a The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, May 19, 1971 Okay survey senior home Ontario Hoasing Corporation has agreed ta ttte talana ceqacat ta carry ont anotlter îurvey of senior citizen tosoaing snda it Milton. Snchta surveyaeaotd lie taen as a few mantits, OHC sarvey nmanager Peter Leptk asfarmed ooncd thia oneet. Caurici asked for a neas surney an tise recently opened 36-sait senior citinons aportinent buidasg on Ontario St. o tatil and tisere tsa long wailing lofa persans taalang for thal typ of accommodation. The admanstralian office at tis taon tint wostd lie reapensitile for pntiuiciig tise sarney and mtaiting sot norvey formas ta nil hosolda se ton where senior estizns lice. Almost 30 snub refund on licences Ctose ta 30 fisermen tinte mcrrendered ttieir onelein t97t angling licences and sent them ta lse Dnaios (loeramnent asking itemoney te tarned ater ta ttie Department af Landsannd Farents. Pool Canion, n meenter of tise Hatan Sportsmen's Associntion, orgonized the compaîf n ta tmep the ton for licences mn operatian. He and tas asociation feet tise money mas needed tiy ttie deparsaentansd as dasng agmod joti. ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACKC B. Coin., R.f.A., C.A. Ctiortered Accoutrannt t43 Main St., Miltan Ptione 87"5642 ALUMINUM- ALt3MINUM Windows & Doors GLASS and REPAIRS IdOBIL PAINTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITED tl Pulton St. 878-.9452 Betiind Brian Seat Renlsy. 21 o-tf CUSTOM BUILT ALUMINUM WINDOWS. DOORS AND) AWNINGS monte tiy WEATHERIGHT ALUMINUM CO so cotilsosion stiding doars. Speciatiaing in Frencti donrs. FOR FREE ESTIMÂTES Colt 3runo Casarin 878-2223 -ssring tise pasl wonti Miltan OPPmiveatignted only fnac matar veiode collisions tint the four nccidents rloiimed lina lites and injured fine atliera. No repty has been received ta a o-Accident prevention officers ltuer sent aaking that fislon fm the PP Detoctiment office ticences te contioued. The letter mn Milton visited Pinevien Poublie mas sent ta Premier Witliam School ta gîve lessons an tiike Davis. safety. rhumbh Servkres CHSRCH OF CHRIST Ni. 5 Sideroad anod 4ll Lise Trafalgar hOliDAY, IMAY 23:-A, 1971 10.00 s m.-Bible S 'cInas. Classes ýfor ohl ages. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worshipl. 8.00 p.m.-Freaetig of tlie Gospel. HIGHWAY GOtiPEL CHURCH A local assemnbly of FThc Feviocoslal Assemnblies oi Canada Waklefivlol Rd. aool Hory 25 Milton Fcvlov; Rot M. Christessen Tel. 870-2064 THE LORD'S DAY hl.\DAY, 7oAY 23rd, 1971 9.45 a.m.-Stodav hohool. 11.00 a.m.-orniog Warslsip. 6.00 p..Famih, Pravton 7.00 p.o:.-Iloening Evanget. ist Serice. Toicodis Bible Soody, 7.30 Fiidi:, 8 potý Young F îlot 37, verst 4 - Com- msit tho uicciii the Lord. Tfi ifs i.. Hîîsî. ccd Ht BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESETTEBsAN CHURCHES Masîsier: M. s' a l BA, o B.o. 878-4428 SI ND.Shi 2h3,dI, 1971 Oot0 Serice 11.30 ., iii 9crhp Servive A cordial initiaiontis caiencdo aIl. SI. PAOL'S CHURCH cf THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Maît Si. ai James Si. Misister: Oct C. A. Hainer,OB.A,BD. Du-gacu ,i and Cor Leader. Mcc. Harod Magre SUNOAY, AYO 23rd,, 1971 11.00 .ot Worship Serri ce Ciii::: pcec0ici R,%, Fi c t.., U i I CHUR(H SiZHOOL 9.30 a.m.-Suday Setinl fac cildamn,9 yenc &-avec, liSa.-00 hc \..rciv THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON BEAUTY SALON CARPET CLEANERS The Latent Fastiios in Sîyîing MILTON CARPET and PconSaaei Waraing & Tinig PHL ER JMESN Haiepirves - WigsEietn UFHORLFREE ESTIMESN Sales and Settitigs open Daity 9 a.m. - 6p.m Pleaso Cali TSars. & Ft4. 9 O.m. - 9 pa.. SALON CAPRI 8837 133 Mois 878-31 7837 21o-tt BICYCLE REPAIRS Brownie's Sporf Shop 150 MILL STREET Bicycle Repairs - Plats, Spolies, Wticels Tcaed 3, 5 amd I0 'peed tisa repaies 878-4602 21v tf 21v-t CAR PENTRY A 1 CARPENTRY Roc. namras lterattons homes, acd painting panis BOOKKEEPING No job tas, large or ia. HILL'S BOOKKEEPDING SYSTEMS 420 Pion Street MILTON, Oni. AIýl types of Income Tas cspeiOly proparedi Caîl Anytimoe 878-9762 21c-tf Ail wsacl gsacanteod. 416 -826-1703 2c DEAD STOCK REMOVA, PACONI ~Dead Stock Removal LIMITRO iOf dead or Aisahîrd Cattîe 1 ad Horses. BRICKWORK and ! Phoane 1416) 692-4421 Sinbok MASONRY Liv. No. 299C71 1 21 o-f P RIE S 1 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION O.R. 1, Camptieltnille, Ont. ToI. 854-2672 BRICK and BLOCK, WORK G. SMITH 634-0186 Rai. Johnt M. Motrav. 21s-tf Oi-gani.i: Mrs. L. Vlasblom. 511I. MýAI 2346, 11^ CARPETS & DRAPERIES 94 o .-tir OýIlStd 9.45 ici -Sr. Chori.h Sebiol. DRAPERY 10.50 a ot-Jr. Chorcb Sehsool. 11.00 ii oî-Mornisg SOorshlls. BROADLOOM Sermion lopi, FPeter 12) The Trinit. of a Mat. * Residesltial 11.00 a.it lotic lovaiiotics. * lodosirial 7.30 p. ot lass Peoote's * Commercial Society. Ready made Draps in tck.l MILTON GOSPEL HALL For Customo Service 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME Cliristoavo gaihrd in the APFO1NTMENT camre ci the Lord Jens Cbrist. SY ER S Lord's Day 228 Main St. 678-2067 hi. 104, MAY 23ed, 1971 21v-ti 10-30 a as -Bresing ai Bread. 12.le p.m.-Sndsy Seoal. 700 pas.-Gospel Seot"to. IWO Erin ltcieedan. 8 pas. - Pro oer aood Bible rcading. mon kIlIed Atarc tooloome ho these Fc h va a fsi . ut Norval iteiii.l lil, ilirogb icoss Tins E coi msena noe iled Chistc c>e Loid. Rom. 6: 23. Friday nigtt asten the cor ta asticti ttey asere riding cnreened GRACE ANGoutofîcontrai and strorti n tron on GRC NLICAN CHURCH Hsgtiay 7 neor Narval.' Milton, Ostio.s Wilson tirett, B, and William Retor: Ses. R. W. Pvsîe Carpenter, 30, ied insantly is Assîsiacoi. Canot F. H. Masso the crosti. Ttiree ottec passongers in the neticle more ijored and sent ta tospitol. SUNDAY, MAY 23rd, .1971 Milton OPP mtveatigntod. Svalac ilofter Atcosiasn 8.00 a.m -Htly Communions. Robert Donc, B8,of 0.R. 2 Ern 9.30 a as -Jo Cboecb Soal. as toton ta Toconto Western 9.30 a-i Eu oariso Hospstol as sersans condstion, and Srmon. sofforing fcont a fractocid <tati o.o5 a..Sronuc Sho and internai injuries. IL70 am-Mic anA Serlous injuries Ecro, DaviA Metenlf, 32, of Erna nd Thoîrsdav. Ma: 20, Ascension F)red Vonousecti, 41, more ad- [)-.. 10 .2m. Holy asieA tb Georgeton Diotrict C.oIUotooa. Mernorînt Hospital. Mr. MetcaSf las Are Ahocys lone At sffered riti, tact and tend Grave Choreti injuries OsIle Mc. Vanousecti sustamned a fractuced pelvis and EMMANUEL RAPTIST CHURCN lg aijtres. Commercial Street, Milton lTse incident occorred setite the 878-9606 878-3542 groop meona temr nay ta mort (ciii Spealier: a toe American Notars plant in Rv GM"',ci ..... Bramalea. R, v ý TE. A \tBoîuth. aof thedeceased men were R .hAl narried wtllfaitirs. Tht LrA Da Driver niurt hihADAY, MAI Y23i9, 1971 A total mon nos also inotned 9.45 a.m.-Olile Samo. mnollision 606- a tron on Siolti 11.00 a.ns.-Moarni Wraltip. LNlassagnnsoya, north of Base DRI VING SCHOOL AI DRIVINIS A 1SERVING MILTON DAY or EVENING 827-1775 DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS ,,,JZI,,-Tp, in dry I000o voaraosceA dry cleaoosq MILTON PLAZA Milton - 878-2972 21v-tf ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITRO e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e FAEMS & HOMES e ELECTEIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Chartes Si. Milton 878-9513 - 877-5795 21v-tf NORTH OAK ELECTRIC for - Parm - Homeî * Industry ELECTRICAL WIEING APPLIANCE SERVICE 1POWER TOI 26S 9 Manit-omory Lone, Milton Iielsind Ratans OrAoc Office) Rocidence: 07813632, î78.961 878-3735 21-sI FARM SERVICES COMsPLETE ELECTEICAL & MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS & REPAIES "Yonor Jamesvay DenIer" Poweor Chosing Rqnipment for Poltry - Hng - 0060 - Dairy Esxcllent Ventilotin Systemas CALL 853-2100 Rural Mainoenanco Service Free Estinsaten - Na Obigatian zi-et DIAL 878-2341 FOR RATES N o of , ui i c 1 3 INFORMATION -. ..-o ,, , oootft.isttan non onnmjsrcd mmmn lio 11.00 a.m.-Kiodergarten and 'Lot as enter islciHss 1 : ftcralnlltacnI FOR THIS SECTION Plimary Oepartmet, ages vAf the Losrd socS thamtsgiving a 0-ce. 4 - f. and issa His Courts vt Damaagctothecatombilc was 0F THE AU Welome proise.' estimastefi t *M<. CANADIAN CHAMPION FINISH CARPENTRY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS REMODELLING ROC. ROOMS MILTON LAWN and KITCHEN CABINETS GARDEN SERVICE VANITIOS Landscaping - Smoding ARSOITE OTINERS Seeding - Rotatlllisg ARBOITE OUNTRS 0E WILSON 3344 Main St. W. CLIFF BARNES 878-9070 878--9135 21v-if FLOOR aind WALL COVERINGS Broadloomn - Tiles Shoot Vinyls Ceramic Wall Tileti Vîsîs or Stioasoasm as Rear of 123 Thomas St. Milton orColt for Free Homo Appoinfmonl and Esîimafo K. W. CLEMENT & SON PHONE 878-2194 Miltsa 21v-tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS MKERSIE Fîtorra Home LiA. G* O 114 Mai St. Milton Our ttt year Af hseil, 878-4452 21v-tf FURNITURE REFINISHING LARRY D. PHILLIPS PURNITIIRE REPINISEIING Paint & tansish tri pped tenen antique & modern foroitore. Rolinistiing, chiairs revased Pick-up and Delitery L.R. 3, Miilton 87&-2243 21c5Of GENERAL CONTRACTORS ORNERAI. BUILDING CONTRACTOR. e Eemodedling *Alteerotiona *Nom construcotion GER DE WILDT 878-3534 21tt RAY OLAN Building Confroctors Ltd. SNEW HOMES *RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS 854-2263 21v-tO ED MCMULLEN Conalctor e Cem.ent Fînoors Sideotalli & Stoops e Cisnuey &Plasterivg ROtsOirs 0 StucoWorh e Piropoons Phone Acton 853-1818 21v-tf Excavafing - Trenching Jao Deoe Frocs End Loadter Oavlhoe GORD DOWNS Oscoor Oporstod 125 Oeil St., Milton. 878-9451 2lv4 KENNELS MOUNTAI NVIEW BOARDING KENNELS AIl domvesti. animais lodividual oitdoer ris Ecellent vive Spcci.l helil.î it %Dii pil kp îou, 1m,: 7.518 GUJELPH LINE 878-9466 21v 58 LIST VOUR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION 0F THE CHAMPION le-t f PAVING B EW AR E 0F UNREPUTABLE PAVING CONTRACTORS We advsse you for yossc mmc prmoction, ta cou the PAYES ASSOCIATION Isetiac sigolsU amy nonîroot seita ny mE- Ofly. Foc Oron estimates mithont obiligation, pîcoas col MISSISSAUGA ,PAVING CO. LTD, Pinaneisg atailaale. 878-9305 île-tf ASHPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS and PARKING LOTS Foc Pree Rat-ias CALL 634-1321 RUDDOCK PAVING CO. LTD. 2238 Harosld Rond BURLINGTON 21-f LIBRARY HOURS Monday - Wedmesday 12 Non ta 1:30. Toesday - Ttiursday P riday 12 Nasa 10 5:30. 6:36 la 0:00 plu. Saturday 10:00 o ns. ta 5:00 pi.. 2Ic-tf MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Tova Cleri and Toaurne Inspectnr of Buildings, lumlsig, Trenches Planning Boardf Comenitton of Adjastent Towen Osupeintendens 878-4151-2 & 3 Semvane Plant & Woctca Yard 870-171 Pire Departmint Police Depactment 870-561 878-6969 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. OnIy OPTICIANS H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Opticiens 6007 TRAPALGAR ROAD Ocisancin Rond as Drsoonqula Weetdays, 6 pon. to 10 pi. Weekends, 10 ans. la 6 pi.. oty appointsont Tel. 878-3944 Ocolistis Rx's pcomptly tilled 2Ic-tf OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. MILTON - 184 Main St. 878-3673 Tnesdays and Pcktnya ACTON - 54 Milt St. E. 053-2520 Wedaoodcays and Satordayu Residenao phtone 870-9678 PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Controftor INOIISTRIAL - RE.OIDENTIAL INTERIOR -EXTERIOR Coll ove for Foee Estimates, 878-6137 os 114, Milton. 21v-tf SWIMMING POOL CONTRACTORS, GEM SWIM POOLS ,Expocrise viSs fsnqty nasM lSlalSaOSOa cuonte CASA. 845-3701 "N'" 2ln-Kf TALRING PAI6 MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHTîS MEN'S WEAR 202 Oin Street PHONE 878-4472 21c4 TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE Hanse wreoking & <ce plaalisg Alaiz rensaa of tes Pnll' Insorcal Phone 1-519 -853-1010 ACTON 21046c J & J TREE SERVICE PEREH ETIMEATES Tron trimnaisg, Csatig anal Remoaval Dead ima Our SsseciaisY 519436860 519-24-486 21a7 UIPHOLSTERY MILTON N. UPHOLSTERIN Nonnoned nd operatcd lsy Lore Aerthor NooPhono 878-9094 R. E. i Matton " E-aaplonlstecy " Auto tant * Uphtetrlsny nleaning * Csntm foalt Isarnituce " Pree pick-up and detiver. .21usd WATER HAULAGE WATER HAULAGE ELVIN COWAN 166 Evstiiswnsd Cres. MILTON, Onit. WEED EXTERMINATOR DICK VANDENBERG Weed Control Phone 878-3959 21c4 ROOFING 1 WELL DRILLING MITCH'S ROOFING and EAVESTROUGHING Speciaýiiig in rocfing and gascral repaîtra. Steel mark en baorns. FRER ESTIMÂTES 853-1009 - R.R. 1, Acton 21046 PLASTERING & STUCCO1 SEWING MACHINES Plastering & Stucco AIl Types of Stsacas Nons Plater, Repoirs, Cave Coiltaga Aldershot Pîasfnring Co. 878-2016 214m PLUMBING Glenn Richardson FLUMOING CONTRACTOR Residantia and Industriol Speciaîizing in NEW INSTALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS and REMODELLING 634-2945 2-t Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE R ENTAL PHONE 875861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin Street Serces and eopais on .1llmtes of seng machsias lIc-gi SMALL MOTORS SERVICE & REPAIE Lot Ut Service Your: homtile Cain Sou Ostboard Mator Matomcycle Lesos Mmmce Sos Bloseer Ofotosnzed Gardasn Equipnenl Winforizing & Sforing MILTON MARINE & SPORTS 25Commnecial St.,lilam 878-6521 210« e CLEANES s, DEEPENRO MILTON WELL BORING Maorcel Petalor - 878-8852 210«l WELDING SPEYSIDE Portablo Welding Service Free sRtimtates Commercial - Industrel W,' KAMMINGA R. R. Na. 1, ACTON Plane 853-2438 WROUGHT IRON " Railings--Inloor & Outdsoc * Gais " Esans Divideco CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL. HE&RD 250 Martin Sf., 878-6853 8 41à o -tf.F 3 ai 'p 1h ni LF R i H Ws vA ta ho Pri ne a BAYN Ontasa tirts *ander, 7.05 n. BSOI JO St. lIhe ti 7 ibs., Hospit PRENK > ptien af RR ta nn, tEs., 7k' Hospits grandel Mr. anx HANSE llanos nounce 8 Rns. Hospitl Hanc as. MAY- 3, Rocks Timotiy f oaa., a pisol on faivils aif w&eih 7 ton Dint 17, 1976. YOUNG Yoaerg -girl Taont 13 non., a ftf on Mi Tracy. CADBERI 'Mr. aes ceonti Ca I3OWNS - 'Mca. fD SE,. t, Fi focalsesmi daugsfter, Dams se mes A. Di ding tu t day, lune Unaited Oti p).1 VU-BEL"S Thie tact Snassrced siekîn, dos sinide of C James Val Wtieeler, f George W Iretaad. W as St. Pet Ians, Selle CLEMENI- i<rinoess on Pa4dny aires Jentiin E. Bradfar towtir of f Michanel ans Flosseffeldt) lentiinson o lentinson c îod Betty ( t. Cadarin ix grandols Posera a Oonday as Sorats, -Mit rgron c IYSPATRIR Of Waftell. loy 13, 197 isict4~ Hm! at., in, ls INelson Pi sec ao f Met scielle 15fr odtiel (Mr apella; ion -;Ptyllis i esiita-I, Sas cIEtelyn nenilton;d anak4sildre stty Wanso tickE and Leslie oad ton Distri edStnesa ir istsand csf Ë lsm; dons- -le May, Osertson of PuiseraI soc <loy et thse me. leen :tecy, BiSsa PHOTOGRAPHERS Larry G. Smifh N.F.L.P.A. Genceal Phsotogpt PHONO 878-83 BAponaet21M-f PIANOS - Tunîng and Ropairing OAKVILLE PIANO SHOP 305 Clareti St. ns eynolds Oairvile Pianos toasol and onpnirnd. Speciatizing in gond recanfit- ioned pianos. Cati PETER LASODER 84946671 Open daity uscl 9 pe. 2Ic-st PRINTING " BROCHURLES e PUBLICATIONS a BUSINESS PORMoS * WEDDING STATIONERY A ooplete Dette ad Prouctiona Service 878-2341 - , Dilîs PrInting & Pubîishing CO. Ltd. 191 Mais St., Msiltan. 2104st