Bd TIre Canadien Champion, Wednescley, November 3, 1971 OId, new wedding gowns îor on display at Bethel bazaar muni' i~g Wetiting gows ireni tle ic e pand enrain 1M te 1971 stne daleti Oaci le JannrY, ail panirrg l ie Mcitona eaie.t Wllani Mxllle apointenet an Use St. Lawrmnce llapper era, Ueniagis Use saar saerg inelude in he sc play. 1944. Soll colxe. of crepe were ti Ulep sanxtC webpele linles cxneinaaeb i Haie ae soscl an ad e . llimes tn Seplesiler 1971 soare an Streei IcagUs dressan &Ieni availaliele siniallar xtyles ier ange axsaibag aIe.g Use UseUlIt9C.pealvxx of' MSù Ter geen liat tinpley in Betinl Uited Clierel, saish fur anti sequins le lonsg, saeilg diresses xi Use 4Os era. saine idea for nent yca'. l , St . taar.o GSiIIP andngell Drlanqule, an nienilers xl Use nintien gnsans e.lianced saish Meiserses ozar" silqipeiyd U ieS t.awrsc Grnap sO n ei -aa =nnin .=.t sigtUeir salle rililin anti lece Lie Ataedapyti er stlyeg iar anti ore intl July 1971, sai.U e ResIS be werkag adst living la nxx.lasarnlxbrdy.Saine sallnsofte clerei. Haxtpleei e niLsr e xJ tillYoerl" Cornwsall, Avxaamoee, Fletis and etrllc s iatqair aliglitly xaitliered anti dinexireti anti nibrxitierei gxens le Pik Adamsx) ni rlcli dans blxc velvet. fleeticontionle "ieleS niergei fer Use St. Lawarensce aea Mau salUs age nreased iron a long anti saite fron as lar awxY as Thse goan ibatil ee. sorn ly Uhs Tise dresses wre lisag an Me. Maflle¶h»tiS Yoa. ci sose ani foxs, daugst.,. sU lie slay le a Irank le Use aie, Use Chixa sacre alno Part Of Use tide le 1935. A whlite an aonsi baxgee. Usrxaglisut Use liarli anageament M-rvice, 14 wit ce niviag Iliere, saisn se- daiaa an thei,,,second iInstiay anti canglit th atet one liv b Me.. Ellin Baln le 194 anti xeier, fragile g esaiMre operatives. Freviexa ta fis Cxsnsxdatlxe. ane arrangei. mnity ilncked le tlie celi le viesUe goanx, lixy gxx ia theba or reeslxlnce aver Us Wedixg dresses, veltn, liead- drea n th e dlplay sere san xxdarcosaxdb UC xxxxilers or their inIy relaive. and friends. Mrx. Perey Marry (ose Anmy Hawsan) displxyed lier brasa. an saeddleg drean, Irlixoi salUs xxatcig bar nd featirlxg a deep V4eeclilx saish lapais. Ain. plienilxn ten. son.s Uaste original jeseel pin saxrx by Use bidite on lier weddixg day. Thse pin hl ala ie. aen rx liy lin. bride ', nieller lor lier saeddl Mrx. Merryx sa.. Use fral saeddlxg le lelie place xl Bethei Cbxrcb in 1925 Frnxx nid le ecsaxxld lie nem liy Uhse lxing xl the dinplay of 19 dresses. Tise niant lecent sacdding al Use clinrcb wsoa repreeel liy Use dren. oi Mes. Mln Colver ixce Veina Exil). Thse dresn nf legnda erepe wsoa faxlinnei sailli a ronded nicliasa nd tranipet nienven, nd wsn trimmed sallithIpar lare and pale lilue salin rliliox. floral bxxdplece ni Pearl spsrlga salUs a finger-top veil of doulile nt ilin wsan aigu ilinsn salUs Use dresa. A bIne crepe itreet-lengti dresa oi Mes. Carlisle FeaUser- nd an orange llnxxn vcl dallxg balle tîa 2re alse pari af Use dinplxy. Thse vcil soas mmnr by bien. Hall's nixUser for lier manage. A brosan leliele sitirt canglil Use eye of xxxny n. Usey vilcsed Use arrny lno xx and ac- ceixoriex. 'lse alile san. fonrx Use saeting ni Mes. Evelyn Picliet's grandannUser. Tise date ai Use edgsietle annni. ln ycatlir thIle liazaae dlnplay saere Use daytune andt evxxgsedxg gowss of Mrs. Z =111e ibss nral Ciea le 155. The dalxty gowsax of saite ,for daylle) and plisk (ier eveslng) saere baad paixled and aaliridered lenxxi I cxlerx. lse gasans ieatxred e mndarix eoller, shortnsleevcs, a sirInlil tx Use Usigli anti pretty patterns of ilosaern nd treex. Nanneron. ollier gosoas saere discanneti anti xxrvelledl over as istory JaniPe baci le Use prenent al the clinrel on Salardxy. IlWe lihe Uscilt idies ni Use saedding gon splay le brig, niore people sut le Use inazar," xxld Mes. Leanard, Use organiser. "Bul Use origlinal idea lesa ont Use saixosa sain sac inecane mxore sarappati up le Use Gives true meaning of Thanksgiving ITise llsanksglving meing of Use Womn's Mixxioxary Society ni Knx Prnsbyterian Clinrei sas lielt aI the bonie ai Mes. Hooartil Selinyl1er reeently. Mes. J. A. "eese gxspealier for Use mleeting, oxîlixedtihIe Irne mning ai Tbangivixg le Use inenibers presenl. "Manlexti sliotd le fl ai j Tlixngivlsg le loti for lis j nspealialle guIfs, b pne d "Tise aceeletnce af its get, W-, q WEDDING GOWNS nId asti ne sacre a igttlagist of Use Bethel Uniledi Oburcis Fail Baznar at Druniqola on Sabtiay. TOP: Mes. Perey Merrytisplays lierwetig gosan Mira Dec. 31, 1925 aI tbe lirsI saetig in Betbel Cbxrcb. Thei wedilg saas 1b ycars after the ebarcs was hut bal at UsaI ime ninil osastiigi sacre la Use bonies. BUs. Un Lister sabe conveneti Use banaar adireas Use goan of ball a ceatxry ago. CENTRE: Velnia (Hall) CoUlver laclutict ber gosan la tbe tisplay wic soas slatably arrangetin lahUe Cbsrcb. Mes. Coilver's gosan represenitid tbe ninit recent wetig la Betbel Cburcb, on Sept. 18, 1971. BOrrTOM: Yoang Elaine Lister admires Use gosans Mira la China le 1915 by lOrs. BMille Cisos. The baati enibroitiereti gosans in sainte anti Pik sacre lor tilifereal ies asti sacre Mira foilosalng tbe actant ceremnioy. 'The saite gnon sas lor tiaytie sacar anthe plink for evealag wenr.-<(Slaff Photos) Work wvith cancer ta pic at W.!. meet Hiane Ceosasses asti HealUs sas lin Usenie il the Octoler neieng ol Use Nassagasaeya Wonien's Insiune, belti ai Use bonie oi Mes. Louise Jensen on 20 Sieroati. fice roll cal saas nssereti ly a rsetieasal renietiy fol sîclincîs or aceidient - begining saîlb the first leier ai Use nienber's isenanie. Castor aoù, nislarti planter anti grlpe ixater sacre sonie of Iliose mnionei. Mes. Vernea Malien introtiset te gunst speaker, Bruce MeNab, sain atitressethei gronp on Use salitect ai Cancer. Hie gave tietaîls ai bosa the cancer eaxxPaigx is condtiee andtihUe allocatios ai nioney receiveti, as wel as xxaxy aIner inleretlxg tacets ai the soorl. Ae- ceenpaxying bum sare lsao soorliers, Mes. J. MeCarron anti Mes. W. Ford, solo are actionly engageti and solo spolie in an lntnrnslîng soay of Ibeie Particuliar lavolvenieni. A question anti ansser perioti inllnowed. le ion of eppreciallan Use grxxp pre.estei a cliaque for Use rner baxti anti a vole of -ifisiltres w01 le gettlsg a lielidny frin selionl for Resianalraxce Day, Nnv. IL. -Fent terin of sclixxl ens avon saekaifrona ltday, Dcc. 22. ~r4-v Usanlis lac lin contribion ai Use guesis Le a sasellisaile acensi. Jensu Christ, as a perxxxxl baviose gen lufe true neanisg," se saiti. Mrs. Denboer lonli the deentions asti Mr. Haroldi Magne sang 'Tisans b la (loti". Presitient Mes. Ralert Maeliay sankei ail Use sanesln Isisoo pari in the mieeting asti espeeially enpresaed lier thans le Use bostens. A brief busnens mieeting saas belti anti refrenbnients saere Intter servnt. You l] find a friend where you see this sigo. For mlore otîîrmation Mrs. Bev Gibsea Hoess _ 878-3447 mnixne on xanl liarda le lie dixplayeti. "lb. tiresac werc le parlent pisyxlcal condtion," Mes. Lisler xoted. "Very ian assacti signx oi age andi nly thec witle, baving yellxoe, soere naticealile le Use eye."I AnnUser part ni Use d lay ixclndeti a sacddlxg pleI dlpaediMn Clarcx Fard. flc pli e tep elchianges le styles xl cles daoxn Iirougi Use yeae. "Ding Use 40,s'x Il s qulle, evidaxt Ibal tilliereal cnlme of epe saee nan rtie e oaiil gowsan xl UsaI perleti," alie aid. '5Iley saerc aiailar le style asti fionxt thUsUe large linepei xinrtn. Rl s quile intere.llisg alan le se. xxany xl Use altier style. eslbaxg back or lilg repealein th Ue niore niodecn gons," Use xxled. siyles Chiange Mes. Lister palnelt thUaI shies saish palne e xx are aise a iigaie.t ni Use paut. "Styles in ixxtsaear liave ebangcd mnixy banes sîxce Use., Ussngli," Use recallei. lise UCW ralnei niore Usan $40x Us te banner andirecrsdat a "lantastie" record crosat. Balie taliles, giland sesaag as sadl as ins a bles attractei the erxsad la the elinris. Periecl xxxsy saealber ondtinsx addedti e Use atninxpbare andtie fb avorite vegelelile miarkiet wsan.set np onttixxrs ibs year. Aronins ai linnenixte xixene- nient and lresli baliet piex innceeth Ue nses and tesle bulle ni Use in Use erosat. Thse liannar wsan ainsnt SOU) OUIT aller Use flit baIl baur ni operaion. er'afisatzu luteriars £4. Makers and Importers of Fine Furniture Visiteur ihnsaromxof DISTINCTIVE FURNITURE BetO Perinti & Tradtillaal Special1 Sofas andi Chsairs Made Ta Yoar Order Cantoms Upisolnterlsg Department salth a selde rangeoxl ise labies We specialize in lthe restoralian of oit aad antiqae fareiare Inqairies andi EstimaBes are invitesi 826-1585 Cxllentaccecied I1Lllaîccala1[1 cm7717 =1 The perfect tag along s id s SKI-BOOSE Theod hxrsedeansiexhnofgrandpa's e,. hasbeen replanetilin he snsanol eand lsxatPlanntobehijd sla 50 Sk Snaose. Mabe wnattr a famlly tan time nith Ski- Dxx anti 0k Bonse YeSI W. have ISki-Doo IMostof theîSkiDo spe tswear eatures Oord eae anylonn Itee s Ont pretect agalasi salad. sater ani chll Paus 100 pan ent Wo le c ian Iins tIret are extra salft extr arm, extra cxmtertnile. Chxnse nxow MILTON MARINE &SPORT 25 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON ai842 MI!TON4 j- A Fashion Leader ... Ibis ho panla style features a long sleeveti A-lime tiress ia anI attractive abstract print. Tbe dg-ear collar anti false belt are accenteai in canlrasling plais labie. The front slit reveals plain labie shorts. Tbe fabric is seashable 100 per cent polyester. STORE HOUIt) Moialays, Tuesday, Wednesday asti Thlirsday10 a.m. taG6p.m. \/~ t LtLADIES' WEAR ,70 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-3813 Wxedwx itn bletl bie! a, lise part Fetersanl Exeexts Angelo bain axnd dxxc by e.lxyed 1 'The yu operlxase trip la C nexday, C carried 1 leavex, t colage. nd terra Scbxxll on Weihse Paxl's Ed wax a gea tise faiser diild". TO theebicycle s Jack Refreshini Thic jxx Anglican Hallaoee hall an Fr Gaines sac eved an shotw al Wexesdx> Betty Raye Matiaes. We are n xxnaged i gaI baclisua ant lled i diressing r anlagraphs Ann saite t interexllxg Murray fan saine thlng ttreetixgn Heslap la Tnenday, ningratnlas Don and S eneca St. 1 ani Sharon lormerly oI