Wedding Watkinson - Wheelihan Our Lady et bleuet Carmel Roman Catisolic Cisurcis, Freelton, cas adorned cuts Orange deligst rses, baby'a breats and carnationa for tise double-iss eddlng of Mary Hellen Wteetlsan ofHamlton and Richard T. Watkinson et Burlington. Tlsebride is thsedaugtter ofbMr. and .m. J. D. Wiseeltsan ef Camspbellviile and la emsployedt isy the London Lufe teaurance Co. un Hamilton. The groomils thse non ut Mr. und Mrs. R. E. Watisos ut Ourlinglon and is employed by Joseph Rubs Co. Lsd.. Hamilton. Sis peau focs Gives un marriage by ber fatber, tise bride cbose o frussted suis peau guan appbiquedl wltb Guipure lace witb stand Up rutfled cullar. A cap beadpiere trunaied wits aiatcsieg lace beld ber tissger-tip veil of silb illusion and ste carried a bouquet of orange deligbt baby's breats, stepisassutu and ivy. Muid ut bunur cms the bridens ululer Miss Margzaret Wbeelbma. Brideumuids were tbe bride's suir Miss Aune Wbeellisun and Mes. Lesley Wiseel"sn, sitter-in. law ufthe bride. Metoa fan. Tse attendas were aulie ins oues ut metlun crepe with CIOATTING ABOLUT OU) TIMES are Ms. bloc recola occaons derig tbe tnst cor Hee Ses-sm of bMiltoe and Nan Mec of ahentbhe aed otiuer in Rotterduam rssked these Hoiland. The pai' met i Isruet three and u siseis lu boelp Acoerscou and Engluth pilota bail yeurs agu un a tour and bove munaged la escape. -(Staff Photo> keep i uch isy mail tire the Uaie. Mes. Dutch woman played role in freeing allied pilots By Bais BarIl Tise thbugis ut war liera usually bensso lu nd a piclur ut a pil un on allacb or suldie tracoping lbrouf trencises and saups. Wlsile Mrs. Nae Mou bardly fta 15is descripion, bei pari i the car and the rule o others lîbe ber made il possisls for nsany Aunericun aud Engist pilule lu eseape froco Hulland withuuliavig Iboir Sies snutte aaiay by tise Qerpsans cis pe=Me h hed5euaÏ-. t ron fies ut baoule Mes. Muai did ries ber Stfe i urder lu mabe the escape ufth1e ally piluts possible Mes. Mow oned ber bouse lu ubeller pilule aibo badl been tbot ducu isy tise Germnant and snaged le ei15er avoîd being caugisl or in susse cases escape aller beiug laken prîseneru isy the Germ ns. lu ai Mrs. Muai cecalîs tbellerssg abut 20 pdlet. Her basse became an inlegral part ut the uuderground uetaiurb used lu free pilet. Froco ber hume ini Rotterdam the piluts aire tabes Lei auu15er tseller iu the country' lruss15ere le0Belgioss and then la Paris and tinully le Enelasd aibere tbey aiuld reluis thei' Narruai escape Mrs. Muai escaped dea15 os mor 5tau une occasion. War broise oul cn Hullaud May 10, 1940. On May 12 birs. bloc muced tromn ber aparieul is te bern ut Rotterdam lu a bumie os the oulekirlu ufth1e cîly. On May 14 Germas bumsss blasîrd the iseart ofth1e cîly and drsb'oyed the enlîre ueîgisburisud tshe budl ssucrd ironst ti Ic da Ys Suon atter that Mes. Muai cas cuslerind isy on underground msserger and asird isershome could le used lu sbellrr lise ally pilots She agrerd and groups ut four pilole cere bruugisl liere. She seitec isneai theie nasses sur dit!lley tirs. Tise secretisad lei be iseptins case use cou laisen prîsuser lthe uliser rrssaîsrd l>itticult limes 'Tisy cuulds'tl race the bousur ulil it cas loue for Ibrai lu escape. Tisry cre dîfficîl lisses Tise cisule cîly cas threalesrd and carsed liai if lbey didult revral lise aibereabools ufthlie Eselish asd Acorricas figislers they coald be lelîrd. -Wr made the best ut il thougs. Tisere cau apiano in15e boue asd ufles use ufth1e beys aiould sitldoun asd play il and the others could sisg," sise said. For Mrs. Muai messuries ufth1e car yrars are tull utf cgi stories and dîtticoîl limes. A Dotcis boy ebose jois il cas la gel the pilule tubher bouse cas billed ot ueo days beltre lise car cat Ws15 the car long bebind ber Mes. Mua is enjuying an rasier Stfe. She is curreslly visiting a trîrnd tse met cile viuitg lerarl, Mrs. Heren Servot ut Milles. Tise Issu met durtog a leur of lerari t5rer and a bail years ago. Sîsce thrs thry bave sleyed in oucs. Wbes Mrs. Muai bod ai but lurgolles those suspense tillrd days sise recried a cail tri use ufth1e piluletse belped. Tht pilut pisosed fruai bis hsome lu SI. Mary's Ohio tusay bc cas goisg le visit Hubmad and arronged lu vist Mes. Muai cisis b ad toai osly as Miss bRed Caisiage durssg the car. 'lie pilot badl secured ber real name trai a leiend et Mes. Muais betue leaviso Hulland. Wbal be doensI toai Mbrt. Mua iu planing a trip la il. Mary's lu cisîl bis sest ilaturday. Tise reussos sbuuld be bappy and an interestisg une. Thsrty Recycling discussed Tis e N a ss ag awie ya Stsdy bhorne" f'resbylerîan W.M.S and Te W.M.S meeting cas Ladies' Aid meeltg cas isrld aI conducteid iy lise preuidest, Mes. the bosse ut Mms. Carl Carlill us Nurui, cuis spentd cith a parai Tissesduy, Jaly 8Oal 2 cils a DonIt Hunt For Tr'ubile. Tise good allesdasce ut members. coener, blet. E. Cose, chsose as Tise presîdenl, Mrs. ber suisîct "HEuse" asd a Hendersos, oprned lise Ladies' portios of ucriplare cas rrad Aid meeting cutis a porai, truai Ecclesiontes. Tise grup serîpture readisg trum Mal15ec, particîpated isy rradisg eslracle a yssu mnd prayer. Several drpiclisg ail bludsof utismes, items ut busnessaiere draîl cî5, truai tise luaily lue cabîu le the acosg thrc a drlailed accoustlacr.e slately uses. Rrgardless ut con fies ut isua colection ufth1e type ut dcr15ssg, the ideal glass mnd tin cans toe rrcycbing bosse s tise ose cisere the tamily cill bu carrird os lu thit com- esîuys Chistsias trllocsbip, ssunily. diociplise ut love, mnd affection. Pat Murray Mes. Hesdecses thasbed the bosless for ber isospitllîy asd us qusenMes. Case toc a gusd message, is q eenaller aiii luseh cas sered. Au R.R. 1 Adtos girl cas ac- claonrd Haltos's Daiey Priscets -il il cas be sold, a Chacopion and ouI represeel Halles Camnty clastifird cae urîl il. i te airy Qurr Cuslesl aI the -Invile yotrtriesdsleilleam- Casadias National Exibition Era, the Illi assual traa asd bhit yrar. Pal Murray cos n tiu mlq rusîs sn Miltos. us nsmed quers cuirs su othrr laber day airrkrsd. eslelet for lise cumpeisîos cere recrivrd. lue Oresl ut the Agrirulloral and Pood Depacîmnses in Milton said luure cumprlîlîoss 10 srlect a ailluDairy PrincesuMay be made sn the faîl iv couj oF ERoS wils a local faîl tacr. Tise prîscesu ciuses in lise taSl could represln Hallus ai the Thsego an fllluîg year's C.N.E aidltheroc GOLDEN HORSESHOE CITY CALE DON IA, ONT. OIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKEND .IULY 31,AUG. 1, 2 Antique and Classic Cars 01dm Tyme Village Sica. Englues Saw NMis "O0ld MoDonald's", Farm Cuntributing toi the Haldfesand Association for tise Mental le Retarded aiatdsisg rosebudsin tiseir Isair, and ltsey carried bouqueta ot orange detigbt carnations and baby's breatb. Groomuman cas Brian Bartlett et Bortingtos. Ushers cern tise lrides' bretter. Jobs WWsellba and Fraub Wbieellban. Roc. J. A. Ferduoftlclated attse 3 p.m. ceremony. Mrs. Roy Baker acted as ergasslst and sutuist Nies Genovene sang "Panie Augelieus", "Ave Maria" and "Muttser Beloved". Eveatag receptoa Au evening reception at the Burlngton Goland Country Club a attended isy 110 gueste frem Detroit and Port Huron, Michigan; Saut Ste. Marie, Ottawa, Torento, Windsor and teondon. Tise bride's aiutber greeled guontus a pa= greai cepdrs ith matcisie e re aed a corsage ut yeUuw tos. Tise groom's motber assinted, wearùng an aquamarie dreus cith matcsing arcessories and a Purse corsage ut Pink rones. 2Lt-welglt cool. Sise core navy acosres and a corsage et msauve peenles and a mauve orcsid. 'Me couple are residlng lu Buirfngton. Story hours on ogain Stery bues ditl resusse at bilon Publie Ubrary on Aug. 4 tue yumgstero udertfive yonrnof age. UÀbrarian Mm. Jo Jobanaon asd eaipluyee blet. Jil Dodds seu cenduet the one base session ltegistsg aI 2 p.m. "TIse last aie beld earlier lu the year cas cery nuccestul" bleu. Johnson sad. Tise pregruon wll luvulve the readisg ut ates cilb active participation by tbe yeunguters. Advance registratiens are advised. Hoaeymon The couple tuured the cent --Goisg un batidayu? Avoid a cuast and Calgary un tbeir 'boLrglary, give yoar bame a beueymonn trip. For trvli lived-sn" lookb y stepping the bride cere a = Ut2in ca detîverses and leasing sume and drens ensemble ut Hyacinth bgs bsening. ~pion R ENLMARED in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Récrmai t CatholseChurch,Freelton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watldnsoei are now making their home in Burington. Ise bride la tise former Mary Helen Wheelihan, daughter of M. and Mrs. J. Wheelihan of Campbeliviile.-<(Murray Laws Photo> ENTIRE SOMMER STOCK CLEARENCE 550 a BE A SMART SHOPPER S SAVE ON A COMPLETE WARDROSE ' COATS - JACKETS SUNGLASSES Il rALI SUMMER STOCK CLEARING Hats Purses Glaces Lingerie Bathing Suifs % Sun Haf s Blouses Boots Sparts Slippers Summer Purses Pull Length Dresses Dresses Pants Co-ordinated Spartswear. ShTsdandrday Einh fl. Il 25 Lommer»ciaI St. Milton 878-3961 ' yeurs con do o lut le change a persos's appearmnce. "I dun'i thinb l'il toaim ano d l'ai sure be cunt recugsize me but t'ai loobi turcard le talblug wit5 bon, tse laid this paper. OFF PANTSUITS e HOT PA NTS e DRESSES t' e BLOUSES SHIRTS PANTS Ail braud narre itemst.. sisup eariy fur hest setection ~r'MIe Att sales final Flora hoppe -224 Min Sf. Mi Iton 88 4482 Low ' IJ.C.W. V. Narr ual deuA boonitifta Tse done ac Ontari. pare du Thse uidess along th, Italin a isspruve Mess vised lasi tranuplal are lute la picko The t trilliuma cmienu are mat bory ther berry cil exception Valley; il nlalk Ikat Tise nal ters. Asi the centre trusd tsa treush greg clîpped u airhave b Follot isuge ceust reat slalb 1 the road i emerge te tlocr ha serd barri the cerdar aiben. oaicrd a 1 cosmsig tri brr. I fut beture. TIti opinion. W beos racf uttas orangr. Wr thrîr baîri Once ai dassty vine admost a w altbougk su aboondino surprise. A caretul gar the Masler ( and air are I May I isol'la gral traie ut ther FL Tvat su dii gt i eless til Cleas tse lonts bru tshace cil Wassan Putoai Adnert, se tol tiesa Drink adi Put on au Lisisu an. cils as a Drlon te i Whou tepe! usng ad, Sits liseir Conta ivnim Aends Advertiei 1~ e r f 0 t