4 The Casodias Champion, Wednesdoy, May 19, 1971 Elimpoi Haimilton puts fire out C'lville wins opener MILTON MAYOR lian liest spesies tise 1971 isorcer session evesing. The gosse mai played ut Milton District Iligis SciseeL sesti on officiai spenssg luclssff mises Msilton Atosos boed ta Miltons lakes port in lte Hslton-Peei Serrer Association. - Georgetown in the tinst gosse of tise sesson last Tuesday (Staff Photo) Voteras Harry Hussiltes, stortisg bis weonlielis puai of Halis County Senior esespetiliso casse ta ta reliai of rookie Peter Roberin th1e taurlis =sis tit Saiday aid cbalked ptslrtvietily ni the 1971 cocopoigs. Hamilton allowed but aie risus is ie aid one Obird iintgas hiesteanscamie on ta sein by a 10M score Hie walted lise aid istrucitout six. Pets Rtoberts, msaaiig is lrIaearanco abave the sssdge leisae grn losie He altwduvo ii ta ýn lbre ai sLd isnngs as he stroco-out tise, oiatbed one andbhita baller wbite givlng op 10 lti. Over te tiraI lisree tings ta beld Waterdooii to onse rai. Went six AI liopitois slarted for Wataidown and was reieved by Neil Dodesan is tbe slstb. lieteon tbass they atlowsd 10 riais off 10 bita sele otritang-out asese, walking elgbt aid blitaig one batter. Walaidoses tank a 1-0 tend ta the lirot. 19110 Mo out and assai ai tirot, singles by Lorlslngeui aid itroa prodoresi the taity. Casspheiliie cosse back it ielr baifttallkea hree toi oelead. Long and Andrewis oialked, Dredge singled in ose rois aistser scsred on an lnfield ai aid tbe tard on Ray Tosethis single, MePhail beaners ta tbe hollsss af tbe ttard Casspbeitlle scored three algata ta, eake iO 6-i. Laiy MePhail opeoed the tanise wlth a basse- rois. Loris Zagn o eieos - w-ae gio bta i sore a twobase er b lie Waterdossn cenr basensi er tan rd aa on ibseeria Oyh sesred on Deug laisg's siisgle. Waterdsown's big bilsig was lise fourts wen tbey scwred Mxa riais ta telle a 7-l ead aisd drive Roberts fros lise nsound. Pblhips nd Stai BalOey inugled and bath iscored on liorswski's double. Roberts tho rosme u lhM strike.outs bat lion it a ballai.r Miba Baileysstaouble dreveit M nore and Oben Ales I.ocbitais bit a trensondoon bame-ron over the centre field tonco to scsre two nore aid Hamsilton camse tatO put out lise lire. In tbe suolis Waterdssen scored gittaake a" M ead. Miba Ba=ystge tei oipen lise imisng and thon lbree seaiba forced i lise rai. Coise alive ta Ose battonso stheb stl the showers. Pelle Andress oçiened the intag witb a watk and went totblrd and Ebner Dredge's double. George Chester's stagle drove ta batb ruisiers and Mc- Phasul'iswalk pusbed Chester on tei second £romn sbere be scored the tasrtb rai o thlie tonai;g on Fuggoi's dsuble. Melaley wilbha double uand Mwo sinsgles led lise Waterdown attack. Waterdowis bittera Wilon bit tbree singes, Lotagbi amre ad slege, l<tagaid ooei dbled s Eae Drde doubled d siole . eglogssgeMi, bled Fod Pete AnLeois Drge gset, Ra singled.Do Le Foothotes Agoist tbe telt-basded pitcbleg of liyntais aid Dodon, ssanager Earl Camses badl aib; rigbl bandedt bitters inta lie 0 up. Fans ai probably son a great vuriety of ]e upstbta yes as Cuises uttesspts te evaluate aid sert sout ai snPrecedssted ssssbec of 25 ptaYers. Allisougb lise mnser sauonwldy lise unspOeuvse mnanager, ith on eye te lise fture, wants o taue a longtlonkut ailoolisess To doltis it is baped te arrange oisse exhibition gosses oiltb juvenlie aid junior tenos bot eseantisse soeeisoveb coterai stars ill be nitling ot lise odd gossne. Canspbellvlle's eut; bosse 2.1s.lishPreos poid lise oppsitlion. sesserilses îwoaots01-8 13 4 Canpeitle oSeas0-10 10 2 Wuserdsesl isuysts, Dodmn (0) ail Loosiauai < n> su1tis, drdes (6). BRIEFS -Use Csamspbas classileds 10 bosy, seit, ront, ltre wr onnossice. -Firat sueburen of theesone bave beon reperted. Danages tatailed ili Maiday see crs drivest by Dunrai Keissa ut 150 Ontarli St., and] WlUlass Dredge af R.R. 3, MUtas esthided at lise entraise ta Miton Plasa. Neisher of lise drivea seere isjured. ILTONATOSocer players gethaif tisse instructions fron lste tihe second half. Thse club test tiseir opeser ta Georgetows cach Peter Hssgaars (riglst) whbie tac manager Jiss i-O ai lonr District Higit Scissol grssstta.-<(Staff Phosto) Wasleos stands by, ready tigive the tan a boot os tisey lseod Jae Sortai. George Duecis, Sirves fSwai and Jas Cauplassi (ail transtae Mitas area) vil ta aisaso the athietes represesliitg Gstario Sebail for the Deaf in Miltos wtas Usey isost the second assual Istersaional Ganses for the Deaf fit lise Mtltos sehool 13 Halton sc track and fi< About 60 Milton District Higis Sctaot athirtes conspeted vils lrackasdtfield eslries frons tise 13 Aùgisocisools an Haltos Caunty wIra lisry set yroterday ins Hamiîlton aI McMasler UJmorrsity toc tise Hallas tracis and field mccl. Tise top tour is tise lrach eoests ansi top six fOm tIr field eveots suti go as la Hallas-Peel conspetiton May 2D aI a mccl la esrly orsI esosth. stituted in 1970, ibis essilaiosal frack eseet draws studruots fron seltail for the drof in Michigas asd Newe Yack tafe aid the lo sebaia for the deaO in Otario. The eel vîli gel underway ai ta ans. Jase 5 oad hools in .Ild meet ta held is Etahîcoke Stadtons. Fred Stevess, niso heads te psysical edocafios staff at Milton Higis sas cosseser for lise Haltas -It's asy toplace awast ad in Chamotn ctassifieds. Jmst dial 870-2341 and a courteoss ad-lober oil assist yoo. osoît cotoinsate vols a isanquet tisaI evrsnsg. 1li5 esepetiters Last year a total of 165 deaf olisletes bahk part wilh the Casudiai Irais defeatisg the Ansericas Irans in bath isoys', and girls' esents. This year a greater nusshrr of participants and greaier csnspetii in ait age classes ts espected. Trsch and field As one ot te sports in which the deof rai conspeteons equai footing wils the lsewnsg. Rainers oialch tsr the flash andi sesoke Irons lte gai cotiser thoas isstening tsr the sousd, but in ait sther aspects the rules aid prscedsres are the sasse. Gver the paît yesrs the students Orons bath sebails ta Ontario (Belleville aid Milton) have wns high school chisunspships in their urcos ugais srbaila of comsparalive They'r. HEREI 1 TRAIL BIKES Ey Bombardier Ail set frtion tan d happy msiles aiscod these Trail Ois aturea 50 c 2 toke cgîone witsfour gears. iSeethese nswand hiosefor sprisg and someiOr. iSoggested PARTS AMI SERVICE AVAILAILE MAIN & POT NOW OPEN AQUARNUSDIIGSRL 358 MAIN ST. E. MILTON Experienced Training by Prof«slonal lestrucfues TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER Lessons for fist 10applicants $5.50 sari sieur. Regular rate 56.50 PHONE 878-6725 FOR APITET Four locals participa te in 1971 annual games INTERNATIONAL OPENING VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MAY 24 FIA TURING:- Della Woods-Chargr Hawaian-Charger Northwest Terrors-Whipple & McCulloch Mike Burkhart-Camaro Larry Arnold-Kingfish Barracuda Jungle Jim Liberman-Camaro GATES OPEN- 11:30 a.m. TIME TRIALS-1:30 p.m. ELIMINATIONS-3:30 p.m. LOCATION: HWY. NO. 7 & 5th UNE EAST OF ACTON-NEAR GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO GENERAL ADMISSION '3.50 UNDER 12-FREE