The Caaadiaa Chuampion, Wedaesdcy Aagust 18, 197515 4'~ ~isu heVP. t ~ VIEWMOUYNT FARM. lI THE Marshtall fally Dame siace 150. St la located at tise corner af tise Tlslrd Lion and Steeles 1917, bu been soild ta Polyrner Corporation Lai. lise land, Ave. Polymer ai a crowo corporation witis Ileatiqaartecs la Iornnerly in Esqueslag Towasip was annexed ta 500100 la Servis. -(Staff Photo). Omnagh Plan i1i th Steam-Era whistle for G. Rayner By SOrs. Carl Pattermon TheaOntario Steann ccd Antique Praseracra' Steata-Era Show wlll ho heid in Miltn Agriculturai Grounds an Lahor Day week-end. lTse maslisly meeting cf ltae cluh ma hald ut Boyna Centre la Aagcat 12 taiit 186 matahors attenditg. Firsl argnoad in 1880 lice ap eamisg show wiii ho te 111h annuel avant. Prasîdant Rons Cuider of Piasinchuirad ltae meeting and Control of thrips Ry D. Barkea MeNeMi To esora gond btioom, chockt pour giadicli nov tar lte s-asasoe cilice macect peat, lte thnp. Il la lin mast sarieca mnadar ai giadials in as aMna. Tlie durh itrovn tbla ick lbig leado unyitara as lice plunt, but purticuauriy as ltae leusceas. Il saris tho plat jalcas causissg a sdaary-slrai condilion. The i 5- Ma i 23-met- long insacl wiii ulsu leas lte fhumera straitd or itiotchy. Dusling ltae gludialus canas ut hurvasl lima, jus1 citer digging, la raccmmaaded. Coas cant ho plucad mu papar hog ccsiaining c huatl duel and shoitas uaut. Fer largar qsuntitias, c smull p ind daslarcunhoaaued. A 5per ceat curlaryl (lacis) dustl s gond. Susce tho inseet somalissea violera in lte coran, ltae treutmnt la sol always cmidataiy effective. Multipiy fant Titaretora, unlctac otrips on ltae sausca s ilowers. Titay muiliply rupidiy dariso itl dry, vather. Immealy spcn solicig lteca iscla ce ltaei dumuge, spruy mitit mulultion or seais. Fciiov ltae isitiul spruy miita second ose in tre duys and thos spruy waekip uttt lte hîcama dîsuppar. Il the infsain is tahoap, il svauld ho musc Ma cntinue spruylsg ltae plants untll tail iurveat. extensive uarungements var PlatinedtM essore ltaI tho 1971 shsow wllie hetler thonseer mils maey cnmpetitiae avents unda terrific dispiuy of aid liane lurt muchtines. Berard Porter ai Wcadstci prasasled slidas und Sundp lisatpson of BarlingMon sitawad sfidas of pas parudes. A pasing etaura ta ltae prasenlution la paI presidenl Gardas Ruysar hy Normes licitaI af Wacdsinch. ltae gaIf vus a hesdsumne braisa sea visîla moualad on itluck maritia miit u vuinut boa. Itis vus giata itp tho meanhers afIlita Association tac Gardon's snti rg effts int promaling lte cilub wark and for whlah ha espresued kit sîncere apraciation. Commnttees vere aned and ail is about la readinaca for ltae Mig a1mw, Friduy Sept. 3, Saturday Sept. 4 and Masduy Sept. 6. Largest meeting LaMe lte meanhorsaned thaie wvss mare saraad lunch hy lta mamitersaofGmugt Prashyinrian W.A. Titis vus lit a trgeal meeting as tho record cf ltae association. Hurt su fta Friands ae carry Ma leurs ihel lliam McFedden ai Tramaisa Rad ma aaricsy injured on hic san's fera an Friduy utacaca taini aperatisg e lay ite. Wacig clone ho managea ta frac ]iscrîgit urmnead drive M itis home, ltas vuas cashad ta Milon Hospital and lae e laBariagMan hospîtul. Hic cran vus itraitn ia tva places ccd ho ladl serions cala la lte itund, va vinit hlm e spaady reuaary. Thara vus c gcad eiinndasce tac varship ut agit Prashyteruan Charct viit Bac. Had LIeera la tho puipit. SOrs. Deehointo af Masar Raud United Citurcit, Taranto vus guss argant for tho day as lise ataclrtc argus. Mes. Durtingn taM me contralto saliit vit thlie Toronto charcit aise faared vils ala 'Teucit Ma ta Pruy". Laer tho itea. Bcd ccd Mes. Lewis anlarleîaad ut dinar Mes. Derintole, Me. and Mes. Brian ail oi TorontM. Gel vaBl Oct vali visitas galao Mca. G. Sutclair, conatsciso ut hec home foltswg e 10 day stay la Milta hospitul. Me. and Mes. R. McDowval, MilMon, Mes. Cadil Jurais , Me. ccd Mes. Robhort Braoridga weedinner guasis n asSccday Augualt 15iith Mec. Hamac McCea. Vîsitaca Me. ccd Mec. Rlaort Suit and Mes. Noran Smdith of Etiheida vara Snay clameos viit ltae ltuynar'Halas and Sacun Ruyaer raiuneda home vîith thae aut Mes. Smaith lue a itrief holiday. tlayner tumiiy. Haes and Ousan ltaysar ratacaed home vit t haie sont Mes. Satt 1cr a la-ici Protection Pitycicci fineca la Maslt dams cal praast; lise Mulassesaegais micit ya an ueh imtauaiaad, caps ltae faderai italtt dearîmasi publication, "Get Fil- Kaap Fil", e pitycicai ftlsancd training guide tac yauag Canadiens. Ecarpansaald ho praiacind agacls sallpax, taas ilocit- îemî, dipitia and pclicmyaitis. lii a gccd pian la disceu pse u issanizais ccesîoanii miti a darlar la dicrane if yaar protection ls up Me dae. -Stadeala hava jasi 19 mare days ai suamnar holidups. lichoci ra-apens an Tuesday, Seapt. 7. IL( Rea Hum- bord crigs Gods tas ld a more thoan 151 000,000 homes theougitut Canada and tae United States on Sundoy theougit his teleaision misistey. Nov hy spasisi arrangement pou con loin Northt Anetisus teiaacsiac paslt cn a spaciai rallyprigh heesuttheCana- dion National Exiition. Os Senduày, Aaguut 22 ut 2:30 pari., te C.N.E. grand- stand wiii resound vitt te vaui usd proyer nf Res Humbard, Maude Aimes and te Catitedrai Siageru. holiday. Gel vali taishes Ma ta Eari Galbtraiths a patient la Milon itospitel. Mes. -Stafford Curtis is caaaalascisg ut hec huma filataing a tata taets la Gakvelle laspitul. Masy local tarmers hava finishad haraastlsg theie crops ai grain viOls yiaids ai 100 hoshai ta ltse acre. Caca hervcst i ltae seat in lime and il ton Le an escellent crap. Birlhday greattaga galao David Hoaa, Mes. Joan Bahit, Lari Hilimas, Lance McLeas, Raseary Laheasin, Kimberley Adterrain Keitit Lricheancd David Fard. Garry Timmnita ut TorontM, ici frot a chotrae an tho Gi Farta, Foacth Lise asd satfarad c hrcits wrscia as Mcsday morning. ~p. WILLIAM MASOSHALL'S farm, ln thse faanily dance 1917, bas The 15cm la isstuated on tihe east aide of the Third Lion heen soid MfPolysaer Carporation Lt for $3648988. The crowa itatween Steelea Ave. and Hlghvay 401 in Milton. --<Staff corporatian bougat the5l acres la a deai that clased lact week. Photo). Township council attacks bill 127 lli 127 rclcesîcg lthe eespcnsibitl lar lice clecicci mark înaclaed ia acsessiag pracadaras Mo lte musicîpalîties tat eemed "asather guIf tram lthe provincial gcaerasaecl ltaI tac ccclt altard,' by Nassagawepa Towncsip Clerk Campbedll Thatapsas. Mr. Thatapsas tld caarcd lice bi I iacciaed reelcraîg lthe cicrîcal dattes caccercucg cssessmcst bat ncl the acical csscsaicg. Ha caïd lihe mccc vcald taie il secesscey M itire cddilîcscl staff "Titap Icai il acer, lthey hava lise saol aad lthe lacililuesto ladit and cea lisey mai as la de their clerical wcrit," he caid. Under attact Tite cegccsal assesameal cilice las beas tite scitjecl t ofliccit tram lthe tomnship ceacncil ccd alter ae ceacicils sn lte pai. 'rue deparimesi hec itees crïiicized tar asecmecieror ccd nussing cewacssessmesi ci Iîàýà Legion Notes Thse licardcy it ciaitracta dusces continue la ha veli ullandad-esd lest lietardep mîghiveasccrtainy ns exception. Mamitars and gamîts spant e piaeain aesîsig dancing M thc music of ltae Milins. Thea coit iynsqact racan 15in tho pracacai ai hoing air cacditicncd and miii ha anmplalc ity tho end ai itis monlt-juat la lace for car tisi big dace et ltae tati saus, as ilelsrduy, Sept. 4. J. C. and lise Siqures vil ho prcaldisg Mhe music tac titis cne and ma're espaciing a large taracat. Kuceia Aguin Progressive ecira, mici mas ca papuar hls csasn, ctana aa an Frîdey, Sept. h0 in Mhe ciaitroctas. ceicli yace triens, ccd lai's gel caiter sacceastal eceroilicg. 'lThe legîcn ail lecan eas idle liîs meeh canseecîdo lhiceî sirecgMh fcr lice picy-olis miîc clant Taeaday evesisi ai 8:30 ai Boaay Park, mites lthe laite as levera. No decil lice teata mcaid appreciale yoae sapcr, scattlend ifyca cons Al yaaitarsesicae csaistlfans miii ha dajaciad la heceai licte dalei cf icl liccea leama ticci rapeeaed lis crac in stlie casa iceesaites iteld reeacly ai Gaegetowns. Keap tassîlg ea. gapa. Maere's almea ceai yecel 'Tesnesigesercl meeing miii ho iceld an Moaday, Sept. 13. natinl exibto Iu 22 I 2:0 Im tor .t S .wý,oitt e t j,,(sa i e t carîcas laces. Accardîci la lte clerk masy icars o ai ae is tie towshiip cilice hace icecaspesi ihe pcstaamoeetacreccg erosmade S> lice regiccel cflice. Me. Thatapsas esplcised lice regioac cilice ceci as updaled ralla tote towsip cflice bul dîd cal maice lice cecescet> coreectionsaonsa lape as file at lice IBM cilices micere las hbis are campuied. ten't blacre As e reeilt lice lac lables cf figures de cci bdlce asi passadea rescluticceaîhecectg thce township aecllcrlcumeeccih lice provincial deparimestin an effort la siraîgles cal lthe mecss Ceaccîlîce J. C. Mclyre repeec tice cauccil's feelint Ihai lice> cere mach iceilet cff icolre lice regiîca essesiceci cfices cameîcotciceîsî. "Atilecat lices il ce made an errer icere. ce cealcîcrrectlil caeselces aidcil wsdoc rtîti a l otIc leas IOHNSONJODI IOPTOMETRISJI 218 iMain St. Milton Wedcesdcc aca Séiucdc Arrange a moderns pakagq of qeuiltitin ussne prection auta saving . .specilp designd forthe Saseo in ONE LOW CO5T PACKAGE ut Let us show toc how litei tcosts teiluly protesteai 200 Main St. E. 878-2894 KAISER Aismîn.ue Hoase Siding for careiree beaaty. Enhances aey home, aid etracta, sfacca. waad Icame et beick. -NEVER NEEDS PAINTING -20 YEAR PACTDRY GUARANTEE -CHOICE DP COLOURS AND FINISHES Samne location over 20 years. Factory ieained installers assure yaa ot expert work. Vos cac deal with Faderai Industries with camplete cosfidesce. Phone for free estimnate. a Aluminum Doors Il C:rnbination Windows %VI eB Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL IDUSTRES 0F CANADA POOl OPPFOISYMH RT. .43-031 S OARVILLE TRAVEL WITH NORTON MARITIMES & GASPR. A 1ic day tour dept eg August 28. Yccwi isit Upper CanadaVllage, Plainsof Abrahamc Ner-f thumberland StratBeautiflcPric Edward Islandoa.Sca..c tic Bay of Fundy and Acadia National Peck.16 DAYS FROMQy $259. CARRPREE CALIPORNIA. A 21 day tour de- patig Sept. 4, Oct. 16, visiting Wyomcing - Salt Lake City, Sac Ftancisco, Disneyland, and cthe TH4E iceoctifui Paicted Desect.MAL 21 DATS PROM $35. MP* LEAF MARVELOUS MIAMI. A id day tact depatg WAY Noecera 6, 20. Visit Micami Beach. Parrat ' Jungle, Matami Seaquacccc, Silcet Springs.14 IS DAYS FROM $199 BMTER ST. PETERSBURG, PLORIDA. A lcctastic 13 day tour dcparticg Nec. 27. Visit Cypccss Gar- cens, Tamapa, Busch Gardens acd The Blue- lita s cua y cf Kcct.cky.13 DAYS PROM $157 MEXICO. A 21 day tact depateg Pcb. 12 cîsceccg Monterey, Mexco City, Pycac-cds cf the Sac ced cthe Macs. Acapulco acd the fabeleas Clifl Dîceta. Saab NemI 21 DATS PROM $339 WASH4INGTON & VIRGINIA. A secca day tact eiuiting WiI- lIc.ctbceg, Blce Ridge Mountains, Washingtont D.C., i.aray Coc- ccclan Allegheny Stace Peck 7 DAYS PROM $123. 3 DAY 5PECIAL: OTTAWA-NATION'S CAPITAL-3 day tact deaacea Oct. 9. Vtst the Petîteeccat Building, The Mint, histatia cr on displays et yccv dispcscl. 3 DATS PROM $39.50 OtFE t,cIle*,eI,**c, 11 ionr atca nd tiae saitru ciriqpi 632-6958 or Toronto *upp.d coachk sith au 364-5544. FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION GALL: MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Martin St. 878-9211