810 Tii. C Hi humers O!ft awaris, anti frientis galle Unitedi Chir signale the a cesdul yeari mounty. mernhers enrs and completet WIINNERS 0F allouaI unturd trophuen. Left Cathy Lasbyuù Lasby, reur. Ja Breeders and P 4-H Sheep Cl the Halton Soil THE TYRONE Omagh in 1931 i Couffty Tycîne emigrateti to C cegistereti bell 65 head. Mr. Deî Grant in 1966 bu feit lie was unut sulid ut Georget Classe o By Evans Es A weed contrs! nisnly with facli the ettectiveness herbicides ini production o bein lermiers unthOe Toi CTe Oniario£ Agriculture and F school ri con Tuesdays of No course wol 11e eouf eDISOIN G *~ i ~ Rom asodian Champione Wedneuday, Ocininer 27, 1971 alton 4-H members receive awardsâ losfr 9 menihers Harculturel clubs 'eu4wU another elien recipienla anti lophles, a huai of mois, dada anti iet i St. Paulsa hi Millonfo tue 1 d my. f Ze evenis of 4-H wocb in Oie e past yeac 106 oUdin 149 peojecle 86.5 per cenl completion. Tbese tigures lntiieated a riso in nseesership i clubs Ibis year, sa decresse hi he per cent copetiss usver last year's Moat satsiadlng Outitantl 4-H cluh meubher i Haton for 1971 was Bob1 Lashy, aiho rceoveti the J. E. Whlteluck tmophy. The Halton-Peel Psrh Peoducens trnphy foc Oie muai outstantiig 4-Hec with ester 12 joj ctscnpeted mail bo Km OeClaiude Bai tcop y s utoaning tirst yeac 4-H memher. Prenmier 4-H cluh ufthOe year wua Oie Halles 4-H Fild Cro Cluh. Graoe Blrti won the secrelar s the year a nati Ibanketh1e leatier toc tnalls Oier limne anti assitnc e i prugramn. A spleclal Ibanba mas aise extentiet leh1e familes irbo laisteti th1e 4-if delegaies i Wissi anti arlant Iis nassumer ant lu es Rsa Reidi mIso accompaniethOe local grosp us the trip. Top mensbers Tlropiem o tue op moinher in each cluh were gises out as Actes 4-H Calt Club tienatei by Rien Braitia lei Bahtb sy Haltes 4-H Holetein Cal! dteet 11Y AMcuaI Fish le Davidi Rei; Haltes 4-H Jersey, Gserssey ihinalei hy Halles-Peel Jersey Clubhle Margaret Robinson; Dual Purpose Shocohuom Cal! teet hy Haltos-PeeI Beef huprovessesl Asse. le Wmn. Allisos, Jr.; Halles 4-H Beef Cal! dualeti hy Halles Soi anti Cop leupruvesnest Aunue. le Cathy Lashy; Acleon 4-H Fielti Crop tiosateti hy H. H. Hinles le Bah Lasby; Combiseti Adtos 4-H Cal! anti Fieldi rop aubte Haltes 4-H 'lelt oioatei hy Halles So11 ant op Improvement Assor. toi lce Wilson; Halton 4-H Sbeep tionateti hy Ontario Sbeep Breetieru anti Peoucors le Janet Hanler; Haltun 4-H Conservation tiateti hy Haltun Reglon Conservatiun AuOiority le Cathy L.anhy; Hallon 4-H Horse tionatei hy U.CO., Hallen Brandi lu Valorie Ella. Jstig trophy minnees were: Norval Junior Fariner lriphy, Ken McNahh, Champion Liveslecb Jutige Les MeDesalti, Bref CoUlie Jstigisg, Kmn Me- Nahh, Dairy Catle jstigig, Cathy Leahy, C.N.E. Sblelti 981gb Novin Reer Mrray Royal Bank Tropy <et Jsdgisg) Km McNabh, SmnIl Seetis Jstigisg, Daviti Taylor, Coarse Grains Jstiging Kmn McNohh, Caub Cop Jatigig, Kmn McRahb, Bieep Jstigisg, KeiOi MeKinnon, Smise Jstihg, Jaont Hentiersos, Hre .Iiaging, Rab Lashy. USsssmansblp Wînnern of showmanshlp lcopbims were: Juin Wffhniott (Champion Bref), Bah Lashy; Word Brownritige (Champion Dsiry), Daviti Rei; Jobs Mc- Kînsun (Grand Champion), Daviti Reid; Benview Farns (First Year). Nancy MeKieses. For a pair if tiry boliers Bruce MeGen iwes Oie Canadien Impocial Bau o! Cosmumerce lropby for Haleteis anti Volerle Kilo wton Oie Walter J. Nocclsg- tus lcuphy i Jersey or Gserssey section. Kisgsway Kiwasis Scbslarsl ment le: Achus 4-H Cal! Clsb, Barbara Browss; Halton 4-H Bm!f Cal! Club, Win. Allisun Jr.; Halles 4-H Haletein Cal! Cluh. Orcm Bird; Haltan 4- H Jersey, Gsernuey Dsel Purpose Shmethom Cal! Club, John Nioe; Actun 4-H Fielti Crop Club, Jonice Swacbhamner; Halton 4-H Fieldi Cop Club, Joanue Wilson; Heae 4-H Sheep Club, Stephes Stanley; Hailles 4- H Horse Club, Peter May; Halles 4-H Conservation Cluh, Karen Piere Kiwnisantards Tbe Kiwauts upeciol projert completion winners irere o Halters, Don Rauchub; Blautetu, Jane Nison; Plcbare, Margaret Bohsan;Bldiss or Faren Linda Burus; Weeti Colectinia, Ans MeClure;, Petigrees, Lynne Siear; Soeil andiFeei Samplea, CaLh Leahy; Constructati Article, Orcm Bird; Poster anti Pleture Dtspdayn, Les MeDosaid. Awards were prosenteti by Uuited Breetieru tue., Ontario Jersey Club, Hallon 0il anti Cro Impruveenent Association, Guersssey Cattie Breeters, Asan- clatun ot Ontario, Haltes-peel Jersey Club, Hallen Halseis Club, Benegate Jerseys, Ontario Herefordi Asaocitione, Eaatern Canada Charolai Asslat thitarioi Sbortbaes Club, Ontario AheSdteen-Asgu Aasciation. MOaU oustendlng Biruit year messier Peter May was in tan clubsOihis year. lu Oie Haflen 4-H Peter May meut ouletandlng first year menober, mes le tan clus eiisyear. la tise HaIles 4-H Halsteis Cal! Clubeb placoti 13f11, anti in the Hailles 4-H ise Club he Placed kd. Peter placed in the Clous at his af cu Achievemeut Day, asti bis Hoistei hncier plecei seventh in les clous. Ho mas Ibirti in u nain lp at the Harse Club AcýhievemteDay- anti bis Percheron mare was Birain hi1e lam. He placet! second is Oie Junior Section ufthOe Livestucb JOIUiIg Compelition, anti iras Ibird i Oie 'Constructei Articles' section if Oie Speriai Peojecia handei i. He iran sellecteti 1u woin Oie Kiwonis Club ufthOe Kingsway Bob Lcasby of Rockwood outstanding 4-H member AWARDS i tbe Hulesn 4-H i ight ar-e uboien wlth their tu ciglit arc Janet Hunlar anti ifrout anti Peter May anti Bob net receiveth Oe Ontucio Sbecp iceducers tropby for top Halton imember. Cathy ws uneardeti and Q-up Improvemnent trophy foc tbe top member o! Acton 4-H Flelti Crop Club and Oie Haillon Hegion Conservution Authority tropby for top memrber ofthe Haltes 4-H Conservution Club. Peter coppeti tbe Clautie Bain Tropby for thie mont utstunting tu-st yeac 4-H memtber anti Bob Lusby won thse J. E. Whitelock Tropby for tbe top 4-H club member in Haltun Cousty. -(Staff Photo) IESEY HERD establimbeti by W. A. Devlin o! s being dispecset Iis week. Numeti aflec tbe in Irelunti frein rlcb Ise grantipareuls anada in 1861, tbe bord startei mitb seven upurebasetin e rseyvIie anti bas groru t,) plis retio-ed ani transfercei the bertin tue sou t Grant tiet a tor weeli ugo andi Mr. Destin île le, beep îp rit Oie rork. Tise bord wffi be orn Sales Ai-oua on Fritiay.-<ýStaff Pboto) n weed contrai offered itabruobs Wateedorn Lions' Hal i Oie uchont, ho dm1i aflecnout and at Oie Bramplen ors influencig Agrîcullurul Office in the and use of esenutg. The saine school i0 mlodern cop being beld lu the tutu locations 10 g plauneti for accommodate a iseger namber ut onto-Homillen uttercotei ceop protiucrec. ieparinent o! utti sponsoceti -Anotb or succen stol on Oie byve Champion classifini ativertiser vember. The umedoanutepenimv "formsale" od givon aI Oie bust reeh 10 sell a guitair. 151DM FARMIMO 11119 le SALINS * PLGWING il 6 le PLANTINS CORN & GRAIN PNsoNF 878-3454 S. IILLMAN saiber, Gsecge"DesatWant Ali the Business - Jase Ysars. Halton's oolilanding 4-H member ot 1971, Rab Loshy ni Rocbwood hou a record that upoahutfor ilself. He mes awardei Oie J.E. Wlilteloch Trsphy at Firiday's orardu nighl. Rab han completeti 20 projerti in eigbt years ut 4-H wrc, wli ail of these user 86 percent completion. Rab placedti fret unt li o! Oie Irojertue a ndertooh tlis yea, anti secoodin ua tird projecelH plareti tirai in Oie Adtos 4-H Colf Club, wlth o 93 percent compilelion; tlrst unthIe Forage Section, and secouti in the Coco Sectbon ofthe Adtos 4-H Fieldi Crop Club. At hiu rail club Acleevement Oay Rab placoti second in Oie Sbormansbip Claus anti hlm iloortboco steer ras tirst inuis Glain. At Oie 4-H Inlecclub Bec! Show ut Erin, his uteer placeti fourth. Ohm exhibits o! coco asti huy placeti oevenOi anti sixth, eespectively, aothOe Adtos 4-H Field Ccop Club Acleevemenî Day. Rail horse istige I the Senior Section of Oie Seed Jutitint Compelition Bob ras nut, and in the Senior Section ufthOe Livemlech Jutigiug Coutpetitîon ho wan tourtb He ron the Champion Hocse judging Trophy toc mcoclng legbemt in horse judgutg. In the Milton Pair 4-H lnlerclub Shooutianmlup Claso Bob placeti lirot lu wut Oie John Willmoll Trophy. Witb the highesl standing ut the Acton 4-H Cal! Club be ns the Nio Braitia Tcopby, anti the higheit achievemeut lu Oie Ad-os 4-H Field Coop Club anti Adtos 4-H Colt Club won hlmn the H. H. Hinton Chiallenge Tropby. He also receiveti on 18-seal coctiticote tor hucutg completei 18 projeta ritu over 75 percent pcoficieuey. Rab hon been o cuumlstenty high-sorteg 4-H member, ani coaped winO this yonc'u sebieve- mente, os a deuersutg musner. Fine Fiuniturs AT FACTORY TO YOU PRICESI MILTON PLAZA 80holarsls< for Oie AIl BSeat 4- le bave an fi pevoimaIy. 'Top ffB useuser Kmn McNahb ment ostantis 4-H member wlth unter project as maie 11gh standings insOiree projecta Ibis year. le the Hallon 4-H Fieldl Crnp Club ho placet!din tih e Grain Serties antinarain hiOe Forage Section. Ha place Ouerd te Oie Haltes 4-H Jersey, ttaernsey, Dumal Pueps Biortsees Cal! Club. Kmn has cesuplelei 10 projeta in Bye yeaes, ail wli usver 86 peircent. Ha bas hee in Oie top ires in eight of thene projecta. le bis FilId Crsp ju-ojecis bis huy eslsihit placet Iirti anti bis enlhili o! oats mas tirai; in les clous. BuOi bils bsy anti es placeti is Oie second prise griup ai Eris Fair. la Oie Jersey, Oaerusey, Dual Purpase Mort- hus Cal! Cluh ho placed Ibirti in hoiwmanublp asti bis Guernsey huiler as a Birait prise exhbt. Kmn placei tirain hiOe Senior Sectiun o! Oie Seei Juiag Competition anti Brait i Oie Senior Radties ofthOe Uvesocb Jutigisg Competition. Ha won Oie Caub Crnp Tropby fer havlnig Oie hlghest score is Oie jsdglsg hurley anti es; Oie Champies Bref Jiolgig Trophy for teis lep teet jutige; Oie Roya aI T5uphy for bsvisg the highest nveral score is Oie Seeti Jstigisg mpetities; anti the Norval Junior Farmers Truphy tue huving th1e hlegmt esmiei score mn seei anti llvmstorh judgng. Tie tulowing are lis of club For FUEL OIL SERVICE YOUR SHELL DEALER BELL BROS. MILTON 878-6380 Cascade gives you hot water. And nothing else. There's no flume. no noise, no flue no fumes, no dirt, no sutuif witb the Cascade wîteo heatcr listcasse is electcic. Cascade lises you lots and lots of hot wuter so, efficiently pou hardly know it's thece. If hot water is oooor a1 prOblem il, 50:0: famiîy, ask about the ecosomocal Cascade electric water heiter. Your hydro Milton hydro 2,Mi t r 1 1 FLAG DEI a spsghett alisu-Cansti turdauy eve e Conadis ait Cfflisued Il tihy Popp U6, Halton 4-H 1 !aders: Bill ollinott, Char eccy. 100 per f10854, Neil C d<oo 937 , t cot MeKinn cKinnon 806, eoege Cruen iderson 786, V mMcKerr 762 :7, Sheila A illnott 607. Ballon 4-H Ho !aders: Bert ucse, Delma onett. Davidi dl 03, Lynne ctionali M8, 1 ILerson 878, 4Barry Ri Hieaco 830, Coi uco Anderson 6, Edeen Mar cGee 798, BiH 9 vdy Bonnet dgoose 546. Hullon 4-H je o] ourpoge. shç oters: Ken ubb, Walter acgurel Rubun llu 877, Ken M, 0xn 40, Bruc b Robison 8 2. Orenda Hill pi 784, Mari&i Hiton 4-H t tier: Ruine] ida. 100 perc 1co'-David Agi nMcNabh 182, n McClure 186, roonLUrneRi% cNabb 190, Jt5 nois McClur >Iris 175. Hlton 4-H shee Albert HunIer, neot Hunter -vley M35, Gler ucio MeKinno cinnon 785, P4 1Harris Cari cre 524. Aclon 4-H Fl, aders: Nino I uray, BllLas mrnplelîon. Coco , rom Parbi urray43, Ricb -Bob Lasb sby 846, Les o ut Leulie 781 FAI ELEC s COMPL ELECTRIC O MAIN TE R E LECTOIo CONTRAI E LECTROI H EATI NG *WATER HI R ENTA LS 818-21 FREE COni ATTENION!Dairy and Beof fo USE MASTER DAIRY AND BEEF FEEDS.e e This FaIl and Winterse We Now Have Available e Master 32% Dairy Supplement.e and a Master 16% Daiiy Ration e WITHOUT UREA- Our Fal and Early Winter Daiiy and Beef Feeds - Special Discount Prices - ARE NOW IN EFFECT - Drop in and discuss your feeding program with us soon 'DRIEU BEET PULP We are now taking off car orders for late Nuvember and December deliveries. Cali us and place yoar srder NOM. MASTER FEEDS STE WARTTO Wl YOUR ONE STOP FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE 877-3612 Store & Warehouse Hours 877-7375 * open t11115 p-m. Monday to Friday inclusive - SaturdaY tli 12 5005