Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 1971, p. 5

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~1 - J M Mi/ ~J ~~ The Canadian Champion, Wedn'esday, Noryember 3, 1971 Name guop Youth bowling o n abortion C secI- Jin.ard 225, cu COMMERCIAL 3Me.' hla Isnle. il, Witîssa: ose, c l Sel triple Jîo i ocî 011crh. god eMaellas, t. Gilbert 911, Oi. no 309, .7l1t Wittlttll 312, 31I. 035r eond trlee, Les Masot 825, Jerk sltsg 728. -rl Ki01l720 sfo 57 tteforU 290Jts2 for 24. Octlet r Bni e.wewiy O foe 1, Flyers 2 for 17, Mills5 for 9. 011r 00 triple. Le.s n 30,9 22.rYs2 J ae 5cr7 J.rae oueî2for 02 crforOS5, 17 50r 21 Harold 7 fort,ip 0for e. Bel. 20aePCeos21 AOtber goSdtlisole, N. Belley 233,N loger 070, S. Oî13St. ti,:lerie wonofur19 Shirley 2fort15, uns5 for 12,Nancyr2for 9. CANADcAN METER GIRLS .ARVESCHOL crme top sit tbree fis-st Jane lOeyer, Eroie King and Soli-Anne Bee-LaehseigI snle, Maro Ctegg f01, place siosuers in tise Halton County Crs-os won first plBce honors in tiseir respective ladies' ltg trIpfle. M îrg Cregg 709. Country race at Fais-vies Scisool IBSI wees. classes. -<Staff Photo). aOteV. nesMayHpl62 sosIe sey 634, fatlty Oloeb 007. I am & ishNew' Wslh e large porcentage of manse huniers hans from thoir alnual hant, somne bave had goool lueh, ome cot so good,' hutl ise most ouldoossoes ail report a goSditrip, cleao fun, frs-mier and rrlasatlsc. soometing vryrar-ein these hosrry, horry deyos e livr in nos. Jasi Cousbsn of Lowville hasted for- three days at Fox Lake Lodgr and managed to pat a couple of masse on lise s-un hut felled tls hoot one. Aoysay, Jico sas rewerded for his long saliss hy sar sire roas oent to hlm hy his dad. The day Jios leRt 2 corne homel Jark Davirs of Codas- Springs Raad, ohot a heaatfsd large hatl oase, NsrcoRichardosoand frimndn froos the Applehy Gmn Clubs maragrd bo lwoog homo ths-er moose. RusseSl aid Arl Rotnhson of Küidi are aseihle 20 goto acse on theirs-ecent tripinE lh Lake. Dcks stoll heure Oerassse of tise mild seatse-, dochs arr s1111 10 ho foonollin Sois arra, asd local basns-rs are masaging 20 get thir share. CliffBarnrs ofl Applrhy Unerjust relserned fromn EsternOntario solh a full.-sast of duchs. Some beoolofal flocks of wild geeve are sti11 feedisg os the fields of harvrsted coco. May se saggrst Ihat au hosnis-s and sporlasorn, 50 reave these hirs-d alonr. fore aesn or two at Irast. Dors niaho se ssii have Bomne mie florks is blalon for a tee yearo. This seleme is eorhing in Waterloos. Let's fie il a try herr. Il is a beauldali oight t0 ser 25 or 30 geese cirlisg aroosd asd aroasd, toohosg for a oafe place 20, land acd fred. Geese are eser aies-t fs- danger. Mahs oo msgiee a gosse is one of tise sartast he-da thot tly. Euchre A vos-y sorrs-ssfoi rochre party eos belli aitie cluis hoase Satarday cogisi. There sas a good tarsoat, silis mrmhos of other clois atinding. This i0 as esjoyohle eay 20 spend a faeu rvmng asd se asdrrstand there errsoergad, frirsdly challenges maile. Planetrip George BDirchion and Boh Bilais aid dlistoai gang fron as-oasd Broste arr goisg os trois- anuoal deer hotosig trsp ssst werh. Tise gang osuaSly has good sorceso, ohtaiinglthr cotaitthe las; Ors years inOs-Be. Cosgratulations also 20 Georger Breehos o winseiniag high gai en a recens regiseed ts-ap shoot. If yoa're gaisg sorts for deer hasting. dor't forgel 20 taise your sottgun for- partridgr. A .410 docs thSob ofis- tise, Thes. hirda seem ie ho atie top of a cycle and aevey pleotifai Sois yar. Tise porlridge maes for gosd mating. and c hie Soa mnowshor raishitaidome vegtahtsmoahsavrrytastysews Gsod supply lise prospects for cotlostail rahhsls are fosd agois Sois yea-. Tise Eoropoas hore or -jaclorahisit" as se nos hlm in iloutiers Ontario, ix in fair to gsod suppiy. lisesr asre more thos a mcilios huitero in Canada siso .pesd a hasndred million dollars aaioally purnaingtheSonsport. Some of Sorco do flot aleays odrotaod or apprecisin the restrictions impoord hy iolgigs ehr haverstudied the anics' ecoîrgiral reqais-emmts. Tise sport can bo a normal and legiticoate exploitatioc of a naturel resource. But il has o 10 h rrgolated 20 exclude people siso arr sas20nly destroctive. Widhifeeascot continuae tu sarvive oar soy of living unise se set asîde adrquatr living sorce for it. When Sosr in a plan 20 huild a road or pipeline, o thonght ohoald ho fsvmn to sildlifr and tho thougstleso destraction of Sorir natoral haitat. Wr asr afraid if it wstot for the DepartmeSt of Landa aid Fos-ests, The Ontarir Federation of Angles and Hasters and mhe Caadion Widif r Society, se soald soon ruis il for os iis aid scoall sidife. Sa sent tIme yoo olart to complotely dlean ouI a fenre ros, as yoursel: "Can se 201 leave a fes trees and isnhes for ous- hsrdo and rahiss Damage over $ 1,000 qthree cars collide TIre ses a Sorer cor collision on Satarday on Sos FoarSo Lise Esqumsing seuSo of 22 Sds-oai Esquming. Tso of Sos cors es- pos-ied. mhe Iso pos-isd cars sere oened by Walter- Deupogne Of Georgetosn and Nos-I Des-Stfer o f Geos-getowne The tird corswas driven hy William G. Poils-n of 124 Hssop St. Milton. There sas an estlmaîrd $130 amago ther Doapagne veicle; ta Soc DeWinter cor $WS, ta the Phint ces- $4D. Robert Waitas cuilerrd mino- injueries in ai accident Sunday et Soc Towne Lino aid 17 SlderS-od Eeqeeng. me-e ws an estimatild$300 damagelto bis cor. Threehuel itres Michigan people se-e inJurd ix un n accidentl Sutaes ai ellghWay 401, eaet of Trafelgar R5d. Leas Woianfeld gafferait bonis ijuries, site ira Maoo received a bissed forebead and Deisro Maion sufsrd a frar- tusred bonis. They se-e ts-mled at Oaisville-Ts-ofalga- Memorial Hospital. mheres- n exilmo $400 damaoge 10 Sos- Wriseefeid vehlicle, Tisesr sas a colision boes-oe o deer aid o cr en Hihbay 7, west of tise Sevenlis Lino Eaquming, os Sunday:. Drîve- of the car sas Robes-t Blarboder, 19, of Martintown. Estimatedi damoage tai bis cor sus $M.0 Issue 26 permnits A total of 26 bilding porcuita ses-e issseed in Esquecing =nnii dus-ing Soc monts of Total sstanatadl s-st of tho buildings le 1167,000. Jessy DrS'ogel 59, Yosose Teesel fdrphîeîî oîte MOîOîlad afor 24 Copier sto 20. fflrtet 2for 2e res7or 1Tws0fo 7 Ut oog.d 0rcs-leî 010e 720 Mtkr Betse.der1 ý7, Fred Lcee 84: tVie Basa pc . Lesv S'etdenBroSk3 for 23,C.rolyjgep 7 lot 8 leltt Me9scll 2for 16, Gosý Tirle.asteosfors 1OsC. Tileaoî. 4 fot 16, Vcee. egfor 16. soliMHat]. 3 for 1î, Pyte Va,,desorooal 0 for 12. 48 A1.LEv ROCKERS Ladices tuitale iorvie Leewis0 atr 10htiple Bots Vernsetr. 041er gsod lase o Mc llRs 0t4, Marton toetsg 293, BerI UmrgS triples Isy MeCIellîsd OerlescswossforPA.EieeoOfor24, MfsrylosO3for 23,...r15for21 îJossie 3fttr 20, Merios 5 for 20. Mort.[ 2 fot 19, Noreco2furt17 Martin St. co-winner in cross country race Martas St,.lho ru ui- teia, etachrss-IiSoNsS Bllon metch, wao oamred co- stase- of tho Hallon Coasty rarc at Fairview Scisasl Wednsday Accordisg2 os officieI resait, Martin St. rail second, five poins hohind Pisrlund Soal. Hosevec a poculsar situation ocrsed ehen a Pinelasd ruaser rai off mausa and Soon fisished f inet. Rules cotied for disqualification but after conssdrration of the morse aid cirumsotanes, Soe runner ws humped from final place and the Martin St. runner won forai spot in the race. Wsald have bers lot Hadl Soat Pmnelasd rasor hae dioqoahfiîd, Martin St. sould lave tamn f inst. Bof Soe pointa osarded to the out of bounds milliersereast enogh to eep tas team in final place. Ir virs of Bantams win two Deisin Bs-os. Misor B Bastacos scoedupai ofwinssthissceeh drfralsng Hespeler 3-1 aod Georgetown 5-f. Milton traflrd Hespeler 1-0 unit loto in tise tard perla siss Miltonsocoret thrre qaich goals teras osayswith the fome. Len Bs-oswn, Sinve Honnon and D-oag StraSo sorset and Todd Coceadrtti pichet oU 150 osoists on the threr goalo. Score olce Hannon scored tsicr Sosiday ogaisst Gcorgetoswn shdre SIraSo, oges- Deisin ood Corradelti ningîrd. Perry Copain ansisted leice aid George Trenles once. Maiagerk AI Strath sait the Cîi ahtgasd but 01111 ixs-hed experiese. Doog Strath eos cot for 20 stit-hes in o freah accident. Players ratred oroasd hlm aftr lts goal aid one plaer fr0l sotr o skoate catchisg Strotin thSe foce. Jacki Dasîsoîra moaches the cois and AI Stratis 0manager-. 'is- carriesoseso of asgters wa0 responSsiste for 118 foresl lores os Ontario in 190. TELEPHONE A NSWERING SER VICE N * CON F 1D E NTU 1 h h *COUSTEOUS *PE RSSNALIZED 878-2020 Models from $425. t iLisgar TwIn Seasons4" 826-3609 IWinston Churchill Btvd. S.S.of 40l-5 MileS S. 9f s. Neroal the situation Martin St. and Psseland ere namrd co- winnrrs. Martin St. Ordy isad ose final Place ranenr but ail of Soer s-anrers managsd ta stay in Soc top of Soe porck. Tsonty titres sehoots represenîrd isy 350 students tan in the race. The foilowing as-e tise top six inams in lise oves-ail competition. Ts- sehool sits tise losesl numhrr srcoived tise ighost rating. Pinelaid finissod sitr 129, Mos-tis St. 134, Stesartnown 143; Foirvirs 147; Tecusehi 154; and Maplehurst 162. Thsree tt Fainvies finshed final in tissee reens. The evoots er bs-oison loto serior, sins-rmediole and junior boys and junior-, solercordiate and senior girls. Sari-Anse Bryr ond Jonr Beys-r bols of Foinvies son Soe istrmrdint aid junior gis' îtîs- shite Es-nie King son tise junsor boys tas- Fainvies. L. Carneron of Mas-tis St.s-ai second in tise jasior girls division. for -Purnace Installation -Home CnMfort Service This Weokes - 1 Speclal E RATE PAYE RS L.dtec' 0igh mslle, No. Mr Morsbo 297, ledeîlglr St is- eos MeriorpbY7Ms2. es hg'h triplie. Horst Wtsterî 709. OtIer good cinsi.î, Ji.o Cols2. So Oo.glee 295, Chartetcsî 241 E de Rtc S. 251, rooree Me. S9ssply 209. OsIer gosd fictel, Ji2 Calvin 707 Bol Hoghes 921. Urt9eOes5tfot,29, Challengersî2 for s.Obe&Mteecgot2s Do, '0'trcots &e Milse f or 21 Bettrp 2opr f or 2 Wiltcc 32 fo 1, Dosýeeteo3 o20 W LADIES' SPECIAL Lad41es 11gb essglc Dorees9agha 31c, ledices litI triple, Dorees Ccsâh.n 719. O res loo 0tingea n Maero tes 222; Ethe Asnold 231. Edrie Deo-- DortiLs.a tee. 000 Bîrin Doris Won 3for 35, Ollel 5 for 27, Edr4fore1, Bert 2 fr le. WED. NFTERS Lediee' ligI csnle repre Drede 072, ledtes' lîgh ttiple %and Prros. 011cthr tent! Itsgles Sotdy Preon 25 242, Leas Wilson 237 se Titucs 03,M27. ego 24st Ouier 0005 trpesLos ît 577, Ds_ TuiodI . r9- 6 rcyce W9., Manrggros9M, Bs9bTl. Drej Leesie won07 for 15, Betty 0Ofor lets, 0eiiS2for '5, Susanes2for 14, Leo.else F.,t26, asdy 5for 21 Ma 'y 0ftr 6 t, LsS 5 for 29 Ladte,blslu single Ruoth Teisce290 Ladties gib trtple, .) oe Schultz MO0 001fhr gonds ingles Joyce Schtultz os1, .80, legIee0 650, Mary Heipel 623, Kath1 Costes 61o. 28. Mcphiiît t for 00.iý Tedelt t for 26, Dos-Orsolt5 or 24. Toils 5 or 22, Couper 0for 20.5Person 2for 20. EARLK RIROS Lellrsh hlgh stngle Jun ota 11220; l9dt bîgahtripleOd Crert 711ý.' gsoîtalsîsslE Jde7r 11 s Met's lieS triple. Jaok Gootd 720.o' Other gond .snlee, Dosa ikest 2. îdrCrdrtse2.229, 210. Joat Otlet goad trirîa CotlrcoGeret 070, Harold 005gb'. 67, BiII asbe 676, Nip Gervats Mo6, Les Masos 663. Ciolrrsresono2for 24, Roy O for 20, .3rOors Harotd 4forf30, Nîp5for -Diesel, Gas, Labrîcants -Hot Water Tanis Rentais A 1pca comenittee ta bandits ahortions ouIl soon be appointed by the medioal adviso-y committee of Miltion District Hospital. At Wednesday's meeting of tse isospitel board, surgeon Dr. W. S. Legato repos-ted tise commlttee sutl prepare the neressary regslatioss and st Up an aisortion procedure for tise hospital. Area hospitais are enperiencing heavy workoads and DsaY ol ho ablte to isandie local abortion rases mach loger, he indicated" fiw ielle six msutlsa to ayear ta lausds a systemn for hacsdlisg ahortios, t vies noted. Several approvals have 20 be ohfained and permsissios muot hol gs-antod hy tise local hospitalýs enoseal meeting. BOWLING Me liaI snle, George Gilbrt 320, mene. 1gb triple Jis, Witîsel OthereoSd sigles 2120 itheli 303, Bert Dîsosi 29. Harold Douglas 291. 035c or 27 P sels 1.i0 Mecs 755, George hIe-t 733. Dean Gtr 730. MellIoso33 Claetr 5 for 5. OeC-uslfor 26 Fîres-ot for1 54. Jet Of.,r24. Bailrrîs 2for 2,t..,.eees t for 20, Mllle7tfor 16 LADIES' 5PECIAL Oct. Ldc eloleAdrMeo OsIer 0002 eingles Dorotly Ellesmere 253. ,12 ildgo 252, Bel-o Clîepoux 249, Dorres Vaughan 33, Sirley- Wilson 208. Dotes Won 2for 32 tel 5 for 22, Sert 5 for 16, E drle 2 orl14 Coonshl;JetBird 351, Clopîl CoS9er s a fstyhY 280 SierZc. o 276. MiSe Slepherd Singles: Marles. Schultz 231, Oee Ssi230,Dv 0. 22oI. Ji.1 Connor H50, .ee OoIy202. Trtples: Greg Ruc 957 Jie Coceos 90. David Few 509, Marles.e Schultz Sols Kelly R,,k -,7 n. Let H3.Bo 0ee 207, Le. Boc 203, Brencde Soboit. 20i. Trilîes Kelly 50.10 676. Brend Schultz 571, Sol Hughles 550, Don ELECTRICITY F EATHERSTONE - ELECIRIC 878-6378 BINGO PLAYER BUS SERVICE Nt To Milton High Schooi - Thursday Evenlngs OnIy t I Inglis Bus Lisos osili be seoidiog a bus, ieaving Campbottvitte h Corners os bo Milton Heights corner and along Peru Road to the Base Lise loto Kings Court and Isot Glen Cresceot, aiong Base Lise f0 GOtario Sfreet, dooco Woodward Street fo Martin Stret - S and os to tise High Schoot.h Thsis baswai rue for a trial periodo 04seois h rom Leasing Approo. Price h h Cacoptellvite Corner 6.15 P.M. .75c Milton Heighfs & Peru 6.30 P.,M. .5tc h Kings Coort & Glen Cres. 6.35 P. M. .25c Onitario St. & Woodward 6.,4f P. M. .25C S Woodward & Martin Streets 6.45 P. M. .25c ALL PRICES INCLIJDE RETURN PARE as s IttIItlttltltllllllsltItItlIllîlllIlllll[fl43 COMPLEUE HOME AND FARM HEATING SERVICE BACKED BY OUR WELL EQUIPPED FLEET OUR ACTION LINE IS 878-2381 'I GUS MOWBRAY ESS0 FUELSj 436 MAIN ST. E. 878-2381 -MILTON, ONT. e

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