M Than Cnaedn Champion, Wednea. Noverobar 17, 1971 Voters decide on Sunday pool pros and cons are expressed By Dm omainy lita pa=n 0' Cessans Cunto'x Main Bt.po hall avili m now if thair patition for Boonday tallarda ta Milton lu nirceufol. lTae municipal elector ta tae 6 lg Dr municipal =almge ut iig ttaair approval or diaupprovat Of mmdicl mniabaca avii aiso exprass tair opinion on parmitlina tbe billiard ball te Cpml on tae tardas Day. Mfr. Casto circolatad tha potition ta Murcb nd 207 people, mcoigsy Mamn St. busions boluioo a n wall ni yooag pool playera uignad IL Il uni tae second lima Milon Counicil hud bama pronantad uitb ibis typa of potition. tlotothepapi lTae Coondil faIt tha issue aboaldbaiedecidad by thopeuple of Milton. Tbay pasaaed a ranolotion an April, stiItulatiutg dut tae quastion wuld ha n the ballot tia aloction. "Milton is one of tae fo places wbaro Sonay pool is nlot parmita," obaarvadl Mc. Caste, ouner xl tae hall. ýOaa of tae main reousi I unt te open &inday ta ta kaa Young 1opl nil of troubl.ý Husi a aIeBdy opaninga will stop alcool luitrteg. 5fr. Cano ban ounad tae baill for trea yaac. About a yaar aud a hall ago, hae ponbad a aiitlar potition, bal mouid not convince ninicil tobhold a plobiocite aI tut lima. lita hall a pconontly open uta dayn a uaab. Many of te playors ara yomng mou ta the 14 ta 20 ogo brachat. Buil oldac ployacu aise truqunt taebull. And iIt' open t0 ladies, luo. "Pnol ballo bave cloanati optan lito lent feu Yats. Tboy ara usad mora for raccoation than nil lng la,' cearbad John Wbl,26, a liqo atore employao. Wbito ua ni oao xllte s*gean of tebOurda pelition. Tbe bull in popular uitb avorar a nd atodanta alika. Frati Harlaga. 18,la grade 12 ttunt ut Mtiltn District BIga Brbooî maya unduy billiardu avoulti gîva Yong people "soeathlg ta do". Bob Raid, le, ubo works ai- tomboons ai a local guraga ramarbad 'pluyiag ool on tiznduyn wuold ha bot thon onia aond on tae troata."1 He at suraasod UtaI Milton Polira wuld oppose Snduy "(Oaouingt Oha pool ball n llondaya wuld hae dotag tae Milton Polica a lavor. Tbay wuoldn'l bava ta baap peopla tasoving along tae alreet," oucloimad Al Vola Il,V=h uorhsaiu Otco eo. Volpa nid hae viaite tae billiard baill avry day. 'lit hall ta a maettag mnd caainp aca id nlSt. John. Mc.M. oba, '35, xl Hocnby, n inapaclor for United Gaa ta Oab- ville, drapa ta ai te baill froqumntly. Hea nid ho mataly watcha tae game. 'Il dou't bave lia ta play any mora." Polira MWaloppoe"d "Icmn only axa troubla ramlng frio IL Prom a polira atand- point, Fom oppoadl te llnday pool, because ue'll naad eutra officiers ona duty exclaimed TAKING A SHOT ta Marcel Blier, 23, a Irequet visitor at Miltoo's only billiord hall. Bueler, lite mmst of the pool hoa' evatamers, favors Samdsy pool. The question of Sudoy tailards is soe of Ohe issues faciatg voters in the Derember munaicipal electioa. -(Staff Photo) Mro. Georer White of Cliferd dlod at Brura Conl Houpita ta Walberionae a at2 tI fiLno liasday NUe. 4. libe vies ta ber 71t peur. alal baoun inta h uanip se bad lived ta Clffodtcerz 32 yeura. She uas a 25-year moulher of Goalavil Coupler, Order xl te Eastero Star mpd a Monber of the Uaaited Chorcb Wommn xl Kox United Chorch, Clillord. Forithe peut 30 pearo site hudt flrvod s piaait for tisa Giflord Rotary Club. Mca. White baid uorbed as a hairiresuer ta lier bnibnid'a barber shop for mn of thse peaca she livcd ta Clifford. Origtaally froxa Brampton, ase uni te former bOorOla <Mati) B. irvane. She msrcied George White of Mltan in Brampton ta 1034 and they livot int Bramptan and Lastouel isefoce moralg ta Cliflord ta 1030. Sorviving are ber bnibund George, a son Robert of Damaville, s daogtuer Yvonne <Mca. lien Stroche) of Hanover md a groad David Strocite of Bnv.Setai atmasvived isy tuo brotera, John Icnine of aoplrnd Euen Irvine of aunit nnd tavU statera Mca. Mue Hall of Wstan nd Mca. Doioy Morris of Tilbury. A brother Roabert uni bllled ta te lico avorld avar mnd tavo other ombtra Mca. Eileon Doutas of MlIn and Mcu. Joan Motion of Chathama rcemOp pcedecaod bier. Bey. C. B. Corc of Clillord mandorttil the louerai servira ut liololas Pameral Homo ta Cif ford on Suadap altecnnin. Itervaent uni ta Cliflord cemoetery. Pull- arero uere Eimer Walher of t.laeslan d Jacb ugir r Ohm,: elroy Bonaa b Walle nd GerldBhavU Cliford, all bostamomien nd fienta. Meshers of Cliflerd Rotary Clubsuero flouer iseacera. An Estern Btar momnora serviraus bil on llatacdap ereaoag ai the unerat hame ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p.u. lIt <'1, I PROBu))%1 DROP I< AIll Utpa7ryvok bau b ronniartaapr ario forn PI lir def Bay Aittlca. miaIi Apicaiouaa oa 'xasontagait Lpyos opia uccapad fo ahBgBoter liwvraytme a groop gala Awards night togotlao,tare'n aluaya potential trouble. Basides. I boel undaya f L are becomang tu oo m rS e ia efor a>nerida 3,4111cm vota Sheridan Collage will put tae lThere ara appronimataly 3,450 arcenI n abiavoment for its lible vonIra ta the D ember atudanta vin itsannuel auacdo eloctin. VUtitag ta lloaitedl tauibta Oabville campua taUparty Unners mnd tennts. An litoruday NUv. 25. 18-yaar.old living aI homoe ut Appronimtaly 35 atadanto uill tNB pureUts rannot cast a vota. rocaiva auucda cnig froxa M2 Votera avil ie a oud wbothoe ta $110, moot douatad h y pcivatae UtelavrhbUann:Ur t indnitry, in rocogtion xl talo trri o altn arbiavemout ta intdles ta novan nBondaYs roxa 1.301 m on xl te collageas olabt acattamir lTae queutioniai damot Say division. ttn thepoolblà wlllose lThe Doan D. A. Bhialds uill hae qinday llpadi Lau saynthat mantac Uf cecamUnias uban on o r con hap oy n dooro rocipianta, famillesamd tiatdayo alc 1.20 p. friend;gatar ta the miin ramas Atta majocty voa t e me atadantu bUtoro. lite lit ta naedad tal att una eveaiUg uill bagin uitb a pool. A 60perrantlvoafva uaomsetalion by te Baeridan aorb ni ndad ta Chua~ oir. Aavarda avili hae praomlad, platailcites ta nt roqicd and gaunsta wili sea a ilbori film. A favorable vota wuold nt nilomatically opan tha pool hall. PooI playaru uill hava un witBr k n m i mnIl Janoarfor the formatioo te nu Counci, ta wante a nau night chore by-laavataltg ubat lie Oa l* halaiiclase, lite Codit nt Town avorbman bail a busy O= toi soi ~night Priday we xic thCotelraadigrtha u aao aaeroaaata'oba ut liae Matnanmd Utovotrail ropavae tadtodCommercial Sta. corner. taul a olo . h Btlta ont lioyU ite break, diomvored ai 2 uoad talUu ich roofl. ama., tRab the monnUon the job Ctaet8p.n. mnil 10 amt. ta repafr. Mc. Cato pradicta tro avili hae o trouble ucloing broxa unday Misn pol ployiag. He sayo if thora ta, M isn m es ha avili cloue on Sunaday. Toua Typatetteco mianad a fou Concil MaY atme heanpuradt tae ame ta tae captin beuxath toe uorb of dacidtag uha tae pool pdhoto ofhMarta St. Brianila cross hall abUuid cesse Banday contry leomn avich appeared ta businens. The ouner reportash i avooba Champion. avili closeat 8p.m. Sndy, ifthe Nomea omitlod avare thaoe of plabiscital ta a ocrata. Leslie Oser, Mach Brancier, 'lite mUvia tetra opoun ut Terry Pritnley, girls' coua Mco. 7.0pas. nd I dm1' unt tea" ul Lida Bouta nd Jody Willosgb. aclood buiesfo h ," ho by. liu CamtpiUn regreta te M Manufacturing Excellence T ALLAN CLEMENTS AND SON Bronte St. S. MILTON -TOWN & COU NTRY 5 ABATTOIR 126STEELES AVE. W., HORNBY -RETAIL SPECIALS- RED BRAND BEEF SIRLOIN TIP PIM RI STEAKS RGAsTS RAT SIOLOIN C TENDER C ROUND0 9 LB. JUICY 99LB. SEIA U L - -STEAKS 9 9 SEIL8 B Rump and Round Steak Roasts 99LB. 3 LBS. IGROUNI CHUCK uLB. GROUNO BEEF l1 49 I BLADE RGASTS 69LB. SPARERIBS 591-13 i LOIN PORK ROAST i PGRK CHGPS 65LB. SHOULDER 35m o i ROAST OR CI4OPS 45& ROFST 55c BUTTS 45LB _____________. STOCK Y@UR FROM I GKS E FREEZER OUR BGPR AE DEEF SU OPE ABY BEEF SSLBI SuES 24t Las 80. PORK 'U 9a MINIS SSits 39 E ROT I CUT AND WRAPPEO AT NO EXTRA CHARG1 OUSTON KILLIMIII, OITTIMB, WIAPPiIII PICK UP FOR SUfCHERINO ANYTIME OPEN PDAYS A fIEE PTO, 9 and Littlo Brothera. Brotharo hafara tay are Tha project ta ona Rav. R.W. matrbad. Bosnd -m lth Foater =udrto mouta dîna ago. common '=trems tîli ha Mfr. FoIa the Utatmpin matcbad. somai applications for Btg The LUtile Brotera ara Brt drsbatliaatrratved nd a fatherlai baya I taoummd ofn goodnumer f UileBroher teproidea faUtaly iaflttanca. bava boam racmmaadad. IttIa Brothara batwmn tae aglai Basicallytae movomoat opeaota of a n d 17 ar=aord b n a na ma for na boy =dooa doctora, fmuycourte ralatiotalip. ____________ Big Brotera agree ta hae wtth te youaguter wbo beomas bis Littla Broter, ut lat onca oE R oimly aSndy aJte carB r itt tae lamily or ay <46rI 220 Sp oumbar of Utiag. Maarginilllaae SPECIAL A atoigcommittea of Mr. Fotd= o Woods, nd on a Front End Allanmat Smith boas heu uorbg on tae stm aOtlaig C ojac for tae pant few moate. B2 BarbaIt, o guidaraceE mnuioollar ut OSE) bas agraed ta H N intervieaupotniel Big nd Litta Big Brother organization gets underway in town J~JYAMHAIthe BE1TER MACHINE *QUALITY *PERFORMANCE e URABILITY *EXCELLENT SERVICE a BEAUTY et ~ WATSON AUTO PARTS~ e e GOMPETITIVE Ofh LIME ES@. N.B. 3 IEORCETOWI 311-6221 police, tadividul sied probbly most little brothers are recmmonded by mothisra. Reid bond Mr. Fou«e noat a real bond davalops batwan Blg and LUttae Brothers. Accordiog to plat biat ller p=ca, tae raaimdbotuoont amm ,Notingtdat thora in a rouI amdu fo h a n orgaini ta tuan, Mr. Foutar said! application form ara avoUlable frona any niamber nf tho tbcao mon omxaIt IFETI CENTRE mas 8ARACE sars Rond Oukoilla *Brakes *Complet@ Engins Tuao.op Obituary Mrs. George Whiite I-w ;L IN THOUGI William floishing THROAT DRY? Coughing foo much? Furnifure drying ouf? Suc aur largo selection of stylish ELECTROHOME HUMIDIFIERS For Summer comfart ... -.ail Winter Handle up to Five Rooxas FOR AS $5 5 LOW AS .5 9 (a nais, par day ouaput) Other ilodels with "WATER WHEEL" avaiable at extra cost- can put12 gais.ofaIwter o pour home overy day. RUTLEDGE TV Notice ta Eleotors of th. Town.of Milton NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS, TWO HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSI'ONERS FOR THE MUNICIPALITY 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON FOR A ONE YEAR TERM WILL BE HELD IN THE GENERAL PURPOSE ROOM OF THE Martin Street Senior Public School MARTIN STREET,MILTON ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1971 From 7.30 p.m. 8008.30 p.m., E.S.T. The Voting MiII Take Place on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1971 aulthe Follaueing Placen: NORTH WARD MARTIN STREET SENIOR SCHOOL E AST WARD: CANADIAN LEGION,CHARLES STREET GENERAL PURPOSE RO SOUTH WARDl J. M. DENYES PUBLIC SCIIOOL THOMAS ST. POLLS OPEN AT 10 AM. AID CLOSE AT 8 P.M. E.S.T. J~. McGEACHIE Clark of the Milton, Navember 10, 1971 Town of Miltos amies, I u ucrea wa Otinese, divisin Scbool concern 'Wa molaoi "Diront gooti, bu Nigtt yeur uf 20 enrd Oct. 10. I taughtfir oay of th HARD A Bill Rota