6 Tihe Canadiun Chamopion, Wetlees. December 29, 1971 j tuni Sevto5 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHUECI Commerial Street, Milîton. 878-9606 878-354 The Lards Duy SU'NDAY, JANIJARY 2, 1972 Ouest speaker: Ren. Get'uld Morehouse, S. Con. Rep. oil T.EAId. 9.45 ans.-Bi'ble Sohool. 11.00 a.tn.--Morning Worsbip. 6.50 p.nt.-Rýong Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evneing Worshi p. Wednesday, 7.38 p.mt-Paye and Bible Study. "Let us enter tothe Houst ,f te Lord soiti tlsanksgiving and isto His Courts wiýth praise." GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCU Milton, Ontario. Rector: Re. R. W. Foster Assistant: Canon F. H. ýMasos StJNDAY, 20.NU-ARY 2, 1972 Chsristmas Ul 8.00 ans.--Otoly Comunion. 9.30 a.nt.-Ju6nior Churots Scoool. 9.30 ueo .-aMatins, and 10.45 a.nt.--oSenior Chorcls Soltool. 11,00 a.m.-Holy Eocttariot and Sermon. Ttsors., OSec. 301h. tOa. Holy Commnion. 'Me Recsar and Wardens es. tend to ail A Vety 'Hoppy and Pros5teraos Newo Year. Yoo ara Aisrays Welconte ut Gesse Chorals. BOSTON AND OMAGU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister: Rer. W. R. Lewis, B.A., B.D. 878.4428 SUP4DAY, JANUARY 2, 1912 BOSTON 10.00 a nt.-Family Worssip, (Nursery provided.) OMAGH 10.15 a.m.-Oh.r,:h Sehool. 11.30a;m.-Wrship Servie. Conte and give thahits ta God for the gift of His Son. TNE PRESSYTERIAN CNURCN IN CANADA KONOX CNURCN MILTIO Minister: Rev. John M. .Murray Orgonist. Mrs L. Vlashlotn SUNIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1972 11.00 a ..aMoroing Worship serice. 9.45 ans --.e Chorit Oscon! 10.45 a.to-Jr. Choral School. Nursery facilities at 11.00 ar.. MILTON GOSPEL NALL 306 Ontario Si. N. 878-2022 Christjoos fathered in tite nuene of lte Loird Jesos Christ. SIJNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1972 10.30 arn -Brrolcog of Bread. 12.15 P.m.-Sandav Srbool. 7.00 P.tn -Gospel Servicn. Wednesday' 8 pot. - Pra,,r and Bil reading. Ail Are Wel,.otr To Th-, Serrions What shall il profit tf he gain te srhole sorld and lose hos or soul Mark :36. Out WMt the 01<1.. ACCOUNTANTS CONCRETE GENERAL OIPTICIANS SMALL MOTORS N IGHWAY GOSPEL CNURCN -RC<JR n CONTRACTORS Service and Ropair A localastembly of ERG.BAK RIWO ad NEW CONCRETE WORKH.CEKM T R 2The Pentecostul Assetoblies SAIG LCOMASONRY WliStpasnntFn-. GNRABILNGLtUSei Vu ut Canada B. Coin., RUIA., C.A. als tpBsmr los EIRLBIDN e sSrieYu Waeil d n w.2 hree conatRESLRFACING CONTRACTIOR Dispesing Opticiens Sowobilc Chain San W MeilR.ond er 5 CaledAaute P R 1 E S floors, css patios, verundals. lsRsesodellBng '-- l> Outhoard Molor Motuscycle Msltan143 Main St., Milton lirasedbod Aloterralons 6rttni RondLG ROMqi oie no lne Pastor:~~~on conMsnsene ASNYCOSRCTO uaatei od.tlons p.t 1 m Lusse Monter o Bwe Palr Rr .Chitnsn Poe 7-54 ARY 1,CONSTRUCTIM61eOn F ree estînsate frein concree RRY DR WID Motoie Garden Rqtaipnt Tel. 878-2064 Rhone 87Catpe542l Ot specialisîn. Weeeontuton kitai di a p rus. o n .-.eizn & Storing TL88272 W8nter3534 nskeds 10gm t THE LORD'S DAY AUIU 1.f RSOAINLD SISMDAY, JANUARY 2. 1972 MARINEU OR SPORTS4 AHA OCEE 7-54 eUedn 0as.U p 9._______5__ am-t RESTOATIO LTD.ol 250-s oati Stee appuentMLO 9.5 .n.-nnaySeou. ____________ BULL HEAR-D Tel. 878-3944 MAIN Comrca SP. MoT 11.00o ant.-Sprial Christmas ALUYMUNUM RAY 25OulnSre ç~ LAIN Oralinîns Rats proenptlytled2Conerilt. r service and speciulnmusi. Windows & Door CRPETS li DRAPERIES 878-6853 2ct uligCnrcosLd 1t 7-51 2ct 6.00 p.m.-Fantîly Frayer. G eoors andR-tfR 7.00 p.m.-Erening Erongnl- GASndRPUSlct uligCnrcosLd U-f 8862 istir Service. MOBUL PAINTS DRAPERY OPnTM.Evo ___________ Wrdnesday, 8.00 p.nt. - Bible B ADOM DEAD STOCK REMOVAL *C NEW HOMES ~ ' sSNOWMOBIE Stuy.W.JPACONIRADOO * RENOVATIONS ArhrAJohnson, 0.D. Friday, 8.00 p.mt. - youing LIMUTED AfurFpe.IloInSU 87-42*Residential PAON ADDITIONS MITN-28 anS.E I AN 'S Titese things itara U soilten Bebinod Brs. Sent RealIy. * Undustzial Dead Stock Remnoval 8 54 -2 2 63 878-3673 tW G A RAG E onoysrhat biteliere onrie 2Uo-Uf * Comtmercial yne, nty on ti a n h boeCSTM BUL LMIU euy-ntd rae n t 2Uo-tf Acton: 54 MiII SU. R., 853-2520 Rupp snnwnubiles, mntbi blseu. eea lin U otht ye1 WINDCUSOWS DOORS ALMNUM Sevr Of dead or dinabUeli CatUte Wrdnesdays li Sasu-liys go-kartu.oisyU-alr ,IU eenllf. 1Jh5:1.WZWSFor Custo uevc nd Nosse. ED MCMULLEN Residenre phone 878-8078 ca- fs-aine iitches. AWNUNOSD ssssde b»D CIL88-(7FRHM Phone (416) 692-4421 Binbronl Consesclar R.. 2, HORNBY, Ois UINR. ST. PALVS CNURCN WEATHERIGHT APFOUNTMENT Unc. No. 299C71 ____________________aks& ouh o Drr Rad of Sloops PAINTING and OF CANADA Alto continalion sliding douesi. SEOA1N Y RS* iirny lutrl Main St. rit Jantes St. SeilzninFncdo. 228 Main St. 878-2067 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RepuirsDCRANS8638 Miite: FOR FREE ESTUMATES 21c-bt li Stucco Work Rer. C. A. Hainer B-A. M.Dir. Cai McPHAIL ELECTRIC Phn Pl1soes G8L3VA1818E Organisa and Choir Leader: Bruno Casarin 878-2223 CARPET CLEANERS LUMITED P2n dn8314>1 P A IN TI N G / Mn HaodUge20 NDUSTRIAL Contractor *DivMs- j Comspasny let- SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 1972 MILTON CARPET and e COMMERCIAL ACTON PRECAST __ 100 Ont-MrvngWoshp. KAISER ALUMINUM UosSERLANN FARMS & HOMES CONCRETE & SUPPLIES INDUSTRIAL - RESIDRNTIAL Sermron Titîn, "But Thtar SIDING la ELECTRIC HEATINO Septic Tanks NTRR ETRJ Drumquin Garage aras Yesleeday./ Scoi - Itacia, Windows nd FOR FREE ESTUMATES INSTALLATIONS - Weil Tiles CuIll Nom fo- Frec EnlinasnHoby 8-40 10.45 a.rn.-Citorri Sool for Doors. Ascoîsgs. Caeisort andl6Calsi. Mltn PatcSwrPie8 86 32ct al] depatanents. Forit EnolosusareCt esO. M Ie n ttrCnraeFout Norserr facilities for itaiies. Railings. Eaveslroughdng Please Cali 878-9513 - 877-5795 n urnping Servira Bon 114i, Milton. __________ AIl Welcore FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 878-3074 lc-tf 853-1529 2I1-f21s-t ALRN EA 0F CANADA 2c8n ALRN EAR riouI o Forlte St. (9A M TO 6 PM) FR EVCS GOG .HRI LSEIG&SUC CNURCN 0F CHRIST OAKVIILE 21crf Cril E' No. 5 Sideroad and 4th Lino 845-0318 COMFLETE ELECTRUCAL BARN REPAURS and TAILORING Trafalgar 21c-t & E[ANIC'AL ALTERATIONS &Suc LEAIN SINOAY JNAR 2192INSTALLATIONS & RBPAURS Phtone Plastering &Suc AccidentNUAR 2IW J. R. Currie O..YOs Jursay Dealer" Waterdwn 689-1086 AI] TypesoftStcco KNHTSMNSER CassfraIl ages. I l Poultr - Hng - Beef - Daisy _________ Cuve Celliags 202 Moin Street 11 00 arn-Mormng Wornitip. Police repos-la lwo cas-olliion OPTOMETRIST Exeln ntaigSye- KNEL AdrsoPatrn C. HOE8-47 8.00 p.nt -Paacing of lte le lte plana parkinsg loI onT CALL 853-2168 878-2016 21c-tf Gospel. Monday. A pa-kei car- 5twid W BUI8LINGTON lUt__________ Galliege- Molos of Milton wssl OKYIG rnvoîved le a collisin wIth a cr MAIL RualRCKRDG ___________ -Sincie oayU Ttdriren by Timotity Bs-adsbase of Maintenance Service Boarding Kennole Reg'd. RNP 00e een.mag lale Gallees- ns-sens TELEHON 612778 Free Estirnates No Obligation Newt building. quiet sraoded - îad TASO AIN sampinnnlep aktas nf ahe RNR. S, Geos-geton. Enlinnatesl lIsPHN 62 j -tf setting, indiridual penn, enclos- PIANOS - uUinlan tenw.$20010 the Bralinhase veldele $75. ed ouside ratn, electric beaU, R p iiqJ FINISH CARPENTRY pick-up and delirery. RMILTriN BUS ROHEDUL AD NI 9M9 D. JAMES OAKVILLE PIANO SHOP Milton 7 and . T *R0NT5 IN9", *REMODELLING R.R. 2, Cantpbellsille 30 GrhSait R eyod ar.. o-8,15 ar.. a-.35 p.ns., O P E mi IaeLne/ ele West of Pianos Uunnd and s-epafred Ailton 1.00am,-63 N O P N*RC OMSGuelpit Lise) Specializing le aood recoodit..'Mits~O0 r. 63 VANTUS ls-If CatI PETER LANDER 844M471 VANITIESOpen daily util 9 pns. MILTON & KITCHENER ARORTECO ER LBRR HOJR I-ltf Lv. -63 psti. ARBOITECOUTMS21c Ar Milton 07.00 arn., 0-8-15 LIIIAR HOURS I.C I BRAIT HILLS ESTATE Burlington Single family, detached homes from 123,990 to 126,995 NHA Morfgages Burlingtos's Commaeity of Magnificent andI Espensive Homes na-t CompieteIy Decorated andI Farisished Model Homes PHONE Rides Open 637-6274 10 BA.M t 9 PM. Oaiiy ____ ha ndBrn Hedar- Homs' Not fPlains Rd. Bo 14er si Deselapees sincs 1912 878-9135 lIs-i FUNERAL DIRECTORS ((0u5McKERSIE nera!lsa Ho4mae St. 14MaineSI DOs- 191k peur of itelpfsol, oourlentss servicen. 878-4452 2Ms-tf FLOOR CAR! ELECTROLUX SALES. SERVICE &h SUPPLIES Vacooum Cleaners Ploor Conditionnes Rog Sitanpon SERGIO ZOPPAS 140 Waktefield Rd. 878-3237 Milton 21c37 ELECTRICIýTY Is Our Business el % FEATHERSIONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 Mossday Io Friday 12 Nuon t0 5:30 Evenings Tssesday - Thursday - Friday 6:30 10 9:00 p. Saturday 10:00 ans. 10 5:00 p.nt. 21c-tf MOTOR REWINDING PHONE 878-4111l or 826-1223 EIacfric Co. Ltd. 3153 Base Line Rond, Milon. MOVING and CARTAGE PIANOS MOVED and DISMANTLED Consplete Morlef Sericse BLAKELOCK & BURTON CARTAGE 878-9430 827-5628 21a-tf MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TSLBPHONSE NUMBERB TOIe Glas-k andI Treeunwe Inspecter of Buildissg Plumblng. Tresocses Planning Board Comirtee of Adjustnseset Tomte Snsseetesdeos 878-4151-2 & 3 Seseag PlIn & Wats~ Yard effl1T1 Pire Chietrs Office 870.00l nergency Foire 078.4922 Police Depoos-Inen 878ffl1 878-6969 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Only 21o4f PRINTINO os BROCHSURES es PUBLICATIONS a BUSINESS FORMS 0 WEDDING STATIONERY A complote Design andi Productin Service 878-2341 'ù Dilîs Printing &Publishing Ca. Ltd. 191 Maie SI., Miltoe. SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE R ENTAL PHONS 746 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Mas-lie Steet Services nond RepaIes ou aIl usakes of seselng machnes 21c.tif MILTON & HAMILTON Lr. o--85a.m., o-5.0 p.s. MILTON and GUELPH Lv. c-10 o. Ar. Milton c-2.30 p.rn. *-Daily esoepi Salorday. Suan- day Holiday. o-Saturday only. a--Sunday or Holiday. b-Friday. c--Tocs. Titors. Sat. only. No service Dec. 25, 1971 or Jan, t. 1972. UPIIOLSTERY Reupitadterng .Restylig *Custont buils fuesiaure C onteact utohtlteing Acentplete seterticn of r- 000 faiteics as ceasosable cent Free stimales *Frae pick-up and delivresy 878-9094 R.R. 3, MILTON. Lorme Arthur, Feop. Writtan 3 yeac gussaee on rnorkmusip. 21c-t STORAGE WELDING ACTON Terminal Warehause LIMUTIE Iedtnttral &i DomeUic Storage Priaute PuesitoceLockees Bonded Stos-age Psitk-up &h Delivry . Molen BROKERAGE SERVICE Phtne:t 853-2320 Actan 364-2641 Tosronto lIc-tf PRACTICAL Wny Un Bet caolsh for liges pou need. Se11 unssd fUesn ovith a Chnampion Penét West: Ad. DiaU SPEYSIDE Portable Weîding Service Frs Enlintates Commuercial - Indsotral W. KAMMINGA R.ýR. No. 1, ACTION Phione 853-2438 21 to-f WROUGIIT IRON e Railings-Uendoor & Ooudoo- la Gales *Roont Dîvidesu CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HEARD 250 Martin St. 878-6853 DeBO on Do git 7 for MA and Ib Vile cy0135 sed oc weight trict 1 1971. und SN for -Mt Milton, Thon are ps birth Marnie, IMillon A siste Mr. a dl Bran their lis Me. Ra of Me. of Musýc 359 Wl pleasert Corelia of Mr. a df RIS. 1 COULISO AI Ha Saras EI 87th you: arn Col Harniltoe Harold c of Carlos Fanera, Monda- cral Hon St. Georfi Lotrille. GODBY, District on Satur ta IPris Godhr, ir moter a er. Mrs. S moe. Hodso, aiosix b af Losgc Rarseond, Olco Mey lard: ffor sisters Ils Hessonn e Hagt (AI lrth: Mrs. Denis of sots. 9 tra ceai nce Pa7nerai Toosday t ira IBaptis INI JARVIS - Cei] K. arnay Dean God's treat Wife Sut c35-5196 MoKINNOit ory of Et passed w A sondie In One 0if ths could h Nerer selfis These are ù srititus Sadly nti gotten hy n, nid. Keitb SOUJTH - of our dei ther Manue Derentber3N Alithosgs wo No one rai s! And soher o Thýt's whe of alt. Ere r reine and fantlly. CARDS I scisit ta t tbanits 10 Citapte. 1.02. iifsst peinseîtt my friends liteir cards. c3MS214 1~