The Canad,îc Chamipion, Wednesday, October 27, 1971 3 l 77% vote in Halton West ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION members paraded to Groce Anglican Chlsrch for a speciaf service Sonda>'. In Uic top photo Uic parade la shows walfl ep Main SIt toi the cisurcis wli Uic parade ecrosai in front, foliowed by the Milten Girtas Pipe Band and Legion and Atadilar>' members. In thic otiser phoo members stand ta11 on Use>' await to enter thse churcs. Tise parade wan met Isy Rev. R. W. Foster, Legicon padre. - (Staff photo). OSP workers bock on job Abocut 75 eioployecso f Ontario Rteel Prodotcts la Milto ere teniporarity laid off nisen Uic plant started to prodace parts for Uic 1972 cors about five iceeks ago. OSP spokesiman Ran Edgar sad ainsuct ail cf tisase icorisero were becs te, ncrk again. Former minister guest speaker at St. Poul's Couples Club reunion Reloiliscenses run rampant on meontors and former members cf St. Poul's Mc. and Mcs. Cois gathered 10 mark tise 251h uoliversary cf tise groap on Satucday. Rev. Gordcn Porter and Mrs. Porter, ivhc iad been et St. Pool's whien tise groap esas formed, retucned for tise cccasion on did the charter prenidenla Joe and Sheila Gallcway. I icone nîgis cf reouemherlog the activîties of the paît 25 years thiat run fccm hocUis et Uic feu fic te miostrel and vaciety ihoiws, hayrides, olcîgis rides, duocci aod barbecces. Ciri greetiaga Mcycr Brian Rest exteoded municipalfgreetilgs tc thooe wbc nere revisitiog Milton and cogratulated tbcse ivio bad hepl Uic clcub active for the quarter century. Presîdent Ruche McNeill preoîded for the prcgramn niicb included greetmngs tecon absent members, extended in letters, tecen Hec. and Mns. J. L. Graham, Toroto; Mr. and Mci. Ed Clutco, fRegine; Mr. and Mci. Art Williaonusn, Tecumnseh; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen, Mîssisonuga; Mc. and Mci. Dale B0ranon, Clumbus Oio; Mr. and Mci. Rd Gillo, Listcnel aod Dr. and Mci. Bob durtîi, Nen Zealund. Itevie ilighs A sii that nove tcgetber unme cf tise isumorcus higisgblocf Uic clubi. life nas preseoted isy B11l and Verle Maison, John Purdy, Evelyn Browin, Marîcn Lawrence TELEPHONE A ISWERINS S SEýRVIGE * *CONFIDENflAL *COUIRTEOUS *PERSONAuIZED 818-2020 und Mildred Gallonay. A fisc from the recordi of Heris liggs pcrtrayed ore nocstalgie moments. Guot speaker Hec. Pocrter, niso nan minuster 80 Rt. PauIs coogregation from 1928 to10t and 1945 la 1947, coerved tisere nan a nen age otoce tise club was fcrmed. He urged tint the club aijaut 80 serve nen purpoicu and ment nen challenges that have cime nitb Uiat îen age. Wisile the club is a suce cf enricisment and fdilcnilip, isc urged thal il play i ccle on an agent that mahes tUingo isappen. Tise speaker nus iolroducediy Shel Featheritcne and thanked by Deozil Lanrence. Former prealdents The pcotpresidenti fcr 21 cf Uic clubis pcst 25 years nere reprcseoted ut tise meeting cttended hy muny cut-of-ton guesti inclcdig: Mci. J. L. Blair, Kitchener; Mc. und Mci. Haccy Brcnn, Seatortb; Mc. and Mci. Art Deiardiae, Wbitisy; Mc. and Mci. Hep Eciui, Galt; Mc. and Mcs. Jce Gallonay, Alan; Mc. aod Mci. Murray Haynard, Acten; Mc. and Mci. Cedric Harrop, Guelpb; Mc. and Mci. Ed Litt, Borlicgtco, Mc. and Mci. Ed McKim, logersil, Mc. und Mci. Jim MeDougcll, ocb. ville, Mr. and Mci. Bob Moîfat, Aima; Hev. and Mci. Gocdc'c Porter, Aunai, Mc. und Mc. Jack litlenaite, Toronto aid Mc. aod Mci. Douf 'Ihompici, Weîten. Arrangements 0cr tbe program nere made by a ccivnittee becded by Reta aid Ad Wocdley. delîcicuiccoait teef dinner. HOMES WNER LOANS 24 Hoîr ApprocelIs Low ccii led acd tiId ecetiaici. Arraeied in the lic ccv ccll t pv icm day fcr heipc ceeciccc Ptc 3pt lneciieei Cnip, Ld3, Boy St, Tcronto Ccli cîlicci 36c 9500, evnîîî 231 eturnla Ofer Gordon Joedlcke nild hlufigures showed 77 per cent if ESOnW votera ceet hallots in Thocalay'soicial P .t saugi h -hat =rk = iar J on iota pe-cot -e and toe afrteVrloIa mlIcpIte aUCrdnh ethUe 183 perCeltage of voterasrao closebInall parts ofthe rding. 184 185 In Acton 2,282 votera tarSed out ta give George Kerr a nioolng 18 margrn cf slightly over 50 par cent whidel nos below tue ridiogos 187 av og f 56 per cent of the vote icci tIe Conoervatlves captured, 18 btaoe thseprovincilaverage of 44 parcent. 1as Esqoeoiog voters in tist alaip of tond which rocs acroos 25 9 Sileroad to the north of thecCounty gave George Kerr 493 votes, Bob 19 MeNott 340 and Walter Mathenîcs 213, inMtosolstt. Nasoaganeya votera 1eRt no doust nisere they Btlond in tise tisree cornered race, plactog George Kec -e11 out in front nis 823 votes, Bob McNutt came i seeodgl t Uir affections wli 347 and Walter Mulkenicb a close ttord wlih 314. Rurliogton, of course, ptamped vlgorousty for Mr. Clean, gave 21 McNatt second andtheqvjP maritird poce. Following are the figures b>' poila tor Acton, Eoqaesiog and Naisagaweya, as tiey were posted election nigist and store endorsed by the retsreiog officer: Poil 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 325 206 207 208 209 TOTAL ACIONi Kerr McNutR as 13 70 63 as las as 112 134 76 as 115 ADVANCE POLL e0 ESQUESING Kerr McNutt 75 82 90 as 65 115 493 Pol 192 193 194 195 196 197 TOTAL Mclkewicb 30 31 49 54 26 29 54 as 2 25 44 30 61 58 57 46 28 57 63 54 e0 90 23 66 487 009 19 22 Mclkewîch 47 23 25 20 31 67 213 mILI 1111.BOD NASSAGAWEYA Kerr MeNutt Mulbeecd 127 72 41 77 44 20 117 59 24 85 21 28 125 24 28 64 20 23 as 21 26 as 25 50 75 39 30 810 325 X06 ADVANCE POLL 13 12 a rAL False alor Hos0pital sent Milton Fire Faise alorm Departoient on c icorthdesa trip Friday evening. Fire officiais do taIse alarms ine DerrY Rd. ' t ko hoc sent in thc aiarm. c west cf Milton District [bey neyer tound c fire. for qiwiIty an fen1y 'p FLOWER LM-rITON PLAZA 878-288 NOTICE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 2 A.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON PLEASE TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR JACK MeGEACHIE, Clerk TOWN 0F MILTON 1 groap i STOCK ILadies 8 CLEARNC CAR GOAlS S UITS Reg. to 110.00 5388 CONTINUES and 0 f ----------- MUSTREOUCIE TOCK FORTHER! HOODED GOAlS60 1 Chîldreoî 2 plece Mens SHOW SUITS 0 DRES SLCKS '/2Price Girls GOATS & JACKETS < Men's Ladies DRESS - SW ATER itble fll 2 Prîce LADIES' GOAlS ~ 0 Fal 20% 000 os UNIFGRMS20 of FalJackets and Loathor Coats for LADIES SORRY NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES' CHARGEX miDEP RTMENT STORE 200 LION Tiscrsday and Frîday ta 9 p.en 20MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 Visit the ... iChalet Restaurant No. 25 Higisway just 1/2 Mile Norths of Milton Hearty, Home Like Meals Served to you by a Courtellus Staff *STEAKS e SPAGHETTI *DAILY SPECIAL Open Monday teFrdap PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING Stron3é. a 1noon Enjoy fine food prepared for your Closed Sunday enjoyment -J are