-I - ,- _______________ ~be &nêbiau Ilpo MI-, ONTIOn WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1971 E mmu I, A day for sunburn, sore feet, satisfaction S FOCU-S ON WALKATHON Thene are the 32-mile iDavid Doherty, Lorrie Tom, Judy Driscoll Ousan Clayton, Farley, Wayne Day, Rath sealloatton finistiers who ment tie k . Laura Aikenhead, Ken Cross, Patty O'Leary, Terry Nethercott, Tuss, Bruce ElOîson. entice distance in Saturday's Lynne Watson, Leaos Ford, ' cott Sharon Wuods, Judy Spurrell, Sandra Johinson, Dvhbie Blac HPAHH "big trudge: Wilson, Debhie Kearney. Wdsoa Allîson, Marilyn Cundy, Karen Black, Anne Powell, Su Dehbie Corbett, Jady Wdlosgs- Deb. Richardson, Jachie Char- Lais Min Nicholson, Pat Fern- Farrell, Heather Elge, Ki hy, ArthsurMller, Loaise VerraO, land, lImes Acmstrong,]3BiOrly ihugh, Franh MeConville, Greg Kidon, Catherne Moln, Ju Dave Pearce, Franki Gerkley, Kats, Corie Gervaîs, Orr 0an od, Barh Oundford. Storey, Eva Hansen, Beverle Brendan Merritt, Wendy Van D-~.Gowîoe Debbie MeDoogall, Waoda Raoshotlom, Bruce Jefferson, Woody Whetham Gasecin, Vera Jensen, Gordon Dg MrDougaOl, Cheri Fre, Anderone Weody Wayoe, Trudy Disse Wlsetsam, Rose Squaci Dunphy, Lais Blach, Nores Mort- Brenda Hudson, Roger EloZ: Lyonsý Wendv Lyons, Cheryl Holly Whetham, Olephani ray Son erir on ahlen DevlIn, Dehorah Oioss, Fashen, Gusei Martin, Gwyneth Fraocey, Koim Dcc. Comher. Elaine Sims, Jios Nevins, Phelps, Ralhy Coulsso, Diane Betr Godfrey, David Pire Elaine Laughtan, Lena Jensen, Barhara Siauve. Smith, Nancy Hassard, Leighji Oohhas Pierre, Sandra Lewis Janey DeGraaf, Kelly Cremnon, - Judy Harrison, Brios Turoey, Tbniy Wayne, Lynne Waton, inBeerley, Jank Ornas, > Jadith Hassard, John Rassard, ne romn DoaBrn,. Kini Kerr, BiBl Dosez, Penny B ass rLeod, Micae Mn Br o7 Lynse Hisan, Pal Thmsn 'yaln HaItrd Martin Croshs, Midrew Doddn Beverley Berlasson, Dan Jensen: Ronemary Thihert, Gloria Nancy RuhI, Lin Rossell. i Daelan, Wesley Richsard, Sea Larley Vanderveen, Henry Nevis Leuisa Criuri, Jaequetine Vanderveen, Douglas Clement, Wright: Lorraine Verrall, Chi Miriamn Fisrher, Arthur Jones, RSmsth, Daeid Haredes, Rassie PLANNING TO RUN ail tise way aconi the 32-mile ro Franh McConville, William Thiomson, Paul Laughtan, Mary tisese beys from GSD may have slowed doms later, but the Sward, CNha Miderson, DanyI RiaLna meeJohn e orNta ne an Vadevei Jane Cure. re gossg fuit steami aheal misesn aChampion plsotoigraPiser Green, Henry Sytnma, 'Tiiumy e V;rjreLeJ..Stw= yi. npotted themn during the first hmirof Satucday's malk. Green, Brenda Busch, David - Mrs. Salty Laing, Irene Houghlon, Sheri Brush, Jimmny Riehard, Dannie Richard, Mr. Poster, Douglas B3enne, Olsleyr Rohert Dunlsley, Reîth Rlobetingham. n Lor Tueryer siese, Rbr Badey Kenn rs od, Hohne Bitly Plant, Paul MeAvella, G. Andison, Lois Duech, George Duecli. Edgar J. Rvarnherg, Don Baltock, Joli..: Alan Bomers, Pauls Crosslasd, E. MeDeragle, Daniell, Peter Sherry, Rede Christine Lard, Rosa Giannii, Harrod, CeeUle Denomme, Cheryl Gog rstog a hs,- Osse Gr BtaasBryas Sammy letcher, Darlene Mac- Lloyd, iilma Baîcher, Date Dr. R. Rumbhîl Anlhosy Doad aKà ep te.e i, ta, Jery Hall n Jen Laid- Boyd, B. Milligan, Craig Thomias. Hornirh, Peter Cairns, Chartes Jah Roneran avîd Mer alh n L Lyios Aihenhead, Nancy Chsamher, Michael MrDonald, Kelvin Fluelliisg, Benay Dnech, Johostan, CathyvSullivan Dr~ e Kin uaKaoski, Mary Mactis, Seutl Burrh. Beth Welfare blurb for recipients BEAMING A SOfILE as tey tciidge te mites are anme girls from f)SD wso participated in tise longtaike Saturday. Staff Phontes hy Ray Dewses TH-E GERMAN CANADIAN CLUB Invites Von To Ifs MAY DANCE on Saturdcsy May 22nd 8:30 P.M. in Milton Pin si. Union Hall Music hy Nck Osheit's Trio Suhject ta commillee and centyroanrcil appraval, shadent traum Sheridan College mit design and hhblséfoldesshat Oie DePrtmntof ocal ndFamily Wil add 70 stludents ta staff Mi addîtional 10 high sehoot and unîversity slsdents will ho hired hy Hallon Region Conservation Authorily this siamner uder the provincial governesent's SWEEP prograso. The Aathority had previosly heen aathorized lu hire 43 uludents and ftrîher iauthorizaion for 10 more ta ikety ta ho received, general mnoager Murray Stephen announced ai Thsrsday's meeting. Ms of Thursday 10ll applicanta hod atready heen interviemed hy the Authoritysreuurces manager in training Jimu Gosnell. Mr. Gosnell mdl ho heading Oie prugram Rhis sosmmer. Priday mon Oie deadhine for applicahions. Studenta hireil mit ta morhisg a 40 hour meeh, esncentratusg un conservation ares projecit. ORRECTION Prof.: VYos mere copying from tas paper. Student "No, sir, t mas mls malsing sure hie had mise aBl right. - Services mitI inetude mith cheqaes and other commun- ications lu cosnly mettare recipienta. Sheridan has offereil the service also ost ta the rosnty. Il mon Oiought Oie tamity lite students mnutd worli is conjonction miOi printafoand graptae anis stadienta ta prodace Oie folder. The folder woisd contais hudget tanlu and idhita ut information, Doputy Direclor R. J. Vivias blid Oie Social and Parmy Services commiltee Meoshers uft Rat cossoittne eutîressed a miSlingeess ho have Oie prolect get underway and auhed that shetchms of the tientl folder ta presented aI Oie seul meeting. -y5 rassi rions, soarie Hornosg, Usa Momat, Cyndy Rarly, Matlhem Berry, Janet Permîtt, Cedrir fache, Franh Uippai, Chartes Kerr, Denise Hilssn, Dordon Hilson, Rass Clarhe. Bandy Uippai, Date Starh, Gary Dance, Date Harnden, Dosny Hohley, Dosg Thomon, Ras MacNah, Bacbara Pearce, Jan MrRerr, Jennifer Sisas, Steve MeCutcheon, Roger Gement, Harry Richardson, Bobi Echert, Steve Caputa, Michael Francey. Leshie Strath, Andrese Willoughhy, Rares Teandet, Oleve Hatfîeld. Dîhers mho participated in tie mathathon and rompleled onymisere froos fiee ta 31 miles Outan Hohley, Aille Bieder- mon, Paul Broas, Cohin lest, Pal Hohues, Rros MeAveSla, ,0saie Belter, Bruce Best, Brian Bent, Janet Boyd, Heather Hilson, Trady Sales, Linda Sales, Evelyn McMi0len, Pal Ring, Helen Mites. Heather MrDonald, Vichy Pon- ton, Betty McMulles, Joann DeGraaf, Tonya Harire, Valerie GiSos, Diane Lee, SheSly Lyns, Leseis. Suzanne Bell, Marie Gignac, Karen Bromn, Alana Hoitaden. Mihe Mulruusey, Palli Wlsnoshi, Jean Barton, Lioda Marsh, Judy Beurhard, Boh Cumdy, LÀnda Russell, Heather Laird, Joanne Durham, Rohyn Oandford, Symra Tleerdsosa, G. Casse- meyer, Kimherley Davies, Carole Eastan. Patricia Dietrich, Maruha Simon, Valentino Quagliolto, y y * * e i v MAYOR BRIAN BRST wsea amnng tise digatitacies in Satucday s matIt. 1-s two sons seSkeot msth hlm ha Hornby, bti ho bail ho leave for an uppointesent ho Toronto. Tise Msilton Mayor wsan't even out0of breuth wsenhle reacsed Hornby. DON BRUNETTE ut tise staff at OSD wus tise second REV. DR. ROBERT RUMBALL is surrouuded hy trienils as mon acros the finishs hue ho ho headu out in Saturday's mathathon. The direchor ut Ontaio Saturduy's Wallt. He made it Mission toc the Deaf made il foc 21 mites despite o swoilen, ho lesu tisas six boucs. sore article. A SION 0F PEACE ws a mamnentacy diversion foc GSD studentswatlngnha turda>yatird ansotaalah.ei A PLENTY 0F FOOT POWDER wlls sprbsloled acoossi on Sauday wben 289 fromi Milton and anotiser Oll frose Acton ParticiPated hanlise EIPAHO walkatisea. Rev. Dr. Rohert Rotasiali of tise henefittiisg organization, Onstario Mission for tise Deaf, wan one of tise. wallcers and his feet were EXTRA sore mises tise day mas avec-lie isad spcained an ankle a few days hefore lise walk. Second Annual Georgetown RODEO 3 GREAT PERFORMANCES SA11JRDAY 29 May-2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. SUNDAY 30 May-2 P.M. Rain or Shine ~ Georgetown Fairgrounds Thrtlls For The Whole Family Admission 12.00 Children Under 12 501 Bronc Riding -Colt Roping -Brahma Bull Riding -Clowns VOL Il 2 -No 3 n