The Canadien Cham~pion, Wednesday, October 27, 1971 1 I MILTON IDOMINION HARDWVARE 227 MAIN STE. 878-23533 We've been hammering and sawing againi adding ta Milton Dominion Hardware. Now we're ready ta show yau aur bigger selection af gifts fram the markets of the world, including aur very special Canadiana corner. We want yau ta see oui better hardware selection including an array of Iighting fixtures, bathware, drapery fixtures and a hast of new lines ta make the mast camplete hardware selectian imaginable. Drap in this week-end for gifts and surprises!I REFRESHMENTS GIFTS GATES ;: i LUCK Y DRAWS For Ail Makes of EPANTS Friday und Saturday from 9 a.m. SNOWMOBILES MILTON q DOMINION HARDWAÀRE Coc 227 MAIN ST. E. 878-2353