LowviIIe U.C.W. Proceeds go to Manor birthday Tise iternoon unit Of Losevilte 12.30. Mrs. Norris welcornes 11.C.W. met ai Ohe homne af Mro. themn and Mr. E. Davenport said V. N isn Guelph on July 7. grace. Nine menihers and five visitors After tise meal tise ladies sot dosen to a delicioun and gatlsered for a simple worsisip bountifol pot luck tuneheon ut service instead of a 0cripture W eigh it well meadlig. Eacb member qooted lier favorite Bible verse asd prayers aod readisgs were close RoillEwas ansaered by Bach lady seleclion a paccel froni a donation of awhute elephans aich she Ilien had the privilege of Selling. The proceeds from iIbis Sale ment tu the penny fund 50 Ibal Oie committee planning the Munor lfu-Ibday part y for Augost aiould have worbing capital. Mcs. H. Bonaden, Mes. Noreis and Mes. B. Gunby s-sndus-teld contents Butd games. Tbis mnforma] meeting nos enjoyed bp everyone and tbunbs were es- pressed 10 Mrs. Nors-is for bier bospitllîy. Tbe ladies aies- remnoded of Ibeir part in the birtbday pacty mnd tbal cvgolae meetings csmmenced on tieplember loaithIe bome of Mes. MaLurice Readbead. - ROS FL.aWFr. GARDEiN -Cidren are enjoying summe- playgs-ound as-tîvîties at Tise idea tsat roaduides must lie roIblessly sproyed oas-b pear bas Oie Dis-b Denyvo andl Broce St. doue owoy seuls munt of the witdfloaieru along Oie isyaayu of Sootisers scîbsels.- Ontario. Not untl poji trovel the country rmadu bu Oie more norIbern _________ parta do yoo realiue tbat mmne of our lovelleut wildfloaiers SITi enist. f___ The first touappear inutheffliswtonu, of course, iu the trilftuo and unlesu this partlof tse province hesiomes urhunized, tbu beuotifol floral emlolem of Ontario suIle buwitis os for a adule yet. There ors- areas along the loîgissey that are upreud ali carpetu of teai. We regret thatb on fese peoru time these roaduides may bue pubud bus-b for road improvementa and camse manyofthbu trilLiorn to disappear. Membars of tise Ontario Federationof MPaturahsta migot bue ad- vsmd ta underlake a projeet wbureby tbup petition Oie gosernment to transplant the trmtened plantn ta a batanscal gardes for ald flowers. It la mseleun to laite theai tu a home garden-toe conditions are just uot right for them. lumpn case, iti oa gamustthe ose for persons tapi-h or tranuplant Ose triaim. TheeIUtside aihere oor cottage is Iorated faceo Oie serong aay for trilissu m ae only base a fese of themn. But many other varteties compessate the las-h of trdlliums. Oddly mnoog tbu lourai on Oiem are mostiy whiite and ore ln floseer early, bufore the trces teaf out and bary tisem in sbade. Tise spiloy foumfloseer (or cunîseorti, tise buncis- burry ali tas anmal] losomu Oiat resuimise the dogwmod, and tise tbuy amp lomm on the purtridgeburry vine ail haove witie floseeru. do enception is tbu clintonioa seit base beases almoul liloe the hily-of-tse vailey; tl has a smaIl cluster of miniature yelloai leon liSies onca tatI stalo That will later buar large, hord bloe seed barries. Naturel ruock gardon Tise naturol rois garden bu our seundu contabus several upecies of femis. Amsorce of sonder la Oie perfect cone of spoco Oiat showis op in Oie contre of a feco aibun it firut unforis. Tise daotty patterns of eacis frond is asother. Creepng ground cedar woi ita induviduel s-lasle of fresis green, ainites-gren vines mnd seserut types of mosses lend a most pictaresque variety to Oie isillside urea. We loeep Oie sapbing clipped outto allose room, for Oie planta ta spread and on tbu f se years airihove bs-en there, tbuir groaith s aomazed un. Folloaiog closely tise trilliam is Oie flise Solomunus Seat, aiOi ita boge s-lasser of feaIbery white hlocmn, tioged aiOi pinis, aithOe end of a leaf stalo patterned like a sumac- but aiOi ay green fobiage. Along Oie rmad the plant asn large it Sls ise a sbuolo but Oie teof utalku emerge from Oie ground. la ose aimds aie bave severat types of Solomon's Seal, one lise Oie cultisoted plant aiiti whsite bull-lise Iboseers ismgîug aloog Oie stalis bise a hleedbug heart. Just oa the seed burrien on Oiese pIanta are tornbug red, addbug a tous-bof cotor to Oie vs-sdont green. 5aiieu drissoti cIong the wibuding mmad tu tise Tais of Dorset aile moticed a iseavy fragrance aie couldot idestify. It tucoed out Tu bu coming from, tise loooms of the loaily mitisaeed that abaunds, up luere. I guess we'vr uever iseen un cimse ta suIs a profuson isf Osea butore. Tiseis- fragrance escels Oiot of the baIbouse cacoation bu my opinion. Wisen esasouing Oie htmmus closely, aie fsund the buevilahle bur os eas-isone for its-ontribotes largety ta Oie basey barvest. Ont aibere the su sites tbueisuttercopu, daisies, islacis-eyed susnsand ludion pamnt lorms mingle Ibeir colors of yeiloai, abute asd os-ange. Wes-ai several girls at the store aiitis gariands of daisies in Ibeir bais- and tisey aies-e moot attractive. Attracive banquet Once os- gathered different varieties of aiildftoaiers, together aiOi daity vines, to molke an attractive bouqoet for Oie tablte Ibat lauted almost a seei. Ttcese vines are sot listed in any bsooko aieve seen, aitbugis somne of tise fs-rus and mosses tbat Oie books liut os entinet abamnd in ose oudo. On Oie poes bue tbat Cotsa osross or property 1 foond a bus-e surprise. A round bud of ferun s-is-le tise base of ec- pote as if a cars-fuI gardener isod plmnted tisem Oiece. On second Ibooght, t goess the Mastes-Gard-nes-did. Wben Oiey fis-st pot Oie e ino yeasego, Oie grofnd beneathias sprayed iiissushisllta kep the trees font us-oaing bas-b. Noai Oie aiild plants are comiof isto Ibei- osco again and aie as-e reaping Oie bunefita. I may bie secosoary ta sqoels-i aSl Oie seild planta bu somne areas bat t'm grateful Ibat aie s-an SUiIT enjoy Ontas-ios mîtdfloaier gardes la suais- of tise onspniled places of tbu bas-cwRdo FUNNY, BUSINESS.. Oonsen ese Tvat so maes aIdil et op le tise vsositg, Retreshttieseleiesaitisa dose oftodertsed trait jie Cloan Obeir teeth is an O adues-tîis toctispaste and adaertised OTAIve mufi thas adss-tisd rzr ash ani saoe auth adves-tised noaps, Put on adoortises acies-aicr, Advectised bos, shirt, voilai Oa sisies, Seat tiseesei ven attse taisis lddBalad vetised breakasttfood and bead, Dinkl agoeetiued tea. votîce or cca Puton adosc-Olnd at and loves, Ligiso an adoertised c-igarette W45h as adoertised iigtec, Dr ise tu aiork in sae advettised moto- var, Gise litiers ta a typist Wh tyspesos"a..advertisedachie, Osi.u Idvertised vas-bots, Sîge tiseis- lettes-s iith an adves-tisvd Pen- ContainivO ad aestisvi sick Tas- stua Opvsos-osai tu aiies-tise os ths- Grounds that Adoortisinu doenot pas-c ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS In The Champion MINUTE 53 MOOSLES 12 fO O23c KRAFT 7100PO 7 1DT iÏRGE NT SNIAKE N ~sc 3 (EREAI oz3-n ILINCHEON 10 MEAT 12 OZ vIs 8 HAM uN 3 SPAGHETTI wit 10h51A NEAT ALLS FLOZj WHITE SWAN Lc1 SERVIE'TES 50SPeoî V FASRIC cc6 vLOZ 139 SOFTEHER Ove il-TIPS '8Ss 661 COlTTON SWOIS vos OUR RIADIRS ,WRITE: (Contisîrd fr-oct Page BI) some people don't even ansaier our lonoco wises ai-iowa tbuy are home. We have bes ased -Wiy sboold egise or mooey ailom aie don't even bmow aibere it goni?"l Apparentip some have dooit about aihere ibis oconey os buîng ued even tisougo aie voplaîn to Ibeoc wbat tin oa sed for. I myself baie gone bas-loto somne hoomes tbuee times, and st11 tno cesposse. Please, Me. Brous, let as knose abat tise Peobleai mas ails tise cauvossers, su we cont do abetter job cotse future. For aie are osîy TOU hsappy tu do, in oor nmoll aay, sometiig tu iselpo eliminate tisis dread disease. Youru truly, Mrs. Editihohrpe, 429 Pearl St., Milton c Junt one of Ibes-unvasuerni PLLORIDE LETHAL., STUPIO Dear Siir: isOler ceacbng Oie lette-s mn favvr vf fluoridation in Jaly 14 issue of Tise Chiampion, Ilost boa tv arite in and give my I was glad tise cooccil labled the reqovot bo flaorîde tbe mate- Tises-e is a loi mvre tv, ibis sobleit tisu eopli s-saie or isnow aboot. la reseachcsas-s-ed out, il is v dootfil if aY isrefics deris'ed tvrm fluos-ide. liSinorgacc asd tiseretore cannot bue obsorsed by vise tissu-s vf the body. Iv is an as-cumudative poison, tisus malong tl ail tise more dungerous. Tises-e is fluorîde in tise ps-vcessed food aie boy, because tise processers use ftoos-idated mate- in prepariof tl. tt i in several tootispastes, as oeil as in the ai- due tuopollution. Indrvtangthemwaerii in, tL s Ibereisce possible a s-ld could bu rChaois-nc, Wedeesday, Jais- 21, 1971 B lbrealened seuls tosir over-dosa$e. Doctors worldng bu Oie Umiversity M 'rexas ceported on tse effect of fluorine Oa Lass ofp cuncer, and mode tise folionmg statement, "Tise terrfying conclusion off tise studies wseu that fluorine greatly ioduced cancer tomor groset. If docturu and tise pubclic man hiemadle awore of iisocatastrophefluricaoun uhuil quickly ed. t willsme day ie res-ngnioed un lise mout lelual and supid 'isniIOi Progroun' eser couceisod by mon. Several uniseruitieu bu Amnerlea have csnducled lorge deutal reueorchs aud lhuve found they mouid stop 90 per s-ml of tnoot decpmintsose takiog prt, loy ehibsting refied sogar fromr te ietu and Ibms cots-ollion Oie groots of acid-fornsmg bas-te-a in lise saliva. If soit drinks, saieets and junsfondsaiere sot gîven ts Ibe ebîltisen Ibey would ot have ail Ibe problems people sceun uaiorried about. G'et Ibem mnterested in fress fruits and vegetables and alun a good tunts brosh used on tbe proper ay. I aoc sos-e Ibere woold bie some ocoonderfol resulto, SO let's keep Ibe nater pore. Hopefolly, Tise otiser sîde of Ibe coi. MILTON PLAZA AIL PONDESE l'o 174 DETERGENT Pu I LIGUID 'o28 vLoz 65 c ELEACH nvcLE JOHNSON'S ia5POO "il CLOTHI 53e DIAL~ REG nAR 18 PEANUT vs a 2 's-oY ;cvs07 691 TFT us79~ T IN INST AS E EACH StARS st8 ru OZ vIN 8 GREEN ucANs BIG TENDER uncos IAN CT PEAS irs Fz vusIN23 CRE AN STY E 2 oz37 CO WIN Aci ONDINNERS oz.ke48t ORANGE 0>3,,aozoj c CRYSTALS àK mosý 05 STRAWRESRTY , oz. SHUSARE PIE s-vs 55, CLOSE-UP ,SaPES-ZEsc TOOTHPAST UoBE SILVIERIN FL OZ 95C SHAMPOO ut-s 7 ALRERTO VO.5 aiv'aOZ 12'3 HAIE SPRAT aEov vis OIL .u s-s oZ nvs-s- j VEGETADIE iU HELLMA NH'S 8rs-Loz 35c MAYO0NNAIS, JooAR FRENH FsIL ~J DRESSIN G os-s- 53 SABLAS SIELu o C DRESSINO BLE tINSTANT oA Tis MIl 31 cO 2% EVA P. MILK 2 1.,N, 350 CNDICE -RER OR BLUE BRANS BEEF - STEAKS OR HORSTS IONELESS ROUND FULL SIIELB 0 SWEET PICKLED BAC PAC f COllAit ROLIS L QUARTER 7 PORK LOIN L MARY MILES BRANS RINDLESS CO1 LU. PKS SIDE BACO VAC PAC 55 SURES WINRS 'A PC54, BRIGH - o S 1 CHC1E 0s-iesIF CUoE NESCAFE CItl FROIDE ttînvt PORK KRFEARTLETT 29 ROAE o c~ 0 INSTANT vJR15-- ~ Lt PNIAEIHI av -~a uv i COFFRE SIDE S1'ARE RIOSusD CREA CH E 3 s-OlE oCHs- GAY ScltFtEbttINSvANT NRIIiltlO ______COCKTAIL 33ce evc SWISS STYLE' OZ CYNi~g 18e CHlP La E I'is vo vis 33N TOGURT -ot18 PONDR cHULE s-nA nosP Is 48o ** 1 F LIVES COTTAGE oz T e TOMAtTO"KiTRP C FO 20'.39e __________ 41 s- MINCED CHUCk SEEF 780 KETCHP (ATFOCS îss HERSIE vosa 25e DR. ALLARD'S -ciaE 411 OZiti - -os-s LOBLAWS DONUTS i r RE A A il iý ulG 41AR COBREK BICIT9 COOKED HAMI 111150 EAC 9 DUALITY PDUCE SUPER RUTSBUN SOIOSID1T.P9 PRM AD FRESH utLBAW AitLîtiELE COUPONI WORTH '~ BOOTH NASE CHERRIES ,39 VIETAILE IOWL Beef Burgers PROQ91 sole Fluiets 'PL6 75c tOo CALiiOîNI'! Eto ceais- WOaiEtFIî EtiiMv f:,ý c Ei lt F HONEY coEW ROMEt I! bc39e [O (IL Is s-au s-EAy ONt FA IN MINTEc ONE.ROX NDW CRP FOEW 1Flte4EI CHIrNA GRDE IN CHNS[FO CARROTS y FPLSÂ O R D KDlI ND.'U kiîiil59<PR Wl RISIO TAI MOINT 1l TOHRT OIAEiMi 1l RUNASIE FINRV RUIMH SoIIdWue Tuna PEPSI-COLA IAN oMIsuI mn u uure 47e cifl L29' ~ B otP6COOARS OMS r lIIJmn I l,.n '4 ,ù 9<' oaPPLE PIE CREAM iO1D PIES 3 1usl JEIL. 0 cziD JELLY PODERS 9 0 PEAS as- L&manuel LIGUIS 13rs on 2 9 DETERGENT nvs-E MCLE IE H L'2 C MUATN Jss E s 79 ta v jas 39 clr oo s-iNn ov z 351 -I IIIIIIII