Dumege toi ,SOO Trucks collide on 25 Forestt tla :W Deev a y om hbui and maIlnh aUlisineUndi TOnWoodania ner or rab, Uim ouItus Iflprovemeng Atd, lm. lbe lingers. Beur rug disappears room noeds fisc Star Ru lasege" ai ch Charles Haiel an Main treet may be cenameth ie , lot Bear Rag Laaungc. accacdîng ta oicocc Nîcis Chacimacis. Tise bear rag hich sed t amg avec thc nlaa'aay la thc dtmnstai's banquet caam oas stalen eacly Saaday marniaf. "Idon'tthinkherucg astaken lac pernanal gain. Il tan proaaly marc of a childîish pranis. ccmachcd Chacismacs. 'liscre o-as pcoably marc thbm new nome anc persan involved. The cag ismg fialy tagis anti yaa olti teed a coaplc ai people ta snaicis l'hccaghias iscra alucdti 1200 ta $5100 At prcas lime. Miltan Policeihave nt cecovecei i. but are sutl iaicniigating. -Peuple hay a Champion la read andi read Thc Champion t ha v. South for the winter 1 at Ieast get a new Texaco furnace. .,od. -vnfortavlc.ailnough the wster Il s designdlI evsv,îthe complete combustionof ee acsdroIp of i. And oi means the mat hcat for the Irast maccy j Easy budgcl terves aa,hl Rl. 8. OLEMENTS - b ascine Road -Milton HOCEOMPOh!,J HOMEMADE FRESH BREAD sels a competitive sport at tise faIt camporce held at the Sixth Lise, Namoagaeya Scout Camp os Saturday. The dough ws made by tise boys from each tioop, tise bread seas cmoked on tise open tire and sent te central iseadquacters of the camp for judging. Turning their costribstion t0 the contcst is tisis 3rd Trafalgar troop. Tastiis tise mares are troop leiderDave. Laing and camp chief Robert 0' Rare -(Staff Photo>. Passenger is injured 'rTo Toconta peapte acre anvalved in an accident near Mitton Friday. Driver of thc celacle, Theadare Hemstead, 35, was drîvasg as Highmay 25 north ai Higisway 401, when hie lest ventral af bis vclacle. Pamsenger Janet Christo, 302, suffering laccratiana ta tise face, Oas treateti ai Miltan Di strict Haspital asti celeased. Damage ta tise Hemstead cehicle mas $»0. -tememiser ta tara yaar dancs lacs anc isor when yaa ga la bcd Salarday night. Daylight Saaîag TIme coda ai 2 a... Sunday. -Hallame'en ceichratian is Satucday in Miltan. A tico-truck accident renidltd Anoisior accident Frlday thln in an estinated $V300 damage one Rt Mill and Jams BS., îFriday. TIse accident occurredon involved vehieles driven hy Highway 25, north of tic Banc Frank Janhnegt of R.R. 2, Une in M ct.Ple rcport Causphellville and David M. 20cr. m $0aagctou dianp Hobson of Nassagameya trcdîcbPetc1r Township Damage te the ol Do ne The ne. Janhicgt car wsea $20; ti Uie driven by Goiocppe Marchcnce ai Hobson vclsiclc $M0. Toronto recelved $2.000 damgc. Twn in oe day Mlton Police hadh teincultgate Mitos PolieW rcat o ac- R rash of accidcnts in thie past cidents SaturdRy. Howard week. A parkcd car ouncd by Wriggleoworth of 133 MilI St. DicO Rtichiardsn. of R.R. 1, Sufiered $70 damagc te lisa car, Dundas mas involvcd in a colision alter acollision wIiha parked car with a bulldozer at Uic Polymer on Heolp Rd. Owinr of Uic Corporatio plnt site on ThlrdI pok as Barry W. UnWdna. Th. bullidozer, Ceenaof Brantford. Thnre which is owncd by Finlcy wns $100 damage te his veiclc. MeLachan Lld. of Toironhi, wsea Saturday'a sccond accident driveo by Douglas Robertson of nccorred on Main S0. flhc firO Scorboro. Thcre seRs $400 driver wao James R. Shields of damage to iticliardn'a car. 202 Martin St., sehouc car ni_ Cara eolllde iered $40 damage. Thic necond The maine day Uiere wueann car, diiven by Edlth W. Sherpa ni accident mn Ontario Si. lar Uie 429 Pearl St. received $50 Ras. Une..First velticle was damage. driven by KRUerine Pattrick of Tbrec velücn Borlmngton. Thle necond car seas fisere eas a Uirce car accident driven hy Edith W. Shearpe of 429 Monday moring on Bane Une Pearl St. Milton. Damage On Uic Rd. in frnt ni Uie County Pattrirk car wao $177; la Uic Building. Thie drivera tovolved UiRrpe auto $259. were Johannes Kosel of R.R. 3, A Guelph man and to Milton Georgetown. Ingrid Job of 247 cesidents were invslved in a ltmoo Creste. and Pietro three-car collision Friday et Tonelli ni 37 Fruit Uine. Tlscre MRin and Charcles Sts. Ken wms an ntimatied $30 dantelle te Marshall of Guelphs siféecd $20 tise Koical car; $1.300 la the Job damage to bis car. Thesencond vehirte and $30 damage to Uie driver was Rite Martie of Il Tondis car. 'Third Sideroad, seho re.lved Ingrid Job 20, and hec $1,300 dannage la bis veliele. Thic passenger Heather Jones, 20, of tird auto 4005 drives by Eddy 289 Elisssed mere tROcs tb Vandecheyden ni 237 Tressaine Milton District Hospilal, mhere ttoad. 'tiece wan $05 damage la ttcey were treated for initier Vanderheydnscar. injuries nd released. ARCO speaker predicts death of cou nty gov't Caty governmnt in Ontaria as mc have issown il la dying of natscal causes. It miS 0e deati in 202 years." So said Donald L. King, in openiaf thc 121h annual canfeccoce ai tise Association of Counties and Regions of Onlario, helti ai Sarnia. Mc. Kmng a principal selUi Stevenson and Kellogg Ltd., management cansultants, saggcstcd ta somne 200 delegates tisai tise futue of the Assoclation dcpcnded n the initiative individauel rousties looh in strengUiening their oms futires. Reicrmmng ta tise ACRD bonhIel 'Guldetines for Action", he sald, l.its a good hoolet. Now il han te be turneti 1010 actian-anti moch ai the leadership bus ta came fcamn tisepeople us Uhit roon". He emphasized tiuet combntes must change-or Provincial gavecomeot miSl usurpUiceir rote. Mr. King identified tise urean ai change as bcbng planning, developiscol, isoundaries, the caanty martiens jois, tise financial hase, and ceaceangemeot nf rcopomsibibty for services. Ta cifect these chaneges ise cecommended Uiat individuel case tics sisoulti: 1. Slrenethen caanty adl- mnmstratinn; 2. Dcvclop an officiai comnty plan that astegrutea mush plans of lacal mmîffcîpalilîes; 3. Undertase ca-operative pragramis mîth ocacby cies; 4. Approacs oco prohlemoi mils oco mnd iresh ideRs and an open 'lie cale of thc Association mus delîncti as one of givisg leadership ta the developusent of sicong second-lier goveomnent. 'ACHO denclopetheUi Guidelincs isooblet," saîd Mr. King in clmîing, "and ACOO sboald sec tait ILtoms into action." ~The ISalvation Armyi PICK-UPTRUCKf E VERY TUESDAY COMPLETE HOME AND FARMI HEATING SERVICE BACKED DY OUR WELL EQUIPPED FLIRT OUR ACTION LINE IS 878-2381 for -Furn:ce installation -Del This Week'sne Sp.cIaI wwwq GUS MOWBRAY Vour Imporial Agent 436 MAIN ST. E. 878-2381 Gos, Lubricanis ter Tank Rentil i ESS0 FUELS -MILTON, ONT. E BEST DEAL THIS SIDE 0F TOKYG hb.. ~ A 2Oi ighway 25 826-2931 toth ofm 401 1.3 h T lHE AFCEl Milton tits W (tp,) wr Istreets wece boties and ai ~arond. Toser Susduy morn an record mus S52,OO F Installation& Multon's watcc appcacei iy i Dccmbec picS vont Milton in cstusutes oldir. Figures pcei Oorks superiî ,McKerr at Mon 'omceil uhowe il segllrheu ol1 toride faclitti taont Uirne set mnd lieu un Wal I 1~ Vol i TUESDAY ONLY Kentucky Fed Cekn. $NAI( PAI( REG. JUSTCJ? 2 Noes Mouth-watering Kentucky Fried (hicken - Golden Brown French Fries Fr, SMi ) o0 M inig MARIS IT Saiidat - 11.3 R- 8 P.. "INGuR LICKI 0000 Kenitucky Fried Cekrnit Main and Commercial MILTON .. 8784171 liait 'iq F-1 lit évil