ln Esqu.sing Upset by graveil pit designations council fols ta approve off iciai plan recýnly=insip pbanoi wos referreej teck to plarnbn il cae opeor oiilfcir osa lisember o' p'a g o thepooo-eerre oc ths ratepayers, mia Oive in tIhe a thse property Mf Tlomas M Nra, uppeared before cowt pis 'n hoard for the udi omend thse plan, but most c they are dissatisfied mils iL Councillor Howitt saldt h aiesidUcoffi int plan wo hi o dratted hiuom exlutisy lenu oly in i hst place l'aSr hoaid, couollma swsme witb varios reqaist froin ratepayers tu teve Oieb laid deslgated ti suit thoer on personol uses, As a rasoit coaicil decidedet thtunieenot hu estertoin turther applicstions Seces ra=ipyes Mîti such time s tofoticspîos mapproved. -la upite ut Ibis, pisnois board bai pichet out Mf 45 applications ORly Imo ta dssgoateaiextractive idustriel siles," he hild maincil. flic ~spriswqestioR are Mc. i Lee'uoodta of Consolidate Sland ami Gravei nesr ilpcysidc. -i thougbt il untoir thol p bsis oard aboutid designate certain arease iithout giving those in Oie aires an opportaiy hi object," HomilI meol on. "Wc suld tresî aIt residmits the samne, nol gsvc lieu omneri ai Sadvaihige," HomilI said. "*The mcdi ut these pis should hoe deail mitb ut a laSer lime." Depoty-reeve Russell Miller and Councillor Leso toxe iupporlcd Howittiaruent ami voted for reerra bsc *1t Boy on bike, youth suffen Milton Police repecled ai accident on BrunIe St. las Tliesdoy, Oct . 26.' Ronald J Wilson, 10, of 325 Braite S siiftered a conicussion atter Oie bicycle ho mai rldisg mas isvolved i a ollision Mils 000a drives hy ,EdIth Duaiset o! Blrighton. Tlhere mai on eslimated $00 damnage tu tho bicycle. Thiere mon ai reperted damnage te Oie cor. 'theresa Lapierre ut oSniOss Faoto buit ai eolimnated $40 domoage te hoer cor i an orcidenî Saticday. Police soy the oni drove Là on Oie bien ut Gurdon tiadley, 23 Elmmnsd S1. Milto, iting a flanc staidard. Thers mrais ai eslissaled $10 domage 10 Ose Hodley property. $01 Danage There.mai a tinu cor cullision on Friday OS Mais aid Ontario 318. Drivers isvolved mare Allen E. Johnson, 372 Penrl 8. iton aid Miary E. PicketS, R.R. 2 Geurgetowen. There mqls an eslisnated $00 damage hi Oie Juhnson cor; hi Oie Pichett car $30. A collision hotween a porkcd troctor traiter aid a car drivon hy Michael Timers ut 076 Oiurcill Rd., Acten oceucred on Bell SI., North of Eismaiod Coco. ai OSa'day. Tiare mas ai estimated $M0 damoge ti Oie Timbers car. The Iractor troiter, iebich la umned hy Mortin Liqoid 'fransfer Centrai Lld. of Toronto mus flot damuged. Îhere wss a single cor accideot ai s a I 388 Kigsleigh Court.co drivon by DessoS fficia Plea n, apprllted aid Gcavel, Reeve Hill ceiided ~ ord wltfi mie dissenls oe coaic Oich compasy clohoed gboard for cecomsideratm, wlse they tesd received approvul trais apirva Mmiday mtght. coariil hi go ohead mith the Vat he one iM«in ote proj .ect ai 11117Y us t962. Wli c ad00e th5OOO oe HowilO claimed the 1902 r t seoh e flc Tove to havie resolulios mercly graitrd Ose bord, 1cra delegotioi of seven company abido emt -reof thse propmsed gravel pit on Isu f - buudo emti cGee un the 10th lise sooslh of ait enongh 10 designate a quarry iCitoaktuttsepooohojs in1 my opinion," Howitt ission. Cosoncil bus no poweer t0ougetd der it hock to planning board if Cmoaidated president Hughli Grightrssre, who uiso oliendod e, Monday oight'i meetiog said i.s c Planmong board. comnpaiy hod oubmilicd bOue- s I feel that ofter paisiog thc priotu to.council in 1962. SMotion, wich 1 Éthier movcd or Altbough no buildiog wis ., socodcd, we should stick tu wbof moostcucted, he said 75,0tons of me said," Miller commencted. , materiul have already beeo tsý Wafyiantcrou laheoout ofthe land. wtet mhrso t théo0f Grsghiore saidhle mould libe spiS," Cooecoplaiiscd "H-ut 1tinki Ois coajid 10 re-alflrm the vie eiher have hi reccbd tise resolution of thc 1962 coonceil.- smotion me paosed or boxe thi Qiiacrytallable 3 plnigo te.h hipoighadS b elieve me have attesdedui sif we cael os thimus e necesoary meetings aod decsso. I doo alh ota made thc proper prescohais," veine myonrslto," bie lie ssod. -I suggeut if our quarry saut. s flot suihible, nlo quorry ever Needsatone wdl hoe." Coaroiloc Wilfrid Leslie, who He seul thot with or wiOsoul Oie crvcotuolly refused 10 support Oie Officiel Pion blo compaiy haed 4"4 HOwmtO motion 10 cefer the plan plaosed tu hegin operaliog toi --q -- hackti 1 planning board, yeur. reouoded couicil ofthOe greut Grghhmre also bold cooncil oeed for sosif and gravel. owoers of the lansd on mhich -If unyone hure tonight hb 101 Cameron Hieights Developesent acres and foaid gruvet l plan hi huild '00 ette sub- yoou'd have a hard Lime op:piot division conhaioing homes whicb Lme from huvssg a gravel pit," msll have a completed value in Lse prcdscted. ' the $72,096 ronge, were wetl "Vou're sa right,", Reeve Tom amure mbat purpooe the Hil1 uddod. Conoeidated land wuu to hoe used ONE WoRXçMAN WAS 1(11, Hill crilicized planinog bourd for, whn Conuolidated hought others injured Toesday morn for apprviog thoe plan ono aiight theu' til acres. Zh o tw eieimeeaso We told tem Ihen me would wnods lifted a pile of constrscl "Ali of planing hoar d sh ns ever dishirh theos. il' in the ls ihhforMEe ln have hoco there tu expreni Ohir recordsi," tic saîd. irOntt. Miltoo PolicecSgt. Wil opsinion," hie charged. Eurlier inthe meeting, cooncil und Const. Robert Moreau lfeferrsog specificully ti Ose receîved a mrittenoubmsion applicalion of Consolidated Saod Iroîs Ose Cameron Hcighis fiin tod councîl muoy prohîcems ctuld suggesting that opcratioo of a urise if the isit sa ailomed tu rock quarry would RoI be operute. c r c l de compalible with teuivision When hc ashedth evhi vaues of ail laspayero in thc ords Mr. Cartwright, Hill coflcussiof immcdiute ares. Tht Cameroo rored, n Hights developont is propoem -l hope y00 seod Oie ront of Gildea1 ot fe igliu or Lois 13 aRd 14, Con. 3, aiso Your lite ion your properly. t hope collided with a hydro pote:, u Stesi~sde. deoo one haeyoiuc e n caing $M1 damage ti $li. cor. Dclcgoilsi speaker eiononyuow. Thiebydro pole moi noS damfaged. John Cartrlight, spehesmai fo e icth Une delegaton, aid La, 01 . ' ratepayeru bad attended a AS w Xj b'8 t Pirneview, Ochool. hâtd beeR re nawsaoert of about U.S the grivel pti proponuli for thse Mcs.ee property. He îuggested e a.y couic I could commuoicate F y' Soc iso resideols oaolisg tu eymulaot ht"oiox attend Milton Ct unily Ileey ol 0111 remts odedon Sevc l tiioo ai1c bigh Cartwright there badl beeo a ELECTRIL sctiail each Thuirsday eveomg, pehh c meeting on the official Milto Council mans $o mube plao held aI Stemurttoocn. CM sure sucb a servic e wt0't A hd a calO trons Mr. Ecos lCTR /C ER VICE onterlere mîth local taxi eveo helore tht publie meeting," cIDORA companies' business. Idi said.*IDSRA mA ays tmceemin oc Gae cros, a second member MAINTENANCE wavews dfra aPerms se utio the delegahion, ucboowledged *ELECTRICAL Dav Lwistor a ustothe te tarI hienmade Ose rail, but said CONTRACTING bino earb meeo. Sorne lie had heard about the proposai * ELECTRIC coaicifllrs were moçried this oly as gossip Oromoef i mughl hibe bussness 'lrom th oeighsioro. n euths HEATINC taxis aod derided hi aàb tice tai lesmood MorromaOid WTRHAE Sms for Oheir opinion hofore emeohe delegauno, aihe RENTAL!i Prom ot ermission. M r fted g g Mr Lewis would chaorge a 'hat tIse pion go hartik tu Pl_.lo smoo tee Soc the service. He ho 'ard 'th lhe reuest thut flic, 878-2048 wailed Li sturt a hien'soholdzed Ae lt evior Jers ogr iOSilsTM regular hus service in Milo uta tel rhmmer er ne FE SIAE apprtval of a lhoruugh truttir study of Milton i 1972. Studito i Ose Unlited StaSes bave sbomn Ibal floombile dulldren often rainol or mii ail drink milk. In order tu tisd ouI mhy, the U. S. Department ot Agriculture bas amorded a research grant i Jouhns Hopkhis University in Maryland. j --------------- KAISER Aîominom. House Siding for carefree beauty. Enhances on>' home, oid or 880', stucco, uood frans or brick. -NEVER NEEOS PAINTING V2 EAR FACTOR Y GUARANTEE I -CHOICE OF COLOURS AND FINISHES ISamne locatiOn over 20 years. Factor>' trained instatiers assure you of expert work. You cao deal wvith Federal Industries wîith Complete confidence. Phone for free estimnate. O eAluminum Doors u/Cmbination Windows 1F7 0 car Ports le Aluminum Awnîngs t OFCANADA ED aid four discuusing tht accident mit toce of the mork- lag mloen bigh men wht escuped injury. Winois mere on materiol ton estînsated to bc gusting at 50 to 0 miles un APurtmctots on hoor mheo lthe muterial flew tothlIe mtrkers limn Paltersoo as tsey luid coocrele.--4gtaff Photo) Ove nictuirei UVÈ MU- - - 0 P A U,, W SR F RCTI j 0 A A~~ ~~ A L H.O-M-STO 4 RWUTTFMA ,T111 17 MI S T FREDLs Y8826 The Cancadieni Champion, Wedesesday, Novme ,17 Obituaryovbe3,97 IVO RYSBath Siza Bars ZEST Fa9ce oo Sliced White SPAGHETTI or RU1cIa MACARONI 4Loaves 3 Pkg. 9 Bravo 100 Bravo Plm Peeled Vogotabis 011 Tomatoos $ 1.89 Galo 280.Tns9à Tin 3 .g. 43c Tin Maple Laf CoilMapls Loaf l PGLISH SAUSAGE 59C I WAED BOLOGNA 3 S Fresh Leans Fresh Lean Stawing Beef 65Ob PORTERHOUSE T BONE Frnoh A Fryce SIRLOIN CHIOKES JLBROUND CRICKENS WING Fresh 37 ar 3T AK Gh.ok Ohioken Legs 49L, RSba L 990 MetGof 65 Chioken 45~FrRfh Lcas Bui h Leank Lbeastehuok Steak 69Lb FChlOl.,.I PorkL L49 Shouider Roast 39L1b Pork Liver 2 S 49c Park Rocks 2 e FARM FRWSH PRODUOI- 0 O 27,10#Ïli Canada Fanoy New Crop Macintoshs or Coortland or Snoai Toiiow Ripe Frsh Red Caifornie APPLES Lb35r BAAS 10 O sGRPES 4 99el -I TUESDAY ONLY IKetuctky Fied 6kickta. $NAI( PAX< REG. 2 Piecos Mouth-watering Kentucky Fried (hickon Golden Brown French FriesR54,5 0 O Mos - Thn R1»a. -ap OOE SANDERS Fri. -5 sa l 302a. in i MARES IT $URaeY- 113041 a..-9PR1 "Fuma LiCKBd, OOb" Kttocqg Fried Ckie cIiîckeMVÀff&.ý Main and Commercial MILTON .... 878-171- MI lbomasAodrew(TA. Leslie, as a man of t blhrty, a kWii R.R. S, HrbY, pa udawy sighbor aid frieai& suddenly early Tuesday mornZ, Oct. 26. lie 'ns hiMY i.ie 096dye He mas the onlylmaA.Lte ndDï A«lo. ssoiil u e i h ,.!le Ou te m f i n N. Halton Maio Gffnon dugte M .trouble Milto polc hiaclyn Edmordasudaisitr ePrecd alo en igi Li2 (hMcs. N. Cookî % =f th ilo OPbd "ai; Coblosyn. A sun Ronatd pr un aibleal quet nlght'.. deýeaed hl ilOMi 1 . l ic The sal tbey coult remembered tsbree vi halel t w'n Tiare childreo. fices or incidetsofM vandalian 10ev. Lysine Adam of lietiel luallY aMsOCiated wlth tie United Clsurch conducted the raght. tie OPP huit 12 men on funerai service son Thocaday ibity for the iight. aftcrooon fromo the Lec Fisoorat home io Strectsvlle. Intermaenit Nom.e lbrary wai oS Oie Otreetsville CeMetery. The pattbearers were foor iapbcws, Leslie Cook, Wiliam rspres.ntaflves Cok, Poolt May aid Robert Wrlggteswocth, David Scott ami Enqocsmng Cooncll aonaiced omes May twer beacers theoappoiolmest of four members wece MfredyMeCrFachen, Josepbhi toch toasoship's new tlbracy lnttey, Atbert Roers, Edward board Monday nigbt. lloisam, fceyEdwacds aid Namcd Su repreucol the Miltono Vero Lrudie. acea waî Mci. Annie Bierry, R.R. Mr. Leslie tedt farmed mosi of 3, Miltoo, Mcs. Doad Wilson, bis bice ocar Strectavilje. In 1914 RH. O, Miltan i l reprcam0t hoe movcd to the Qakvilte district Acton, whilc Mrs. A. J. aid hod lait cccestty retired Macbham, R.R. 3, Georgetownu froos active facmlog. People wbo aid Mci. Ronald Liuter, it.R. 4ý icew "T. A." wil remscmhecbim Actets wdli represent Georgtown. BEAR SAFEIT CENTRE BOBIS BAGE 220 Spees Roii Oabeliloe *Frssi Enod Alionment *Brak.î *Wiisel Osianc ni *Complets Engine Tune-op