MILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESTAY TU 21 ëIîampiofl1 p O'N Eîghtievn Pages-Fifteen Cents. No byposs County drops plan f0 change Lowv'ille road The road titrnugh Lamnif le n b remamn untoorhed, eurepl for 'misse repairu and maintenance" Haltos Coonlp Cousceil ruled Tuesday in rejeclissg $«1,.01) proJect tit moutd hune dinerteq lte Glph Uine arousd Ose sortit Burligton hfiet. fleeossended by lte County Roud Committee Seheme Di wouldbhaveeonslrseted a rurving bty-pass arounif Ose valley cestre and snelodei a ses bridge. Tie proposai adopted by lasI year's Couty Couriti bau bes Ose sobtect of rostrorersy in Ose rommuity as protesters mougbl lu bure Ose rurreot pirtoresque rute maintaineif. tiurlisgton Coonrîflor Etta Foote adifresuei eourifi asking Osemn 10 abandon Ose Loawville by- tams. Site arbsosfedged $54,00 itad already bees spest on esgineering stodies but maîolaînedl widesisg of tbe present route uligbtly and a ses rulvert muuld impruve tbe situation. Sbe roseludef te ses rmadl mas Seing creoteil for Ose - rare tract peuple" more Osau aupone else. Depufy Heeve D. Coons. tabling a resofution to defeat thte fload Committer proposai, callrd oneouseil to ocrap thte controversial projeet. fie suggested Ose peuple mn the ares orre not togeOser i obat Osey oauted aud tbe projeet would resuîttin a tremeodous espemse to Ose people of Raltnn. -t don't fet tbe Guîelpb Lise reqimes a by-pass. The Loovilte ae s a very scenic route aud it sso utd be retained tilat way". Hie suggested if drivers wantef as expcesssvay route fliey coutd use ffigtsway uS or 25. Mitton Reeve flou Harris trrmed the road! ose of fus favorites noting i mas a very scesic drive and hie foresaw no serd for a major espense on it. Qurstioned os allusions to audesoso thte road, Deivsty fleeve Courssaggestedrcouncit"-leave i aloue'. 'lite vote to do îust tlsat was varried. Harris urges councili to consider f luoride Miltons i.useif ssuy faitea second loosiu ftridaioscu of Ose tews's puitlie muter sspply bufore tbu issue la finisbud. At leaut Osey mil if Miltes Heevu and Acting Mayor Ros Hureis bus bis wuy. At Oseir July 5 meeting consecil quitkly filei a lutter fesen Huttes Comlty HeuaOs Uit Dr. S. M. Gresn and Medical Officer of HealOs Dr. J1. H. Chaumburluin. 'lie lutter suggested Osul 98 pur cent of Ose population's teeOs are affected ity dental diseuse usd016 per cent of Ibut could bu prevnoteif. Reene Harets itrougbt lte County Council motter ta tbe floor ut Coneil Mosday afltee taling lu evrry doctor and dentist be could contact in toton and reading articles n to ub"tb joornals. Hareis reportrd to coosiilthOaI thte medical profession, botb dortors and dentistu said OsaI fluoride tous Ose best tbing te do. Ducteo munI il Des. Hanter, Wrigbt, Wugte, Aikenbeud, MeCotceen, Homo, Konlomoiti, Edmards, Wauduil, Chtamburlain and Gresn ail sid Osuy mure in favor wbilu Dr. Syer aud Gailoway remuioed oestral. Several of Ose doctars offered 10 uppeur bef or e couaneil andf anwrquestions couneillors nugitt bave. Ose of tbe josesals Ose fReeve prrsented noted tbe average rosI tu buf10 esper prson per year aud todirateif Ibal Osere mure no dl offerts from tbe proveus. 'ibe article said flooridation could accoeaut for 65 per cent 'eduelios in tootb deray. Hlarris saîd tbe province bus permissive legisîstion miticit ailos rointties 10 go abuaif mitit fluorîdatios aulesu 1l per cool of Ose population objeet andl Oses a referendum mut ite calîrd. If il mas put lu a votu in Ose faaU i could sot bu votrd on Introduce move ta adjust representation Lirait legtslatînn ltaI sould uer Eurbingtos mîith foar membrs us County Cooseil andf Dabnille siOs titrer sitile racit otiter muîripality bit Iso, sas tabîrd at Coosty Couneti Tuesday for referer to lte local mosicîpalitîrs. 'lie proposai, drafted by Ose special couty comosilter on representation, mould also prunide for local mosficipalities 10 delegate their mayor 10 sit on countyrcounicil obere tite muieipabitp sas entitîrd 10 more Osau Imo membrs. Bp popoulton Eacb msnîeîipality sosld aubimatîrally itave Oseir ev and deputp cerne as membrs ut councîl. An additional membr would bualssed sites Osece ace iescess of 17,5N1 voters. A furOser cepresestative ooutd ite altoord at thte 35,0 voter osait, agasn aithOe 52,500 osait, Ose 70,000 mach aud Ose 87,500 osait plus au addîtionai memiter for ravit 50,010 electors abune Osat. 'lie local msntrcipabty would appoint lte additional mumburs, 10 iîci thOey mere rntiiled Icoos Oses' so mrmburubip. Votiog soder Ose pcoposrd itp- las mould ite estabtivbued miOs Ose rev ing a minimums ofîmuo votes and the drputy reve one vote for municipalitien op 10 2,500 voters. Titecealter additîosat votes ooutd be estaisbrd onthte hisis of 1,500 noIrs or part Oseceof. 'tiis alsu pevîdes OsaI sitece Bsrbsngton ne Dabnille gai au entra vote, a mumicîpality io Ose indut iv also to rerrive au ad- dilîssal vote. Thte legîsltbun also provides for lte electso of asardes by secret ballot raOser toa Ose carres t mrOsod of opus votiog. Cuoreot voteru in racit muteipalt arr Acton 2,243, Bucbungton 35,250, Georgetowns 7,547, Milton 3,007, Dabvilie 24,292, Esqueoîng 4,694 and Nassagaweya 1,944. CROSS-EYED AND BEWELDERED, BeOs Pisse St. Union Hall for pructine sessions. For Harrison la itaving quite atre bloigu er storY und more Phaoton sue page B 3.- pipes ta begin practise Oit Ose Mo1ln Girls' (Sluff Phsoto) Pipe Band. ISsu grauP osuet ence a souk ut again foc 150 years. Harris mas nul succesful in bavmng a restios pamsed asking membrs of tbe medieul profession in attend and present some ansurs torounrillors' questions. Defler il Coosecillor Shd Cbilds and Perry Bare movrd and seeonded a resulutos t0 bave lte ustire natteur sbelved setil a fuît rosicit mos availuble. Foar members mere absent Monduy. Me. Harris sas auxious toi have a date set 10tonte persens 10 speait for aud againut Ose malter but Drputy frmee Bare ssggeuted mmrte of Ose oOser mumburs nogbt sut ese saut 10 ber mitat tbry bave 10 say. Me. Bare sauf Kinguton polt i and lookit i ouI. I cont Oseos $40.010 in pst il in, tbu Depuly fleuve 101f cooseil. Coosedlor Gordon Keaufa mus agreroble 10 brarig itO sifes of Ose story. Actmng Mayor Harris aubed for a meittes restios drferrsng Ose matter. "Voudo'tunerd OsaI, do yu'?" Deputy fumve Pare querîrd. tYs thin i ts ua prrtty Important mratter. Il sbuuld br io sritmng." Annual oppeal tops goal A total of $,323.83mwas raisedmi Milton for Ose Salvution Army in lte annual fond raismng appeal. local ebairmas Hon Harris aunooserd Iuis meuh. Tite total sas up over tant peur's $t,09t.9T. te Ose total Oubville ora the 15,500 objective mans rerreded and fonds raised tstalled $20,330.70. Local ebairmon Hon Harms notud Ose reuidrotial rauvas io Miltos mecreaurd itis year and lie praised Ose surit of Mes. Ken Dec io ber orgosization of OsaI part of the cannas. s' - c .1 ~r'~ y r ~ " -" ~uLi OVER THERE Ibis yosngster points i MC Vine Mountford. soceesu. Cilly wisifs didn't stop lte cegulses froos sltending. Youug andf o11 flocketi Horsby Park Sattucday evenisg fai --{lStaff Phtoto) malle lte 24th annual gurifen purty onotiter tremendoos Eoger t0 vote Le gai drînkîng, votîng at 18 welcomed by young peo pie Il lte opîniovs rupresurd in a raudomn vuceo of about 10 Miltou peuple are anpy indication of Ose population, lte losering of lte rouil aile foc volîilg, drînhîog and vigning legal costracli oi reiea waco seicomne sites il iv lmnaliy pavord in lte Ontario i.rilislature. Att ofthIose wbo miii be gives Ose vote for Ose lieut tmr mîlîcaîrd tite' oouid crrtamnly laite advanlage ut lte prîviiege and exprvvs ltes' wses ut lte potin in lthe lsu provincial rrclîson. Wiîle ail appeared eager tu cast tbeir lieut ballot ail but une indicaled tbey dîd sot yet inos ohicit masi or obicit parti lte% would vote for. Drinoh anpsan The ilesecal consensus ut opinion suggesîrd OsaI iocring the legil age toc drîini ;doh oc' teverages ooId have uitIle efleet os lte numbur of people on lte 18-21 year-old- bracitet ltaI sould drinkt. Titove quevtîosed uuggested il migit mabe il passible tor Osose sito are00 drînhînil ilregaiip 10 do the sacoe tiig in a more eeluued atmospbece. 85 charges laid on Main Street ol us dorsntpay to broneof Counîiioc oed Keanto Osose speedy or noisy motoriss presesîrd lte inormoation 10 on Mais St. Milton. Duciog Ose counecl ut thiteî cegular meeting first sui mustits Of Ose puar ltaI Mosday. An ercher meeting of ora of Main S1. froto Mutn 10 councîl itad iteen dîutcubed Ontario bau iteun the ormne for 85 bucause ut lte sousif of squeuiog charges. Most sere laid berause ts'es on lte road bulos lte of nuise or speeding ifractions. citamiters. Counrîl liaad also In Jasuary and P'eiruacp fine reveîved complis. charges sure laid and io Maecb Me Kcanîn satid mîst of Ose four ifractions mere nuted by infractionsscamoe drioglthe rarly Miuto ns fisest. In Aprîl 18 evenoig betores 7 audit0 p.m. "fI charges mere laid sn OsaI area semis lte proitlem is saime saut wiltehrsmbur jumprdton26 m to useltheunideccresurfaced roadt Mai aud 27Tai Ju as adrag strp.' ,be iodecounicl Hydro given rîghts to lay TV cables Milton Cousicil pasurd a Commssion seul not alesw cesoluios granlîng Milton Hicivi Hydu'o Coi.'sivovi toipevale lectivc Cmpany esclu" i uv c ale tefeii cvn octlet frît the'> eigittsi i ay caitir tir caite 'l'V in seve ,uiiiliwe ccv lnt te eabiing Ose tous of Milton uithOe cegular and polev t0 stations. meeting ut coosecil Munday. Mr. Hadlr sutîdis fîrmswod D.L. Had.luy, Milton, Milton iay rabi sn lte ses Derrydoss Hydro Manager, 1011 coancîl Subdivision, fie said lte coul of Hydro mostd iostall lte raitir and Ose pcogram would bu $179 per ru ithOe bouss Hersaidinonew 1000 ledt of eaitfr as sell as ad- suitdivisions lte cuitir mosld ite ditîssal couts for trenrit digging lsid udergroundf but otitermîse and for bouse drop strinf. Ose emstmng oread potes sould Acting Mayor Hon Harrisusaid bu used. Ose mone sas a reasoeabir une Cunltoporale andOshe service soul te Osere fnr fie tetd esauctl lte CHTC au orgamozation mits sisited 10 Canadian Radio und Telenision ume il. 'onteaci lu osai sosie ciesîrd oficiais baie ivilicitel ltote queslioned celaîrd lte dca ltai lte voung peuple oould folios %ouse trendv set its titeir parent. Katis Cacopbell, age 20,. saîd vite ws in frise ni the age citange bul oui ' il il diii vol lead 10 legalioioil drsgv. Kacen sggeslcd sbe woul nIt . v cote alltei'looiigintolithvisuvvant ltote pecvonsvrunîig >1 don ttlbink oung people ill vtethsanieuwas tbeir parents do. l'lliv iv soloa prod in tume iibec.iýoung peuple accepi Ose ioii'.,'ifttiipare'nts.ttItrve p'upie are oui enoug to lusrit and uandertand the ssuevs tey ici' oli enoug to v ote." vite said. 'iv Houstoni, age 21, ft thOe majorîts ni ' 000g peile miSl Iceal tbe soir and Ose drinhing prie urge sititaut abuse. (ContindSi'io Pagr M) cepcescnttng York-Soulth and is also national presîdent for Ose Hem Democratie Party. - (Sitaff Phtoto) -I VOL. 112-Ns. 12