Fsshing and camping Huck Finn would support phys-ed. council 1s report COMING TO MILTON for the Coesesomty Toroafo o entertaimsent centres ai well os Service Clubs' gala Festival '71 dance Jonc S other centres in Canada andfthe Ulted States. i thse Bill Berle Orchestra. Mr. Serte andi hia Mr. Serte is fIhe msical director at Royal orchestra have performed is esany 0f Alexandra Theatre. Urges educetion H. Hinton heads county TB3, Health association H. H. Hîno, Actai, mas reopirotory dineases, astheo elevct tie nec president of thc bronchiflo and esphysema. Hlton Coonty Tuhercgtasisand0 Apprononately 3f per cool gf Respîraîory Discooco those who devetop aothesa gef Association ai the annual teir firot oymploaes hefore thc mieeting in Oakville Wcdnesday age 0f 20, and f10 diocoon huilds of test areti. He anounediaitely up throagh thc yeors antil about urfeti a otrong etincation 0 or 70 and tien few gymptoms cacopoigo aianed at yoaif people dcvelop. t0 help thees liye longer. Utce exscctancy of non- The resphysema prohîces sesoterg s35 yca-o of oge i particotarly intercola the nece eight years longer Uian for a presîdent, aid 10e declared if ls prom niho amohes 20 cigarettes urgent 10 poit out te yotng a dey. people what tbey can do 10 rehieve He algo opohe on allegies, tihenocves. of ths haard 10 tet saymng allegie peroons ahouldiot aider years. have a pot in 110 hause. Air -We have l0 reacti the yoaiger polltion, top, 15 on imsportant geceration ta fiee tees thc factor, tic said. opporlonity 10 dcfend In hio report teoton theaigelves,' tic oaid. preiccn Mr. olgo10gsa Emptipoema is a diocose 0f te lirgien ste.efre MFaTB a laigs and is aggravalcd hy hyromaisc plty ne smotiing andi air pollution, OOiong contrcl.' There are TB patients pilier Oings. receivuig cure and visits hy Comprends cIble social cortiers. Ost-goig prenîdent is C. L . He also reporleti on eqoipaient McFadden of Burlinglon. He heig ased hy patients ia thc cepocteti that the pilol profect on comnty for patients ooffer10g puhnonary teoticg corried ouf at front rcopiralcry dineasen. Bearihoore aid Ca. in Adtos lait Dorag tee year cqilpaicat 'as Naccaiter hy planning doote ta eilnadOhil coniaittre liait prvvedl invaluahle hOsPiIls. ta tie association in eapping On hehaîf cf the Ontario plans toi continue vith this kicot og Deporîment of Health, Dr. H. T. lestig. Thece cccv 335 people McClintock coesaended 110 high tesîrd vite 12 per cent who standards of Uic association and shoveti soatie kinti of atinoraiality pratacti their chieis. ativisei to1 consoît Iheir doclors. Newi pragrami AiI-thar high A coacty-wide screeoing The fiîancîaî statement prograait s planned toanmd iri sitowe reccîpîs of 040,402 frontlotie thee la five yeors 10 cover tee Christnas seat caaipaign- ail theccoanty. Ilc tcsting wIl ai 0tai re higti. Balance aI the Stant tea fall. Thc purposco of endi ai tee year availatile for tee teetestsvillbe to fin cassof 1971-72 prograi vas $47,996. Otherexecuive % MLO .1W Osier of Milton ooo naied vvcepccsident. DicectorsTI elcedfrth er eeCL. HEEP OME McFaddco. Dr. R. W. T. Haddon , Mcs. M. C. Bcardoe, MsJ V. ANSWEI.. Frectilcton, BuclingtondenJ. M. E VG LcduteDr .DcA. ucter Milton- ~ CONFIDENTIAL Williami D. Savage, Escart F' *COUIRTEOUIS Carberr9. Mrs C. N. MýcK10sî *PEVSONALIZED Mes. W. R. Hopter, E. GO Adaaisott, Allait J. Fish,' Nick 878-2020 Volpe, C. E. Hope, Dr. D. O. Kober, J. H. Sai Lpain, Oakvîlle; Ms. 'toey Roinson , R.R. 1, CaSoptelîvîlýle; Mms Horace o Olyte. R.R. 1, Ados, Dr. J. H. 0f u Cthamberlain, MOrt.,; W laaim Kinrade, Keiti Bartier, se . Georgetownn, E. C. Foster, R.R. 3, h~Q ~ I>~ CaaipbellvîOe. Atiot 100 people representig a noanter of orgosionirons * ,e attended 110 diamer mieetingi Oakville Arena Finc Raisi. F av ' Amaong toe mho spetie tiriefly vere Ronce Atlan Masson o0 Ok' villc, James Onoce, M.P.P. for ELECTRIC Hollon East, Mayor Les Dubiy of Adtos. Holton Worden Dr. Franke COMPLPTE aties asnd cooncîltor Art E C C SERVICE Vtelarrov of Milieu*IDUTRA Blâmesr smoking MINUTENALC Thc gust speaker, Cataccos C. MACINEAN Gray, esecative vice-presideol of aEETIA thc Ontario Tubercolosio and CONTRACTING Respirairy Disesses Association, n ELECTRIC opohe on Aottiea-Mylho, HEATING Mysterien and Manaemeent. a WATER HEATER Ctirnnic tironctitis as icrcaoaig RENTAUî becoone of cigarette sokaing, hc aiseria. Most people do o f 85782048 deelop esphysema toileta Ihere ce cigarette soking. FE ESTIMATES Thore are only Ihee major in chiromec respiratory iblanses un corly stages and 10 increage thc pubilie avareneso of chronic cespiralory dieasc, its causes and prevenhion. Pamphlets and other resoorce moîcriol are suppllcd pear roand hy the Association. The association rcported greater esaphoi on cardio-respiratory fiteeso is beoîg plared - in the sehono's healt curricoulum. 0f Hocklebeyry Finit or Tom Sacoyer bâtd been presenl at thte meeting 0f lthe Halta oaat Bard 0f Edaratin Thogday, thOey oorety motd have hemn dehglhted go her a group of teachers recommeodSg aS outdoae adorcation programi that woatd inctode camping aad filihiog. A comnitlete 0f the programi coancot os physiral edocatlon recommended Uic Board embark an a peoject that wooîd a110w groape of atudeota t fgo campiatg and fiohiog asoan entracurricutar progrom in Hattoa'o secondary nehools. Ttiere mgo a âIme cehes a yoongoler waald skip a day or .oeah of flraaes a wiee bit earîy inohcad toaa ncarby roatoSreamn. Thge conmitoce rerocided an in-servire training choie for agterested teachers he arranged aid worksaops be heîd tu teaca leachera about ramping programo. The report Se reconogonded fonds should bit ait aside fromt the fild trip buodget toitorlp cliver experts. Thce overnight ramping progromt coatd be dfnided 1010 four ph ases ranging fromt ovcriaight stayo on the nehoot groands for nature studles, to entended frips toi Algonquin Park. Thic report mao accepted hy te hoard and any action tohen mOUl dcpend on futuore dfiogos of Uic hoard. The recolnaneadaUi dcaling with ramping and outdoor edorotion mai port 0f a Uircc voluame report dcaling iUa tdiotal cdoration aid hellio Credif coarse Other recononendaf ions in Uic report orgcd that a grade 1S tdgynical edocation prograin hll eslahhshcd ai a crcdit courge wilti the nent lwo yeors and that $1,0ff bc mode availahlc to cover thc coot of porchaotag festing eqoipesent, operial MtILLION ARE DEAF More thon one mitlion Canadians are deaf or hard of hearing. ThoUgaido marc have ho1gprohlengo buf don't aeh meial dvce. Thge Canadi Hearice Society, sponsoring Hearing andt Speech Maith in Canada, ooyo yoo soald nt fret Yoor prohlin lis hopelca. lit orges yoo 10 confort yoor dortor or hearing centre. ILS MITOBOI W .HY HAVE THIS -AVOID TROUBLE NOW WrIH A COMPLETE DELCO A.C. TUNE - UP AT R & N IEXACO WE CARRY A COMPLETE RANGE OF FIRESTONE [1/H GLASS BEITED AND r REGULAR TIRES R & N Eci SERVIC UAN 8834 resoorce materiol, fexthooho and trnsportation. The conortittcct report otcd schonls 10terested in arranigng ooch a programi in their sehoola should cgntact Uhc commdttee weH ahead of tionte ait arrange- msents cootd 10 mode 10 tinitiale the prograrmi. flic ooggcotcd program os 1010g conoidered hy the Deporonent of Edgcation and thec ronfitce to1d f10 hoard Uhc coursewot 00el, mpeen mut app a 10 gia hy thc Aftes prnodored Sid aratad hy Hall on Coilofy tlachera illa- tratea the program note aidermay frns kindergarten toi grade 13 in Hatton Cootity Schools. fIhe film wag ahonir tu, te Board flhorm and wilU be so o i the1 po tlra meetings 10f er. MOBIL PAINT SALE 95 tater~~~laEaa ite N A S mi-e tan. Giss, Fteur Peint AL MOUIL SWIMMING19 POOL INAMEL Gfe W. J. KOSKI L!MITED i1l l ia E S. Millia 878-9450 qOIMAY 20, 21, FOLDAWAY COT Hidden aiay loi lobe cara of yoor overnight guents Comfortahlyl Made tram sturdy,.lîghtweîght gIominues ceitIt cire-fabric npring sus esion. Rnot or corrosion resiatant. 2' soIt mattress Covmre in Colorfl Cot- ton licking. Regota, Vfoa" 624.65 +0SALE PRtCE 18?9 22/71a YOUR is apea FRIDAY NIGHT fa 9 p.m. VERSATILE.. SOLID STATE LigiOceigiri. siceantine and port- - ahi .. makaa thib SONY TV a uCian take il wih you' Most eciig addition Io your CAR BATTERY CORO 7" SONY ~ --i.homte. You can lobe il anywhee Vg PORTABLE I.' la.. moeiaaaenuteout IeltVd votae al sl gIaoe... useal indoors andoot« s iaofpour SonyTVdrcl BLACK à WHITE ~~doors.. ln the kiichee, the den. fi you 12vl arbte LACI< & WNITE ~the cor . .. as a fruit, paîsona oa isIt oir gta I lportable i e, cottaga or when lgotthciaee E lyoa go tiataing. camping etc. lightai jack. AT VP C Roc. on house corrent or option-1 0 our ar obatiery coithtihe op- SAEPIEtlona regulated car laNae adap- S LE IA for. VHF/UHF tuners boult ln ... ,RIE 1e loopoantenneao taF UEsta picg for allant ciaotiing Waigia teea 149j9 _ _ _ __Veue$799 Deluxe GARDIEN WHEEL BAIROW SOS:1279 An inieopensive sotiel wîth rusi proaf anti Corrosion resîsiont seamlcss steel1 trop. Lightweîght and balanccd for easy handlîvg. 3 vo. ftl. tray. 10" n 1.75" disc wheel wîth Nylon hearings. Plastic flanelle grips. RalI. Vatne $2.49 SALE PRICE 21 ,.2 BOW SAW Cule Ilrough seerbll Precicion set and nhorpanad hard point blada îith "Spoaroast io.th shape. Sesigna t o gis maxjiu cui both torward and bock. Tabula, stel traeotnionleoer, Qoick blada-replacaeer. 'STA RITE' PACKAGED SHALLOW a$goa. ain WELL SOIE PRICE PUMP 7 j Design enabe-s 7 mooth sac WW ~~~PATIO STONES &al RYOVC Groy Yelo, roE.NIT HAK d ATE APE STAtfu Alc bt pndwr ~~--~- withe Nylon ..a.r <,' r ow ptheoamp fl~Pti ste or 2vcd 'ît wod- Saga. Vcon046 boneVE s125 vots a raALE ofppla o r tCEn sri front pane ontil se yorpti7 f 'f ~ CRE BLENOS sag SitS145active, ang te n shc enhe ',Sta010 F r "AI (aoUR) W0itVs, a ln Iw e att hciv ade foa 1"x " s gs foc Lattogs eue 3 l et c p PATIOetwf STNS Ub eakpbl OohciA ge yAC MILTON 878-2391 GEORGETOWN 877-2271 UNITED CO-OPERATI VES 0F ONTARIO E. 1~ aiakc i bidge triodeti -Ac peran spohe nbodcnts Gien W -use if yoa avaidahi Cous ta Bror