h Canadien Champion, Wednaaday, Augus 18, 1971 Bob Nixon visits Liberal nicnic Tory barbecue was just for fun HALTON EAST MW Raid Wblting -esd candidate Bob Blake was absent froms thse provincial Liberal Leader Robert ion chat event He sens fogged in ut Fobisher Boy. Hie witn Mrs. and Mr. Brion Best The occanoton and other Oakville residents laid ganse there was o tiberat picoie held ut Oakville'u eachier hait inite bod ieather were imsable ta Corausatmon Park Maltais East Lioeral get ot.--(Staff Photo) Visits Halton on summer tour Oct. 14 Liberot Louder Robert Nioan oa epecutotieg on an Oct. 14 provinial etectios. Wbilc te reaily oditîet ot an okvfllc presos rooference loturtay foot att foc figtoring inos baand on roinor, te sasi anvoral foiege pointcd ttat way. Meanwie le oa toaring foc pnovince.l*'n oaouardeesl i-ont go nw f fu= tut pan mugbt cansider foin jont foc teader's nununer taur," te said. Gctlag redy Hie sasi la rîdings of the 117 ta ttc prnvince ted Literai ommnes clccted and ready tn go, inhile anofoer 25 i-nuIt h. rcaty ony lime tut svere oitttolding nomninations ontil foc cîci-tios ta ralled. Dorief the canference te taucted nn a nuinler of issues. fie criticinet Dan- Mi-Kcougb fariner bbntater of Monicleet affaira for tin rentri-aton poli-me ad regtosol governinient. Hie sauf Mi-Kcough tad îmsposedt regionat goveromrenl iifout gîving foc opposition or ttc monicipatitico involved adequatc tirc ta coneider foc imae nr abject ta it. Nixon said Niagara Regios teowsaond ritios onlp hnd tino doys le wtt-b to preparc ttcir case bef are it lei-oinclainand focy nccd olinoet a peur. Coaieeky rochat Nixon sait roaste ta Niagara hat fane up 40 per cent ond a iion dalla-n roccntly ta tide focin aver foc clection." Hecsa sia atnosdclne inaa ta Impose an extra levai of favcininnt and missvecthe contrat ta Toi-no. On counfy roads election- Nixon He crtigcd foc gavernanent's tatr. fie si tana stald te syntein of rebeates ta tai-mers amI araa bIc ta tins ina tait to alters as letaf ar-tai- and aId dlean ap their aporation. fie falisre and "a bai-rible inaste indi-atcd filt if foc boans ocre 0f inny.- He ilî foc pi-aper avaîtahie foc firmes mould nt inay ta do it aiauld be nt ta havc ta close focir operatians. charge foat tan in foce first place. Nixon ssîd foc gaverninsent must tearn focy tare ta tay Leane for clean-upe i-barges toc vioattrs of foc fie sai le avai-ed inrentive pollatian contrat measures prograins that mould ai-ge eaase pi-esidenlsof ltarge fi-ensa pi-aons in recyrtîng and ai-e nat impccsscd by iniitariat pollution contrat in the great si-fers. Caibéml new 0MB hearing on Martin apartment Miltan Coanrit tas bcen soi- i-et ta aireangleg a second Ontaio Municipal Board Hcai-ing of objctions agamalt a pmoposed hIl rose apartinant compless os Mlltde Di-. eat of Martin St. The aportinenl pi-ajert oas propoand hy Mi-s. C. A.' Mai-lin bt drtayed oben foche i-cotai-c an indetosita decin ltl in Jonc afler foc tinst tcaring. The Board saggeated ceuni-il gîve torter connideration ta foc matter. Aug. S7lo; dote fonce that bine rami-eil tas teen sccking a clarificatian of otat foc 0MB oanted. Ttcne tcaring ontl te hctd Asg. 27 aI 10 ai.mt ahe foauril chambers. Donald Lambert inan foc anc ohjector Est foc tast meeting. lie ottectet ta the bigb risc nature af foc budlding and astcd foot ronsîderatian te given ta redeîginf foc sti-ucture in a tain prafile massler. Wtatc the board neyer i-ulcd for or-againnt foecproposai ta the fuil hcarîng, their decîsian oas woaided a as nt ta cole ost foc praject tut ta taIt il op. Counil cottcd foc 0MB decinion oay By Bab Bset For newamen andf local 1altical oheers tt was a rale okend.tut;tfpel focetanne of Coemervatlve MPP Juin 0mow and dani-ed inta foc cee bilais otf e osetng onder foc shbelter af a lrebie Saterdap itmafoLirle beafebeld a corsreaet aed alfhi faehid poittiral Pli-eca Carossation Park in dakie. igne were pleetered aroonsi foc poi-k nupportief Ltterel candidate Bah Balkse and prettp gir msth Bot Blake tata paeeed outtinnail steta of paper wlfo the mtrds ta "Heutso Bathie", a take- nff on -Heo DEI. At one point le the anng tlere mou o inention of 'Hello Botbie" rcferiig ta btf i-nldate Bots Blake andt LiteraI Leader Bot Nixon. Nixon upobo triefly and grceted thec irowd gathered lis bear ttc Dixieland muetc. However the other Bah (Blake) idn't ate it. Bleke phosed frninsi Frobieher Bay te cientnd hie apologies aed explain te wae stit tipi ta get out of foc fogaound nnrtllslem aitere te and anveral aller Oak- aille people tait ftninn more tho a meet cachier for a fiebing trip. Apparcnttp regular flights werecnceled duc to tad meather and foc nnly i-tance foc t)atvilte i-rein tad ta get nut vrilant drinn foc drain intan a tandful of inftanntial Amen-oas inaed ta get on foc fttgtt erlier promiand ta Bleke ond hie cren. Rabert Nixo tanieci o prema i-nnfcrcnce at Blohens Oekvllle tomne ta the candidate', absience, 0fininglingmwithtocrodoet ort 7WHITING MUNCHES. PARTY PICNIC Refugees. (Contîsard fi-a,, Page i) derîsian ta raine fonds ta tclp foc Pakîstais oas annonetd ta lt oetks Chamioîn. At foc limse Bill Mi-inais, chaimin of foc cammîlîce arganînîng ttc canrassansdspcial tund-raining cvcnls ait ttc baspital, saffestet Object to snowm-Iobie ban MiltonCassnci objectcd la a by- tbey ocre gaing. saine points cauld te ctarified. tain under consideration at the Milton's representatîve on LasI year the rloch an contrat county levelthaot wauld prahibit coontys coonil ocre instroctcd of Main St., Bronte Ot. and part nf nonmobilcn on conrty roada ta have foc hy-law hld op unt Mairtin St. o08cr thon ta cross tbein. Councillar Chartes Johnson Iow fu. . sadtepravince aclla licences A lo fu ride . . for focin, collecta gas tan ami suboidiain the raads and thens foc Continsd j raspage t Dangernus coonty says yo can't drive on focre hall leen cssugt evîden c Mayor Bcst said coonscil hiad focos. out ducing the discassions i foc rccîvcd a lter [rain a Hanuitan Caunicît prnparcd a resotution pont monts ta canvnie people it drita, i the past oet nating ashi casait causicit ta clarlfy muont a gond lising. fooit tfuo uidc in foc air focîr stand an poticing the tl admire coustcitta- Fay's i-anstitutcîi enoof h danger oroposcd tegisiation. sti-ong stand agirait fluoride and iifosî pattiaf it in ater. Puy for police pertaps if t mccc chairsoan of Att sncmhrsaf cooncitwifo foc Cooncittai Gard Fi-ante fetth o iater I'd feet as strang, bat lin exception ot Reeve fiari-it. who coonty shotd rantrihote tamards rut. Ian chasimrnia of pubtie tas stayed neutrai, nove foc police hudgct if foey wanted reltions and I fect it is important iadîrated apposition ta pottieg ta have the 0cm hy-taw policed. ta hotd foc meeting and tecp foc ttc cheosical an ttc mater. peopte infarmed, Councîttor Coanidtrs S. Chids, C. Fay, C. Wydon't foey go a stop Metaoson addcd. Johnson and t)cputy Reeve Barr foi-tlii-and prohihil tractai on foc Wlslc Dcputy Reeve Perey rotcd agaîast hotding the roada, coorscillor Johnson saisi. Bai-c said te was os farar aofo heceting ohîte Mayor Beut, He tadicated foc nnwoseihiers peupte bllin0f armcd, le voted liccre Harrs, Coonicittars Gord cssdd angle accoos the rosd tai-h for foc cessotian ta ran-elthfo Ki-antzand Arletansso voted ta and forth sti] tley fut olere poblir meceting. tavr of hotding ttc meeting. ON DISNEYLAND PARADE à lyrud n aM cm nieyut thcie gala SE"inyado aaea parae ahs THURSDAY- U.1 at 7.30 p.m I Paredeteaas BruceS. Schola t .30 p.m. andproceeds otE Roar Park fo ere'shmens, vaMain, Jamcend Mil Se Ai sea elcomne. any fi-ns ai- ai-gosiaaban i-ould join inathe fond ond le rtallanged ail tao'"match ule if pou i-ans." Cainpoigosng eit foc =opîa sta-t a ter fois monfo adlst satl the end ot Septeinter. Hospital officiais topo cnougb stores, attires and atter orgoniationn oBil jota i tt moke it o ton-vide conspaigni. Attaipts are betag made to i-aise $2,l0oa ta Canada for the ampaîgn. A graup calleit Caihted Appeat for Palestoi Relief is rannief focl nation-ind ratlctcd tarallp otîl te forooi-dcd ta the CAPIt. Ttc Milton office of Canada Truast i allis arrepîtaf persoonl donations f ruai Miton and orea resîdents wo aa oint ta conti-ibute ta ttc fuid thc park. The MP. drmused for connfrt le a esponit ehirt and shorts, Magea"dcent inandereif atout lukieg and Tte aftcrnoae featared =ao ctattng wtb foc yuung folk tut uleing, a coarn rouet, rock th e c venief wau free frein and hoela of fauflplcnlcuheld le speces or aeything tinat coelossetincifo theeveet as oeil sai-ait of electtoneferng. as DWxe musicpleed ytyhe Tat aeot taeilyoat the i4sltee.Wenimerth, Halten Wnest Lisserai Assoiaioen ISMINATIIO ONVENTION Touelect .cndidate for tb forthconin ioiaa electin for Naton Wns riding. TUES. U. 24 Af 8 p.m. AT IIIELIMITON MALL AUDITORIUM Bei-ause American Mafors g ives anheels ta better values. From 12095. Sene, or uelfet ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON Brunte S. S. 878-2328 Milton Helton Eau MP le net t=nhn oampagn nar.s "W. have atot lecit, touh. r.Sa e fben lang flor n ee o hbsu rre forata Bruce thne lenti fen methe, gains Maciinon néOavll te, t hie tlengs reedy te go,' Snow sadf. BEAR RUS LONGSE AT THdE COAULES MOTEL y ' 7 P.M TO1 A.M EVERY ...FRIDAY AND SATURDAY* FEA TURING QUIET, RECORDEDMUSIC ANDA RELAXEDATMOSPNERE -SNACKS AVAILABLE- HALTON losty stei Snows ai Yoeue Pl YOUNG mere lacg Font Ml'] YPC spai Cou Any ci-t Hattn rep-eseta Es pi-cint Courniîtag Manday ni Counicit change i mode ontfl regianat Hiamilton- Conmsoa and ttc TERENCE itif i Bac, l'tysics Dcl University Hc osm tassi- tint ta aderg-ad, hien aine Reach t fie oas gri-a aIt Mi-Moste qualyîag fi Enginecraing M.M. Rabi Bartognton a andbti-s. B. Kiforîde St., Fi FUE SER' YOU R DEI BEL .1 CANADIAN NAUIMALEXIIIIUIN A fIlDRI VING* PARKING *LONG AVUIU WORRIES*PROBLEMS WALKS GO BY BUS REDUCED FARES ADULTS STUDINTS $4.50 $4.00 Round Trip-ocudes Admnission CHILDREN $1.00 (Bus Fanre Onlyl BUSES DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS Augusf 2Oth to September 6 tDaity eocept Sondayl LEAVE MILTON 8.40 A.M. LEAVE EXHIBITION 11:00 P.M. <AFTER GRANDSTAND SHOW)I Exhibition passongers tr-aýeIing on reguaer tisas oMIE transfer ta bases canninu io ttc Griounds et Toi-sen Oas Tceminal TICKETS FOR GRAfIDSTAND SHOWS which nclude Free Admission lesa the Groumeds AVAILABLE FOh YOUR LOCAL GRAY COACH AGENT Tickets and Information esf Milton Travel Service R ~ Aas BsaiSci Meu ls meso. fici. 0. L Adami-Agasi Tehllane55S-2M8 SWIMMING POOLS ON SALE NOW SAVE UP TO $500. DIRECT FACTORY OUTLET IN GROUND STEEL WALL VINYL LINER 1 2'x 24' $1269. 16'>32' 'l 595. l8'.36ý ' 1849. 1 4'x 28' $ 1350. 16',,40' ' 17 9 5. 2 0'.,4 0' $2049. ABOVF F'FJI( F 'ý IN(l Ut)[ THE FOI ioWif4(, lit M,> a Iü M, i ',ý .... h -d 1 ne, Bw 1(,d ý0 Y P ý (-- - 1ý ý * 14 G-q, <- VV,. Il -,d ( ., ný 0 T.p si ý-mq,,.p Sytýrn 0 Jac.,x, W.dý M..Ih Sknmý, le Refyrri Fýititiq% M-n D-n Wth Hyd,ý,týf,, R,,bý f Véli- 6' VV,,I, vvht" vmy! AQUA-SWIM POOLS 1 î 8(3 1 ý (ý%tlclwe, Ave 625-7700