCED Ofion -Matý nion nge use. Profit Iobnt'Mlef (îoo Mn Jaes (amat I lfr15 8 oR-tI. 1gon/Acnoo.too nC nailabin. -Ph- Chariot T. Oboppord.~21Mi îrtEt Hadon. 'Miton Jmets Roen) EXCLUSIVE 1a9l 3h4co 1 NML O AE 8896 nnna 7-31]t by ciialing Champion MIlLTON, Ontario Hodt nty l on; Brsnton aild Mj_ý _uitto nonia sît the n 4L maltAL dattimo. 9c37-R027 SOLVE yoon Hetp Wanted'ý Family Want Ads. ontil 4.30 p.m. an 1 aino tia Itrothen, Blakn PriddlApints tottahln for t ng aiý Cham __________ _ pon h iitg88-51 CAL8724 Mon., January 17, 1972 Raymond, ail at 8-.R. Na. 20 Tho Canodian Chamnt 9 tr Poonls and Schnaers 13 FOR RENT Chmifolaihdrtototntinaoh Oin Meyer; -Laftoa of 'Brant- Maio St.. Miltot. Il ontngh Loio Io ohoo nom. Reason- --7 REL ETAEain SRt atn Stormt and bond: Htorold et Chatham, three ue ablo. 8784517. 3o5796-tf BAH7O ApototLt forSTATE__ 17 REAL ESTATE SniayTruoh St ono in oh $ istt 'M Com ponde o stage. n8 la-l 1 WESTERN Horeford and 1 i Shed. Hiatton Coonte, Inn, Innn itn Henno onn a Radqey 'Mn. POt idra. -71 Hagh (Alto) Rparhmnn off Car- LARGE gtoaay pointa of Can. black and whiteoto bnitena, N.6Sdtod 74 Theoonstrctiono iitoot i5th; Mns. -Aphonse -IVernal St. adian Champion taff photon. $125 oooh. t Charolais - Htt-o- 13C35-2515 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS o] theohltototag maior morhn. -r Donin nf Rodet; tmo grand- 5 x2 siat 3134, 8sK10 tino 1150sa riod holi" nross, nore Irenden. ELECIRIC HOT WATRR 1.868 fi 96' dia. colln pipe tir sont, 9 grneddaogttn, and sto- plot tnt. Cash moat acoopnny1 Wanîod - 1000 boieo No. t Hay, IATERS mihiotmc.Phone:80doph onalioooneeeptm1 ondon Enon oeaiCapoIohango Ifon calt or pay Phone Milton Hydro, 878-2545.,82f.-7"da 'Fnoa tnoc mt sîdOnin tht, 91MinSt, Phono 826-4478 Strott- ioâ-t MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 184it-2ditonoip08 Tooadaya Ottormier 28 mith en- nut VhRi the____ 20N-dph e n n t amiiy iplot Long- tNUMBERRO tickota ton par- SAE 1 & 2 BEDROOM apantotonta.A Rcprysnnîbne ottootto.diocl-din plantiand.,e lot 'Baptiat Cemete,. y drama, in sto1t a 1, 000, FO nAmoon 'ot on e it - sot-nbýfrtii ok a ul n .Ir.T ot mn hite or ytltoto papnr, --ye nlddi et.CND RS ELO 31.00 per book aI Tht Caoad- li 10 3n4965tf CAAA TRScEATR h obto;ood Ifor tho Connoit- litn Chompion, 191 Main Strtet, Charolais CUItS 'NE Bd h- ng inginoont, oponia dopoit of IN MEMORIANS Milton. 1n23-421-tt Woaniog to hnoodiog ago Big ornttot, sltooeand fi-in-suit- ATNadPE IIIN'20 thtbotlh -oodd MLO JARIR- e onig tmeai YOU Wt-LL LIE hoying yoon gotlo tond produtivte. Hoitors thabo fan ouple. ,htoilihlo Jan- li-l O otooo odnmosnLUU U'A JR I -InIigm mrofb'Ild'n ator1 i lt on ael at hnod and open. Ail 00000 catl i uant- lot. 878-2682. 13to35 5026 _______________________________ _ coo ondition wto Iis 30 dayn Ceci] K. otorin, mhn pattd Cnsira CapsioloCit -i o ho-ono eh o] tho tondornnoing dato. amay Onomisot- 2, i9H7 an^c igboao. Pho Lango soloolion diactoool tooL GLEN Edon Coort" Apant- Enlodntnbtnop GOda grentt gift meniest. Cmtoti 85222 tctir6tf oobotv,ns Ail tatinl guaani- toooo N oo ntntiog, posseoa anittd ho o conti]tod ceu WifetRtahyand famiy. -tnrd. sion aoon t1 loin nbnoatonaobqo toRi6-MAPO at Mtlton theming tho lot-go tuites, saona hath, me. ottdo inotablo o ithe Corpor- t c35-5nom hoandaiioa mbich tank et-ndsyotion o] the o wn o] Milton on MoKNNN l toitg cm b onare t. ic Sigtopina, Charolais oom piynto badIthe omoont ai 320,000.00. McINON- n ovti er- ý, nu,,:,,a îmiecoieJomay noom, pars nota, 198 parking oaRntcbeo.ta cndclaetTe Champinsae.1bdomfon14.0TeCnutn nier o patntdl notny Deneother 27, 1970. olio.1 M t Th Milot. F am petoooth 2bodom om 5125 IoCoslig niono o m ml o vroe ith a 119-ct 584 Dondat Hwv. Fes 1$167t50oper mnit hoonm8- Aoooo,, no Vl And,19 Wlontoon henr osf galA, Oahnilto, Ottario. 4118. po mnt. btn 1 878t noontdo 14 WnainnA, one ofi tht iseyt, Ohia marA UORD tornileare ef aiIl kinds. 0' Idte hnow oheta, doteen, diig St F 844234________________iler il Nerrselih, ahmnys Itiait geai noleotian of atones , retrg 84___________ tno nilv hn anooptet Thntt are thememorimeseleft tratorn anA wtiangermsoa S05 FIAD SbyBSRT aa i h aas. ne m a nd s d h d . W e alla j1 6 1 F IN A N C E B . B E S T , M16 1 Sadip miannd isat never for- kay good oted tomitane. John-FOSAEha ,JttoACîiCer goîtten y soe John, rae, D- tn Foritra and Appliannec 5 VEHILES n SALEattuooo - 183 nid, Ktith aed Nantoy. Exonge, OPticn and Shom NEWV -n --"i bt~ c35-5i94 boomr, 160 Main St.. pheone 878- 1064 COMET Colionto, 2 dcor i. ~ 4oO SOJH - _ Se3atagmmr781. Optaentvniogs tli 9. Hondîop Shar-p con, an as $200. I V/ft20 AUCTION SALES TRTH ofhnr, Aieti mian and a Nipittion Rd. 1244nlt NEW "mAlciHT Althmgt e amib anA. mae7RPAEWO WANTED) Jo n ni~~ Ward BrownridgWahwa tottesm ndmle RY ALEWO MORTGAGES Lictesed Anctinneer a law t o. ss anY loogtb. tLsi tt.t plot mo le ong c- c ih nert tiSa Salt aRd $low No onesmittea hioomorethan $20. per32tou.t fn ord iAOntonoowek-ndoengag- Servc tit I,- t- Fart- Limtoch bod~~~~~~~ ruoel io n i o AL EENNR 8 64 mnt, o;tb tocal gt-t;ttp Phono O.MBA. Momber - - -Fa nitone Sales sîns in u 3 miuts! A.che ldlme eOf e- AL VNIG 84264 8530425 b. t.o 7c35-5199 91400 t% rnts aý ho[i tt ot doltoo b l- ohooii tt n Phono 878-6730 ai att. 8 HELP WANTED - Fn7 oil yoor ills. -- Apiat-AlTpaI DRVNFDY h7e mme tItte kIY PARTe - Comnhinedéis 0t'l7 and ~ K I1'sjLy J3-59 RA G A T NOTICEt Tht Womene Eqa - BaiMd a bouse. aRiLESS IHY Eloneta - Contrais - Omitce impoymoet Opportoait oAt, - AdA a imana. For Complete hy1970, prahihits, mith -certain 2eA Mortgolges train 13,1iiawLIE UCH nsD F HNS y eceptions, discrimintin he- CALL: -Auction Service NEPU"HI DADS0FTHNK - CHROMALOX cause of set on mnarit 5itts 2CR RRYNOLDS Chris A, Schouten Original eqipmetntonnatatt Sic an cuaion ME hisA ch Monnbe Pridap 1miah taepras my siencet maaa contidnond more attractive oa INO MORTGAGE ClsdNwIet is thnk taes tht Joho ONEto ANDhe, AI2CTIONRRR Ciia0 o er t5ado taktateJhMitnpnnoans et ont tes on tise Ote SERVICES WEle WIS ONE AND AL it.tsn Chapttr, LIDE. ior the beu McCaismet be Parts Ltl ipes. mu B a litaIe pPatrtspamne a Depot Ld nueninmet o3-14 thiaigs or THntomeS O OO EA Sales ote aSyhr. BELBO mp fr oindea nar netn on al]10Hitda Ave.,'Hamilton, 347-1289 tfor aoch positins miii ontieo 3-03<vnns r TEVR ET0 OOHAT an odge n-iet L n a ibtir- naeds anad anis ot -kiid- 2 blok mest of Delta, 0I Kia mmen. Ooch littingt are not -2745 fmlr N APNS N41SMri t tais tInt Balint.r fodprsmtan 52-57HmOofiADHPI SI Tel, 878-2576483MriSt nets.u nte intended ta ex'.td ptrsaes a (9 a.nm. S p.m.) R.R. St Miltot, CalMITO o5i2t14 Miot faiingisiakt 1036 titis ter ses. 2k644«,it1