Protect the senses is themne for Fair POSTER CONTEST WSNNRS ia tise classfor 4-H club membera wifls a poster ou competitiS spsoedibYlfallan Fana fety seearingearmuffsn thse tractor; Davitis coa CMouCi woere Stepse Stanley, 12, lotit, ati bis fthe Open class for public urisool atutienla for langlsor Davli Stmnley, 10. Stepison woan tise empbaaizimg eye afta. -<-Staff Photo) Hornby Trees, plants auctioned by Hornby church women Bp fime. JlnmIiltona Tise Rorths Trafalgar Esche, Club iseltti feir seoebty ecis party on Saturtiay igist, May 15 ai tithe Rorths Trafalga, Recreatios Contre. Tisore seere Si tables of esebre insplay seius us 10gb prinoa being aseartiet 0S flocing cinnr, Mes. Clane Wion, Mru. Geralti Tonoycise hfrs. Guy Bunsei cnl Mm. Frac Peacci. Wjnseru for tisa genttemen sere Wilbeet Ris, Huroldi Rooti anti Bill Mctoan. Thsetauciytiras seerecon by BUt Thosoan asti Mrs. Jion Soscere sympausy 10 entendent t0 Mrs. Jon Maxwell anti Roy Couptosti of Hocoisy, on use natiden decus cf tiseie brotiser Edigar Warcoicks Couplanti aso died on Tiusay, May t3, aI bils home on Norvat. Tise faneraI service coas iselt aI uso Harolti C. McCture Fcaerat Hume, Georgetowon, on Saturday. toterment coco aI Hilîcront Cemetory, Narval. Msay meeting Tise May meeting cfSt Stephea's Anglican Cbcrcis Women cocu bett aI the home cf Mru. Arthsur Plant oc Tuostiay caenosg, Maly 11. Tihe pronitient, Mms. Craig Rarce, seelcometh Oe Finger-tip Start Caf a misise a af alish Obis Lasea Boa Dafane 21", fan Spoati coffing. Tise itinai cisoice for Then ficre's fise Lain oy l50" oniîris jane cf Conada's mast pnpular pocoer asocos. Mokte pae ChOlta et NORNIT GARASE lcmuateen 10 the meeting cotue lccday, May 23, anti [orne-Ans e s cpeneti seif theo Cluilti Seeney on May 21. e prayar. Mro. Cliff Hunier coi te Mec. Mary Bradiley cf Horchy, o n charge cf purcboung the faois een vinitise coitislber r loseers for arconti the foualain dougisser Etina Portner cf 0 fer tise Deccralion Day seicis sll Martn, llinois. e teelli on Jane 13. Mec. Jins Gt ee Ptant coitl te on charge cf Fricots in ths district octeni urranging tisoir annuet dinser glwi ihst e lawoi andti ueafre nigist coichis set a pentcocicne te ta cisrict belti os Tuostiay eceicg, Jase 8. aopiseta nf ft0 D rc Pottoseisg uso bosinesu part cf use meeting, Mec. Crig Royce Me. ati Mm Lese Sampcon, auctioneti off a rolr cf suonS Mr. anti Mec. Doc Hascocs anti freeu, ubrubs, hccse plants anti Mr. frese lacutieru anti son rrnisery plants. Pcttcseisg uso Joho attentiet the chose ait use sate a deicicus tunch wsea serval Osnrio Ptace aitie oaterfroat by use bouleon. in Toronito cn lantiay May 1f. Priendu in fris district seere Geoffrey Oreco-Brois coitl te corto imr thot Me.lIngeborg use co-arioator for the Salvatica Kart f Winstn Clhurchill Btvd. ArsY in tise area acelis cf Gais- dieti sutitenty aI her borne ville. Tise lurchero Cor Club aill recently. b e dehverrng fre literainre abecti Prientis of Sauimy lammit coil ciLime. te pteasei t0 hear thot be bon Exchange concert elue.o home froon the Gecerat The White Oato Higis Schiol Hospitlt 10 Torono, cohere ise Banti cont tu Sonford, Long ontierseent sorgecy. Istandi, Newc Yoris, on an Me. anti Mec. Coet Conok cf enchange trip concert. A relues Dundals have heon visîling ails frip wsea matie on 'tisuruday 10 tiseir dacglster Dorothy anti Wtite Oto by the leaforti Higis ciitren cohie shoir non-os-taco, Schoat Bond. Tisroe cf tise giils Semmsy wsean oshfe hospilal. spont tie seekienti coif Judy Birthtiay greetiogs are lacistois anti enjoyeti il very cottedt tise ftooing choo are mauch. The giris see Angola Dol ceteheating freir birfhdayn. Mrs. Greco, lýynne Glallo ond [ioda Ted Watter and Benta Lochie oc Schneider. Notice to Property Ownors DESTRGY WEEDS Nutice is iseretiy giron 0tif il f055005 f0 possession cf fond in accortiance rnifh the Ontario Weeti Controf Acf. f965, Sec. 3, 13 anti f9, fisat uni ess noaloas ineets grcafeg on1 their fends ecithin fise Manicipafify cf Borlingtcv are destroyet hy date of Jane ftth, 197f. acd thraaghrul the seasan, the Mcnicipafity rntiy evter apav raid fonds. andi have fise eets denfroyeti. charging tise cauta agoiost fise lanotin taxes, as set oct fa fthe acf. Thie co-oporat on cf aIl cifizens 5s easeestfy soliclieti. L. G. Johinson Weeti inspector, Towen of Sari icgtona. Egg pric Fa'--- Recer cut treos atone. A seconti operator nearby coiti amsura iselp ticoutti an omergency urine. At the saame lisse, maise sure no ose in in tise cicinity cf falling trocs. Watcis ot for "onic mallers" - ticat limis coiici ay beaks off tiurig cottlug. If use lonbe appear Sisety toi breos f f, ose a cable ant ractor ta abbel usam, off, maing sure the caiste in tonger usan use boight cf use free. Fontes tbe cabte as bigh an possible on use free. Dosat use netige Use cootgos as little au possible. The ssocs cf tiricing usern in costit cause use tiaugerouop faimsa breas off. Watcs oct for partilty concoateti staples or fonce corentf use tree s inc fenceroco Top producors in arma hords A pair cf sigis protiucing Duat Parpose Sisortisors on Milton urea ferlams recmntly hooset in1 outtaniig rcoris cf performoance. Mt. Zion Clauti ndti a mature os uste berti cf Atlas Pattero anti Ses, gave 15,087 In. onik, 613 Ill.lfat for a BCA cf 210 anti 213. Muelocs Rosonary Seti, ocseti by C. A. Peacocs cf Milton, gave 12,087 tis. mitIt, tilt Sie. fat, for a BCA of t75 anti t03. Rouemary 10 cisc a mature coco. -Manycodtiheatiing norfrst cpec usecr sommsser cottages usis hoitay coeoienti. -Have ycu maiteti in yocr tionation to tise Ftcoers of Hope- Mmltally Relariot campaifs? Contributions are stitl being urcepteti as uso Cretiit Union office. botties banned "Rqe thtie Ontario fovrrment 10 insploment; anti enforce teginlthon ta contrat anti otîmînato tise tiicartiing cf hottien on 0cr roasiiti." That's cobol tielegaien tu use Ontario Petieraticu cf /sgrscctturo'u t966 convention reuctvetu doti. Andti faIs cobol usey titi. Eurty the seat yosr OPA requestedtihue goverornent 10 introduce contrais. The govermcct bose't, as yot. Lont year Murray ttacat, meahor oc use teginlature for Huron-Bruce, icîroticei a pirat meosterus biSl calicg for use hamniaf of man-retuoa"bte hottecs. Thotisbiltidietion use ortier paf or. Ho ontroduce th ue saine bill afoas ibis seoson. Il recoivei lient roatisg May 3, 1971. "t borae roceivoti lttera cf support ftromn att acroon us province," hoe say cf bis ill "Farners tellome froy non ove usese hotttes os use roati anti cu freir cur andti ractar tires. Thne say fraI thoy eut up use tests arnd tuitiers cf freir cocon. Lises auppart "I apprecicte use suppcrt frai OPA gave me on fr10 bill." la direct reapamse tc Gacotos bi, Energy Idinioter George Keer set up a counaittee - fre Latter Contrat Coanicti - ta onvostigate tho prohlem. laid OPA's n cce-preuiioni Fracis Watt recely, "I hope frai fre cocceco geserateti by OPA anti Murray Gaut coill oticulato naime goverament action. Legistation 10 cape ails fric probtem s botity seetiet isy larmers. Nos-retucoable bottles must ho booned in tbis province." Tisa Cunstiuv Championv Wetinesduay May 19, 1971 B13 es disastrous ress opinions meBy Hugb Cook tise M=tFair Safetydipa. Ameig of the Halton Farmn The tmefrisdipisys tits w iii e x p Safety Coneil seas hetti on year will bie 'Proteet the Tstay, May Il. Senses". By HemyJ. Staley Titere were four entries in tise IL hon been suggestei tsat a ga s ePrarousMriti Safety Poster Competiticu. The detes'tor for use sn detectisg Bheoarta oducdts Maroet wiucr were as fcflows: deadty siage glaises, may be cf Bard Isenguen trhec s 4-H Section - First - Stejsbenscorne use in the cousty. Tise Egg ast Focot Peoducer Stantiey cf R. R. 2, Rockwocct asti caorci is presentty toctting tisto Markettng Board for a Second - Fers Lýanrence cf R. R. tise feasibitity of purcbasisg ibis expreussincf opinin on propcse t, Miltons. pince of equiposent. Asotiser major amentissenîs to tse la Public Scisotl Section - Fient - sauggestion wsea thil a ans o i t Davi Staleyand ichrd termmete fofoeaurt poticers' marsetin Daniti Stant asiRcad tsroe o esrg tise pln Salywssecondi. Bous are cf tomperature cf boy or grain in The propocei amentimen R. R. 2, Rcckocd. stcroge may be of sarne ose to tise oncludetie iyfo h Sol aty bleus cotuy. Tis s atso biseog Icokei atciy c iee Tise ccuicl tiscusset idsti for osto. Tips offered on eIm remova-lm By Henry J. Stanltey Diseaceti csc weoti ban tost its guarti fcr tre thsat ssap cf Farmeru remcving tieati anti ftexiistity asti strengis. Be on prematurey uig euttig tiyisg etos trees uboutti labo spocint sfety proeuticss, oy farta safety npecilist Ratl .G E ? Wrighst, cf tise Ontsario Fa m r w antI Deatsnt of Agriculture anti Poti Ho ?ffers several isintu to Atay coeur a sfetv bat. Try this simple test with your present sedan. rýI,e on Hrîd r, ccc Ann ji s e dc ns 0cd,t c'y secon. In the bc ki cr. aii L c.r j u[i.ý utio Put the former nto tha latter. If you conri carit hoi ovr or freeze up. Aîd thcî il nds whoi you yard is or Squoraback Sedan. liftl cil, gos or mainteanrce. If hos 48.9 ca. fi. of loudirg agace rn tha So roi only cor you gel o lo~9 bock. And 8.1 Ca. fi. ap fronti n tha trak. ino the Squorehock Sedonr you cor [Ail iold, îwice os mach sacaos ordirory also gai a-loi ouf cf rt ThIe Vv6<swen Squareback Sedan. J fuatincero' bourd to ceosnta and0 etaist cf tise proposei gl regutate marsetong cf eggs in amentirnto anti battctting a1 Ontario theongis mariseting pr= es oitl hoe maitei hy use e0 quoton, prsce uetting, andtiher Fa o raits Markseticg Bouri s' Poalicg cf resues for aver-qota ta alregisteretiproiucers prior n OfilO. to tsalttlfng. tintc of proticcers 50AS etitiprodurer are ectitei cho hove regseretisusushe egg g 1 vote but mont hoe reglnterei anti focot proticcers' mrkieting g it thusue egg isourti ta entahisi hourd coti ho preparoti asti ail usesr etîgiilty. Battcstîag cotît ho protiacers co bove sot yet s ptmlacdeusettept Jae Tise cegisterei are urgei ta o cso on g propoenelt at o fnend ne wsThse artier ta qonhify for a ballot. tiridoconsetiosus teeegg praticcers ai Dsaing use pant yeue, egg scomtonmacgs wcci cost prives have hec at tiisstraonty be hettiacroonfrheprovincebyfthe os fetes, reculting in igs egg anti taot proticcero' tonnes inaissons att pocttry markseting hoarti aperao 00 How do you want your Atavsa CO-OPananacn bossesu Nitrog.a ose vg m u o muas. Jstat ethe nhCOOg Puod -caSpaalast usanisuaseyna aq h amsam hias H.1 adais.ya r Anhydrous Ammonia Ejoier Baiy, Hornby (878-9331)i o asoje basa socilesn ocicytroas. Giae as as carh cadtim a s possiblo e ftis seraice acnd Elseer coul fit yocintcf hic basa schedtilo as procafflyaus possible Coul Elcior, or Don Harris coco for pions acti ana fericicul informafion yoareqaîro. Or if YOM prffe, . . DryeNitrogon no, n. c a 'as,'..11 wha hyiaSue OPEN FRIDAY TO 9P.M. LJ OUTED GO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO Milos 878-2391 Georgownos 877-2271 Custom Farming -COMBINE -BALINO -PLOWING-DISCING PLANTING (CORN & GRAIN) PHONE 878-3454 G. S. HILLMAN Resemsber, "Gfforge" ticasef woant allh e business-asnours ~1 1