Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 21

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-I ~ ,;~T' - ~n - Ontario Plc, 6 -acre. of fiun Man->made showcase opens solon Ma ny water, hait. asss os k Qosario, sortitofe Torantoa Canadien National Exhilbition gsons, sbire loois tise Ut-icie IDaria Mce x.sns~ Tsdiy, paosycoaie sec-e aviaeieo s fe-dOnsal Place pav'illon, Us domied Cinespere diatre, and Use 4e aceo onicsdmo-nsadi isido tIntcooaitete E nese exhibition asoscase of tise province asnd its pieçae. It cliest off icially May 22. Thse lariog propoael of crealetg flt entirely ais Goveramist of tOntaioa complex on Use Toronto waerfront sens fist aomonced on Augu" 18, sans, by Prtee Mintete Johne Roberts, seisn hi officially opeaed that yearla Canadisn Nationgl Extiotn. St would, ise nid, "utiis Use naturel setting of Use seatecrtnt, moodero #xtr ural dea4go, aod attempt te creste te mood ot gaiety and opennss mbits helped maise no poanolar Use Ontarioi Goveromnent pavillon et Enpo '07. .We mould isope tisat tise cresatioo of isis Gaves-ornent oSentlanz seousOa lia te =spaa raaieoteInp rac rdvlp anuite a o . se itre Mais-o Toronto seaterfront" hae asied. Tisa visie baegout It traiseformion latiSa ity on Mercis 17, 109, meilen coa- strusctiloa etrlid an UIe comptez n Use uske. Ta crate tise tseo mine-id eaide et Onaio Place, more dn 2,500,000 ebfle yardsaotfi11 sen niedd, elU a maony n ata 1, scs00 d ou tit bilog shnpid eacs day. By graund; 17 ecrai of greai milsi have bien nddad; 3.4 moue of patbways seul have been snstrsctei; elost balf a mile of isiiohai sel i gradid and contaored. Then Use saet and Wsent inlaoda of Ontario Mlare wlU i riady for Use people of Onitaio, Msay 22. Moderontre Thne Wist Isand et Ontaib Mlare te visly dormteatedi by OÎnaipiere, a trtedtc dame- hspid tisiatre. On0e of tise moUS adlvanred tUseane te morld, it usesaa tit t aoW font ocrais, a projection capeblity mics ranges tram lG nom. Uscoogs 35, vie7m . te:egloolr deveoe 'm 'pnjectioo nysteco misicis fI t1hUe entire acemer, and a til-tracs atero sdsoalc nsdc eystera mits 55 speakers. Four major aie films somiog tise people ont pIaceo of varions parte of Use pravince miS te sao. flsie 0f Use, desHN selt nontisetero Otario, matira Ontario ont tise Otas-lo seatormayatnhae baen fimet ond arecose te tise edlthng stage. USooting te nose biog complti on tise fourlo filmn, fonhonlot airts-contral Otaien lado- U.ti, emyaad-ioe Christopie Cbp nsme dnil-mg fimoA Dtra Ameriran publie seing et Otaio Plâce'o Cloiphiri Thei mot osland te Use location 0Tie Fou an 8Oacpct osdorapiitisetre.: Hie vitrmisoe daily pirogras of live pîrformncea. Tise esphante milt hae n Ontailo ont other Candin ontertolirs and groupa, inclntieng concerts by Use Toronto Slymphsny Orchestra' foIk danocing, pop and rock mnic nd other evonts. A pravince midi amaeurstlent isont te nom andin seay, te provide epportnties on sage aS Toi Forum fon onpirnsg pirformora fron ail ovi n taio. Large mariai Bot Islandi mOll havi gaily- colores clutsof etstaurants, mocisbars nd boutiques, ns wel an ampl picoie arias and hiache. To matrone naileg nositoro te tOntaioa Place Sbire mils hae one of Use langent, mont modero and best-iqolpped marioas os te Griot Lobes. Final dock simulyite nostent for tenpriog. Ittseil have 302 slisoin five voryiog aises, or- commodaitg boots Op te t0 font inolength. Aloogide the marina te a siafood restarant ont a nulora' psb. Addlog toi Use notiral flavor at Otario Plac, Smo distioguishnt sipa miti Ua Use site as hbomne psort" - te teigantine Pathfio er aod te World War Il destroyer Raidi, a soteron of te Murmoons run and of service mlth tise United Natioons te Koreo. Staisiog spictacutarly betmiio tise eaSt and ment tisnts Js Use Ontario Place Pavillon, *draniaticatiy disigoed mitis tini *moduar uits, or " pods", SU Onpndd atv Lobe Ontario tome tSt-fnt-h steel roînons. In tour of the fini poi, a mixed- media exhibition titis the story ot Ontario and lis people. Entering te Pavillon 000 Smto- iered walhmay, te nîsitar first incounters te Welcomî Wal. a huge spider bise structure ot stoînlens steel sebics la an indormation centre, statffn by Ontarioounivroity stodeots acting os boita and hoitinses. molcisearts foin In te saine enisibit pod in "Genesis', a total-environnent enhibit tsng tree-dimnmonal filn nd sond. fiere te visitor "eye-witnesseo" tise actoat formation of the port of te eart tat la nom Ontario, sons ils rivers, laises, foreoto nd plates bing lormed. In the nont psd, called "Explosios", the viemir te oorrounded by a spectacolar total audio-visuel eovironmcont. Re esperiences 300 years of DOterio's ecomomir groset, oies tesigbis and biars the souds sf Ontario's denelopseent. At one' point, be milI fiel tot ie lars- tualy ridlog te a trate, ns te railmoy'o influence la depicted. the exhbist tracmevests right ap te today' s asge of terlmology" mit niei advanced tedustries. electronirs, rapid commani- rotions syslen and oîm sooceones of pomer production tt laenjoyittdy's Onario' 'Me ont pod contins "Ontario Style". Rierre tbroug the use of unique nixed-media, te visitor tecomen on actual part of te tines be te seeing. To nove trougs te ishihit te mmlt math tetoeeo nd pnbh post intlated bonan-sizi tormo on wbicb are projected live Images representing soldiers, setlers ballons, bishirical figures. At one' point, bie titeraly maths trough nis part of teilles te te Seven Years' War and the War of 1812. Meet challenges The aest poil as "Challenges", sehicti thnougs artîtarts aod intreting ohjects examines Ontarios cultural identity, edocation. leinare tine, grnwtb ** * à * u * I * I *01 SAILORS-EYE VIEW of meoi e S fivi gisant poe miicis backgroond. Ontario Place, at-acre complex la Uaie Ontario, noise op te Ontario Place Pavillom A 30O-foot, Sseolevet ott et. Torotos CanadienI National Exhibition grunso, bridge <fonegruson) easts into fia-at etolisiit poil. Ua-S eat ficiatiy opens May 22. trioditir tomit iteatre, Cliepisere, con hi snin l Accident prevntion pironal of Milton OPP receily spoii n bihe nafety to 434 studenisaet Pininlie, Norval ont Gien Williamns publie ochonte. -Unehamxpion "for rnt" adis if you noce accammotation anailable. A receod ad brougbt 501 celle to an advirtinir. MATADOR BGFAMILY AT A PRICE THE FAMILY CAN AFFORD Lots of Room For 6 Passengers An Intermodiate Prlcad Car By American Motors of Cours. at Allan Clements & Son Bs-ente Streit E., 878-2328 Mutoi, Thousands of Canadian families have solved their housing problems the Colonial/ Sunnibilt way ... à rsthis could 1we your year!f t»in ashi sn 0fi3nl g ,g. Wpt1 2880 3 .is RIERI na5 Model Illastrated a-ther models from $3,665.MiS -- - - -- -- ---CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE! -MAIL THIS COPON TODAY NA Mhasse send me tcsCtlgi1 NAME .................. .......M AL ADDRESS........... ............. -M CITY.............. -PROV ...... 3 lsusjî C,,t, "Supermarket of Prefabs" 32 CAI.EDONIA RD.. TORONTO' 5 AO D. e r 3392 KINGSTON R.. SCAneosa PHONE iii -2460531~ 5-Oa PHONE 781-8141 PHONE iR1-8137 Candi's Larguit Manufacturais of Viaoodaiges. Homes. Aparteisîs. Garages. SjtecaOy Structures .3 piaits and anau 40 Osiers saretag Eastera Cand ansd Nsrrthastern U.S.A. for more thonrO2t Yuarsj and preservation ot te onnironineot. Tbe inhibit shos isos Ontario bas met th challenges of tte post nd ca miel temn thSe fturn. The challenges of yoott provides a lobk aS Ostario trougs tte eyes ofthteyoaog: a tree-mmnute color tilms mats especiaily fer tOntario Place by etementary and higi soo stadents frono differont parts ni te province depit te rities toves ant villages in miir the lîve. Eacs film ras ha preoilected for viemiog. Au o finale hi the enhihit, te nisihir sien a film abost Ontario amd lis children, wiUs a raot tat terlades ns inany ns 35,000 urboil rbildren froin ail over the province. One of the pods, oamely nsonber two, te devoted la tisree restaurants, a licemsed lounge nd banquet farStitiesite aditito hi an outdoor refresbmint ond snaris gardien wit a vîem on the roof of te structre. Thi roofs of all fine pods of te Pavillon may te used as observation arae byt vositars, providteg a delightfsl paorama of te istire site, as initias of the Toronto sisyltee ont Lobe Ontarin. Ontario Mace openn sfficaly May 22. tmnOt e open anven doys a ees, front 10 ono. tilt mîid- nigbt, May 22 Strougs Orlter 10. "tOntario Place," nays Mir. Roberts, "100a nese focal point for Dar provinre. A festine, encitlng nd informative plare; a plare. wbirb demotstrates a e attitude tonour laisefronits; a plare whicb offero o tremendoun nariety of ortinîties hi met te nariety of intereuts beld hy penple front aIl arss aur province and teyond." HEARING PROBLEM is yaar risild slowe te esrnstg tn sPeah7 tt'o qite normal for a cbild ta mispranaunre some nordi or bîsitae urcasiooaiy. But, if be bas an articslation probleinor penn undtrslandiog, a hearisg proben Irait i casteg de difficulties. Fuxi out hy nontsrting your dochir or isesrieg nil speech centre daring May, Iring anil Speech MomUs. Tise Canadien Champion, Wedvesday Miay 19, 1971 B9 ALCOHOLICS T hhe ANONYMOUS ISalvation Armyi e MEETSEVERY TUESOAY 9p.m. PICK-UPTRUCK GRACE ANGLIcaN N WMLTN AEAj PARISH HALL EVERY TUESDAY HA VI%,(;APRt)BIiMn 2 DROPIN.878 B0oGGED TRAVEL j- THE MAPLE LEAF WAY WESTERN CANADA & YELLOWSTONE PARK A Atcntnsîîic 1day trp eparting Jne 25, July3, , Il 1 iiAugsts14 and Sptenbe . Vni the Great Canndoc Lokeheoil, Calgary Stampede, thse Conutîso S Oncis, nffo Vancove, SanevPar,stheseaîtii l Yelloinstone Park. North, Daksota and Ontoho Nebrskais. 21 DASt Faon $350 Il MARITIMES & SASPE A6 .tordp,, JuW 3 .22 Acqufî, 721, 20 Y.. -1 vIsm UPIpe, C ...d. V,1i.9e PI.-p ai Ab,.h.av' N., thaberie,,ASnc,î Beoc',l Pcnce fdntxd Island, N-c sScta.Baycof Fundy and Acdo Nct,c,,ivPark. 16 DASFO 259 uOeTOu nOR FRtouasopsoee.e taenhy air S ooadiinel a isroo. qapp. oahoî sh s, qn.lifi.d hostess FOR oEooERVATION ADFREE BROCHURaES CANO2698a tOmouno 304-5s44 For Reservotlees & Information Col; MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE L 14 M:ti t. 878-9211 IMPORTED CHINESE* RATTAN BAMBOO* STÉAKWOOD FURNITURE* A t NOW AVAILABLE IN MILTON AT *TON DCOUNTRY TV Excellent for Apartments - Patios - Cottages - and Unique Bedroom Groupings. G RsANGES AND Look for ur OPStNING SPECIALS on Tappan ranges, RCA wasisers andl dryers, Tappan relrigerators, Entîrprise ranges, andl mavy mare. Wî'il have a large stock of gas ranges on display at our vies store soon, some init saliol state ignition eshics dais away celit tise pilot iight. Enterpriso ranges came fromn ant aid, ail-Cavadian campanly. They tealare entra heavy construction. EXCLUSIVE DEALER lu MILTON AREA VOUR ELECTROHOME AND SONY DEALERSHIP *T@OWN and ( OUNVIY TV * LI. 3 MILTON Poul Rutledge, Prop. 878-4833 *Localed on the enside ofHighay2 Sto Mles onorthf Miton. * *Town and Country is moving Soon toia New Store nextfto L.C. B.O. * on Main St. in Milton and wili change the came to * "RUTLEDGE BOUTIQUE" * * * * * * ******

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