12 The Canadien Champion, Wedcesday, July 14, 1971 SWEE ByJaaetBralda Moro Shan 2,050 otdeesar "sceopusg" Se prnc sommer, coching cils Il Conservation A sritiies Scrougsoni Ontero In pA gran calted IcEEP (Studenis carhlag in an Enviaimnentai Enisancement Pcegrom). Tisose isigis scisoot andt univocsity sitenis are cncentrating on pars iniprovecesi prajccts, clenup ot pacte and conserva- bi areai, lattes ont river honto; streom unpravomnion pro- jecto, treo ptanting and othor retatod acivihe s. Tise Hottes Reg ion Canservation Autisoriiy is employing 53 isig scisait ant uni- versity students ciSci tise toao caterssots. Entiroty sponuared ri gang ma isy the Ontario floceroment, She prafrani. Ho adminsters duaties. studeoits score isircit iy She Do- chsecs lim etsota supervises partient af Lands andt Fareota tralecto ntons d l Ith e anithe Deparsoont at Energy *'mtty friity" cars hisnself. andt Hesoorcen Management A gradueate ofthSe tour year tisrnugi its Conservation Wîldtiie asd Fisiseries Program AutSorities tranches, ai tise University of Guelphs an a Head ap programt aie yeac toacimg course ai List cen osariseithSe tegmn- Althoioe Teacisers Coltoge in niag f ailie toit operatian for Londton, he plano ta taniser iss SWEEP. AlSanug She aniversity career ai a teacisor ai T. A. stoitento hogan wnrs Jane 14, She illaielaris Higs Ichool le Oais- SWEEP iogrom d14 not get'intn vitle in Septemiser. "I am very fulliswingantil Jalyc5ises She pleaiedoî Shte progress of te tagis scisool siodenta toges cars. Irofram darisg iti tient cees ai Of the 53 total, 23 are higs setmî aitation," saîd Hadley. "t have laisarers, 22 are unlversity very faid toremes ta cars cith. laharers. tise are )anivecsity) Tisey are a sociatae froup, carry toremen andit ree niase Up She She mod aid niaise my jais Sat clerical staff. inucis easier." lupervior Gond Hadloy ot Pienty of carsers ilîtan ns head over She entire "At leaut 200 appiscations oece A GARHAGE DUMP aleng tise roadaide of Enisancemeî Sixth Lino, Nassagawoya is cleanet up isy stsddns are o stadents soorising fer tise summer SWEEP She Departmn (Studonts Workirlg in an Envirosmenta Management. Ceremony opens Kelso Music Centre Kelai Music Centro cms of- Conservatianarea buat plans coco icîally opeineit laiday ottroan altered aid tte teee ceet pilai aiSh opesisg ceremanios teinf projerti s iseistaged at 050.' caoductod on She tan ait Ontaria Schoo tor She Deat ont a concert -Looimf for isarfains? Read aiSh use'Ortard Strin.g Qm05tt She aucihos sale notices in Tise fottoinf at tise scisoot Champion. auditoriam. Bill tatemnia, connoossîooer ot parles in Oakivlie chiared She opening cereaiaaies. Mcs. P. M. Girea F ii if Oahviflo spahe teienly and Oubvîie Mayor McLeaa Anderson declared the tusehion ai Milton otfered a prayer. d e a l A g coup ai 32 yaaig muaiciais troni acrosa Queise aid Oniario cere chosen to taise part in She G A L pdlot proteet. Tise Orford Quartai project, serviof as She tacutty for She centre. mE L FoaniterM president anfouader ofthSe centre hopes She Music Contre ost te aisle ta estaish a pernmanent educotionot cu1tural centre n the aires. Tise centre os csrrenttv canvansiftor core "Tise nced fac She ceotre is cloar. Thore is a gracif deaad for Young tatented strcng players cnhboS amateur aid protemionat KÇ argaiiahans," Mrs. Thompus aid. The Kelso Music Contre cas sa nmcd isevause il oriînally cas tu be heid ait tise Kolso If yota e ,4 NEW IN TOWN and don't know whîch way te turn, Three Special Ki; i F- oisv atoî2v Y-vcs ca/I the sc.îv tise p.'sucv steovg s. ef <ýstrenvotis Nyt o Sviîv .t tle".e cVord~UUIuI s oatci tisa card cne eso its araucit t) a spooil ompound anit teck ot ruisis n idwll MRS. BEV GISSON cisecicals. This itouble a Hostess 878-3447 ecoues tisat tise steOts Wht carde wiii ise ceedItitco lcseparasiy isaliet Luip tagetiser. to pu it Progruno) proframt. Tise mptoyod hy tise HRCA Ihrough cal ai Energy and Resoarces --(Staff Photo) Four houses Four residenhiatpermitsowere îssued in tise Towship ot Nasaugaoeya durinf the month of Jaie birgng She total value ai perndts for 1971 ta $486,.. At tlas taie tant year pecauts for She year totsled $4M,695. Tse fosuc residentiat pecnots oece cotued at $91,000. ids of Strength: t .good 3 The iteod g action. 1ts made Of " wras FirestOoe's unique plie teait ruhiser " bait formuala calloit Sap- ap thec R 'taI Becaase 1110 nu Oct a super tnuois. Tise îaI ni of nodern istaiteit cee yna treait design gives st. y00 a gao iu 19on the eai. tyou milesAaheadl HRCA employs 53 students ikes sweeping improvement ceceivet tor lise 53 jobs avallast ait the HRCA tis some, Haitiey notait " We coco pleane ails tise reoposse ta tisa prafram." Appranaoalely ose 1hi4 ofthlie stuitents tareit tisaufis HRCA are fis. They ccive tise saine toiviieges as the mate employeeo and musticear lise Departsent af lhghcays' cefalation oulfita, tise saine as tise mes. "Ttere's no omen's lîheration la tiss aperatian," ise sait. Tise DItO outfila Induite wMite 'boss" hardisats, orange florescent vesta aits tise SWEEP mais manaframmeit across tse bac'k, heavy ity oatoty isoots i wtach tie stadesshat ta supply tiesecves) ont hoavy mens wars gloves. Paynscale Actual carkisnl tise conser- vation pacisandt lands tegan lis weeh, cis lise full work farce. All taharers andt tise clorical office staff receive $2 aa hoar far Soeie efforts in a 40 isoar sceoi. Tise tive anîversity teremen ini charge of the fice icari crews are paît $90 and the sapervisar receiven $t100 a weeb. Eacis conservation depactinen cithin Ontario has tacei 1,0t0 stuitents andt received $1.2 millhon ta caver She cait of caf es and equipaieat. Thivs soei She crews have en huilding gahion haskets toc crasios cintrai ai Sinteen Vaaley Conservation Airea, cleasi ap raadsides andithSe shaceinesofa Mauntsiserf Reservoir anit scoriai on a developmest plan and an isistarical repart in tse Milton Filu affie. As Weal, She gcoup have iseen wcaciio on She cleaning sout and reconstruction of a small dam en lînteen Mile Creek. Tise cars bas invalvet tise facbcg oi honho le places aiSh smal canccete staho. bsuitdisg weirs i damns on an ang le") ta deftect tise caure aI She water aid redore tise rate oi cassott and building siep-dams cis large stones ta increase She osygecatiov of She caler. Clean roaitslies Mr'. Hadley espiaine thSe touc main aspects ai Sweep individuatly ..,"The roadolite cleaesilp involves tryinf ta remove any flagrant caste pcohiems on publhc lands and wiîSin tise watcrshed," ie salit. 'lie students go iat thisel ciy donimg their DHO oatfits anit pouttiaifspdIWEEP aigna alangI appraaciin matorlatn. Tise fraup then tt patrola She road- aides, picitg op itier aloi dis- cordait garisage and boait itt trocks. Tise HRCA SWEEP profram reroivei t ree Fard trucks tram She Fnrd Motor Company ai Canada. Ford sappsoithSe Ontaria governimest aiSh 90 isrand sec 1971 Fard trucks for She sunimer bxafrano. soiS a rotait valoe of $275,iNO, She trucks are aIl paintet white wiSh She SWEEP emislem le green. als involvedin l tise roadalde cleanup, Mr. Hadloy osplainet tisai if tise stodents nsooli stamisle apon a paivote domp ar junisieap, Shey cdl soggost ta She oonr a cleanup of bsis gachage. -Tise otuionte scit alan niaise a poin ta soffeot tisat asaoul thSe oasor nat cant ta dlean it 09, Shey cill do ai if Shey have tise aI tte end efthSe ounsier'o prafrani." Provoal waule "Tise atreani impravemont; pcofrain," said Hadley, "15 priaiarity ta proves t masse cml 0fg of streani hatek. By Shis ce mean ta slow don eresiai and reniavo old retuse f romn otorevor She streani crosses public laads." His oxplanation included tte bsuitdingf the gabioni(lrge cie basks tilloit wiSh teavy stases), bsaskets ta belpi staitie She steom hante. "Tise omnal deflecter dans," ho ciaisnoed, "are ta prateci She erodcng tests and smnall stop- dams impravo lise axygen cntant ofthSe caler." Tise unpravoment ot purhlasds sIthe tird aipect of nie asocE' prafrani. Enamplea ai She prafram induite the clearing at seconservatian praperties aucis as te clearingof HitanFallsand She prapased clearing of oSher AuShority lands. Fitucatin ton "ieeducatiaaal aspect o She remammig pragron She studenta are cancentratiof an," hoe aditeit "To maise Soeireomplaymont an educational exporieace, tise students cdl cars ciS AuShority staffin w ildîlte, torestry, plannmfg aid conservatian ac- Livissnclas talaafpart ina profrom etf taurs and fuesi speaksers." 'duo ai part at theie soamaer employmniot prafrani, tue development~~~ pla, (ef to r9it, ii workn nMtonetr teesa Maa MorgunavRSD Yf Oakviile Plii au ri otIt ie a ia (SafPoo sammer." Aaîde tram the regolar SWEEP praaramn Mr. Hadley also poted oat Soat neyerai otadeata are con- ceahfatinf on SWAP IStudent Woriag Afamost Pollution) pro-I ject in tise Moahoha area this "There's juot no mach tor evecyone ta do," hie conclacdled. with a FREEZER from RICHARDSGN'S ST.V. & APPLIANGES You Win Twice. fil ou in hen ou UY ou in Whesn You Save on You Rihns Loc Price 2, Y:ur Fo04 Bill Every Week. Uuy Now on Easy Budget Torms or Use Your Chargwex RICHARDSON'SI""&Wl, FASHION CRAfT SUNGLASS ES Nst244 Su rJFAILI FI811018 J 228 Main St. Milton, rose s n~~t5St 220 Main S. E. Mitn 878-6341 SOMMER JEWELLERT BROOCHESRI EARRINGS 2.50 rO ROPES to 9 9 SELRITETHUWOPEN AND FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. 1oaMan St. Milton -Dily 9a.c. to6p.o. Suc Col acnd Chaise LoCne Rg RAIN COVER "c 79 RECORDS e tk 90g FLUSH-A-BYES Toddter - Mediumo or Newborn 1 TIIORSDAY NIOHT ONLY AT ELSLEY HRmc WOMEN'S SANDALS MAL F PRIGE 250 BARTLETT'S Main'ccccoc,î" 878-3501 I k' 201 Mai, St. E. Milton 3708-894 1~ 1~ i 0/ OFFFILMS AND NEGATIVES 10% OFF tlet h.r. tor Ieovlopimg and Pri.tng Ticursdae Ntgiii Onto Ai MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC dcàâmumA t in pro aaaal i Msilton file H aaggeo seater Flues accont mnform Milton letters ta 'iseo isefore off in a ise cisc up Wilt tluoridt supplie! unsapp, a varie have ar Soeir c "ýexpert anme ta Haltan Offioer made i stffeoh Newrs For tisa from re, Soeir ho But po complat Here's i Ose c muny el bightsafu dangeroi tako rosl home ch soant a sommer, Other the diffic ente Mai Commerf Sions. COL shooet pla heen fin. in the disi sunlight Ontario S botter off St. tram 1 streets. V St. soiS t) She front S'afhic is Chartes a She main Sameai parked or Main St. soits cars St. there i! cars te pa ho banned Earlier Couoril r 0 u aUP Il ppOO inlarmed ai, intarmed. C LLsulosbc' benefit or c licol ic fei', this praîcli Mayor h ssf festing ni ShataOne stop votera' eati infaroi ci Floordaif maoy yearo moasare. hl scater. it due stin itento cavities. TI