Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1971, p. 1

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development depends on water, sewage services MOVE HORNBY PLAYGROUND QUEEN Bats spooarei tut tfau, 5, ci R R. 3 Georgetowen, tenta tiid vieil tor tue t place ta tue Misa Penny Carnival Queen large St Bae content bell ta Onatille Wednesday evenlng. (Staff Pbato) Oalceille Paras ansi iecreation Commnitine Petition, 6 let protest row h A petitiea boarieg naines of aigisa tandeenero le tise Meadoboa Dr. anilAnne Bled. area as clati sixet lattera ewPortrait to f honor E.W. Foster S Edgar W. Fontar, MitIon's "Mr. Education " obo retirel aller 44 yeurs'et service ta tua edioratn fieldl, cil bo isonored hy Milton Ceuncit lte abus Bapismiser. At thear maeting Manilay cuamail agreail te bore a prtrait et Me. Fonler made anailal ta bo hong ai JM. Denyes uchoot.* Il watt ta presanheai aIe tuaie tua affiniai openiof the addition te tue schonl tabtes place. enpreamng opposition teo arac bosing davetapususa se tonds adjaocent ta Broate St. ta tue Husinp Rd. Mendoisronh Dr. andl Anne Bînil. ares cas rereiveil hy Milon Council ibis ceais. Cboagate Devalepusenta propase 254 oniti of cundonniam oeil roc hostg amats tisera. mhe petitien poits eut ne racreationai acea fer tenants bas bous prevideil. tue denelepment bau on excusuive nambor et imita oeildouss net tend iinell ta tue usisting deusity oInch ta single tamily ilcellings. Deaaie bomnes The petition aine paints oua tue teeling of tue orus residentu tuat tua Single tamily iloatungo comili bo ielaatel bocause et typa et iinvetnpment. "No ptan bas been mode ta separain tue enistuso bouses trom parings lots, excessive noise oeil o multiplicity of backyards att in MILTON te wisat aImnt a utdt pernonal victory for Mayor Brion Bant and tihe tesen council, Milite ban s ulsit tei iota on fne tise Toronto-Centrel Ralna= tie reasrr of Ontario, tise thon: Darcy MeKeo:ghsnaldi ge hnIigis ae 20-25,0t0 people os a eelt-safficient isande. McKeeugh releasel tise oece Tuenilay allernoon an part et a obu repr on Dng o Deeoment: Tronto-entreit Rein detiverel te a metn et tise executive eosaimmee ef tise Central Ontario Regional De elmet Councl et tise Caca Slralghtea Boesary Tisree modifications were mnade te tise original isoondarien et Zone GOse, bot tise one abat affecteit lisa sare. "Is tise Miltan area lise Zone One isoandary witt be straigistened te inclede tise ja'enent town et Milte oaid ail- iigadtoathseweet. Tise nec ~sudr nintattded ta indicate thse aitinsate aortsern iit et tise second lier et communitien cemprining tise labesisore corridor in les eveninal taIt state et developuseet. For tise issmediate future, isocever, thse grects et Milton cul depand on tise ustent ta seacis tise ton ta able ta provide seatar and secage Qed ~ý Mqueng caugtBiononUs '~ - interpretiag toous meong o enderesement for immediate anntuel event andi 32 contestants large-orale developmeat, ierelcan anud preperty stugil Popatation ta tise zuse ta attocatad ai 5.7 million people. Miltan cas incladed ta tise agricuttural and recreatioal Zone T.. le tise original te r scersos eg t tiseep b ouadris S oppasition ta tise taca taing o u se s ieluded ta Zone Two becoose ie telt Milton cas tise enîy one sesati ceajestail orea," tise meeicipolity capable et petition soya. previdtag servicus ta North Oas- Cooncîl oi useet le thse ville and North Burliagn. cammittae ot tise wtale cundil Quilte plaed oeil estuish cooncil's stand on Tuesday's aneesaceanent cas eaeh et tise objections isetore tse culmination et aver a ymcr et ustilying lise 0MB oeil honing a acivetahtsyag ond spaaktag itt tarine colled. tafîseetial usrs. Itlervieei bvy Five fîrms accepf Pakistani challenge Fîve local firma; bave acceptail Canada Trima bave att agreed te Milton District Hospital try te top tue bospitai's empteyee eusployaes' chsallengean oelhave donation parcantages. The signel op in a race ta raine fonds cumpetîtien conet ha in dollars tee 6,000,000 heuseleas Pakistoni oeil renta, but us eusployee retuees in India. participation. Each group is Milton Hardware, Jackshubeelne f or 100 per cent Ricbardson Chev-Oldu, Harris contributions. Stalieoery, the Mitton office staff The bospîtat eusptoyeas' et Ration County Haaltb Unit oild (Continuait n Page 2) INTO ZONE ONE 'lhe Chsampion sevecal miaotus cecreatieaal oeil epen spore. ceptable provincial stoandards. Ibais drew lise ire et mne aitar the press ceeference ciee Pplt greothis a the g Mcegh osiset don tiscee qeaoe aas oinecs tise omaunacembnt wao moe remai n mall comsmuniu lage oban deva lopment aeid hae cas one et ta meragage puie, Seat soîd he ces quile ecloide lise usetseca corridor wiI propoas. Century City i tahOe tallersa atie C:atery City site pleosel oîth the neos, eely ie tocilitoted if tise vicseity et lltouffville, ol oelM' MKegsbalbte reiteating tisat Milten cas tise eammunity con demoostrota tisaI Ceneauiat City oeil Costlemere a e ut et% t aresa h c tai Ioe c nncptt apable et it iu self-eataicieet in lise ta tise ceea et Kletaburg will usa woe on electien, hecase ha cas trovsilmgi secse fer Narth provision et services at sec ta permitteil (cne d on Page 12 Oehville oeilNrti Burlingo e. "Ittah e've prvel ce are o n i or sp l preporel te do eue 000 ilo s p i sernactaf," tae talil The Champion oe inu quita isappy wits tise tact ce are in Zone Onie." A l w Milto oaa tise ealy HaItnA lo fluoride meeting modlifications. Hausilton oeil Tise prospects et tluorile ta coriling ta tse proeeiurai hy-lows -l s lusl croainess oeil plain Bramptan wece aise aitectel but Mîlton's coterbesupply con tise a metion is ilefeatel chen tise eiiculos. Oece you usae Sp tis precise areas bave net yet subject etof bief but 0t.m voe as ajeil. Concillor Wiliam your mind. sticks le il. t just boee iletecmiei. ceon ogatnaie Miltan Coneit's Wonds con absent. shows yeu dada't gave tl abaugsa "ýNatteraI" groclis regulor meeting Meeiloy. Drop lI ait nh caistplace. l'us chairman ai Tise rest ot the ItalIen tons ta Couneîllor Charles Foy, woa o I'm fer dreppofg tue obole coter oeil t'm set geing 10 O0y Zone Too, incluita Acten anil ciarman efthlie coter tlong. Ilta t ea = artil e meting. If il gees ta, Vins Gleorgetown, con expect "maileat consantane, almont succreie i ta have lettara fer oelanal tm Ibeug. l'il fighl egeiosaputting usaseol fracas" chics offl ta tas biil te bave tise paie meeting eppaeedaeopotbang itle o avotan eil a opoison in theooterottl tise ueoeragedi tt existiag turhon oeil panel discussion plooneil for t tini ce soul tergal tise oay," Cosrciller Fay steemel. commonities. Wits tue exception laIe Septeseber cacellel. publie meeting. Tisscounci Wonle eonslderotien et the nerttacn corridor et cities Councitter Art Meansen collaI mode a stand ogoiast it oeil il Reeve Rue Haorris said be upto Necsnareaathe palicy et tue tor o recorle vota on the Fay abaulil sticks ta il, tinta of ogreril cîtu Fay about net giving gaveremeet ta ta maitala tnd reseletion ail citu Mayor Brion IrtagofI it hacs aco ceeka intertemîreeeg onilrto oea ooaaioly a a prsea Oel catta o yta voa, ue eilcheciat aail anaovr agaa," tise fursa aime il appeared and ferm. mainly ogriculaurel, resolution cas ileteateil. Ac- Fay ooiil. sold tuat as oisy hie broogsa il bacs te councdl. Harris siai l ie cosnseituer tfo' nec ogoinst Two C NA cu ards lueride bel Oeil tise people abautld Two MNA owrdsbave achsance te become elformail and mabe up their w Champion best in class Conellor Art easnad Ie Cbampion has again been judgad haut wo "honorable mentions'- osefor the basa tavor ofa public meetin. Heasaid *lround paper in in cicculation clasu, in a oen's ecs oeil teatures content, oeil ose if tuere con nt a meeting oeil il Cenado-cîde couspetîtion toe oeehly for edinrial oritieg. Tise eitra ' nr tuere cas a petition people coulil newspaperstario Theppr a aroaar ag tu te patins vobang tee it hua set seosapes. Tse ape conais aceilel o subistail cas in fis' revieof ethe FLaQ laousog eneugs aout l. second prine for tas editarial page. chaie s inQeboc lent yusr. Betu Concdlor Melonsen andl Anneuncement et tise 1971 Better oece(s) in Tihis Corner, on editarial page Mayo BinBs ugse Newepapaa Cempelitieus cee mode ibis celumen wrîtten by Chsampion editar Roy cnne ron B e 2)gete oceis ai tue onnaa conventin et tha Doens, cas citai by jndgeas one ofe the top <Cniulo Po 2 Canusimn Weehly Neospoper Asseciation, culumons entered tis year, oltaough il ills o e boing heldin tanocouver, B.C. Publisher set cmn o prise. Jack s o e Jim DuOls is representotg Tise Champion aI Olser ares seinuers tue convention. Tisa Aclea Free Press, anothar hole-In-one Tops in pictares pablication et the Dilla Prinaing oeil Cempeaong le the close fer ceebies citu Publbshtag Ce. Ltd., cen hast all-roonl A Milton gelter ocisievel every 3,000 ta 6,000 circulation, The Cbampion acocin the close tor papers oltu 2,000 ta detfer's dceamn on Soindoy oben deteated 33 otuer neospopers in tha close 3,000 circulation. ' Jacks Duamotea scorad o isole in and nos ocardel 07.75 pointa eut et 100 an Other aes papers ta the ciners' cardle one et Haln Heigis Country wo Oiral place in the all-round ludeino. The included tise Brampton Guardian, Club Sists Line Naseogaweya. Champion lopped ail entries for is pictures, Miseissaugo News, Qaisoille Beaver ond Deestra. wo lises aI 3t0 came second for editarial page, neos et the Miseassauga 'Times. Brodway St., Milton aced tue cuusonunity on tise inside panes, lypograpity, AUS popers oinntag acords ta îthe 135-yard eîgist isole Sunday mobe-up oeil general appearonre. cumpetîbion cuti ha eatitled an ilpay tuis afleron ohîle playîng o Slenttvitte Tribune came second in tue ail creot en ahir editariol page ustiseoi for fourseme icclediog Bruce Miller, round judging oeil Campbell River RBC.) tue nent year: A. Lis oeil Guide Augunimno Upper tsaoder cas loîrd. tn lise ettutorial Kennetu Rîge. Miller andlLiait, pae contant, Stouttville oas tirst and rh lesîing partuers, baeebt o Powell River (B.C.) News wa tild. bacon ad e.lnbeeer Sieuttville aIse won a prine for hast front ýý N .L Dmustr 0cnr. pag. Cub woe Boras Trifonoft Several special cecpeîîîîeas cere reporîrd il oas tbe tiret bele in ergonazeil by CWNA ond The Champion con one scureil ai tue course tuis yeac. I con aine a tiret tor tua local gelfer. Polymier Co. purchases industrial Iand in town Polymer Corporation, a crosen corporation haoed ta Sarnia, bon purcisaseil 52 ocres et landin taMiilton oeil tonconflrei reports cirratlating in ton indicabo tue ramponty is preparing taaerect a large facaary othtie site. Company officiaIs ta Palymeras Toronto oyotams building division were contacteil by The Cisampion but refasail ta, contiens the tlad purcist or giva any inctioUn et tise cocupay's plans for tsa Mtilton proerty. "Tisera cul bcao stotement mode in about a menthes time," a compuny efficar bal this arospoper. Polytner bas pturcised tue William A, Marsball fane on tue eont aide of thse Tbsird LUne Rd.L htean Migbway 401 oeil - BasaLUie (Staeles Ave,) tn abond transaction sebicb closeil on Thorsday, Attg. 5. A sarcis et public recorda in the Haion Robgiatry Office cusafirmeil theasale anai diotilbnei abat Palymar paint M M4g fer tise 52 accu of tond, Thetfarnwas et of pre ntsausa ta Milton u on, . uses6. Inl znedtfor inoinlral use ositosecor nervure ta boing ustanded tuatisatares tsnear. A truasevrer fram atin St ta Tiiird Lin cas usiler construction ariar ii mentisan oein Monday nigsa Milton Coci approvei entanitg a mcccr Bus noctu on Tiid Lina Rd. cichod serveathe Marshalban asnd neigisbertag paptiau. Pelymer tanone et tue majortirus in tua vaut cheisecai cumplex at Starnia. tbsaery on tue Marsball tarin ges bacb te July et 1820 oban o cow grana con issuail ta tua Canada Company for 200 acres ta Lot 1, Concession t Eoqoasing Township. mhe tarnilanil cent abeougs 10 ubffccent ecoars beoere il was pucbsed by W. A. Marsball us 1917. tbigisay 401 oeil a eon Osne bave gese turoogs tue farma ta recrat years. Tenace Canada La. purcisaseil a paret on Base Lina Rd. in l962 for a fuel dpat oeil tue t<robusrt Malies steel tan im s ram : atoourb3ei0lacresontrthe Mrshallein 19ttsfor a tactsry sto oei tiscebms Beavor Lamnbor and Star aient Pradocla bave lisi toated on londson tue ceea aide ai ThIsrd Une doring tise pont fise years. Lands neutu of Base Lin Rd. in tuat ameare lted forsbdibaons The Marshall tomlly rebaneil ta disus the land sale or tise bobura plans for tiseir farn. Milton Conrctil b own officlal apparusty bnc nemetteog et the plana tac tue praperty bat refusaed te divulge ony informsattus. W, A, MeAltStAILS FARM on tise eant aide nf Tisird Line indut-y on tise stb. Tise phoeto shosws Beaver Lisesier andi nartis oi Base Uina Bd. io ontined inawhebt in tisis aeriol phsoto ttigbway 401 attse teill, tse tato Com administration sowtng lanso le the nortb-east cerner oi PAillon, 7ha 22-acre buiding in tue centre, Ontario Tb'ee Fruit Prasitcta andi tamis bat boan purcisaseil hy Polymer Corporation but tise Ontario St aitie rigat, andi tngsleigh CL hoimea ansi Martin cnpany bas rettes le conien reports il la planning a targe St. in tise foregrousi, VOL. 112 -No. 16 Seaving hetnvCommn MILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESDAY, AUGUST 18, 19 rAllow growth to 20-25,000 population; Iiamplo '71 Seondv Clas Mad Res,t,o,,cv Noter -0913 rTely-Four Pages - Ffteen Cents

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