Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 2

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2 The Canadien Chamion, Wednesday, May 19, 1971 SPARKS FROM A WELDER'S torilsteaciai a fire Montay I firefigsiere stappei the islaze froint spoeading bu neigisioring Use formser sute of Miltaon Greenlosocas un Main St. near properties.-<-Sini Phioto) Ontario StL Tise buildting tais eing teesoashei but Mation Being torn down building is burned Spacha troas a melder cuttmng unknomu aud it la assumed there pipes caused a fire ai Millon il nu assurance oe Use building. Greenheuses se Main Si., Milton Pire Depactirsent alsu Monday. exlasguished a car lire on Higli- way 401 Sueday eveeieg. Tise car One building ai tbe eld oward iy John Pelkccia ot greenheuses pcesently being tan Mississauga mas badl gultein demis mas bal bocar in tie Use biazse. Cause ofthUe tire la lure. Euieelt ofbte damage as LuIknown. Councillors doubt value dump site Tbe wasle msanagement brandi proposaI ai Munday nightes ufthUe Deparlinet Eaergy and mieeting ut Esquasimg Council Resucces Manageasent bas with Hill siating any engineering appruvedi je prieciple lhe dne ai tbe aile skuuld be ai the trupusal lu use an abaedseed pli rapease ut Mileon Brick. onUthe pruperly ut Millen Brick as "I dualt Usmk il wdl be asuci a sanilery land till aile toc guod le os doma in Usai corner," gai-bage troas Milton, Oic reese reasarked in obvieus Nassagaweya and Esquesiug. ceiccence le Oie locaione ofthUe Howeser, final appcuval caecal stle in Oie sooOiwesl carner ofthUe le graeied satl qegiiieerieg township. plans areesmistled and accepta it thUin il a isacismarda slepieo by Use depaclint. brieg gaciagil trua anoiber Ree TusHl edCucl u sictpality aed daasp itins ev Com l raaenld Con e ours," Cojriliur Cone I£n oxeconientd onthe coameaied. Eight acres on escarpmnent donated for conservation "A seatlite package" ut eîgbi Auiburîty aseasbers ai Ibeir acres ut Niagara Escarpaseel regular aseebung Tkuceday. The land bas been dunaleit Lu Oie land us iucaled un Lai 13, Cuer. 2 Haltue Regîue Conservaiosn of East Fiamboru Tomnship, eow AuUsorily ey Dr. Desmoed Uàtile a part sf nurlinglue. ut Hamilton. Dr. Lutte cequesled Usai Oie land (including a masiol Dr. Lttlle pruposed a naine toc and a portionao eti Bruce Trait) Use park "Pea-Y-Bcya" (beait ut ta useduasa coeservainepack a 'Ose bhis Conservation Acea. Oie lep ufthOe escarpaseni. "Tbis a sne ufthOe Usasgs UsaI HRCA generai asanager malles our job moure pleanani and Murray Siepn and risairman enjoyabie," said Autboriiy Humpbceys planluasmeemiUs Dr. cbaua'n Barry Humpbreys. Lîilectaud wocb oui tbe '.t'sîusiastacito acquiinglant traesartion. Tise Amusoriiy alsu antOi escarpasentije Uaia ae," plans to negoliale toc land ad- leait use advisscy cbaicasan îummig Oie pcopeciy toc parking Ococli Harrisneoled. lacibes. The land is preseaiiy Tbe opos~s nom uwaed by tbe Oetario Thegif vis ccetedby Depectaseni ut Higbwys Su si.trasainino sIls SHOW TIME Fi lSt ..lI ual. Matin" 2 Is rà.a20 Il 21 su, 22i. seuri s.Il22, "À SHICKER' FASCINATINO'" Il I I 11111 - t -DIAlEN -SUSAN CLARK GORDON P SENT ts- 23 Il 24 r 25 fi ti.27 &i. 28 c.,. 29 Isudn .ii29 lu ami ossau e clw the _______ Public meeting ta hear Lowville diversion story Residrale ut Lainvitia mill buse antner cbance lu soice Oieir epinions on the course oft he Guelph Line Ruai thibt l ta lie divertle. Csuaty Roadu commillea, cbumrman Reese Jins mabucougi sait be moult ce- open Oie meiler andt boit a palier meeting ai Fairviem Ocismit at t pas. Jane 10. Ha salthUe nem commitee wanta lu mari mith the resideale le discune the prolem andithUe roule clionen liy Use cemmiitter laut yer. Wbile Usece arr nu immediate plais toc lise cenatruction ufthOe by-pass, a itecision mas madte on mbuit staid Us dune. Mnitrave Bt -It miglil bu Usai Use people ut Lamsvillran mthi Oroad Use may itla iard me migisi jusi torgel Oie minle Usiusg, Oie Herse suit. Bucliigiue Depuiy Rrrsr David Conu liait advocalet leasing Oie Usavily trasellrd ruai the may il maes iserause Usai ithe way Oie cesideele manleit it, mben Use maller mas mp toc discustsin lest yeur. Humever soier ceunicilioru and the tormser cbuirman ufthe ruade cummîtîre Gordon Gatiaglier decidrd a chanlE mas necesuary le assure the safty ufthOe peuple uning lin masding ruad. LRCHL'BE TIME Hum dls yuu speait youc Lime oit the job'? Would yuu eajuy doing il tati Lime wbra yse retire? Itlai ast misai a mais relures troas, but inkai ta rirces lu, Ibut us umportant. Wbea a ana retires out et lite, lite retirrs sut ut kin unit bis recessisu is accrieraleit. No more special service for White Oaks students Otudeata s inWhite Gabu Higli Octaut in norUs Galville mill no longer eejoy the adrantagasatfan additiai ban Oiai mas taavhng Oie salt ai g Tisa itcisios casse aftr a debuis and inspt ut opposition iruas tour m=ilic ofthOe Haitn Caaniy Bani ai Educabis. Ttsesecvicemwas initialediy Usa turmer Dabvilte Boardt ut Educabuen andt an silemp mrais miade ta phiase dit service ont upais Oie tocrmtin ufthUe coatyl inait. Wliee the meitar mas Up toc discussion liet yrar il mas ugreed il mouldt h ltat year, Direclur Jins Singleton cemindait Oie inait meinlers. Spectal casa Trustee Bill Priesiner suggesled White Ombu maes a speciai case andt toc tise arnoani ut $4,800 a year jevolveit Iol as le tIt aluna. Traute Erne Bedoar rcenieit spenitg $120.520 te provide tir service ta ail srEmita. Mcs. L. Goulue salit nias mas ansious te sel the lacilitias ai the arbasis usait andt il Use entra tam scoulit encourage more osa, sts tevureit leasing the ban runing. bic. Stingleton paintait! est Use tas as question tati Usa scismit aile pin. bat Incae mas suitl a bas ta t ga4:3=anitU ltt aspe Basa oc atatnt ta tak pain anlea-carricatar activiias. Stapt nom Tise strengosi oppasitian ta fislle eag Z =eLiterie. "Otherskbaiilmir way ome y mattasg andt biitataisg. Bf t mos a parant ot simitania ai oUser octioota et gaiiing Ois service anit t knm Oi sot mai, i'd raise Hall. It Usa caaaiy paya toc il, averýyae alutit ai 1 t Uslnk mesliulitstap ilnew," bu Il lia cIleagues. Assistant ta Uss Diractar Eas. Lavendar toIdthOe Boardt ea formia, ceqanee buit bien tUit miik thie board toc similar services liiut lia but lise appcoacliaitcasalwiili qartes taom oUser nclioata. Ha salit reqansta et Ibu naltre buit en itiscoaragat liacause IL mas initerstoit i mase est ya Oie service touit lie conineli ai Whte il a Tisa Diracier notait concessios cosi bu mmde on speciat ec- casionseprovitad sstticieni notice mai ilon Ereie Boltear mohUe oety trss wliu aivocalait puliing tlietata liuses on ai aBUsah sclimita. Ha sait il mai Use prica ut liigness anit shbuuth paiit joint recitals planned by local music teachers The music leacis of Miltais and ara hase organied thsessaîc toc Oie parpuoe ot discussing commue proistemo rlaled ta, Use taaching ut piano uni t lorgane jointicecitata. Tisa recitais mdl gise studeele a mucli iserdrd ppartanitylt erorm in public. Tise leacliers plan ta taIt imo or Us cee cecit-but a yeac. The tirot concert mOi in hlu tinh junior auditorium ut Gnarie Schast toc the tjeai un Weitoesitay, May 21, ai 8 p.m. Guesi acisis toc Use esenimgmvil be e artin Sreet urbusi triple trio, Lan Van Geent, unit dangblece se tise viotis andt BonoieHdt, soprano mitoista. îsioîîîiauuîîuui1UT11MI 7in i i a a is a à Your Butcher Says I May 2thn weekesd marks the ice sei Beef Prices - especla Now IL Savel Phone a arder URoan9 Grade "A" CHIOKENS heininqia napid nplyHitouanrter Bu yo00 Been Hor po sa6 its. Aurage L Wersan 49L.k l- Holiday Dellghts Prlc.d Just Rlght OLD FASHIONED SMOKED HANS (BONEAN) SHANK PORTION La. 59Ç l BUTT PORTION LB. 6l~ CENTRE CUT Le 79e' HAM STEAK LB. 89' PoIish Sausago LB. 49 -Tenais courts are Ilus taity at Rotary Park. $550 more for cancer Anoter $Mt lias tbeau cattactit taiin tepont mmli tamard the Mlilton anit District UniÉt ai Ushe Canaiin Cacer Baclatyls ti7t rarapaige gat ai $7,7iti-bui Usera ta sali a long may ta go yei. Treser Mrs. Aaitrey Orsl reparle $4,822 collectait sp ta Manday of tbta mark, jasi $2,878 sort Us te local goal. Olia sait taitle. r Usa t. csi o in. Mosi t oite tamis lias keen camvassait. Welfare office phone is busy thra cma ai Usa belitoffica ai an aveage oftoceaatr5ee cariting to a repart ky Diraciar Jins Gary. Tisa Usas ta luiait oBfice ara otn ptaggst tac t10 or 15 msinutea, bae salit OPTOMETRISTI BRLINGTONI IMALLI TEENE 6M77J TAL AI AAIAI CLUS OF MILTON Box 92 SDANCE SATURIAT, MAT 29 B.I0 pin to 12.3R aIn atthsa MOLY ROSAIT ILL, MARlTIN ST. MILTON J EW ELS ORC H E ST RA-ALL W ELCOM E BUFFET LUNCH NEXT DANCE JUNE 19 STRIKE UuP THE BAND 9DMilton Community Service Clubs Proudly Present: THE SECOND ANNUAL COMMUNIIT "FUN" DANCE FESTIVAL '71 AT THE MILTON ARENA SATURDAT, JUNE 5 m 4R EFR ESHME NTS Dancing 8 pes. To 1 am. Tu Bilt Oerles 10-pc. Orcis. -PRIZES TICKETS NOW ON SALE , ALL g AT THE FOLLOWING: Casaiena Impeesal Ranks an Commerce McCuasa 5asorance csaada Trust Seuihe Stores Ross Biassoser Jeweliery Bank of Meetreai Predrscb's Usa Mas sobp Miltas Teasai Seroice Asitersos Brbcer eShop Miltas Pabi Centre Kssghn's Mas's War Murray Minai Drive-In Bank oif Noua taenia, Richardsn Chnin-Oids mi Canadiein Champion office Allas Cnsmees A tan Dominion Hardwsare ad nu msmhar an Miltas Commanji teevins. PROCEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF UNITY PARK ADM. %6 COUPLE ($7.50 AT THE DOOR) j. j ht mon -4 AM mari Bai -J Biail sbuil Park -t MCG, Angu -O1 rest Tctm -A taica tmgs stock -L rete Groin daveli -FA Lambs aisiaci pulii -Ai4 maya Brick Dept. Maa in pcb -La bele -Reu appro lie ere, amnd El -Le Aclen les app Oraeg servic Milton. -Wa Ad justi May 22 convey M. Mai Nassag Monda) ilsambe -Acc $17,274 approva Toacîsi ttlghmal -Ga% Protasa Agricole tair oBf gramUs i mse Oie siudy gr -Leai Energy, as prin Nassagi Milton le -Hs ar -Heur ilon M umcatbe -H a iatin misisU mi: -Mii1 ----------- ----------

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