Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 14

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82 The Canadien Chaompion, Wednesdeay, Ju17 14, 19/ I *lq4 MR. AND MRS. GLEN MICMLL are shosen followmng their wedding ini SI. John's Anglican Churcs, Camplielivitie on Jane 19. The bride is Use former Mary Dennis, danglsler of Mfr. and Mrs. Harold Dennis of Campbellville. Wedding Mitchell - Dennis Voses and rings were several shomers before hier exchanged in Si. John's Anglican marriage. On May 7 Miss Elsie Csorcis, Caniphoilvile on Jane JagI and Mes. Aies Sayîlon 19. as Mary Aosnaholle Dennis hoslsed a miscellaneoin shoner hocane 1the bride of (len Charles for th1e bride, on May 12 Mes. Mitchell. Poik peonies and white Ross Mitchell and Miss Janet glads adorsed th1e chsrch and Mitchell were isoesses tu a large wehite hows marhed 1the noscellaneous showee and Mes. gsest penn. Rev. R. P. E. Jef- Henry MacLeod, Miss Helen fares offieislel and Mci. teffares MaeLeod, Mes. Colonel Kilelien orteil as organist. and Miss Lois Kitchen held a The bride is thiedaoghlee of Me. osiseellaneous shower 10 honor and Mes. Harold Dennis 0f Oie bride on May 10. Campbellville and woried as a Anmiscellaneous village shoseer nurse's aid et Hallon Cenlenseol loring 1the couple was held on Manor prîsr1 boler narrioge. The May 25 w111 Mes. Wdllian Webis, geronm s th1e son of Mr. and Mes. Mes. Ton Mitchell, Mes. Mureay Chbaeles Mitchell of R. R. 2 MaIson, Mes. Douglas Orown and Canybelîvîlle and is as Mrs. StewarlCranp acting as appeenlice nechanie aI Jack isoesses. Richardson Cisev-Olds LIsI. in The bride's noîher iseld a Milton. terosseau tes isonorîog hee Heleloomn Ring daugisler on June 13. Mes. Theeradiantlbride was esortel Calvert Kilchen and Mrs, Murray don th1e aisie by bier litOier. 511e Maion poured tea in th1e ai- chose a full lenglb gon wîîh aleenoon. ohîle Mes. Geoege filled bodice of chantlly lace and Mitchell and Miss Sarah Mitchsell a full srganzo sisirt accenled mith resuned th1e dolies in the appbiqand roses. The goon was evening. Serssog sunch seere th1e fashsoned wilb long lace lily-poinl oleeves and a scaOloped cowl neckline. A eoseissd headpiecn held ber four layer tulle net veil tronnei wiOi lace edging, and se carîed a bouquet of whtle O T I carnations and pinb roses and ] icy. Tise bride ais more o heart sbaped necisiace centred seili a F O F pesel, Oie guIf of 111e groom, a dianonvi ring helonging 10 bier paternal grandiooîer and she New fashoon for fali. carrîed un beirloon accents Ilsis two-pin bandisercisief, gîve t lber by Oie printeil fortrel. Thse groon's greal-auni.. front, fitteil 10 tise Maîron ut isonor mas Mes ni petdsot.I Baynlsn, a frîesd of tise bride.eldsot.I Orîdesnaids nere Miss Jas fsion tlss fall. (lennis, Miss Lois Kitchen and Miss Helen MacLeod, cousins of Ouer July Sale Oie bride. Miss KaOiy Demois, Oie of Spring and Somme bride s sîster. acted o flowergol. Fashioni Contiues Rainhow hues Soit rainbow bues accentedl Oie dresses of Oie attendants. Thse girls wore nuve hlue pik yelsw and green crepe goons in enpire style nit peet, short 4 v oleeses and nnimedi w daisies. They eacb wore short white gioves, wite t0ses and natching rosettes in Ohishir and carried cascade houquets ofi daisies andmwitelocarnatos.h attendants as msre hesr sisapeil locis, a gdft of 11e 11eide. Bestnman wasDale Devi nand 7 AN S shers mere Bi Densss, broOier of lise bride; Aies Suynton, a friei of tise groom aiid Davsid îîmîmîmîiuimîoîîîîîî, Mitchell, broOie oi ghe nro Oisk sets, gIfs oi ghe nrom Miss Anu nt and Miss E Jan Denses nad thio attendaunt dresss wht h bridenmade the reni Bhe Specilî 10 \iII U AWhite and pinkils deo ed Oie Masenic Hfoui th O i n rereplios. Ouests aI ended t ose Campbellsle, Gsel pis Ruohk- mood, Grnmsby, Toronto andn Milton. Special gsest o tending am Oienweddng were Mr Margae e = McPhod, greul auntothbrd à aind Mes. llOie Mitllv n Ml Sarah Mitchell, grandoth n greal ainlof the groon The bride's n tho reeie gsests inauose yo n des ensenble i whtea0 cessries and acorsage fp roses. Tise groms ote assiseed in a nav oa n drens ensemble wt ht c cesoories and o yellow rose É corsage.- Mrs. Stan Frice ot0 E A ~ A T S Cassybvllculle made a nd BE A SM R SIU lcucvited tihe u.eding ,ak, It ia rsivsssd sssth rusobîo rosebuds, ta conmplisent Oie M. bridesmaido' goons ME *HATS *LINGERIE For a honeymoon molor trip à *PURSES *MOD SONGL troogs Oie United States, Oie *GLOVES . BATHING SU bride chose a pinh rrinsptene hot petitsoîifilmîitwhite purse and AL O T E shoes and acorsageof pioh andBe whitecarnaions COATS AN AK T whilcarnlion n JCKET l:i csuple are making Oieir honea 15Thoms SI. in Milton. [ f O Showers ii ea IB L_.o Tlche bide nan hoaured aI ... ...... ... -------- Top student wins Ford scholarship Roseanen Iligo of MOilton la aue of seven studenla 10 recelve seholacship awands from the Ford Motar Company of Canada. Daughler of Mr. andl Mm. Fred Rigo of 71019 Branle St., Roneanen reeeived an average of3.7 lier Grade 13 exantinatioaula achieve the hughsu standing inalher dlams. A tonner nladent of Holy Rosarp P.S., she conlînued hier necondary sehool edacation ot Notre Dame Arademy ia Walerdown, heoae retaringle Msilton District High Seha1lla finish hier schauhang. Studymot Waterloo Miss Rigo plans 10 study environ nmenlal studies tarchitecture) se mathematics ai the University af Waterloo. Ford of Caada spenda $24,0gg a year tu sperale the programn which enliOles a allident te, fonr years ai a Caadian anivnrsity se coliege of his choice. The candidates were selected hy a Obituary Mrs. M.J A resîdenl of the Milton area for 1he pant 54 yearen Me. Margaret Jean Dixon paanedl away in Si. Joseph'n Hospital, Hainillon, on Jane 28, folonming a iengtby illness. Sho was n li er clnid year. Born in Desuqala on March 23, 180, she allended Drsmqulo Sehool. She s 1the only daughler of Thaman and Margarel Aldersen. On Feh. 28, 1017 she married John Allan Dîson in BeIhel Chureh, Traalgar. The couple lived aI 0.0. i Mdlton for 38 yeaen hofore mosing t0 17 Victoria SI., more Oian 16 years ago. Tanglit nighî sehool Mrs. Dixon mos a charter member of Oie Mouane Union Women's Instillile and mon also a member of 110 United Chureb Women, 110 Milton Horticidîseal Society an meil an leaching o aigis sehool course in tailorlaf. bride's close friends Miss Darlene Ferrier andi Miss Zandra Miller. The maie attendanta honored Oie groom ai a staf on Jane 4 aI Oie home nf Oie groomomnan Dale Devlin. orholarnhip hoard, and each applicant hiadt 1010ei chlld of an enoplayen of Fard of Canada. Bar father la a Ford truck plant auuioovee. I. [ Stie aI and hi Fun Jaly Homne Haine Smo!! world Meet in Engtand Il's a a-a1 marId, ami e5at olil stoppait for lance la the tomB sayong rang Irue for a Milton sehere Mrs. Heard wsea staylag, moman vacatiaulag in Englanil o an Ohir may la LsImdon. Il wsea mapl orea ago. ieca l t 101 y chance 1101 they met. a-ep tchmMtona a1e market sqaare of Peterborough, Oddly auough, the two wmni Nort5aenptosir, Englanil. bail met la Dr. R. Edmards' Mes. R. W. Heard, Bell St., mos medical office in tosen a tam holidaping in England andl meees arlier. Mro. Hodlcy mras visillag relatives la the town o mrhing there and Mes. licard sehoeshe wsearri. in the Peter. came, la far souri pe-trip vac- boroagh market square onc day cinations. Each hnem lie other aoani nom houe, alhe rn = ato s golaf to the U.E. dits Mes. Darothy Hadley of Miton. nsamner hut thny neyer imuaginait Dora15y and hiec honhond Glord they mould meel oee t5ere. weeholidaying in Scotaod but Stuail morlid? Lettie McNieI president Fire Fighters Auxiliary A Pot lach spper concludd the aarietgepsoning co test meeting of Milton FIee MahlCoalaonHildat Fighlers Ladies' Aaailary at the and Margaret Bondy tire hall la Jone. The groolp plas necretary Margarel Bu 10 resaine regslar meetings la auditors Mahel Cools ROBEAPONA RIGO Seplsenhor. Hilda Moonltain. mbe mew execotive for the moag year wsea chooen as foilows, preoident Lettie McNeil sice-presient Eatie Lubes -Sdewa5 mIles mare secrelary Marion Poole, attenlton-getters in the Il ix o n treanarer Gail Coolson, oich n Metai area lest weeh suoshine Eileen MeDoagaîll were 18 stores participa sw enioved sewiioe. iting social committne conveners aodierafts. -. Carolyn Marshall and Ea 1ra service wao field an t aI McEersie Fanerai Milton, w115 0ev. C.A. officialin. lolermeot man la Eveegreen Cemetcry, Milton. Stie mas predecased by lier hmhband John, and br0015cr Wilhie. Pallhearers mece granilsoss Terry and Richard Mattisu of Hansilton and Joho Goddard of Caiedania, nephem Robert Don of Milton, cousin Mac Sproml of Aelan nd friend Art Nightingale of Rocismood. 011e is sarvived hy mens John of Toronto and Fred of Milton and daugisters Priseilla (Mes. A. Malliossîl and Margaret of Milton. -Sasomer's histe, sehaul's 0ut, drive caret uliy. -Industrial morhers are lmising formard ho holidayo. Most local plants are ciosing for holldays laler Oiis monOi or early la Aagast. -GaI a story? Caîl TIse Chamapion. R.N.A. GRADUATE Diane Thomson, doagiste of M1r. ami SOrs. W. Tlsomisa of 337 Kingoleigs CL, Milton ceceotly gradoatel froco lth special Registerel Nursoî Assistant's course at Wlsih Oaks Secondary School aini Oukvitie-Trafalgar Memoria Hospital. Diane in presentlt employed aI Milton Distic Hospital. 0F ENTIRE SOMMER STOCK SAVE IIOPER -SAVE ON A COMPLETE WARDRGBE AU -W Sm OLMI -SUN HATS *SPORTS SLIPPERS . DRESSES AND ASSES *BLOUSES *SUMMER PURSES PANT DRESSES ITS *BOOTS F ULL LENO ESSES - GROUPS DP CO.ORDINATED SPORTSWEAR SPEAL RACK AND LESS Comria.. Milton 87- 61 iloontain ,prenss ndW and ion andl . Thore long. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE-Me aoi Mes Aathr Thsomas ingiom of Norval ame pleased te, ansmSc tihe foethcosng marriage 0f thit daugistce Mary Am, te, Me. Dick loaeterbncr, smon f Me. andl Mes. Willam MOonsteebo., of Meadowvale. Tise meddhag to take place Satsseday, Atagut 7, 1971 rit Norval Presbyterian Clsarch ait five o'clork.-(Photo by Van Halent) y The Difference Between A Good Cut anid A Bad Cut la ... THREE WEEKS What Are You Doing For 1he Next Three Weeks? *SHAGS r *LAYERED LOOK Let Your PooI-Side Hoirdo bon in Foshion *BLOW WAVES but Carefree PUT y YOUR HEAD r OUR HANDS YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID ... HOUSE O HAIR Hnars; Mondap 10 mednesdap 9 to 6 Thors., . 9Co9 Set. 8ln.3 o. LL the batle jacket ce bot punIs in colorfll jacket feautores zl9tpered waist, and tops thse il definitely hoe in STORE HOURS Mondays claued. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10la.m. taloOpe. ..L__,. Felday 101te 9 Salurday 9 10 8. la AISWA TEDIOU Milton S River-pa Lirontog osi yeor as Hockey A honil-raisi at Use en Over a bren plant Plafices. T.' munistr former weill 11 Tise B3 Halton rAil i Mc Was sWeatI aumbe oertait folleni conela work i local Hoche .119e said pr of 35 Ilsey m meetin belli we olie not, aur fin membe Aller leamn w. hard 10 Eaci c llieir pa and si Helen 1 Arnold Marg launder, at the fi beooe t To fies mendini thie oau auoney the hock thse year wau hel, willi ci hockey e puil a P

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