Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1971, p. 10

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10 Tha Canadian Champion, Wednesday, August 18, 1971 19 LEGAI. 1 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 7.E- LEGE 57 YFARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Member of lte Tononto, Ontaio and OakvilIe - Trafalar Real Esale Boards OAKVILLE - 845-4267 17e-t FOR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17o« Best Roalty & Insurance Limited 310 MAIN STREET MILTON "NEW HOMES BY DERRYDOWN" - Model homes and mails amnrng ope-tion. Wo invilin you tu intpect -theno homes and epeteeceate the leetacos Shtel inciuded. Pt-ieed fem $27,744 te $305300 o-ith fait clown paymentn trnm $3,550. Saleso Ofitce toccetedon Ridge Dt-ive open Eveoiogs 6.30 to 9.00 p.m. Weekeods 12.30 to 9.00 p.m. JUST LISTED- Checming olde- home, oeotrelly lnciîtod in Mil- ton. This comotîbe home piocides e iponnon liing otit tit-epla-e. sepet-ete dtning t-nom, kitchen, 3 good tizLd hedmotemo, hethroom. garage. Priced tc, seiI 0t1$23,900. $27,500 - Modemo nlijIt-ete home, sitooted close ne the pla and School fot- the Deaf chitdt-en. on a quiet ntee, coom- hioatiooL shaped livingand diing moont wîhwalto oal bt-oadloom, convenjent kitchno, 3 hedroon., 4 pe. bothmoam. fininhed fanmity romi 14' n 17'. This home osi entellent condition. Ftr inspection, cali Sien Thompson today. COUNTRY HOMES - Smar-t 4 hedront bungalowo, nitooled on a5 act-e pot-tet. neat- C.cmphett.-ite. Thit- home offe-n yoo a opoojoot living mom nnith fit-eptace, double itnheon, 2 heOht-oemt-., ntteenet patio, F.A oit heeting. geenhonne 35 il 15 cheated. good oce snpply. This in on ideol peopecty for hot-nen, elso qualifies foc V.L.A. Col[ At Peacocki for forthot- detin. $31,000 -Contom but bungalow, tocoted close to Hwy. 25, north of Milton, on a 5 acr-e lot. Thin nec homo offe- aecomhioeîion tivingoanddioiogmomntit ith ticeploce. laege hitehent ond 2 spocioon hedmomn ood 4 pt-. hbath- eoi. FA. oct heoîing, ceek ut 001Onement, nmatl hem andt pnd on the- pt-opcttv. This pt-opet-ty in net-y pictot- mqne. CHECK OUR PHOTO LISTINGS OF MILTON AND OAKVILLE ARES PROPERTIES FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION - CALI 878-4118 Stan Thompson 878-2455 Mike Ledwith 878-4873 Bob Cross 878-48921 Art Peacock 878-6447 Lew Sales 878-9136IBob McCuaig 878-2894 Memhe-n of the OoSn.itte Rtetl Entote Boar-d US firm Cent new owner 1, PETER BUOcRA t- 421 Pearl St., 'Miltont- ciii 001 hoe reaponsible for any deits incat-ted hy mp selle, Edna Buroin myname- aftert- is dole, Aogusi 11, 1971, withoat my vatmen signature. Signed, Peter Bot-ce. 1, CAMBRON DEPOREST JR.., 285 Onltrio St., Milton, Ont.. 50111 nath bceiponas- ie lot- any dehtincurneod hp my cite, Lot-lte, in my noue mite- t-s date, Aog- att 18. 1971. lithout my ctten nigbat-e. 19c 17 Camecon Detomnt Jt-. Notice to Creditors AN4D OTHERS lu lte Ette of JOHNd EWART McKINNOPd Senior, laie of R.5. 3, Milon, Mn lthe Ton- ship 0f Raqotittat In lthe Ceaatp of Halon. Pentue. decee.ed. Att pot-tant het-ing claims og- ainsi the Entote of JOHN EW- ART McKINNON Senio-, laee of 00.0. 3. Milton, in the Town- ship ot Enqoot-los. in tht- Cnurn- s' of Haiton. Potmec. deceooed, t-ho died on nr ehout the 271h day of Decemhe-. 1970, at-e t-- qaented tu tend potiieaoc of tomne 10 the undecnifned on on helote the 41h day of Sepiem- he-, 1971; othet-mite the Enloin cull he ditilhted cithoot t-e- gard 10 theit- elalun and the exctr ilnnt ho hiable lot- ony t-talon of which they hav-e not then mceined notice. Daici ihin 201h day af Juiy. 1971. ALLAN J. NICHOLS. 207 Mat-y St., Milton, Ont., Solicito- tor the Enecutnt-t. 19e16 le TENDERS TENDERS SEALED TENDERS toc tht- Additions & Alterations to Acton District High School wilhbc eceivedhby: MR0. B. T. LINDLEY. Supet-intendent of Botinest and Finance Thm Haîton County Board of Education PO. Bon 5005, 2050 Goelph Line BURLINOTON Ontario oetil 4.00 p.m.. Wednendey, Septemhe- t. 1971. Meehenicet and Elecit-it-l t-odes wiii Se depntited cth the Tot-onto Contru-ction At- sociatlion, 92 Yot-kville Avenoe, Toronto Onta-io, hy 2.00 p.m.. Toendey. Aogat 31. 1971. Dceciogt ood Speciticationt t-ill he et-ailahie eit the oftice of th- At-ehitecin, on ot- eller- Aagnni 1f. 1971. on depenit oil ceclîlceot cecuint the emooni et 550.00 payable 10 the At-thi. LOT Dcetcingn wiii otto he on dit- O n 150f ttx 150 fi. nLth stme play et the Hamilton Con- A U C TIO SA LE n n - ce, neet- lto, mady t c, cîon otion and the buld Vrymaonb. Tonto Contrt-oion Astociat- For MR. & MRS J. W. CLARKE --878-3748 ion. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 sot, at il ar. 17C16 A Bid Bond in theoamouni of On the 2ndLUne ofNatagaceya Twp. Go North ftom M- - ~~~ $5,000and ae50% Perfor-mance hawk RaewaocytoilHltontiie,let Icifirt-ncornertim ight for 185 MARTIN ST. MILTON ata co-Bood ciii he ceqoiced. i mile. FRPIMER'S F AM Telwsoraytnr i FURNITURE lneocly ail liSe MISCELLANEOUR - Show- Othe- oficn oGehîlteand 300octet.24f nt-o-he, Th lobnt c 05' endt- iiile nett--Coiooie mepie setiof t-t-cttint and booml 10 Othr ofics i Okvile nd 00acrs, 40 ora-be, layno nececnecily he oceepied. hotch. f ao-oc t- choit-tand Guelph leem soi]. Idealhef et-op:2 match- ficepiaenct-oen and Memhec nf the Oahciiie Set-n., toeling heco. tilo wiih *HALLFORD & WILSON, ocel tahle wilh i ltelf; Hecliege Real Rudae Boar-d onloade-. oteel tmpiementnhed. At-chitect. 1 tehie and 2 Sent-Set (match); olent-lt; 4 ot-ol ht-eided rugsn Lare modern 'bick bouse l, 139 ThomasnStceet, Leey Bn-oy 5 lot t; Kot-he- gond onen: Wiiton ug and un cated ciîh hcethtehing n'ieno o Ooh-lîile. Ont. -10h10 2 pc.. chettcieid seuit-.oa ceSt- tlecped. 9' n 12'; net-t-t- et hec Near Town oint- Motcnten and Geot-gion detto taee t-efinithed and eui t-t-s and taunnect lt-hie iompn, 1!ý lcfom docoitown, 3- So Ba.8miles lt-cm Thocnhocy. delco lo- colle- taSte, e heauo odd chaitrt; tahl-n; Ioanicity ot t ccoctt octona taee decng di-ht- etc.; Blole ne5 hedcoem ceanch buntgalonc 1 5190 AUICTION SALES nest nlofw t ocniron tahile; hoeddi ent etc. Boittt tome cîih ettaet-eo gorage,.nhl Phono 59 599-3413 cîth, olenstiopt: fotnip deth get-denîceacto-. 10 h.p. cith 42" act-e lot, L h.tpd ln i nd Ot- Wciîe and chaic; log hon on Shephecd moce- and 32" colo tiller, ceai dining tm iIh fit-place SAL ctit-c; drop ltetf tahle on Pc- gond; Homt-liîe XLI ehaîn toc, Foc oppeoiment, phone L. Clayton G. Hog AUCTION SA E destl; jot-diniece stand: And-, tht- e-n; poctable elothen fine; Rigo at 878-9511 ot- 878-3310. ggKRLD. RCwo ROCKERY cec Malcolm provnial Roto lecn mocec; lectilier Station st.. Rot-kwood lFcenchl hedt-tom toite, 3 pe.; tpceadec. pack tpceyee; gat-den Martin St. Milton Bon 12 3 cheto of deoceco; 2 custom tcol tt.; BlocS & Deckert !/d 1 RIDAY., AUGUST 200h mede, single hed stands ciih dciil it oiS usan and sonde- 34bedt-oom ht-c- httngloctith Thornbury- Ontario Commenciog 7.30 P.m. nec Styceîo-m moticeonen. ettachmentt; etectit-l fenet aotoehedgarae- lar-ge iig 17h 18 Fo-nitce Dithes, Toon. mepie denoand ncit-ei chaic; a-ndstieel pot. eom nd hitchen wilh hreah- Antiquces. hitchen tahle and 4 charcs Io fat leclite, lnid etct-el- C HTUP match; 2 picole tablet and 2 AUTOMOBILE - 1969 Ren- iont-oom andnparet-oom in 20bh16 Antionee- heochen; coltee tahlteand 2oindO.1aO iltc Menicanichairs; Scendlonvioemecheoteol etlicote. Otne- basement. raol pt-lt-t 32793 teinoi colle tahle. require se ont nt-c ontil Aug- Tt-' yoc ocopetmen ~ 9 LGALAUCTION SALE APPLIANCES - Admit-et po- ont 27, 1971, cthon leending lo- Ross Ceocon 878-9511, 78 tahle TV. on stand; R.C.A. Vie- U.K. 25.THIJRSDAY. AIIC 26tit 7 pin. toc potteSe TV; G.E. cecoed IMPLEMENTS - Fet-guton Noic t Cedtos CARLISLE ORANGE HALL plaert aod radio; 2 t-oe ril -d-ttilt tooth coltvt-ot- 3 p.h.; Starter Homes -Pecîlel Lintinf Only - ton. Dot-cet electt-ic -ecin O0 be c the it-e cheelhet-cec; eh- 11.4 et2hd-tt o-'In the Esatle nf SARAH JANE Chesterfil~d endt Chair, cooed chine cilS toit- of attachtt-lý u 0 cdrfnepss $18,50Vc0o - ooît 100ro et-ot lt-nc pot-ltachne eeîoc. in lton ton et-rge lot HAMILTON, late of the Toma oah tale,- f pt-esn heck chirs, Hoe mee difmcie ccitt, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H lte-oh-ccelee oMtoltoonp O7c.ela .c îiclcp t-mptoctct-t-ethec, Zeo- HOGS cond EUIPMENT - starter cccaece-cccrthot-i, Hetton, Widow,deceoaied. hccecIt,cl l .cp L-n tt-edhu, E ccoccc -c, Wccne-egc-elYh hg pntwolet $24,5034,, hcccccchhet- AhL.] t-cc.t-, haný cece t-n jarîe, ccleletchct-lfullt-c-Du- Il ),cciict hcccccec G E ccc; tY0ck g-ciî cîccîîcent geloc. close ce -.cheeteools am gco.tcthe Etcte et ce0 Et-le drop lt-et table wt-lh fluorcplcnhet-.Electrehcomeltan; Icclet-. omcture Yorkho t-et-clh shopping etc. Set-eh Jent Hemclton, ehove ne- jach knite ltel., odd bedt ond 'Viking lt--pan; Kenoefelc 12 pcgn, 8 t-et-t old. 2 Yorh me.hdena-hotettet i-ntbi-nttptc;Keomoce mie-; Ven- t-owsctth shotset-vice; 2te. To vieo ihete homes., col He hdot- et Att-il. 1971. et-e t-- dien. hend troit. gat-det boit. ectacdncrtiont- Engich lot-ge beckt t-oct-, bred ten Burnt 878-9511, 878-3997. csoiced tu tendi noicee ot the Many mo-e gnd onoelu î M NT -e 21ns 35MAanl e od JonIer pa2.r va5i 17c 16 saome to tht- nndecnigned OnO- Hall hoat-d ot- Auciioneecootc MET1en itc.Iettneal heloreeflhc25îh day ofAgn, cepnii ot n ci enife nmai pntablep-ojnctoe. ahle;lecrocingecraie;ntieeihg 1971, and nihet-teine the eniate du-nni.odd îcept; time-t; tide fle; penn llemecy.8ntin; .t-a.- ~ ~ ~ ~ dui- salh it-iae ihntto I e. ATNY 2tioot-tamp stands and lampo;cween.teden etc.; 3Shoot gel c dit uet-i. - J cCR Y hintie- colt; deyiight deneiop- lampo; andemany othe- tuait A 89t17n8ntank and ohenmalîiems. items. P. DAVID THOMPSON. 20Ot-il Ommners hane sotd thei- pcoperty and at-e rtdt-ing to, U.K. I 219 Main Street Rost, TERMSc CASH. Milion, Ont.. No maien seit you noid- No canot-ne. Luceh enalohie. Not t-esponnihie fo- accidenta. e WIORK FORYOUb Enecalor of nte EsaIt- o. of nue readiers pt--lbiwy litS MAX L STOE , Aacînnr. yi 29- 1971. 19616 l. Tep *a1 Want Ad 11100rt- 206 .K4iRlwod 'rai Cartage bld YsMillon Cozonl auacded the vtM cK inlaroc cafor a consmuset Oi te zt M K in aysHaccap Drive cacllacp soit Ieuch serer le Vasto Construction Copc mds Lgl Thte laun nmitrolied frm ta ofice Om. Th1e lmitains are fcm. Recas. Oie Mdi caelaa XoO mpmrad acm destin la laternational and plairmit body o-t itl Aanerlcac Mo Oie higit Md of Asogallotti domeclie trafflc. and Canadien trucklcg trnins Oie Costrcuctin lthat mecî 10 Pkcupew Polae Mu ic t ir transports $108,704. the' c ranel are lanraed. CuneIl soleil Vaton pramlaali MZ- ânod ffaitt= gor Thse fircm la curemlp Is Oie la houe Oie marn dopa la uit-es Oie tale. SRme Maynitu more palces of pullag nId trucks off t eeho and oqter bide ment et ulmesaey and coicu peoplOe la the rondaand reidecitg toa wli Mitas 15 meaha htrere Oie mark magemmlt choue Mo lan ton die"e tucks eiunla ai $1a000 wasld h o mite. oter jobs. eadl. Aboau ofthie old igahave- lievr tae trend hec lmes relred i ce Oie f8cm Moit cri. .. oer les a ly -DU Champion clatsaffeda. insantcommuication lu Oie MLItos-itased Mcena haac sae of uthOe gane la Oie froc Oie MeKca an l la transpnrtation business, tapa nner a peac agnwhanllghl mmnep McKicOlay Transport GenecaO conditinsa toilnlag a cmjor Manager Dean sftey. Dut tep smoe hp Oie MeKaOy tIens mat smmed manager joui ihcee forcedOthe CadiantfamlOpi oel unehsaogo. lac has heen Mo Oie U.S. tlrm, employed wi Oie paren irm, Aslitp Central Cartage 0010. BaSi @eea maae y5te Central Cariage hougit Oie and Viecenlden t î Telle nde Ecrgit ar cnnnced 20 AUCTION SALES the .1m alith ouced hp an _______________ Aoserlcac firm. mat nperaled hp Cacadias mcd ecîspail AUCTION SALE auieomony. Mr. Eerlghicslapedaon mites Oie firm mas sold bt Mr. SATURDAY, AUG. lOst. 12 lisa. Otilfepleftibâtijob ith thOOe pareni FOtsoponp Mu cme hece toc Oie Mc. and Mca. Win. HOLDEN cou pront. Appcanimateiy t c t miles natt Thetflmisseploa abot Il tMO9 of 8 Htotv. I Pete-s Corersn on in lthe Milton terminal and Wento-ot Rd. lWatt-b toc Signns morhlsg oat ot il are 500 lrccho HoasehoId Elteclu. Antique _____________ Gen Enginen. Powe- Tonis, Ptamhtng Eqaîpment Oid Cars 20 AUICTION SALES and Patbn Hoot-ehotd Elboits -- sel] firt-n. Ft-igidaire Frig 3 vea-n olil. For Complote D.E. elocît-le nioce. 2 pice lt-a- Auction Service ditinal t-beiecietd 9 pie. Esg- linSh Oak diniog t-mml suite, Chris A. Schouten Mat-coni comhinatiee t-adi ortd playe-, quantity af TVs AUCTOONRER and potto numht-c et Iloo- t-ad- ion, tome co-Sing, it-wo 3pt-t-e Sales of ail types. Sedt-oom stes sooden cacd- Salen eondtteted anynehere. robe, Iloot- polinhe- vauu cloane-. odd hedn and dt-ret-n.s Tel. 878-2576 bit and Set-t noitee choi-n. odd 0.0. 3, Milton, Ont. clnhon. oaS lt-e tand, pillont 20e-b oeil lineon. Beelit t-ombioation tcathec and dt-ner, flai hat-i pioeeauphoacdlfont cmpete, Ward Brownrit3ge oak office dnsk and fling ta-o inet, Sut-Son set, mont mot-e Lieenned Aauioneer bounebold items. Pot-m - LivestooS FairbSanhs 18" t-halo tac. Lin- coin 180 amp. eletit nelde- Pociture Soies Ilike neol. tceiding t-lm, 3 HOD. 8-673 oitil dt-llis, impa- ivretent-h Phono 87863 spt-ay painting n. 2 air coin- Appt-aisebn - Ail Types pcennat-n club molocn. H.D. hy- 2R-tf deoio t-at- jet-h. Rogent H.D. 6 and 12 t-oit balle-y t-harger, 30 IrI'htJ SL H.P. steamheallet-cith ontol. A CTO S L Vit-toc Rohb and oi]humoert- 3 VRRN GOODONG selsnofRigid and Armtrttong Bctannia &8th Line, Hoehy. stochs and dien. 100 24" Rigid HR AYAU ST1,t pipe wct-hon. 2 ignition test TUSA.AGJT20 sels, cet-loutype ofa pompn, p.m. qatity oflV H.P. ta 3 H.P. PURNISHINGS: i chestert- elci oos ml enet-atot-field and chair;Z2 iing t-om celde-, pt-essurce g0ge. act-1cthais; 1 omec tbe:ie1tofm oit-ne, bote and eougsn, t ton table; 2 conl tables; t hedroom t-hait-n fl, qoanlity of hand t-bacc; 1 math stand, einist- too, tochesefo aceteyene d2 o0htablest-efinishd; hoatal uint eatt-200 sq. ak desk table;l1 setinhenen; lb. eaoh, eleecie dine tande- h itt-hen ability table; 2 buffetn; lamp nhaden fnt- commet-cial Singertt-edienotosg mac-hine; use, 12 s 10 bat-p. ctooden cophoari; chine t-abin- 3 Aniqoe gaonee enie et; %vceechai-; 4rushnseat SvIn-este-. Stovot- and Englits t-hai-t; wceet hanninetto; plot- moite. t-ten; drapes; tt-nht; t-eco-d 1937 Lincoln Zephy- ndan, ploye-; 1ctrcsae 1940 Packat-d, 1951 Lincoln se- TOOL-S and ACCESSORIES dan, 1956 Jaguar- convcertibl. - Eleotic Seete-; milk t-ans; Cet-t sotiing et- s. Ooanbity ef t-lotlt-l lt-on; t-botn, lcti oidi-eccimohelnaad ies- Saednandt; somp pomp; t-id- t-eti oon ien; nooceadioat-r and io5 tac moce-; tenenîcetoh- sieid lac -Modol T, hubt-aps-, ers; pipe collttr; pipe îSoead- genet-ato-t and othe- potb. et-t, l t- l 2"; pipe vse; pipe t-t-ent-Ses; mal hon; glenn jet-t Pcapecty ns nold. and houles; 3 oiet-oile or Oene- oc aaelionee- n0t t-et- mee- t-molle- items. ponniibe toc eny accidentn dot- ie5 noie. Auctionmt-c GEORGE DUNCAN & SON JIM Mt-CARTNEY, Ocet ot- anetionee- nol t- Anoîlonee- pennîie toc at-cidentn. 2fo16 689-1778 20h11 B With the purchose of a Bucket or Borrel aW?&mà- i hastlahen riner, lneremaiog business mnd accordinglp increeicg staff. Wllh 20 tecminals in Onaroms ancdlc tigts liet lie heori of lieUlM States, Dutey cepse lte Octeta Milton Brick se.ks water Alt e ceg u eiu Medo Eiquesng courncil ceceineil o ler saallg Mllin Brickt Ca. la sill ail far te impo-vemeni of mainr oopply la lthe enulth end et lthe township. Coaacil- houever. agreed lter. mas nothing they coudd da ai thia trne. Renne Tom 10101 eommenled ltait uhenener ounicil recelned a peliton fOm Oie peuple of Pers and HMeo Heigitt Oey wuld looh liet Oie Bolier. Thle People had pcevioaalp iarld lthe moier * lmnMn dons i Il uld mOooi iple taus. --St. Puat-a United Chaci la elnsed durlag Asn hee inrefainn la morahipplaf ai lointseivices in Knox Prethylerian Chacit. lnterested in improving yourself? Aduit retraining may b. the aonswerl Yeulerdayns nkIlls somnetimes oren't gondl enougs Ion tomowt- jobs. Thse key hua belon' future anI persaps ha a bolier job rigt nom lu traliing. Perssps 11118 programi can lulp pan obiain lIse traiuinsg requlrel ha bellot- yetrselft- on lu finil amI Inoli a sem job. Yon can houa candidate for traininsg if pan are ut blems ose year sc lthe school leaviag age of lthe province i ha ici pan live ansd have been ont cf schiil fac oune year. Financial ullouances sa provideol. white lsldng flsol-ime troanig, if pan have iteen a membet-of tise onklfo-ce for' du"eeears on il pan have s dependenL Wisy faut contact pont- local Canada Hsnpowet Centre, NOW for fattier deluils. Courses startlng soon FOR FUOTHER INFORMATION APPLY AT Canada Manpower Centre Departimenl of Manpomer andl Immigration POST OFFICE BLDG, MILTON A SERVICE 0F THE GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA Fl THE SI the Cat adjacer and ors WHERE once stoc large bai E -Leart- suppiemo witier roi eter l ci pro- $1 0,995. -Leare sCorpncaic name *Ha -Recto% Pbopulaion of entry in li t datle t ligure dcl nexi dtî changes w Depaeimol anil Con prosesi Il dîffereni listed. -Appot Mu attend Connuiiee Coet-il Mo the office Brick lieu sanitMry le -ostruc Canadien 1 spedhecalp deploraie t-nmissol the railu cmplaaned shape of Il -Enors 4suhnîdien incenluf Sois; orns lonlitlet tai on a reglut c -Receio fJonson et eect a sig oued cocoS wtooid Se - - -ReferrE landls one oge lonvea suO of O rcombier1 15 acres Èerucian 0'"HOT LOAF" of delliclous GRECIAN BREAD (This w..k.nd only> CHICKEN VILLA 4 Main andl Commercial MILTON ...8784171-2 FRI. -SAT. ll.ila.M.-mîdeight SUNOAY-l.3a.m. -mp.m.

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