Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 16

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4 1h. Casadoas Champîce Wodeesday, October 27, 1971 a Scores 5 Points Arnold sets surging pu for Flyers' first victory Jobs Arnold mode is first tions. JohnoArnold managed abat Flyers hIntleec aod led X- breakaway. Mastine liadt no appeaac sacsrsa trick in titat respect as woU. midway tbrougb tbe tirai peciod cbance. Fridýay faglst Use Dsssdas going off for tbree misor on goals by Brad Butterwortb, Heipel restored MUlton's Ibee Blues asItoked libe be'd been penalties. Thse only man ta see Jobs Arnold and Gary Hast, goal lead in tbe Seeond perltd playing centre ail is Ilte. Arnsold, more lime in tbe sin bis Usas Tom Pacbbass put Oasdas on cbeo hie <billed a tdaalng abat la wilb boomnates Gary Hast and Arnold cas Tony HorvaUs of tbe score sheet when hie on tbe sbort aide. Arnold scored A. h a u fi -Fo5s5 a,- use., .uta-i- Osi- stbass--d audaiftar poins whble Use Nadaho Electric Dui Ilmne Flyers scasspered ta a 9-3 wio agaiost Duodas. Arnsold becasse Use frst Flyer ta score Usree goals lu a gasse asd bie picbed Up Ido assasts. Heipelacouedltwogas andUshree assis asd Hast ase goal aod Usree assista. Arnold, Heipel asd Host were cliosen au tbe tbree stars in Usat order for Useir performoance. PlentysoffOrai Flyera bhave sever looked bettarUshasUsey dld Friday siglit. l was Use kirst gosse ai Use seasos sebere tbe Plyero bâtd esjoyed a lead, oves for a short period of time. Once Usey bad Use taste ofuSttingl ibte delvorus seat Uey weren'l aboutagive ilop. IL us aise Use tirut game ' sebere Use club masaged ta get Usrougb Use cliole game susUsout NADALIN ELECTR a mojor penalty beisg caUled. ta tact Usey lissitadl Useir lime is lte 3victary aver Dont suibosto 20sminutes tarî 10aifrar- Moiton w055 of tbe Pee Wees Soccer club wins runner up award Milton lee cees playes Barbagias Ln Use semi-fisals af Use Qabville isoilalioaa toarnamesl and the spectalors Who tad traved Use wlnd aod contlsans rasa ta cosse osa aod support Useir easas score lreatad ta as escoflent display of soccer onas exlresseiy muddy pilcb, wetb oaI MUsaI son bucasse waterlogged. AI Use mnd regalation tie amUsher bossn bad bes able t0 penefrate gsad defesses asd Use soce stand ut 0-0. nie tecs= batîled as loia entra lisse oflla minutas eacb cay and ai Use end of lise birtber twenty miaules Usey cere stbll scoreteas. f'ue cianer dit Use gosse cas decided by Use number of conter tarks mcb osst Lied. AlUsaagb ut Use end of regolalias lies Miltan badl conssore cosser kicbs' sabon Use corner kicks for the entra lime coco added Up Barliagtoe bad caugbl op ta asd surpoaued Mito asd Burlingtan advanced lisraugb ta Use finai. Winufials lu Use aUser nemi-fluai gasse Uohville played agast Appleby Caoge and Appleby Callege advsaced ibrougb tai the fluai agaisu Buriaglan, aod sab- nequeolly con the cinneens traphy. Haoee, Usere casa trapby tor Use cosser ofthUe Zunersýp shill ta bue con and Hta met Qabvilie la docide wich nasse caaid go on Usis traphy. Mi.ltaon liait plyed tbe Oabvilie tam thr tsses darsag Use regidar seasn ad ami lons hoU OPTOMETRISTI OIJRLtNGTON HALL TELEPHONE 632-7788 ICF'LYERS colied toa9- lsrosglsoot te gosse Fipers Imt tt espeler las Ftiîday for tse ficol 6-3 Sunday.--(Staff Pboto) year. Flers laokedi bot Jets suffer 1 sf def cosse aut ai Use swong mnd ofthUe sticb. AU Usese gosses bad bees played on exceltent dry conditiocns aod Usos lisse Usey score pluylug lu tbe drivlug rabn asd cisd, citb o sbippery, ssuddy Pilcb asderfoot. i seould appear Ibat the Mltan buys libe la figbl Use elomentu as col as Use apposition as Usoy cons oui clear moolers of Use condutiosan. Miltas tsak contraI of Use gosse eigbl froos Use bicb-of f asd nover bost cantrol tbrongbaul Use sabale gosse. First hall ta the fursi toIt goals froos Jamses Harkia. Steve Wolaston, Ras OlsUsors and taPorter gave Use ilton beys a cosssasding lead cbmn Use boas tarsed oroasd for ltse necond boit, lise finai bal dm1t Use saise cay an Use tirni ciUs Miltas lu fu11 commadada furtber 1500 goals by centre forcard Ras OlsUsoao gavebtanblitbalo-tricboand put the score ai Use finlua ehîstie Milton 6, Ouboile 0. Recelvetropky Captaun Colis BesI casse forcard asd cas presned Use runnern.up lcopby by Use coacb ond manager of tbe bosig Oab- ville pee cees, George Baiiey. A banquet bas bes aisst tîoaiaod for the lads cbo reproseoled Milton Usis year and larrsag aoy furlber obstacles il cill ie bueld as Nov. 14 ait Use Miltas Legion Hall. AUtheIb boys si bue contacled by Useir coach or mansager ta confbrsot Use atove dole 0usd location. HpPOLLOCK +R AND ifCAMPBELL Off gO aaMaessasa ±HH Memoacal Engru.ssg M -Tel.oUe 621-7580 I1 O GATWsasNs Jim aSna Jota baoded George- whîle Kes Fay 'lId Ricb tacs a 6-3 deteal lu Gorgetaown Bridgman scorod singles ta clu Ssoday and reîsrned basse Use Sunday encoasiter lu George- Manday ta natter Useir tirst tas tacs. Bridgmsan and Fay asuistad i tour gosses la Ibo Qabvilie twico eacb cle George Hoad ciab. Oubvillo was 4-1. and Jabs Valpe pirbet up single Scatt McKensîe and Mark Posis os assista. Gresbe scored 150 gas escb .slltan tobk as corly lmad in Trophies presented ta tennis champs lTse second ossoal social and acardssruit;afthUe Miltan Tennis Club canbheld uithUe basse of lit. asd lits. Ray Wollaston as Onitario St. Salueday. casa-feus tropbîms coco acarded tai Use ladies' and osons sngles, doubles, and mined beas cossera. Forly-five mombers of Use club altaoded Use lunceua galburbsg. liopbies cere dooaled by Rasa Scandier Jecollory, Bracaiens Sports Sbop. Knigbl's Mens Wear, McCuaig losorasco and lits. MeCutceen. Tbose trophien are acarded aassally ta tbe mail deservlug playera froam Use club. tteceiviog tropies Ibis yoar score tosalists Carl SmUs tac tap cen's singles, Oebbie llmiUs and Marie 'lyner tac ladies' doubles. Anne Wollaston toc ladies' singles, Ray Wollaston and bis cite lAnne for osixod doubles aod Jeti llmîUs and bus faîber Carl for mens doubles. Oiher tropby cosoors score: mns singles Jerry Hall, ladies' singles Marie Tyner, ladies' dosbles Ane Wollaon -iastih Hectormen's doubles Ran Dodds and Jerry Hall, and osined doubles Carl lSmith aod Pal Hector. Fl The club espresned Ibeir Usasbs la Use bant and boones ciib a lobes of tbeir appreciahasn. ce Flyers. faUter in third period n FNAL 3 DAYS o u luE SUIE eSHIRTS a PYJAMAS Reductions on our a SLACKS *SWEATERS * SOCKS * NECK TIuS * SUITS * HATS and CAPS e WINTER COATS FINAL REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL MENSWEAR 202 Main St. L_1__1__E_ MILTON T E D 878-4472 Hospod r uoued a lUcola- baal-alaa walk arsuse tomst alcoolts iiardiay. Doadas pocer play. Thse score at lise end af Use secoad perld cas A fure minute onejaucaa 6-2. Userly l Miltas defess =uru Use Heipel ucored os s = ,orly culattautljecl = .y8gs a &S from Hast asd Hugb dkli la declalas wlau Usey met Iteapelor Use Usird =oio 0 mok if 7-2. la Heapeler. Ricbard lioryscored as a A goal by Dave l8alpel la Use pcaeplay. KeUs Bridgmn firat paris UapPIera go lthUe c tedUe play ita Use Dundas second =olu wlUs a 1- lead. zone asd puabe Use purk ta Flyersbheld oatuaa2-2iebyshe Murray la Use aloi. Murray was mnd ai Use seeond but tallered la lssorked off balance bai golted Use Usird. thb puck iatUeanet ail inase P0aul lisela goali Us te 17 motio. second mark ofthUe fisai stanza Ruddy Tbomos coavertedl a asled trullte ILyes las posa troco Brias Beaumont af Use WUbl, Tlsftd BobPearcee .38 mark of the tble Be asoiredt ail before Use 10 minsute cosclude Use Mita scrlg mark ai Use Usird period spelitg Ras HeaslpWsyeUrba d Libadt secs for Use Flyors as Usey Tom Pactaac scored Duadas wore asable ta wlUsland Use goals. aalden baril ut poweer. Hespeler "Heipel, Hast and Arnold cure scored Usn"elilset belote Use tlve1 weBl cboumn Stars" cach Carl minaute mark ofthUe perlod. Hysoeru said ator Use goute. Two gea "TbeY cmlt ouf tbere la Use Rua ScIsol scoredl Us te second 1 tirut pariodt asd Usey wasled ta, period and Buddy Tbumas u. Tlsey started Use ball rollbtg ssasted Once la lise Usird for asd kepl il golag". Mittn. Gary Hast asd Brad Otur guys lsrougt Use park ouf Butterworli picked up assistae oftour ow etcitausorify and asd Hugli Marshall asslsted as Use dutesco pluyed eSPecilly Isco ofthUe Ibrue Flyor toal. col wbmn tbey were a maisi lwsayoysg short" Hyers amai Hespelor's Uird perlud ouUarst. Thse PIpera skafed cilh bh fhuoase club asd coatrolied a talc portiasn of Use play. Overotl Masiie cas Bb cit colled upo tamrade 44savaisand * NmUs mode 29 stops la Use Usai gasoe asd beld on ta fend il Hespeter set. lhroogboul. IOse gosse sas a cbippy ose, stick Bridgmanos ; Eigbly-eigbt miaule tan nasaed MVP for Use gosse. penalties cere calied durisg Use game. Hespeler st aut 40t Wade Bebar scored Use base miaules la ail, serviag oae Miltas goal lu the Oubvilie gosse. iniscosdarl asd 15 misors ckle 'lise gosse sac the Jeta psy Miltaon bnd 14 minors and Ico lseavily for penalties lbey ssiscosdorta sslled. received. Jeff Loclu'sdge andJohn Arnold "Tbe panses were off, sbta sal out 10tmioue-siscasducts for score erralir and tbey joof Miltaon asd Jerry Maliord of aeres't playisg tbe brasd of hcbey lbey are capoble of," msanager Rat Walsley said. ENJOY Tbe club is coacbed by SIU tasasi and Veco Bridgmas JUNIOR B sares Use masogisg dulies dUsh Rg. AI Louis F s Use club traîner. HOCKEY :IAL -mT Y' PAK 83 .M ch Fies 9 MILTON AlUIINA EDAHUNGRY MILTON FLYERS CL05 Nu SUNDAY Ar HESPELER 0 DRIVE IN Thi message prsvlded by se Liune, Milton Gieorgetoun Trasparuesas nday12 non a 8 .m.Ltd. ta 1230 a.Spesia itsin m Churter Transportation Pone 877-2201 IT'S THE WAY THE JUNIOR F LVERS5T RAV EL FAMIL -16 piocen tender, cu Golde ~ : fried, flavor -Farilyoxcof Fros bis Family boxof cols HA IF D rMURRAy HRO Phase 878-6028, 50 Open disl lt Friday and Satrday aif MILTON MARINE SPO'LRTS 12 Commercilst isas 878-6S21 * 7Replace those worn out tires with new ... Diagton11 MILTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HALLGWE'EN ~DANCE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL M ILTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 191 J.C. ANyo THE SQUIRES Dress Optiousal - Refreshmests $6.oO.coUple icket al u beisd train. ap MMNA Eocutlv@Membsrer afffmdase PREMIUM WINTERBAN TU25 RAYON & RAYON BELTED FULL 4 PnY YOUR ONE STOP Velvet Premium Senrie GOGOMOQLTOIL IFOR: TIRES 13022 M. s.,240I GASa FOR LES5 1L------ANTI-FREEZE LUBRICATION Uuy safor drivlmg now ait Of HILSON ENTERPRISES MT. 32 Bronte Sf -MIfo--8ye.9y33 FOI G AIS TUCKS TRACTONS I A REMI Hdlin (staff ]p Sel hot Thae fue ,40 Loc 11.01 roc 12.0 r55 e 45 SUrY JAUvEA MdtaoJc Us10 tireg I.0Mc 0,:1)A 40 ort I13 w 122 oli WE.NOI I.1 Me

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