ftamioîiEdor~ia Page IJ~i . e~Pages of Befnre tise issue becorees involved su prolonged puablice debate seiti tise uisual excessive hent and Uitile ligist. Milton Council shuuld take a second looit aitis off-hand decision laut weei ta file Halton County Heatit IUnit's suggestion that fluoridation of Multon's vater supply bie studied. Fluoridation programns are usually accompanied by a great deal of mis- information. Tise pro-fluoride faction in Milton hans already been heard fromn - letters urging coutrcit to reconider is decision have already started to pour in ta Tise Champion and ve suspect there viii be reany more letters, pro sud con, before tise issue is resolved. Sefore tise campaigus start flying off in ail directios, couricillors would sie vise ta look toto fluoride and come up vils ail tise facto on how mucis it cosls sud who wtt be uffected by fluoridation of tise tuwn's virtually 'pur" aud presentiy untreated vater supplies. Milton Caucrillors have had snnme unhappycaxperiences with 'experts" in a variety 0f fields in tise past sud tlsey have acquired a habit of looldug dosen tiseir collective nases visenever an "ýexpert" attempta ta convince tisem on some tapic of ronceru. Tis when tise Maltan Cuty Healtis Unit's Medical Officer uf Healts and Dental Direelor made tise fluoride feasibity sludy suggestion lu a letter rend ta bat veek's coandcil meeting, il was quickly Neavupopermen are gond isteners. For tisaI reasan, ave gel comploitIs frov readers visa don't cure ta taise thrir brefs ta) tise proper autitoritiru, Sut perisapu if ve puliush the complaintu nove action wiii ho taken, Herrus this venins crop of reuder corrivents: 0cr rentder complaire tarre are Ion vauy children ridiug bises witbout igis atar dors arsund bawn. Il's a daugerous proctice and parents vint taise responuibility tee brepicg cyclistu home visen darneus flts. We don't vant a traffir tragrdy ta rii aur nurever, do ve? Otbor readers rail ta our attention Bhe diffsculty in maksng tefI bond luron utoe Main SI. trov tac buny Chartes, Commercial acd Caurt St. intersec- Saons. Couucsl s comsidcring a ane-voy nîreet plan sc Ibose arcan bol il basn'I isrrc finatiîed jasa yrl. And nove day in Bhe Bustant ftue, Mary SI. vay roc nîraigisî Ibrougli frav Brnl ta Ontario Sta. In Bhe meantime, yau're botter off ta avoid approactong Main St. frein Bhe soulis via tise abone Iluree utreets. Vsisiily lu a probtev aI Court St. vils tise erection of a nev store aI Bhe front of the Cairns praperty, sud traffie s prrtly heavy arosud tise Charleu and Commeercial enîrancru la Bhe main drag. Someane vas prolesliug aboaut crs parsea on bolhsaides of Bell St. near Main St. The road os uarrav Bhere sud avilis cars parked an bath sdru of Bell SI. tisere is bardiy cnugi remit fnr tva cars ta posa. Perbapu parking should ho banurd an one aide or lise allier. Eartsrr tou peur Haltn Couuly Counicil înaved unta a nev "joit fied uvay and no action van laken. Buthbefore tiseletter foudni is vay ta the files, lhree members 0f crent voee nti-fluoride opinions. Councillor Chartes Johnon's comment, "Tise Alighly han seen fit ta bIens this tovuvwitspurevater... t tisins ave sbould show aur appreciation for tise gond valer, by teaving il alune," vaut uuchallenged and tise suti-fluoride camp drew support frore Coucillor Art Melanson sud Mayor Biou Seul. We don'tihave ail tise fals on fluoride in front 0f us. Su we're nt prepared ta ma.ace a decision on whether fluoride is warrsuled or ualt Couti doesu't have ail tise fuels either, bot tise leoit tlsey eau do is bonistto lise subjeet before it is dropped compleîely. Experts claire Young ehildren are tise only ones which benefit from a fluoride programn - mapise tise couoctil ailI findt il's les expemive ta treat tiseir lets avilis fluoride tison teaodd tise chemical ta everyone's driuldag water. Our one reservalion coneernu cistorine, wisich is added ta msuy municipal drinldug avatar supplies. Il gives lise water a chemnical tisteansd odor. Fortsuataly Milton han nt yet found il necessary ta add chloriue toits spriug voter supplies. Will tise addition 0f fluoride outomatically mesu tise addition of chiorine ton? fils sureethiug tise coundcil shoald boois inoa nd fiud out. committee" systere visicissees llnree 0f the major suuh-ommitteeu 0f tac cauel meeting togetser once o monta. bThe tri-comusittne group includes ail 14 verersaof Bhe caunceil. Reectiy some cosucillore have indicated Bhey are uniuappy vils Bhe joint committee uystem. Sove uap taey are "uldmming avec" Bhe issues sud not enongis lime is oiloved ta properly diseuns Bhe suis' jecta Buat cuve before Bhey, One eniei summeai it up vhon he said lise joint cauvittre meetings obtuse "more people ta leure more about oting." Wr'il ho gtud vbru Air Canada adoptu tise "uer Canada tiraI" approacs ta is air ratas. White tise tanrnes are pashing for a $200 return lare ta tondon, Englond, tise cule ta Vancouver iu $281. At the novne tive the tacr vitrage la vorta noting. Toronto ta Lonon retuie is 7,22) mites viie 'foainue ta Vancouver return is 4,32W mites. The pressure ta go obroud, roBher tison travet sutan Canada, is surprsing comiug front o covpsuy chargea i vta serviug the people. MUitoraas vay have Uittîr contact asts Bhe Ketua Musie Centre Bhal is isarvanaunly sudervoy in the Ontaria iSteioni foc Bhe Deaf facilitica here. Tise 32 utudentu visa are attrndtag front vaclous pacts 0f Canada are dedicaîrd vasiesanu visa are ou Bher ay up in music circles and thry don't pull liserselves avay fcov practiar sessions very aften. Ssuday vas a brief exception visen tise crnIre vas 0f- fscsalty apenrd and tise leaching ensemble, Bhe Orfard Stcing Quartette prrsentad a concert. Tisece may hoe more cncerts heoae tise end 0f lise Bhren vers ussain and ave hope lavera af cliamber music von't miss thoso. Tisese posug people have impreasive talent and draiscalion. OUR READERS WRITE: SUPPORT PROM DOCTOR i appeaus Bhal losn caune'il s pari>, informedaisot fuorîdaionand part]),not infarveit. Casucîttac Jaoson iii eght ais iusnt sales ise csy tis is aisnti fae thei amatfit of e isîsisa 1 (tIn t c,',sliv bitice lisat lic tact'. citldeueisead te e îpcsed ai ibis protecion. Mapor Orsti s pnrfely çorrect in auggruling sugarrestriction. My aniy pieu S Bubton utap a a fiie ls pmagresu. Ctaoging isataro' rotscg habita ls taugsmr tan odformng r lonv a dectalilleOr. Fluonidallon bau tamn recoguicrai tac vany peurs as a vanllivtatr puiei iseol veuuurr. Il dvu nt cissuge Bhe toute nI inaler. i dans nt nasse israias. f1 dams nt st1in dentures, il jint iselpu Prevns ranitîru. Tise coanly's iseallis experts endarc i. 'thseltovn nocielses endarne il E endornes il sf il is dis tinlipasieanmd Bhen in lot>s bave locideil THE ORFORD STRING QUARTET performed at tise Orgausuers exPiamed how tise event happened tn conte about. opemng of the Keiso Munic Centre at OSD Sunday afteruuocn. The thmre week susomner camp s mnstructing 32 young Prior ta Isle, concert mnside an officiai opening was belld oulside. musicians un string chamber musie. -<Staff Photo) VOL. 112-No. 11 MILTON, ONTARIO, WIDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1971 Sy daing a li111e votsevutire, ire reme Bhey mvvd ta ttpper Canada, teaase taBte conclusion Botsn Inut lie rrlttd ta Waterrisudbrard ofvorist tea btiird ta taIlthBe papulatian aI Canada. Bhe bildinstg of stiden an Bhe Upper Ottava River. 1cre jasl rrvrsnrd a amail iookîri revpstrd liy vp uccle, Iran C. Tisavson at Ottaw. Il srts torls the genraogy at my maternoi aneestoru ta Couada. Sonve people ftisir annesturu a linge bore. Otiseru arr afraid of sisetetanu ini the claset. t 1i onccutors toscinalicg, s b tep ta picture Biera, Bisk aftie tacrrdily dit- fîcaît Unves Bhey irai, anai vonder wavia cisaraclerisisu b sud vp cisilaren liane recrinrai trom ilea. My ancîrus isuist s no tigi-coturrai ravance. Il airais ta tacts: irsir, duOts, uvru, prapery fies. Bot avang tise pageu os the occasana ltaconie covvent visicl malles ve vtish I cauaitrop bacli inta tise 1ti century and euplare furliser. My vaternai greot-granaipareota vere crtavtly not aI Bhe uriutacraey. He vos o stop's varpenler, ond that's ane reason lie, Walter Thovson anai ase, Margoret Farel, ton nrv beside, set ouI frrav Danegot, Icelsaid, focali. Johnc, New Brunsvicki, visere B err vasasap-iding induutry. He van 2a, sise 19. i vas 1834. Witn a 1ev yearu, viBh Brrr chlsdren, Theur utides inere litaIt for Bhe tamtertag buasineno vbics vau usimmretg tise cream £rov Bhe standu ot vonaierlal ptar in lise arra. The purpour af Bhe ulidru vas ta attov Bhe cribs said rats of suaire limbler ta by- poa rapids. Tise tireter vos flata down Bhe river, eventsslty ta racs Qurlire. Save ot tise great rafts vere boIt a vite long. teI 1847, great-grunaifalier Thovon vas appoittra Olide Master of Grand Calamet Islandino tise Ottawa River. Be talai the pousition tor vore Buan 30 yraru, ta lie suc- tirraid by bis sas Williame, vy geandatttr, into van ta rsgn unît tise tant raft ut square tuber cave do Bhe river in 1910. 'ls lise backigrouni. My voter's fonnly attendra one-rovr scismt, toordei Bhe teadien for $45 a year. My oncle Iran tail gvod job. He vent la lise uclivt rartp intoasadvinlrr, and ltheire. He gasi$3o pror. My geonaifallier guI $1 a day for bis governmrno positian as Sîsine Mostor. Pay ceaurai in tise navigation seanon enaird, so tise Master bisdla tevrn au sarit. Thrc vere len in Pre lamîtp. anai teaina visaI cr teard, tbey baid a happy Ille n Bre Istand. Second Scaro As a ciia, 1tuavBrtheodosradog onua billtoarrsooing tse vigbly Ottava, sud van Bhrilîrd. But on 1usaid, viie Bhe farta in Bhe bonis arr intarruling. sîs Bhe lIsole usirus Bas initame tise curiousty. Tise original laviy ut Wfalter Thovson vas rîgist cisildeen. Tbey producrai, avang Bieya, exactly t0 more Tiosnv. Taday, rîglit vigli produce 1l. dans. varrird James Pool. Tisry tad faur chidren. "Suie aisa raisns Jaisuy Raberton." Nov Bherens o utory ta itorl. Wh.o vas Jobeose? Wisy diai sise cuise ien? Wbot becave aI li Jao (Mauntain Jadis) vas a tireter crosser sud a reat bruser in Bhe tamborcil dlaubes sf Bhe tisus. "He isad a terrible trvprr sud van isnavn up anai douro tise Ottawa River as aoserapper." He dirai I91, a prrtty ripe age for o bravr visa aise nred L5 ebstairen in tva varsagru. Catherrine "varrrd George Kevp vta van srry fond oI tiquer". Na allier comvnt, rercpl naming Brier ciadren, vils Bhe lastnis: "Jason vos drainneai u 'Ceunisavsug". Aisolir non. Walter, isad lune cisideen. My geondfaBher William liadt tan. A non James bad eteven. Tise yaungrnl daugstar Janevonustbave ralizrd tisai ee such li good Bhing as Thovuons coulai go fou for, praduceai anty tva. Auyone visa con vullipy cannser viy I tave sa vaay relationv. Tise original Ivo tad grosan ta g0 in tva generoliona. Heaven knaosa v any tise Il praducrai. But I'd rratty tise la ga bacis anai li lu sneoft old-omsîc. They sarre virile inopte in vore vays Ilion one. I Down [s] in this Corner a i i o y d o w o A figure on Mltlon'u Main St. forIS yrars, Bie aid drinising tountain tisaI silo in Iront aI Miltn'sToan Hait vay soon lie vovrd ta a sesa locatior. Rerve Ban Harms talai coanicti lant vers ise ban nove tireas for tiprartag Bhe appearnce oI Bhe lIte parbeiar ai the noulli-rast corner aftie Tovn Hall proparly sud is pions sactude mving Bhe dctahang tountain la Centroviat Pars oor Bhe nUit pondl. 'ibere are savne, of courue, visa vsit oppase Bhe vave supiy because tise fountain Os on instution on Bhe Mata St. Otiber., vyseil îrclîîded, viii laver tise cisange. Crrtainiy Bhe lointain vsi gel vore meai fle trut panai. Anai t litis il aitraclo froav the peasani design ofth BJire Consgan Mevoriat Poumno sabicl sito tesir il. Jusi foe tise lin of il. t toalird up lise itorbe oI lise aid louitain in Bhe fdles of Tise Charripion. dental sud vndscut Itîvas preened tathe taan on May, 28 s'en Gordon Sinclair 189 liv tise Royal Trvptaru of Trvpeace, soiveai firsti n D'est a group satocin ilion, days vas fitig la voler eeducc lise enoumpîsan aI aicobalis' ion in Milton. tarveciges vilisin Bce confines aI Miltan 'b1ei titI pea'issaao a dciniig toîsetas in t. tEtancte, '07 tisv'ientr et fe tiiglit dssae siie ot 181 Maliss St., Milton nise isanace ttilt op o aa e acc nd facgct thcia tis or a a mare paient isces. 'Tse Etiite: I lent nampaîred ta irrite ibiu tetter in support nI Dru. Gren oaid Chaironts suggestion Bhai Multon's voler uupplp te ftaariatra. Hav con asr noanneil t a liocks- isard asutntfiesurb arttr! Boy clin our caunessloru valle suni fonlins, firrespanuile tcotined on Page 13a> Tise lasuttan lias a upsgat tan bamana ta inn, pion o imougs viin bau bren visitra said tingerrai oner liy msuy a o rue teugs- nul Mitn'u biutary. Today, isowver, Bhere arr very fev bornes arnunai ta use il. Bal tse isans ciit Ilire otan ta rojoy a uturp aI coail, cirar MAltou voter. WisrBrr or sut Bhe pubslie Iontata mver bolpeai Bhe Irvprraurr gmoup ita Br baffde ogaisu tise devon ram, revanu lobe uren. But i'ssalelno Bnsy h faunlasa vas sery paotuar, and a velcove gft. Faust tocaird an Main i. riglin Iront af Bhe tao bail bilsding, tl vos clase enoags ta Bhe road tisai a torse coulai stop for o rfrrsing airsik vîtieutlteaving lise eoodvoy. Nesacovees ta Milton vay vonder saiy a borne trougli vas tocatei il frriîfrovBte roadvay-wi iatl rvasinrd ai Bhe roadssde uni May af 19Sf sales il vas voveit lin preneni location la valle cuev lac a caad saidening praîrci. 'the Ctavpion oI 1in9 tells boy a greol nambr uf 'levplarr travn ail purin oftte couoty aurevisina in Milton an a wr 'iuesday in May ta aîtansu Bhe forvai preenlaiso of Bhe lointain la Mayor Samurltîce. The psper osas -Tise foontato is isundnaveiy vodelrd, tas a drsnbsng cup and t ougis, sud vili serve tb quencs Bhe taisi of van sud teast sud ai the ravne lume advertise tise fiae, coai voler rapptted isy tisc Milton vaiervors. adfersarta necsnitiarty oupplied aryviere onte constinent. Wcvi've sucissaeccan ticao)istselter isiv no exeise toc tise ase af inticas aseieies,iaiiislthtoim"pses, mpcaovslsng il, f te,. tal tt ise wooosish la drm5 it. havcdaue vani Ior the proaoioan aI lemprncenaboulstohcisliere can bcnoatvo opinons. An addrus rrad 10 Mayor Dice sud ricilloru by Henry Gray nf Bhe Templars includes Bhe fllasaing: TOWN HALL FOUINTAIN very rapd prgrs...oven 150 hsasesigord Bhe piedgr. Tiseceare, ta inaiscair aur apprctitotof Bne gravis oI public opinion infavar aI Bne principles ve advoata, for Bhe encauragevment ve bave recescra ta prcss isirvard vn our noble inari, ve Bhrey, teaugs you sud Bhe caicloru bece anrevbted prnen Iitoan avatc tountasa ieer, catd vaine toing aar emblesa t A, fcheve tisat mins isba ias' rc Bis taaslais and drninks beati Ira s t' ean faasingwacer vaytoe dtnîpeee eîrîa al]aBlireverages,sandBailtb toiswocrav nvt yrt lien ted ta parlicipae in Bhe sr nI intosîcaling liquaru vay lie Bin revinira af tise -0 i of dutp andi oner depani Bherefrssi. "During the lasi 10 mooBus luithin1 tise "-Wr ondtp abnriss Bhe lapa Bhato total abstinence tram ittavcatssg liquams result of Bhe Pubslie use aI Bhs funasota as Bhe greairul cnmmercial, ittalenlaut nobnsnîy oaid bappinsen viin tcrease taau said moral reonator of narirty liai made tavn."1 n u 20 years 090 Tabou broin tse Issue utfheCasadian Champion, Tlussrday Jaly 12,19O51. Ata ce11 pole galbsered ai Hornby Sali Pari osTharsday , Jaly 5 for the ansuat garden Pacty spousored by tise Haruisy Bail Club Atbailgarveatsefirs feaare of lise ecesing iis tara leais tramn EastTorono tilat teague campeliag. A iunior rodeo van areasg tise allier bîgits ai the veut. Nul superslitious are Milton people. Friday Oie 131b vonîtfaze anyoue brr. taut vers visen the Day uign Ca. vas reptacing Oie sîgn iu tract of Taltzsa's store, tise tadaier on lise sideaîli receivei ncaal attention. Riglil ander i lise stoppera veut, atougi lise regutar fte for thase visa Ooul superstiiaon iu Oie lorrn i odders -a Canof pait-iras riglil atone. William Kasto and Alberct Heyde starei casting figurines tout upri os a tobbsy. Tise last 100 ves suder Oie savne af Mac todastries Oie 'ors bas iseen un dîsptav and sale in Rau Hlarris' store. Blain avec tise ast twa venin bas coul an esîsuatei $10,l00,00l ta agriculture. Tise coutiaued raius bave offensai tant about ail cropo wiB lise beaviesl damnage in boy. Campbettvilte tardaiî club van both gaines ofthIbir double brader ailli Strrrtsvittr au Salucday aflernoon. Tise tome train coasleait10a 15-0 easy viclory in Bhefirsî game bohn dIse mantactul pitbine ut eg Wiltasire. 50 years 090 Talien train the lissue ut Tie Canadian Champion, fibursiay, Jîdy 14,19O21. 'tbsrvrrcury bas bora in Bhe 90fs rvrry day during Bhe last wreek, an il vas in lise prrcedvng vers. Tise afficiai figure aI Toronna yesterday vas 95 degrers. Tisundeestorres in vauy tocatliere predicei for taday by Bhe veaBeran sud lainer taluperatures serem passible. Hirams Tucs, nrcretocy af the Miton uresu, says estioatas toc lise stel arches tare brrr casupîrîrd anai Banc for thc vodsork arerorary radt Buinsgvstll wotegin on Bhe McGitstan toto tougil nove tume ago. Tisepass tint af Bhe narval scbootn care outlBisnsarng. Ainnng tisne wo bave bren granlea insuersin second clas crtfîcales arr lise follovsng Milton candidates: Georgenderson, Myrl Boyd. Flora M. Denyrs, Marion tL Flîsaîl. Madse GalbraiB, Muriel T. trnin, Janet I. Marsallî, Floreuce t. Tuorner Marsall T. Mtoneand Floreuce Watbee. Mssn EdyBhe E. Dewar vas awardeai an intersim landergurtru corîsîscale and Grace A. Sandersan a lirettrai Bhird clans cerlificate. At Bhe Orsuge celtrilo aI Georgetowne an Tuesday, tva tisei, a touer sud a wsartter, bad a lent. Tise one offerei $5 ta aayonr visa coula ntoy vsB bain in Bhe ring for four rouuds, iie Bhe aBher offrd $5 ta oayone visa coulai Brasa lit, catchs as calcs cani. 'Tiey gaI fuite a crovand gaI atong vicrty untl Gordoin Furosa anai George Bucs of Milton chlttngrd lise tva anI vrerge viclariso 100 years 090 Tairn traithissuo TeCaadin Cisampio, Tursdap, Juy 13, 1871. 'tise cainvittcon nîracta and nîdcoalks fias eeninatong snve improO'ements, but a grevateal net reqinres to lc dore An eacsingisorse race funoacae inlthe vnllage ai Nelson or Salurday, iselveen Perabrois o Hrsaoa v- ard C'iarles JarvsGrey Eagle- for a purea of $5f, ball noie bealu, tva in Brrr. -Grey Eagte- sas ictoriu, sasnning tva atraîgl iscato. A spart of bornes betangsng ta Josephs Anderonof Nasnagasaea,.an away las Tburday in Milton, andI caused conniderable encilevenl. Mr. Anderson seai eniseavea sutlthescbornrn. in turning lise corner of Clacliva's Botl, lices lise wagon ai'eloavacantcet,ad dsengagng Bhevocîves ronshed vadly losrn Goav veecsalSi. Mc. Anderson,ate esupise'f eceeyane escaped anisaI. but anc of lise tarses van vry iadty cul. Nîne caca, caerying Narwegian evîigeanlo, con aIl thc leacs ea GeregetowanStation, G.TII, lanlThsday lisci bad jtitasen o'ood ai Bhe Statioan. sud tait only pasucd Bhe rstcs tavart Aclan viser lise ran off. Nat bas sng bult ap ana speait, tbey savcathBe cacu froiv estting dasan lise evisanirent. Na anc van irted. ~1 -I Mq