Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 14

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2 Tise Canadien Champion, Wedlnasday, Octeher 27, 1971 More hunter com paints Reeve urges firearmi ban Nassagawepe Renne Mms. A. Tanna op MarAethar indirated ais seaald Mr.Savage arged the strongeat try la convince conrcti la proloihit possibole relrsanlatisa lie made tise dtarloargn ot tirearn n th te la tee Mlfilater ut Landsa na lawnship ather than hy a Forestu Rose Brunete He pmapnroe nr on hiS owu laii. lndlcalad loi. tan d gana ap Tise ren ade lier stalaufent loy alissat »W nsteltyar aftarrea<Sng t- Iltenig Of aime he rmmi tn tia=saap isinly lonalers la tee toshiip. wihugit ony inersent services Eari Black sroteesaunrit pravidad. Ttaesday niglot la tell theiu gini In ltsa latter hie aaid if tise huid tes alos on loi$ property, prshlem, saon't aflevlated te rail tances senre atan and aignu would -nt1 lot praprt dnev siers lacis demi. Me. Black tld to ~ lc ae viSanod. oncil hie bod te endanger Stfe 'Tlony (tise Departfint ut ond Solo te seall acroaa lis 0se Lands and Fareat) sent jrOperty. rigoslod anar lis. tsuojerl te A second latter triais zoniog tisat. Ita s o adl tloey nver gis In adonininîratar W. S. Savage tees. Wn load a gnad loy-las," tise reported tseu of lis dans a d Reene ai. heen alos "lHe indlrated hie liait Conarle jin Watson ad il net load asy prololein silo wsnt liisely loontera, test tallers hantera sinre tise tonshlip S'ai caaand daneage at te to pasandthierhby-las. Bat sinre tIse pruperis. Depaty Reeve Don Departanent ut Lande and Forest MeMillan sel rneplalata steisd load introduced a restrcrted ie lsdged at the OPP as waan an loasting progran lis seait, hie tiiey loappen and pertepa cterges tes tedi praolena. soisd tie laid. Population peak WALKING ALONE, Ateelo Itia Baytey fleurs tise finish lise in the Cuis-Scout Walkathon ut Cdnspbellvtille. -(ýStaff Photo). predicted by 1978 Dirertur ut Eduratian Jini Singlelan expresseil a tour ut overhuilding te meel the demande ta secosdary schoota la bPRAWL.E. ACR5JSS A CttNUM usese twu saucera sers caugist loy Tise Chanepionis photograpter as tisey tank a break frone lUe walking achedale. The boyis tank off ter sisoen andl neade il tu, lin finish Uine, shoeleis. Tise bnys are Souet Dean Stone (left andl CLh MIse Cisapnean (rigisI). -(Staff Photo). EN ROUTE TO THE FINISH Shirley Ella, Eileen Westhaven and Mary Ella walis towards thte finish Uine in lihe Campbell- ville Cois-Scout walisathon on Satorday. Now what about those wallung sticks, girls? --(Staff Photo). ROYAL SANADIAN LEGION Braach 136, Milton REMEMBIANCE DAY BANQUET & DANCE LEGION HALL - MILTON Saturday Nov 6, 191 Supper served af 7:00 p.m. sharp bancing tram 9 p.m. Music by the Debonnaires Admission $6.00 per couple. Tickets or Reservatlons-Phane 870-9005 iota, oisy te have aaapty ns aboat Iso years tater. The Dirertor made fls statement aI tee HalSo Coonly Board ut Edecallan meeting Tlonrndey la Burtegten. Tie satlenn ws taed an a scies ot chocts proeetisg a lisait enrohoint ta samondary arteala ta 19y8. Tise sane nisarla show a dechone ta itdergurten enrul- If tee trend continues tee hoard coaisdttd ilseIt ta a Positin ut fmnding roons toc telisait: bond la 1978 and thon trying la tinid atedenta lu fil1 teeums a tes yeaefl later. MillIe growte Sirs non6 eleneentaey arlol groto hon gerosn tram 28,00310o 32,685 bt ta terns of percentage ni tee tetal population ut te cony, tereso Sm ees a derrease frone t.5percenttsl 11.8 par refit. The conty papulation hon gresn irons 151,345 la 183,900. Wihletheefamiliof atadenta ta etemneay sehoal tes inereaned alightiy. tee samher ta linder- gartes decinad stase 1969 sison 3,680 lindergarten stadenla enrolled rompaeed ta 3,091 stadente ta 1u71. Eiipresaed as a perentaga ut Sm paalSm User tua bau a dZ lne= a 2i la 1.7 par mont. Moansisile the nerundary scisnppsainli sateady grot sîv:06stn1,1 atadEt erieonl191 whe 16,665 uludenla escolled. Tise aerondary ashal popaultion hua grusi ut a fauter cale thon tee conty papulation. la 1916, 7.2 par vent af te couny'a popalatios attesded aecssdary schoot bt toay u.1 par cent attend. ise discontinuation ut tender- garten ut Bere St. Scisonl ta Milton retl eta the dusensard trend for lindergarlefi. The growte ta tee aecondary schoota is accaasted toc loy a namter ut factors, Singleton said. Tise openi ut Generis Wulte, the telgeofu grade nie aladens, te flexibole achedahong and tee malSi- plicity ut prugrains avaitalole lu secusdary achool atadenlu are ail factors. Wants new EMO co-ordinator to carry out Halton program Tise poaition af ceodnl = for Tinaernis recommeandaaitn the E neerny M aes laoiaysutofa cO-edlnala Orgaslaatin laia..e Cny toi matsarngnallan of Bence neergaie mas" aranlajl . co aBleatr tor 13 yeara. W. Tisnnersn, Diraclar of tee flusonemin argad Coneil te Einnrgncy Measures Branel or lirac-ordsatar "at tise Ontario, sha Voulte la Haltes earhieis sppurtanlty". He ont- Ceonty Caantil Il sanS. lloed tisa pravincial ganars- Tise Eneergeney Mnaaaraa inestla sest mannal "A Guide ta Organisatian, eunainllng of Effective Planning tar participating neuniclpallien Pearetine Eaaergoncl" ticoagloat Ontaria, caorwdinales Vie soint te mneleent te neoaaares te prepara for pence- recomaaandatis thtie manuel lumo and sarticae aniergencen. os qaicislv as Pssilloe", Arts, crafts on wheels wiII visit in district Shseridan Cullage sell oun trailer sisasld hoe aperatlng ont ut preenslartsaand craftnaon seieela. Peel raaisiy. A tradear ta presentiy holag ui- Palic achoni cloildmes et erlo fitled site pattera' seheola, a lo loration and aarrundisg ameas nd srs isenchens. Il selS tranel con taits fve teara of crat te teose cananeonitine wmat'ing tenona ai tee traouer tar a fe ut coarses Ln craft sari s potey, $2 dering thoir arissol pregrane. soavisg, nearrane, sensd- Classas wll hoe tangl loy seSl- woring, sculpture, hotte and qaalîtied toaa craftsmnee. bstocksprinig. trChlldren sell attend in thoe Co-orhnatr fo the rts ond ong ond serundary school crafla pragrane Sherri isadents and adulte in tee af- Birtstealle onldi, 'flan adnntg ternonn. Fenesetit vary arrurdag ut tise trailer la flanisltty. l tee lengte ut theocmarse and Altttagh we are planning on motorias naoded. ntayisg fine seeos at naris Acardisg ta tee ra-ordinater, loration, it cud tie more, or les, arIsaond arat are ot holng dependtag on rammnity neede." off ered ta tise sortisers lass. More taffar Site the onusand traveling, it a tee pointusaistishat necn cn oilisely tel thee residenlo wtt cary la. Other arI and crafis goetsnopraiyl as caurses sot already offerad ras cars thie Daloville ares. tie set op Park lllisere Tise tradler sd ie deSivored te Thse leadler van hoe eaally and tee callege onusn and assisld hoe ai econoneirolly lrasparted ta tee tira loratias ta Cnsnpholintile tee totons site a vansu apifold loy early Dereeihr. Darn tee loy tise Shoeridan Haavy tirai day ut operallon on ospens Eaapinent Sciso nn Milten. Tie bose w lleheld fartepulicte leader sdi hoe deSivered te is laur nd uotuin informeatin on destination and 1eRt teere ontil Il regiatration. Frune Canpephotiite ta lisse te neuve. Pulie Sehoal, tee traiter selS Mins Rirtsiistle onid, IlWe are move on te Desyea Palolie Ochtoul rying ta anser tise needa i Miltes; thon Pinesond Puic revealed loy te ecrnt aits ond Seteul ond finaty Narval Paliel crafis nurvey candarled tast Seteot. sping loy tour local sonen in te Those lutatios loave heen Hiton-Peel area. meade availalole la Shseridan "We hope losualiate acta and tecoago co-uperatios site tee crat and toe nalole peuple la use Htb conty Board ut Rda-. teeir develaped atatitu te larl ration. By snt saommer, tee oteers", tad Misa Birtwh"ealte. Chamber parade Have money for Santa floets nwseek volunteer builders Orgaiers ut MilIons' reniveil Sainis Claus parade un Dec. 4 repart une nenr dlffinly in seraring fInits. Some tadustries and organisatians are sllling lu denate mosey issard plaring a unI s i tee parade, bt ranIt spore the manpaser la il Sa Mca. Yvonne Choristie, sirs- preaidenl ut the local Câminer ut Commnerce siiris headint up planning toc tee gala Santa parade bsas isiaed on oppeal tur votunteer tloot-loaîtders. One osdastry gave tee Cisamloer $50 lasard a fluaI and Mca. Christie nsed lin muaey ta hire a sonean la muite spa tînat for tiien, tee To date tise chacaher tes Promises ut 25 fluais and niacollanesus enlree pIus five tende toc the Dec. 4 evesl. Tiaey is have sevea oalosu alaâ aIl affiniais site rnspnsitallltaa ai tee muanicipal lavai, la tee formualation ni pln and peacadamas »eidla et site peacatime asiergenctes." Timmarmnan aisa preseated Caantil site captas et tisa Dapartmest of RaSioal Datasses Wisite Pallir "Defenca in te 70's". Tisa Wisite Paperset" te only direct mtlttary teresi ta Canada ta tise teceal of a large scola esclear atiags. 'VWitein 25 meinates' flying tie anar te Harth Pole lisera are 1,000 missiles site surIer wareads" atressed Tîemnan. 'Ilsa diffîcilt la dinnin Sme thentatf a narlear sur as a remisa tereaL" Siselieresurvey Ttsamnenan aia neestssad Soat Sme Eegency Meanares Branric od h o teir se- ordisalaca te, taise a tallant shelter sareey stucs analysadt tepisentillsalter in pulic snd psivat, hatidiaga, ns teey colt hoeaadtaor puliel siselters in rase of naclear suar, onaps adl individds busiding liera ahellara. Tise ra-ardinatara vinited tise buildings and plsysirally onanuelad thera. "Va fournd tisere vies a ireisessisas potentiel aron Ontarto for sisellering aar people."I Tlsmerinan noted tee srvay vias parltalty romploat in Halon Cany. He sid lie fait a ses ru- ordnar tur Haltes suld tie fate la tintis tee sarnep. Would pou like Ta leare ta Square dance Joie the Scotch Block Squares Monday, November Isi 8sp.-na 10.30 p.M. Ligney Hall for information 878-4305 or 878-6178 cash te financre the coist fMILTON IMIER SF COMMERCE la'aging in Sonda. Bis more nloai and enries are setramel, rlgist sp antis parade-tisse, andSAU AT-N .Bh anyone saihg te mahe an entey AUB .-N m ateisd rxitity Mes. Chriisie or t3iamber president Reg iDlç of AT HOLY ROSA RY HALL -MARTI1N ST. Ilosîr intentioas as muon as Dasncing n-ste Claasas Orchsrar passible. Prines tac Basa Costumes - Dress Optionsa1 __________________Admission 4 Caupta - sasany Dirnnsor for TisSats m~nmu.nmnmaa OAW WILL TAIE PLACE OURINO (:'~È4s") DEflMUUEIIEME THE DANCE. fIE? TOUR TICKETS N00 PRIZES *EVEMYSUE WELOME *REFIESIMEITS TAKE YOUR FIRST 'ICE <(jý CO LO R Wn~~ Yo) Mlo PICTURES eleection of a Couriad O N U S ! "M -nqqw HALLOWE'EN SPECIALI1 Buy a Polaroid Colorpack 80 and we wiII give you your f irst 2 packs f film 129" if yo have nover ooperîosved lise thrill of svoîsg yoor pictaru a moment aflor yoo svapuli the sisoîler, Ibis is the time lu try it wvth a Polaroid COMPLETE Coloryack 80. Il gvs ou e ovsqare pcuses for about lise samo pro as ihose voo mait days in,,,,,,,t vi- for. .Say ose nom aid labo ailsaurageo f Ibis ~ ,î.., Spetiat offor. P019,,d o,,,at, Uoio.. n..s. MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC 162 MAIN ST. MILTON MILTON COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUBS BINGO' EVERT THURSIAT MUIT MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCIIOOL WILLIAMS AVE. MILTON Early Birds-S Gomes 7.30 P.m. Sharp 14 Regular Gomes for $25.00 3 Specials Tickets for Rogular Gomes 2 For 25c 3- SOC 8-$1.00 JACKPOT $550 Sot. 28th 61 Umkrs Subie I DANCE COSTUME IBALL MILTON LEIIIII SAT. OCT. 30/71 8 - 1 &.M. WITH JO & Th. Squir.s FOR TICKETS CALL 873-100 878-2M0 Roy LEGII la Gmt, a spec tise toi sisawn teech marss tee loi and L menela menela assit t parade W. Fin (Staff;ý os' bacr Aout Steel Ps empara plant ns tee 1972 agu. OSP e saud aho sere ho, Fo at Remmn meoter ut St. Pi galisere, Saturdeî Res. C Porter, Pails tarneed, i on dAd te and Shei Il sas tee acliv fu Ir te shows, t daesao Mayor cangratis tee claub century. pended iacluded oneneers tram Ru Grahame, Ed Clatt Mes. Art' Mr. and Mississai and Mca. Dr. and 1 Zeeand. A aloit ti ut the hon cluhas lofe and Verte Evelyn De TEl op 17 HALLOWE'EN COSTUME BALL SPECIAL NO'! To ail Municipal Electors within the Tc Dovyou wsh t0 vote at Ilois vear's Municipoal Election for I Hydro Comissaoion, plan lhe questions of Flooridation and Suoday opening of Pool Roomo. Due lu, the taheover of lhe Assesiment Fonction loy the Province, I have had a great deal of difficulty ta preparisg Ihis yeaci Voters Lista, andaet Ibis point 1 feel a great number of nanees coald hoe missisg fronethe liot. Au ao example, approtainately forty apaclosents which are occupied are flot on lhe Votera Lits as they were sot enwnerated loy thteAssessor. Anyonew peuple wloolhave taken ap resideoce steve April or who have moved te a new location is Town could aïlo liemiiaed or stil ltedaet their prevtonn address. The ses Age of Malority Act n05 permiits those 18 years of age and oiver te vote -Prosided tloey are Owoern or Tenanta af Property." People who do sot own propecty or donot reol peises are still naitperneitted tn vote cegardless ut thio age. Votera Lits are located Iloroughout the Tows ta naneeroon steres, ta tin Post Office, Legion and at the Towsn Office is thoeTowsnsHall. 1Iotrosgly urge allpersons tocheck he listand if yoursnineeis not on the lit please voose tu the Tuo Office ut 251 Mais Street, East, to eoter tee ncesaary appris te have yuc stame udded 10 îlots year's Vuters Liste. 'Ihe bust date for f sloW on appoal to have vote nosoe added te the Vuteco Liste is Novecaier 151h, 1971; aftertoisdate, nusanencan inadded. Piease checks the lsa ttte sure yns are iscluded. Os abrItesn day lil is ton tateaond yoa wilI, therefure, tie onahle ta vote. J. MeGEACIIIE, Cinelo,

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