Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 1971, p. 11

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Studen'ts visit council Pig operotion "unbearoble"l *plaon youth week meets neighbors complain to council in tesb h eigbr uso Aplby <Krant sd 88e nuns ta olavseer hun ugls Is alkcutetr"htsi~goH a ei Miaeab 08ex= tpiia ubs Syai, Oplimiat Cluba uSagnp l aagwy suggestirns os hon la kee>88 asgwy fIdd' nlgbl~' vacaiml ou 8emeiglu 8epsrml peratios in Ibal area wau econmucaly teasible Sur t88 lokig forsardd ta oen gup 158ym tueaag Stadnl Stru e Ma t. p oi a mae1 u ulb moemah g vs conditions fin- oeaosluclie.8eddt Nassgaeya as llcigW MOltos schoorIg ut in on Senior PulcF cul Mnu anare utheir cîvîr beacable. tri lhcateo tay coneit plu H a gos'8esd mentis u t otn Couuscl District 888gb Scbuol asd Ontario respusib.littîm and give Ibeis an c euulage h mcae ul ot 188ei bosisatesoa. toiaigscil sagiceei la seek lfslyeenn. Schul foclhe Deaf Woeaehtaire laasteot beig "soupor toc a day" operatios shoull flot 88e Couscîl appeared spiI ou Ose Opinion on Ose letalily a lacs ut beisg "ceusct tor a or 'cesacllor aa day". cosiidecpdl a legal sun, malter. Coulirdlors Jim Watsos OPeratioo in tbat zoue. I0 Tbey were ther 1a, watdh day" alnd l meH Ose he coni Cesucfi socomel tbemn lu Ose rontorming ose. Other rate- and Cal Melstyre sgetdOelglueI 00 t18 o musO u aajo l jaepratondiaber 8188 Ins ai Su ameetIng and praiseil the PaYecu complaisel ut rask adores meil nus imt a hasard ot rural bauds. toc a special "YuO meeting pallecsied aller regular O)ploh Clbfor its isteret ln and Ibomsaudu ut tllea Ose piga ictio. Appreclatson Week", prugcam meetings ofthOe elected maucil. youtb wsrk. attcacted lu th8e area. eee A Marîr% Glordon Krustz sebo owses Ose sympatiaed witb the seigbbrh tand and la in joint partoiecablp mnd suid Site wouid complai sf l Hydro Uine in news again mastodeth ouii tarn, Sit tol Mr. Krantzd coucil H mla lntai pd e mci thucc oielad c. e Ermta. township route under atu luàtaO sta prvi s soh o' ee e 'Mse cotrsverisi hydre liso discussios once agais. The prN ae t=g bug lnsi comceil leamnei ut Oseir Namganst Tonshisp la bouler mei0Mosduy thut 188e Pastors from Africa s»oklng col prepariag ta nelcome Ina sslaioiary Speabers frau Ose ChOatI republir lu Ariman u ture Pg=o Abraham BelOiga ot CWa nili steak at Ose mus-iing service as siasiay, Nua, 1d anm Pggtgr Jereasie Ndjeladje lu =ada, Dec. 5. t,. friendsofu Miss Audrey Lawrence, Whse iaa mlaluarY seurber lu Chadt nill lielutersbed iseaigOthse tw 'imi-Paslar Abraham norm lu hec -aanmd PasS Jerende i Mim Lancence'u paslur. He avili aIu&W Os te pastur toc anotSe lucal seuisa Miss Juan Mellur seIn lu guuglanrk lu Ose, h miasSsie d lu Oshe sear fsgure. C.uccbcbhaias Pglatr Abrahamsh tafnra Ose Wne trihe lu Coud andl lires lu iels seer 88e directe Ose Bible lastitute mnd la cbairim ufthOe comsssittee for 88 cburches lu Ose district, Hin local cbscc bu a cougregaîlus of 00 andli8e ministers lu Sive diffeceut langmages. Paslar Jereme i mresieut ut the Association of . tbe Mvneig OmCh lu Coud mnd baSvecitO local groupsmuting fur regil r salp services Osruuglout six dittermnt lusgsige, ureas. Pur 23 yeare bie nu a lauacher in a Bible schooi wses graumlles are n leaders of Ose Ngama.puen cbarches lu au.the"" Cbad mIa tese oS Ohss bave V.2lare la nsck as alimenmariez. Altbuugb buos mes are mfil8 lingual, neiOser speaba EsigBab. 88ev. Ah, Tuvesandl 8ev. Stewart Weber, mimimaries aue lngb seili uccompay Oseco ta hlas mnd interlue thOem. PASTOR JEREMIE PASTOR ABRLAHAM Reidence counsellr TIse sesely-Sursned Rescdosc Coassellars' Association a DOni held ils tirsI gesers meein lahOe yea in Ose cotte hum= u Ontario Sool Sur Os Deal, Milaon oit Oct. 4 Ts. parpuse ufthe8 meeting nu b, presnt Ose esecutive's prapea progrum Soc th8e immediati tutuce. huiler tbe chuirmnstlp o Presideut Robert Cape, tbî Assouciation establiabeil samfli working commifteres la impIe ment Oseir pregcamst Progruit Cammittee Chuirmas, Orace Baird, ussiated by Lorraine Hubanoud; Wuys and Masn Cummittee Couirmus, Robert Caple, amited by Jim Sauders and Dosaldl McKillop; Profeusioal Develalsaast Day Cousittee Couirmas, Paulette Bauman, auadby ElizabeOs Cassisgbam and Oclus O'Donsell; Public Relations Coasittee Couirmas, Howard Wiliun, aasisted by Max Blaye and Cecile Bayer. Te osop Th8e tiraI step lu the Ausuclatiou's pragruco nus ta arrange a St. Joba Amulance bruit aid clam ta big Ose membersbip up-ta-date nith curreot traissing progruns girsu lui sen cousiselluo by 188e Depactasseat aS ducelon. 'Mse Assuciatiun alsa decideil ta sponsor Ina memnters, Brias O'Donei and Cecile Bayer ta attendOshe norbubup presestel by IM Ose Couceil toc Exceplionai Osildren Octo8Wr 16 aI Moawk Collae. The Assuciation ia asnait local e grOup selOs memberslp, tirea S mastly tram th8e cansi 1 reiec uonelr t tb e Ontario Schoul tac Ose Deat e Moltos. Il ns hupel Ihut ut mui e future tasce Ihis irup me s mulgamala selOs sinfiar group I nhich are tarmisg or ban n tormel ut olber specia reaidestial shoui i Ontario t Already isqairies about th8 tactivitims ofthOe Association an c omiag trout autside tb prsviure, and irons aatsldo t i coutry. Il is expected la 88e c tlong lime Osoughbelatre Osh *Assouciation becames inter atioal, or evon national in scope. Oueparpoe The geserai purpuue oS Ibis and0 relatel assocatios a houtlieed in Ose P'eusible lu Ose constitution ai Ose Association.: "Dedicatel lu gulding cbddicren mnd adolscents, regardimuesi oS ses, rce, cii or ecoaumic standing, lui 188e tultlment ut eacb individuells poealaîes Soc persoual graOst and develop- uent in becamiug as indepesilesî, intercting, suppactisg and costributlng mecober ot Society, ne do hereby expem sac dasire lui mme together in trese assuciution eutublisbing a baud of cSummitiment lu strine comstOy lu allais higber un bigner standards oS pcatessiunul expertise, aunomy, cespon- sibility ald commilissent; Ibus esabhung us ta better muýt Ose challenges presesteil by th8e seeds af eucb chilI anI adolescent.- Nome costume wlnners ut snowmobile dance The Min Sowaaobdle Ctub Lui., tor comung secondl in Ose dsdme ut tb, Bayai bestdressel sungle section. Dune Caadiu Legios Hall Saucrluy Morley arquirel a hbiait Sur ngIAnSatacday wu offlcialiy being Ose besI Icemsel peiait. dalaniIgIuen,,Ose =oc Thse bBaset naa obtibuteil by taisinOsheSsofaaquarele. KAP ProtLcive Macntenance- fs p theeuSOe durce nu lu The "oupras uwon by Mr. O nc lubaitivîtes. and Mco. Jeccy Eïnonles. The A case oS susoubile oit rz a hqefr$.so douateil by Erasn FOUIS nu dunce nuineru a-are Rtulerta anarlol ta Mr. mnd hrs. Rau FiaU mnd Bmn Arpu. Prim noe lervaits for sehmlng "Ose beut gives bymmesuOe ac <fressgd coupsle anal' <leurge omst a Arev won a break lt kI, Club meembers ratai Ose damr donai by Liagar Twn Seu a bi.g -ucesse. province bail approvel Ose voit bue Osrougb Ose lans Ontario Hydro has akedi couard la meel nilb byl tovleyl dlscmss mmdic futrec oc a roste droit Ose towsip. Tsea are mnd dicsis e ropsul by dron th5e oOser by taro couscillor Atlmn Acias. No privale meetig Cumcd mode il rieur Os nouid bave us part ot a priva hetug uithOe Curs lus b .sild hydre ta a meeting ni cd dOepope nvlvi Brookail Nov. Comil agreed Osey oboulil s bave la decido sebere Ose cou goes T8e r gainal il gaies ratepayers in Osa itri seuIl bu very. diseurbaulail nil Ose pa-aspect. Dan clehi seeb "Itl dan rigbt oakv i tâtemt la try ta &-.ûcd cosfrontation," clouriillor Ar (libsons mcd. Th8e meeting issalated in Broui ville tor Nov. 16 mnd ai ufthO People unvolved avili 8W invilail taire part in Ose meeting. -I Oînb 1the people huv already said nhut Osey umit 'bey sacd cl ou electios day. 'ie electeil the provincia gaceroimeut nitb a itro1 mandate andl asylhisg tb provisce dotes lu okay' comadcilor Jivo Waton maid wiOsca sirosg bunt ot sarcsm. T181E MEAS0ING "Walb" liglus 8t busy inter sectio i cities are prîmarJ5 for tbe guidance ut pedteslrbs But Osey cm ahenbelp drivers by pravcding a clos as la seu Ose ligbt moy chanoge. Wbes "lWath' laOntur pedmetransguisg in your breli, stoove gaI aume mure bu.Btil "has't Walk"l lu lit, Prepure toc as immediate bmage. You'Il be saler if you Rlnsys wutch ouI loa y tipett bat the gren bght aheail lu siale". shop brok CA series oS Break-lus bave kepI o eeh. sosnetime TScilly sigt e (Oct. 26) or Wedsesdoy mareng I tlsieves Baole $28l quarters i. tram Ose Miltu Pn te lamilcroat. Pbiescms Os e Oievmhuliduaey, 8sthe e buses oS Ose nusbacg machines e nere sol damugel. sOn Friday sigbt someuse e gRined eslcy ta Ed's Welding, - 2150Main St. Eust, by Breakint a i mur seludos. Th8e deaba mnd cup- boauds nece casacheil and appco=ioely $28 n s Bales tra ose t dcinb -ochine. Enterbfgb drbaul HiThe sune sigbt, Millan District ocPh Sebool nus trohes inta. An 0aiticecceliel nbat wus happening ee 88e soticeil OsaI Ose alarm light nus ou. e espo~a.nsible tac Ose Brrak-hi bai eld day dasnuging Is'apeclY. Deuba un Ose main office nvoire rumacke, barba nere priel on Ose ie creamn cabinet and vmnding macbines aloce breken inla. Police reort ibti a casette ABIAN I ine Furnftur. AT rFACTORY TO YOU PRîCES. MILTON PLAZA POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Maufacnresuf HOgi Glads Msnsnîait 62 Water Si, huneh LAI n Cro Jetaellery ' Clealrout Risas-Bracelets air Ches-Earrings, ,, Ch"ie ~/ rice Sunshine parents, teachers tdiscuss commrron concernis l'o A pareut-teacher meeting nu snorOs Haillom brougt greetiagu gb beldi 8tthe Smnsbise Ochual, Oct, troun Ose Board ai Edomtim. 1er 27. ?rs. R. P. E. Jettare, Rtuse McNaugbton, speecb the pincipal, spe os Ose aigu ufthIerapit, taltedu on ays ta liolp ier Ose acbol It1h, cerin year. childres niOhsapeerh diffiliem hOrs. J. EsOsus, nbu la lu cbar= bonParentsJuised lagether lu ofthOe Tinkerbeil Nurserysuk groupa mnd discussei problemos est mn the aises ai Osat sese i-oject csuceraisg 1the cblldres andl tead told wbat hey are~g parensanmd out o scae ut arcomplia toc the P =e-gc l, parenso group la muet suce a th Mrg. W. ltamn spuba mn Ose maost la discuse prublemai ut ARC Industries mnd mail Osey questions ad suggestion'a nere plasnsing a cermdoc pariy Theia. 8e tiraI meeting hailta ut or Nov. 211. Rus Chupuas ai Ose la . ladt Susine Scbmlt os te speciai eluatimn brmcdi tur Nov. 8. ~Hallowe'en fires ,keep brigade busy t Car lires suaked lu gazoline mnd uet abfre by Halo'jn lilhllllau8cgaranlalclîuru enauis bave kept Motusn Firej te D-Pitsst buoy dsrn Ose pust oW' Th8e deparîmeut reparts- e douing tire ftrem onida o% Fri'yon Cear Sprisg BisicO B aciga. Tbe mma i type ot s lunire sut lu IOide tet pg. Satacdoy sigbt, on188e mais ir ljg. TIe a rt nus larcell go bocb tKbrdea eal Smday Mors for asother tire ut Ib te mmen o loation. A tire aI th8e Kilbride Publice Schuol baptt18e Deatset busy Susday sit. A tire bad broken out n aslorage building eln =E' cutout afola tbem in Milon,, Sasra tib. Firea set belid Ose LdRoturmt mnd ut Ose E Drive this intererimn st Mais mnd Mari as.. hepI Ose tiretlghlacs orc- WINTER eupied. inai a dependable Ille departinent ahn reports doulunga scatl tire in a bmiey GOODWILL sback on uesOg's NinOs Use fI'118y sigbt. ICAR DoS' gel cauuht ischool, ldTre jNOW ?n into lape rcorder and seves tapesi taui fromn tbe huiler cont produce tram th8e vendisg machins andl uppcasimagely$3 nus stolon. Police bave ot 8 Check our invbut orng canvenient a il AYMENT ALCOHOUICS ~ P ANONYMOE MEETS EVERV TUESDAY 9 p.n. L GROCc AANGLîICAN PARRH HOALL HA k7AGA4PR ORS 'Ni The Canadlian Champion, Wednesday, N.eec 3, 1971 COMOivtIOl bdefS e t o IO ah Dýuriug Iboîir. meeting laut --&UgeutOat if therer in .bady Hfaltontiegas asalber SWEEP a'gram, il ev.Caervàîila A lt tority couad be lisata des = P Zth =lan O -eursei Wabatow stdest are lgta Authority'a t a cetl A bcl tat clu the1 it8eeti th. OieAttrxùnately 200 muille visait Mitligruve Chassel (locgted neat Ose Aathurlty'a parba in Ot HisaY t, So8188 of 81v. ~ leglSPtober, while ins&laber3o Courin, West Flamburo). os te doildco0 made use ut them. ajepsioiy8 la a -Agred t therustrourg or boyig anen Office Mjo 8Main Sf. LADIES'» - Ski Jockets Regular & ¾/ Lengiths Sizes 10--18 Reg. $25880 ta $30800 $1.9.9 )ISMATCHING//', Ski Jackets anil W Warmfiaup p a n t s caloars navy and red 4, a sizes 18 18 le Time for a Change!! Choos. from our top notch soloction Guess Fcnynotccegîtîndîenctoc brn ccc n tot ^., _ct..toe Of ce toain elct hiundcO happer wcys d'nhoovhc,-mor an oreco popl ae Csder thi,ck tOO o Ofhew ifesavers fivdieg out.t s a ncay viL cm witOih the 1cysOf Chrita.S hi T e ie v r Con ide o t he thing s anatccovc auOticeclectc dishwase, eecti d iOthoosh.r con Save wie d'.SsYurapinc elr na Things fîke: the droary rou eo l ahn h s uo aiceeto ihahou and dryuig pot$ and d s dyalrTer o ae ST Weaes for O~ your hydroQ da;lieoot i tkpnWfaaer a ur~ k~ Oi'shwash&rs available in Milton From RICHARDSON'S TV AND APPLIANCES 201 Main St., Milton -I -se& proposed prograîm Laundromc MI who's doing the disB 1ënmT u? -alli of ready-to.go ... USED CARS( Check our selection of Station wagons 1969 Ponac Safari Custons . wagon. 1968 Beaumonnt Custom wagon -VU wlth V-8 auoomaîîc, lcense 64997X, potwer aioacatc and radio. License X 78451, stnering power braitns and radia. talmaculate condition. $2295.00 1 $895.00 1 967 Ford Wagon -VO auttoatic wlith 1965 Vulkswagon .station wagon, radio, power Steig ad power uhite-walis wheel discs andradio.Lc. Irakes. Lic. 'X29864. A locaiiy ounod X2950, 51,000 original mles. $1595.00 $875.00 1970 Oldsmobile F85 , 2 dr. coupe uti Va, aut aaic, radia pawer steernna 1 1970 Pontiac Catalina -2 door H.T. Pawer braices, 25,000 originalimles. fuliy equlpped witb 3 years lait an flou Li. L.84W95. car warranty. Lic. 781818. $2795.00 $'950.00 MILTON MOTOR SALES PONTIAC, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC DEALER 388 Main st. Milton 878-2355

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