Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 12

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8S2 The Canadien Champion, Wenesday. JuIy 21, 1971 Milton 's "Mr. Education" retires Edgar .Foster, By Roy Damna When sehaal doces closent the saonmer ai tise rnosa Ju Edlgar W. Fouler closent tise do, on a care in education g spanard 44 years. For 36 ai lis years ise oas engagent in 1 esiocalson ai Milton slsdenls. fi as o teaciser, then as proucil ansi later as sunPervisi prncipal. Hie claseni out 1 carrcer mils a two-year stint prinscipal ofla large puishl in Oakvlle. Ta 'Me. Esloration", as ise consmonly isnown in Milta relurenentlis bal amusher stop tise ladder oflie. He daesn' pI se resl ou isis laurelu ansi aroansi home "getthag fat a grunsîng grey". Altisougis 0001t say just ohat, he han couple of irans i tise lire" ai expectn tolauncshiaaself ito sens career in tise not-too-isla future. Flans twn trips Meanwhile. he's eniovîse i retoremeat hy putlerng ao tise bsouse andi louing foroard 100 holiday trips. He ansi liss wi Katisryt are iseading "naris Alasa" ibis lait ansi they hope revisil Snlansi loe a lew sari nest spring. Tisey tauresi parts tise lansi o' tise heather la summer and are louing lorwas tu a iturn vlslt in 1972. Hurn in Mulasur Tomnsluj Dudieras Counly, Edigar Williai Enstor isasi a rather trasemali hegîsnnng in its educationà carrer. HeUi neyer Inegel his fin day an Scheeul, hecause hie wasn there oery long. He masn' to hemn on tise toariser misa oas hoarder aI leis parents' home ansi ho loi los mind made up h wasn'l going le go. His fatille coasesi, cajlîd ansi fînail tisreatoned yoaing Edigar, ta nl avail. Faulyissfaliserdsilivere lototthe frontldournof.S. t Multer ansi leit tom in care n tise toaciser. Young Edigar leat is lamhe home. Toronto Normal Hehool Discipline san ouI ansi Esigai oas sean hock aI scisoul. Hi finîshesiliho grade rîgisl thore attondesi Shoihorne Higis Seisool then sirvidesi t0 lerame a teachri ansi geaduatei f romt Toronti Normal Scisoul iat 1927. Hos hest teavhasg Pest tisat laI tois in to S.S. 18 NortI Dsndfries in Waterlou Coty, i lidte one-roons Schel on thi liatis of tise Grand Hiver. Ho recuils a cosple of ourmorahis doîngs about olsi S.S. 18. Hie oas lunt la aI tise liane ansi one oflhi students oas 10--no "generatlan uap" there Bermg situaledsi n close lu tise river, in the lirst ton yeaes Ilirre surre four floosn 'Tise water came in lise door ansi thelirodows-iilwas right ovr tise tops ni tise desli" lie reralis. Saier miss leats? Tise enperience of tise floouss sucenconvtnved the yoanglteacher liemîuglilie saler in atoon ohere thry hsuât hoats, so lie moves in 1929 te Collingnons as vice- principal of tise li-rouan Victoria Puliliciol Pie remainesi there as teavlieeofigrades seven ansi eîgit and duringthsevcorse oflis ooris met anotiser talenîrd niroiler of lise teacing peofession, Kalliryn M. Bell. He remensiers one teavhise eonvention misere lie denionstraei a science prujeel and Kalliryn playesi lier violin for lise sisitmng toacliers. In 1933 Milton Pulie Seisool was louoig foe a primcipal ansi lie icreptei lise joli. Wlieo lie arrivei tisai surmoi lie liroîglit his neu lide Kalliryn mils lias, t0 settie on Milton ansi toise over ai tise hlo of lise eiglit-room, 20 student scisool. Hevconlinued asprincipal unil 1950 isien lie was namesi ouperoîsîng principal of Milton Pulic Scsouls. Tise News J. M. Dei escliool opened in 1955and tise W. I Divis school openesi 10 srenorîli endi students in 1958. iSystoo gnows In 1959 lie tooli on tise asidesi responsiliîîes of secretuey ansi buisst adansteator foe tise Milton Pulie Scisoul Hourda Pool lie lieli foe tise nent 10iyears. Aanong lis tasissioas thelayitg of lise groundwori foe lise bon's lient senioe publlie scisoul on MartinSi. wiiciswas oprnedion 1067 B Ey , tise1e lie leil tise Milton oystem il loai groon 10 four sehools, 49 teacisers andi oser 1,000 stiidents. Wisen île Pialton Couty Bourd of Education luok oser Iroan local seisoul bsoards ini 1969 tise position oflsupervlslsgyerinciyal was elimisale ansd he o,î gises ,'loî,' lolvccîî l'ing an ai ouîouslralion lois osd becomîsng principal of a large pulie schonl. Mr. Foster chose tise prînclpalship ansi oas tramiferrei la tise 2-eouns Dais- ood Paie Seisoul on Galiille olere a sens p'agram in special education ntermîred han. Pie nclusird hon teacling ansi adi minstratian carrcer an Joue aiter to ycare; aI Oaismos. Manyhlgbhllghts There hase henm any highigists on Edgar Fouler's lif foc Pie isalss a record in edacatig ne, ansi commuily servie thot w Does lie bourd tolbeat ansi he has alnsa. lat asiliresi te a plidoopsy thol lu )se successfully carriesi hant tisrou Lise lun 44-yrur career as an educato rot -Malte basto noly" saon sMl lus favorite credos. ng nia Pie dorsn't recall Or as parlicularly anhoppy limes is i )t lie's oors, but le hou a ohol store of stories ahout the gox ia lunes. ni m- as mout iartuaato toi op sparts has hemn a big part of ni an hie, hotoin scisoland out,"l1 sil says. is sis fouet, Imo ansi ha sid inchifrme mode lmti a natur hie for hoskaethoîl ansi lie playesi for 'a j .unior Ontario Basisetha rai Asociation daui iDot for Is a yrurs. Pie aise faaond limte to ge nI uvnvi in soitisall ansi ptaye thut spart in Galt, Cullagwoo nsi Sots~ essential i o id dany principal hnowaos le fe sparts program n iseseential. I rons off surplus energy for th ta stodents andisetps mils diseipioa 10 Prahlran," lie Says. Among hi 'S happy memaries ure the fielsi da ol campetihaons oitis Actasn an s1 Georgetown scrhoois. Music ansi isumor are twa ulse D, olileets lie frein arr mas o secessary in Scheoul. A pas le prenident ni 'toe North Hialteî il Mulec Festival, le oas one ai to ;l lestîval's hey suppnrters fo 't maay yeurn. Ansi there oa o aloays a souile or to spriaisln a mithîe learning process la hi .) clasurounis, as ouy student o e former stadent can tell pou. Hi e regular "thougist for île day' y leaturesi humer ansi porns fron o toe hookss of Edigar Guesîs. 0 Sehoul trips are anntoer hopp. ,fmemorp lue Me.Fostor. Pie isalsi a record for grade rigisl trips t, rToronto an institotion hi r launctisein 1935 ohm lie ansi li îife bois George Wiliams ant Peggy Gallomay 10 Toronto as a r eeaed foriseingtophboy and gir ? on listory. Tiep hanslesi torr u the munille seat of lus oiu Ford carlforethetrip. For oser 31 yeurs lie made an annual Joue i lgeanage t0 tise eity lu tour the stodents tieougis the pariansent bi tlings Plus CasaLama, Fant 1Ynrks or oliser eity attractisong, Waryears Mention of tise oar years lemngs more Clasant memorles frtoe reto'ed educalur Stade-s coli natmpo ans bcocoia toe oae effort Pie remeanlers a isueisla of usesi ruisier tliep collectesi. Ansi of course thore weetiose snilhseed pied collecions... Tise oonderiul sehool concerts ansi operettan, tise music festivals, inauguration of HalIon's lient hoame economlecs and manoul training classes in Mliton, bsus trips 10 Misilansi, the puechase of the sehool's firsl movie prolector ansi the esentoul introduction of radio iseoudeasto ansi tolevinion peogramu mnu the classeaotm are aiso pages in iss hooks of memorîrs. Pie rememlernntaîîag cournes in hosic Englins foe Polish larm worisers misa oumigratosi lu tln oras, hocinl 1947. Ansi toe terrifie gronsti of oludent Population ansi tise resullîng expaonsion iseadaclien it leougit thse nIait ansi board in toe 1950's ansi 1960's mere anotor chiallenge. "Laverd luidies" Blutjus associationawito the cisildeen are lis liappiest memteries. -Itertînoly lovei toe kisidien" lie asinuts, Dueîng in cureer. oser 1,000 students came under lins tutelage ansi lisousansis more came mbe contact wito linduringliis years as principal. Iflie liasi t0 stort lîle aIl oser. oould Esigar Foster le o tracher ansi principal agasn? Mis ansser came quirhly' -There is no0 doulil toere, 1lo'ed te tahsg." Askesi t0 single ouI those oho gaie lion the most lielp ansi support, lie centred lis apprecîaîîon on lus wîle ansi js parents. "Kaîbryn lias lero a aonderlul oile, motiser ansi lelPmat, lie saisi Fathee's influene 'grew top in a God-fearing Ch'lristian home ansi my fatoer's iofluence nias cery Oleong." lie aîlîlcî His lattcr oas a sîdeli suiesw ,coic oc presiîlent ol lhc Otaio Fild Crops Associaio, a dirervlrofithe Canadian National Exhiition, presîdent of tise Ontario Association of Fail Faits, ansi aise a towonship cIrs ansi later an insurance agent, Me. Fouler ni pleourd toat one olls Ilirar sons hon follosei hlm in a toaciaeurer. tant Faster o Principa ni Maple Grave Pubslic =ehoo la Gakislle. Pie la marriesi ta Win Marshsall. Don, lthe oldest son, is a traveller for Goodali Rubiser Co. and s marred t0 a leaciser, Marilyn Campisell. They live i Brampton. Douglas, lise yourogest, iscurrenlly worins ait Canadian Tire in Brampton andi pions lu retorn t0 Guelph University lin fait. Rereives B.A. Aithoogs husy in lise classrnoms 10 montlsof tise year, Me. Foster used moch of his spore liane lurtisering lis osen education. lie complelesi soasoner schnal courses sehicis gave isuxe a supervisor certilicale an pisynîcal eslucation ansi an 44 years an educator inteensediate certificale in Hie aise spent isis susomner vcatias and wiater eveninga and weehenda woriig on is liaciseine ni Aria degree ai Me- Master Uaiversity se Hamislton. He niarnesi on tise BA in 1942 andi completei seven ansi a hali ces. lHe Loois a cent Irons il for a lew yearn isutli 19 stiarei wnriog toward lise degree agohs and lîaally amassed enoags ceedits 10 receive lise degree in t96t. "fitouis a lot ai patience anIn anderstandang iront, tise lamilyIl ise notesi. Plus an sanîsid amaunl nf ingit ail. EDGAR W. FOSTERt-"ýMR. EICAIN" Retires aiherda years in iearbing camir Librarian resigns lliratian Mms Jo Johnson of Calii bids on 25 job Enginering conultants calle tenders lue Milton Counci lths omeis an tise wîdening, reconstruclion ansi asphaît paoîng il tise Pîglioy 25 cansmvîîng liant roasi aI Miltn's ortorn enteance. Wîrs covers île section Ironse Piîgioap 401 souto 10 Hase Uàne Rd., a distance of 2,900 lineab fart. Wîeis incluses excavation, leasing, caolveets, geanular hase construction and pasing. Bidsare due on Monsiay, Aug. 9, Duncan Hiopper ansi ssocuaten, Wen n., are coouulting enginreens on tom jois osP on holidays Eoupioyees ofOntaio Steel oîll oiser 100 wse hlidayn. Tise plant will be sliutdown frontJly 17 te Au. 2. San Edigar, OSP spaismait saisi a laioff is stîlI pendivg 'l couiîlot make any licu commnitoent aI ibis limte. Tise vusoler of ment laisi off oili depensi on ordces front ose custoOers,' lie saisi Turne Now ro Gel Your FERTILIZER Green Thumbs Go sIloc Actions NOW! use Carry Ail Brand Nare 80 1b. bag 7-7-7 ,5.25 *tosndcapsu Maintenancr *Ossign aed Soneuoek 11 Free Estîmatms *»Our Prcrs arr Luaw 0 Reliîahe -Enperened Raiebans Landlscaping CALL L878-2097or878-2741 Milton Puie Lilirarp, lias resîgnei. "t1 plan on jouI leing a hoasemîle fora change," site bold The Champion. "I have a losely home in tise country lbta one home tomenjoyit." Mes. Johsnson plans lraoîng iser jo anion asa replacementîis oamed. lshe ls a resîdent of tle Aclun ares Nons aSpai Bank R-o eate Fin4-ancieng uso Pain 12.75 pe &ome Snce Banke Rfare 878-2328 il Mlone Commuai okee Durmng luts yrarn in edocalian Me. Fonter mas active la js cisuecl ansi comnsnaty toc. Pis enviabile record ai puhblie service ascludes pasl elilarmon of Milton pulie lîirarp isoard, former memher of Milton District Piospital Board, former meother ansi tso years treasurer of Pialtan l2ildren's Aid Society, past Master of St. Clair Masenie Ordr, 32nd degree leottah Rite Mason, former mensler ni MUltas Hup Scout ansi Cuh Aseciation , ansi pout peesîdent North Pialtan Munir Festival Assoueiation. ho cisurcs mors lie han aise liesn active. lien a former superintendent of St. Paol's Umited Cisurcs Sanday Scisool ansi was a Sonday Sceel leariser for a nuanler ni peurs. Pie mas an eIder of St. Pails for 25 pears andsi o w an honorury eIder. Fdatlln seor 10 the fielsi of educaion hie hon alse servesi on manp groupe. Pies a pasl president ni North Piallun prlacipals' Asoucialion ansi pasl prenident of Pialtan Men 'reachers' Assoeialion. Place the ceanty board Oas iormrd hie servei as a mrmler of the editarial huard for the hourd's neonletter Pialton Edaration Newes ansi oas aimea mrmler of the ceancil on spocial educaion ansi tise paraprofessional cemmîttor. As an appointar of thentario Tracisers' Fedieration he hon servei an a director of the Ontario Eduratianal Research fisiocil lie 10 yeurs. G. W. 'Pal" MeKenzir, an Aclua principal who isas omn Esigar Foster since 1939 ansi wiso hourdei foe twa yearn wils lin parents aI Pianepsoosi misile leuciîg in toal area, gave the pesentoton speeches misen the Pialton Principals' Association beld a retîrement dinner I Georgetown ansi tise Men Teacisers' Federation isonorei lionr in Milton during June. Pie calîs Me. Foster 'an educalor, a lamily man, a visurcismain, a ilisciplinarian, a sportsman, a civic-nunded citizen, a sorsi Iraveller, ansi stîlI a a 'facm boy' aI loit. geevet faliisfli Pie praîsesi Me. Fonler's 'prneerance, hord work, ansi ltn ahîhtp 10 prosîde ehollenglag leaderrship tnyetig ansi oint afilie. Pie han servent fois cennnunitp sel ansi faithiutly hy contrihutasg lois limne ansi talents. . a sery envable record ai service 10 olisers." "Prisas almays gieen irretpy ni lus titile te eey phase ni educatian", hie saisi, ani praisei the guent ai homers "Christian attitude, fois îlesiee for fair play, luis mîllingnrss ta help others, tise loamîrge toat he aperates hy a code of etlucs rigit or wong, bslacks ansi mwhite mils o tsantes of gray-ansi a lin bît foie attitude." Pie eaiied hlmn a pioncer la education in Pialln mislai, mils tse other prlaeipals of those eurlp daps, . helpesi lap a iirm loandcation for tise rmaent eoutp hourd. TerIn bis nase On islasl day ai Scheel la Das- svie, tmo grade 100 stoidenta presentosi toer lelnes principal mils a isansi-made ceramie ashteay an a tahen ni tiseir enteeon. Tise sladent casacl ansi staff gave hM a tosuiter pullman case andi matehing meehensi iag. Earlirr la Joue Gaismaus Sceel hasi an arhor day celeheasun ansd île staîlns pianoi a iree lu lus rame. Me. Fustr seipnlan îletr ml a gal1e: sove tsa pronise t hai ta aionan a easiouai lu elecs on tise treens Jogreta. "I have trie ta ee straigst, 1 borie the trer groos straigst im," lie isumtoy tait tise students. When bis retirement mas announces in tise Ballon Education News, the hourd paper reportet "AH misa have heen peiviiegei ta e bouueoiaet mils bis, shether as pupils or toachers inp noi of te manp responsîhîr positions hie han hent user île prars, have came aoay erichet iy île contact." He mas amin the rrtirlag leiachers, hans drivers, seeretaries ansi castadians hanarrîl ait a hourd danner on Jane 17. Siivercup Racin la58lOtihe Mtilln Puie Sehoni Huait peesenet hlm mils ou cagravei silver caup ta mars ton 25th annivernarp ni teacblag la Milton. The cup stilI retalas a place of botter in the Fous' home aI 254 Woodward St. le June of 1969, ohmnb ise thle Milton scisml syntons, tise boardt ansi toacisers honorent hlm mils a testimonmal dilater ohmn an ne- easiona chair mon presenet Hla gaunt biumr, is patience le aovercmlag proiemnai and bis mîllîngness ta aceept laie reasaning mee prainel. "Tie gudance ise has given ns tsaugs the pealrs les mustip lens y exemplef. Thuhgs iseais le bashoc spoas extresney.mel andibsumadle ilteasy tmar,wlls tom," said prlacipal W. J* iCio. Huard cisaorman Dn. Stlpsn praisei bis adntistrative ahilitirs andi irl a sel or, 10 hathoses migist be an approopriate guIf, as Mr. Fanter seense to lie ale ta moae iilat may duierent, bats ta do dtri many john.i Ftaest tribsge Prohahlp une ai tise, ulst lesîlmoniais la lt oei coas irons iss M. Gemmeti, moia ïas a toachee for 31 of Mr. Fonleena 36 years in Mlton. i Mr. Fouler gave anstlninglp ni luasseli antI bla ahlity. .lhe han given mnch ai binasi ;n the heurts ami mInus ni bassipens ni Papils. Their hivm base leen misanceib hblaguidance ami the leachr bave len eret by tus leadership, site tait tuat gatherlag. 24 Motor Rewinds H for e 0 Wiring Of ail Kinds u 878-41 : R 0 Air conditioning OR S Rerial Floodlighting 826-1223 E Custom Controi Panels R loi 1 c E 3is3 Base 1:,ne Rd., Milton je au & taaiag tic mm 1 e~ Legion, Irup PARADE seaaios fil dernanstri ~' SHOPPERS' WORLD THURS. FR1. SAT. «JULY 22 - 23 - 24 3 BIG DA YS OPEN 10 A.M. - 10 P.Mn HIGHWAY 10 AT STEELES AVE. BRAMPTON ISPECTACULAR VAL3E j OOMINO IStsekemp HgoWgjs km

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