Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 1971, p. 2

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Falling star? or maybe an invasion of Mars-men A fsllng 0is (or sasybe s a .pcsll fr ' Mas Y hayave dedmcleil asMltoan, Wsabnsdaylb (ct.27) MssMPsakPesaclak 01 149 ara SI. rssis ng igit h llgl sbi o f a dinalis Mplate' tkls ai bat2P.m. -ý yhuomodnand lwor J gt dri ff the Ban Linad oa Essi Street, aller csslgfrais s pasiy." sald Mss. Peacoca. "Ai tisi we llaiaght la mas a fala ss, bat as il sasse das la abs graindi i aeeised ta gel blggsr asd lasiglles." Spsrhs front til ed Mss. Pssacla niad lhn mail amsalag spect of abs Salai mas les sparis. " lasse stiait le a psi samlg frosa the leit end." 511e said the alih appsared le lasdlld Ontario Sleel plant as abs Base lUse. "0f sassai its very esy la isljsdgs distances ai algla," as notad. Milles Poice nay Ibsy lave rscelvsd se saports aboat asy faSing stars as objecta tonla as Milles. Did asysas elas netae lssrage Sglll JIm Secager roslgns as Rotcary president 1111S CAR DRIVEN BY James Maflenof RNR accirait occarreli an tias Campbsllvifls Rd. 2, Campisllvilte wsul off tis roasit httag a norta of 25 Sideroad, Sanday afternaoa - t'es stamp. A passenger, Daili R. McNahb, i Photo by Wrndy Thomson) ZZ, R.R. 1, Campbellviill mas killhel. ITse Fears many Ieft off Check Iist or you'II miss vote UalessaMiltaomn talas lis lime renlelibutltis occupaits won'l la furma ai toms ballta ses abat abers ta chscka abs vaters' liRa for abs as Une volera' liait adlsa tby are apoeal ns praressed. BRailis af apcaminf municipal eleclios, ason ae saassi rolS. laaso wba bave mavsd ta amibhes abere iua vsry gaad classa maoy Tmo yearus abters wsrs 3,470 lame matais tas lama may la mli sat la ale t vols in abs masicipal votera. Wîila iscresd liateli ai aber aid alidreas. Tisi Decemisr sieclias. papulaion aidait Inai 300 mura porsns willla 0111e la vals anly Accardiuf la clera Jaca people dua eb lowsrisg of abs i th wabs rd wbere aber lirai McGeacbîe a greal lirai of âgs af majorily, abat figare lame las located. confsiuos las Uen caased la ahoalli have iacrsased Aapseals malt 1e Mteli hy Nav. prsparing abs volera' liai sisce csaderaidy. Howevsr abers are là. Aller taa date no0 appoala rai abs aassaiaaeni lascios las been asly 3,4U4 peras Sird as la laascisd. tahes oves by abs provoace. municipal votera ai abs carreal Municipal volera miSl clams a Asseulaissa figurs lime. tawa cuscil aad hydra Accardiaf la assaîmeul He niaid aiy new persans baotmsso as ihel sos figares ail but a fsm of abe 90 laviag maved la leau saise Atril blotorian aid qusdayoapsof salaaMyarApartabami are may oni la os abe tait. Tisi wbo af pool balls.e l sssla iDer. vacantIn leactmaayaof aeisare aresnoaan helabsoald RUout a 6. Cubs, Scouts walk for $574 Tbarly-fivs Camphsliviiis hlS. The mmlt pledgs mers Muddygoial Caba, Scouts and Veniarers le'ougbi i hy Naady BeSl mitha a edr Sily El raiseli $5i74.80 in a avalkaiaios grand total of $5.30 auh mile. Lsad th Shirley Ela Saiarday, Oct. 23 la sid of abs Slag sand w5k joli rifhi for the walh. Hamever Scaut mavomepin lahab villages. As abe walhers pracseded sloiag rooda were a littas maddy Iras, Vaansaers, leems, leaders aind abe route echs af abs sanga ilasy abe ras, abs aigt liefors." lsh parents wallsd ltas 10 mils roule sngsauldisisbard. From start expressedhr thansstea a 111te sisroasdng Une village and 3s f la firsl Une maiers esgaged la sapportes aid saleli everymne abs 35 moUners campleleli the snga niled "Show Me tis Way laed fas olong ths route. eslire treka. le (Ga Home", "500 Miles" and Ths fllamag baya Rîchy lsar mal th1e lirsl boy 10 "Baami, Boam Aia't Il Greal Ta participated Stephes Oasis, Des laish lis rauls la tmo haara and Us Craiy". Banîs, Rasdy Bell, Don 28 minuts. One boy wai uahis The leader pripaliag in lheBuchonsn, Peler Cossas. Marka le complels lis lait mile af abs malkatoibssaln Shirley EUs Cannan, Michae Chapmaa, salle and asaabsr yaungsier mal la Bayley, Eiless Weîlhaver sud Kssaslh Day, Sisphes Doy, lale in sarting and didult Mary Elle. Voleris aid Mary Daiay Doles, Phiilp Frcemaa, camplete th1e faîst mlesn onme. Wrild aisa wallaai wiab abs froup. Jahnny Frssmaî, Leanard Tisa men lave isen chargeli mata ralblafg Dohsrly's Sevice Statin an Main St. af $171 mars tam tma wssho ago. Milto Police rsport tisa men malhed sala the5 office ut tas service station Oct. 16 ishils th1e attendant maa husy mitb calîlamersanod openli the cash dromer. The pair rsmavsd the money, tamn lappsd sa abois cor Msmnbesîbp sales an 1the Ontario Federalion ut Agraculture conisaue lu Oa. Hroa souty ledsralaoa reporta abat il hon nild las 1,1011 msmnbescubp in 1the Ontario Federolaaa ut Agriculture. '11e ma n uis h Rutherford, o _on fermer brolien near Wsagtam. Vies! We do a littie more Thon service ca rs and ssii1 gos and ail, grsceriss asto supplis and jsg mla. e We'rs bock ta sU r original hoars 6 arn. ta 2 arn. 7 doys o mssla Car mmaîsrizisq a specia lty Try as for complets service WARDIS AUTO CINTRE Corssr Mais & Oroit ai,. 878-9732 AMI and îpsd off. When abe attendant retarosd 11e noticed tas maney mai mismig and coilel police. The firIt of 1the suspects mal opprshsaded by Oalavll Police as cti. 2t anîd taesacondi as Oct. 22. Milton Police repart bath mea desy Uney laah abe masvy. The pair are reporteli la bave Uen living in Oshvile. Tas cone milla elieled la Ferrier, ilîsphes Faollasor, Michael Hyde, Knstb Hays, ltichy îsnor, Kevin lsnr, Rol Kiagdaa, Alan King, Gordon McLaia, Richard Norwood, David Parker, Philip Parkasr, Gordoa Stoas, Dean litane, Roabert Welles and Wdhîse Wfd (T Salvation Armyf PICK-UP TRUCK IN M.TN & AEAI E VERY TUESDAY "87-822 tun. 5hrogh Thurs.$.m. SHOW IME Fr.&W 7Ia OpaS&S9p.m Sat Mstnee,5m. DIHOMAANMLE'~~ BIGMATu MM finais S.. 1 n m..8 u.9 wd.1O ré..o1 Fa. 12 ist.3 I aaaorecmî. 13 Roary Claub presiais Jisa Sager subiliid ble reoigaalon tabte clublanst meea, po=sla out ta members thal bulss ceamilmneala mals Il imsible for bim la coninue. Accepiaf She rsigaias mass regret, abe membes elscledl vice-prsidsal Jais Conmsy as presîdesi and ssmed a nmiaatiag camiaaallese 5 absth vace.presidial'a lipaiin. Loslng a wrkss Presidesi-eleci Conway niaid th1e clab wan losisg a werber la Une dlub, ons wbo bad bsaded abs Cammaaily Ssrvice Clubs ergansation aid baua active in oaber facette of club actlvliy. Hls caltaed os lis claub for goad spirit, salrieuy and an alibersace la abs uperatisg prisdples of Rotary, as la lagas lais termi of office. la regular businss l ws poinat oui 111e clalas firal Isaveloua waa appruacisg nd ths Grey Cap Danse mas ucbedalsd las Nav. 17. The club alao agsesd la salas a flin lahab Chaabsr of Commerce Santa Clans parade. Lack of participation worries county hourd Maiabes ..of Nallaion sb Board of Edacals r san diasay ai abs lal ai puic =esicps,,ion lne w- orait rss c.ndis ai ibeir meesting lbsday la BurS fis Trustee Dira Goodia a 11e public paricipation aI csacelle W sajailabotnit. Vire-dhirman 1ai Poasonsnid Une publie participation was diftlcult le gel aitelais Il as s csnlsoverla SaS erswd At Ina ramsaitpuie meetings oaly lsacbsrs and ose aemnpapermsa attsndsed. Direclas Jisa Singleton aclaamledged Unit mass, ssd Good turns for Scouts Milton Ssout dld bal Ilasir nasal coaniy "goed tara" us Satardsy, and they'ss saaaisig ason people af Miltoni la belp ilam comaplse bsniiqus prajscl Ibis weesbnd. Salarday lbsy dlstibalsd '1good tara baga" thes iin tança, wiab a rsqasst las culaiesa tfle the lis apala gond laid clotbing la la tarned oves ta abe Coipplsd Civlias Society la Toronto. Niai Satsrdsy lbsy mI la goisg daer-todoor wlab Wedu la saSlect Une flS lag of dalblag and turning il ovss ta lis Society. =ssi a dvsslsa af tbe asslaa «WsdÜZ sl snste fais bsgbsh dds'i réel il; wssld slvs Un proidsm. Tractas Naga Clsbacy aaggsed les slssy of abs meeting mai'. blid alt la3 nh aflssasas ruluias tan lneb sveaisg wbsa people csud attend. Esàqu..iao hires new b@ok-k..p.r EsudgCom"i bas MJe=ar Nsaldau am aI a osar f ils'.1 . baafian or a sa1 As aisicees ailiera lime paas4sf e mussaI ROYAL SAUSIAN LESION Branch 136, Miltion REMEMBIANO! lAT BANQUET & DANSE LESION IALL - MILTON Saturday Nov 6, 1,71 Supper servait at 7:00 p.M. sharp Dàancing t rom 9 p.m. Music by litea Dabonnairas Admission 66.00 par coupla. Tickets or Reservatons-PlMone 87-911111 SUPPO RT POPPY DAY BUY AND WEAR A POPPY fr~s ~ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY November 5 and 6 and Remembrance Sunday, November 7 PRESENTED IN SUPPORT 0f TUE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Dy THESE INDUSTRIES Pigment and Chemical Co. Ltd. Phoenix Manufacturing Co. P.L Robertson Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Subtile Bath Lahoratories Ltd. Canadian Meter Co. Ltd. Milton Machine Shop Ltd. Jas. H. Matthews & Co. (Canada) 1959 Ltd. The Canadian Champion International Cooperage Company ct Canada Ltd. Pyrclax Gas Ltd. Service station thieves charged YOUNG LO« e2I ~amo5RWaaî55Olu1% mi I j- c .Ca lits"l, af Mutau lb aba rsttenda ai Dr. W 'lissais ml'ai, Ils Loi rel e2?, Bruce C. carectors ailier S'a lms dais, Mr. Ml board k. ismilsail caiosia W VerraUls. e dts Ms.ev aishb effective t comslg as allier -Nait leacy lav abs a ssil lAns saej seconds, i Te a ala contirabs a icoisn coahn ce law Canassi "W hve das afferk filaneh lat, is the Oasprsara AtS, absce Mrs. Mac/o township sho lam a pari hast as tui A sa'ograi an apperrli sig an asg Forsl. Us laadawaers a in parli white5 abs De mabser poric a rsiclsd a Ths Dopa Paltas Sourit believsathe pra beiasI it s'a huniers la ha la rsictls z v.0la=as0 Ne Dsiachiasai Paresa mill e hy-aw bal bl Ontario's nurseriss dir lirsa tres la Yeai'; 16.7 ral On privately os remainder on, IOPTO BURÈ TELEP4O el to

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