Club protests weeéd 'Spray used by county rod crew Oabville ROId as Gan ab àa flesting tis use of certain qrRyas cnusity mis frw contrat. luie Etseingtron, a messisnoftle cliub wrotesi latter ofrtato the s-sain counsutteen ZsgnaeD.tJ. ConseIl teli thse mail en th e as-y saïd ba u nsi lsr aix yenssu una uait oly ainer balsg dilatai many, nailly Urnes. Mr. Ettierlngtonsa lette- resnlnded tise cosnty ai tisa salsastise nsennilcal lOinS 1571 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS 0F MILTON'S Italien. Enghinbsecretns-y ReitWn Staln areayivio Dat 00b evaeraoglea nle atraam Cussadion Club hld Oheis- annul meeting ut Milton Conmm- Iln treesre John DeNI. At bacik lefi to nlgit as-e commn- = sin nesrtz, tediraining itt ity Credit Union as Suniay. New memberu of thse s-ommittee ittee memberu Se-gi Zoppan, Franks peul StnoGIte n ec e e t inisn vat. ne us-g showo front row, left to rignt Cliartie Vissini uni Tossi John Gnzol, Van Cornietti, G. Bonin andl Mise Belvedere. ndivisespegmiant'woensepee Gras-i. vice-prenident Ross C guco, preident Affredo, Bonta. (Staff photo) At 105 Simon Baverstock sf111 happy and heaîthy 1[Milton Council briefsJ ta thse dsmnntas Sm haalnul. ba tise déisssil vu deine Nvi ng. h sd Mms cesanvatia -lai basia LAsssen nineerDm Kîtas rxamnsdl tse cnsinai.d homelsof teàlsnas- a Eida bacane n fadii~(iatlssin test sal tise sat barmMu visen diliel Tise cammîttea ags-aai te continuethea an nf thsa dnmta. tinten ctser mainien of mlnsty --MW&skRi~esIMU -uasin adas 0"=aMIE, w avtguséilm: sierlaesld ani Ua l wum "W.cnsfs ls1. A day uf remiffies-lg seits and oId Tise Chami1 snmuruy maille te attend tise friendu uni relatives over "tue that ti lovebaebacki uthtie due te ilinesn. Maien gond old days' marked the 105tk old job." Jim Onose present bis-hdny et limon Mens-y Slavesa ta Baversts-" vis a àanersinc i utIalten Centennial Mr. Baves-stock wns presantd teaisaI ut tise Man«r on Sates-day. witka whiete isoutoniiem bynuse Guveriment. Amnng e "Whio me, 105?" asked lits. Sios Sandra Binnie. fisc floseer gueste wem Mannerc Baverstocs. -I nure dunit teel was sent tsy Nnnnagnweyn Reeve management cisaicuhtod"Ms nn aAtu h as EqeigReeT Ms-. Oaverstock given the Burlingn Raeve '.excellent s-are isere" s-redit toc Socaniorougs, Halton tee 105 ymas. "I lita il isere uni Warimn Dr. F.G. Onises have been weel lrealed" lie Deputy-Reeve Gas-iett laugta. of eActun andoGeorgetowv Moved arond Reeve As-tiser SpeightL Burm neus- Kingnton, tae bas Manne Auxllias-y- livei in Micisigan, Sarnia, - statters assitit Allandale. Elinvale and Allietun Volantaen ses-ved lune tature movingino Leville ta 1948. gueste. Ms-. Baverts-is He and ie wite moved te tise tat estuced on the manne ta 1961, sere se mussai sent montis Dapas- away te 1%64. The couple seere Social and Famlly married Oc yeurn. buIletta. Stillin ta ellent iseallli Ms-. A isausie and isirlin Bnve-ntosk le op eves-y day and cils 105 yeasu sesita mat, Po yesrsago, mauld walk to lettes aidai te tie fei tenu isice e weeb. He'o an the occasion. Evecysse ie enceptionul gentlemen," glass of paunchint tonts coienned nuperinleodenl Stan cesitenas-lan. Allen. "He ued tatac quite as-Ove Ms-. Bnvesosk c bsut ditesn't truvel mus-k s-mgrstidntory telegs-an anymare."ý 105-YEAR-OLD Simon Prime Minitatas Pie-s- Ila ansaid about lie deep Bavgrstos-k s-elebrstgd bis Tr-udeau,ftutton MP Rud dske soset ot long Mle, kge birtlsday et Hulton Centensial and Juige Allast Sprogu t tetdtspll out anyfos-mul r na fils sonlFrank ofGaIt lt adsnti e eaways ha Pdy rienis tome fi= isopitel, atin amokg. cesteonerin uni joingdi thie Bavessocs otbler cisili Mg seocked an a woenctte- toc afterncouns celebratien_ Jas-k of Galt, Le»" ( neerly tour and a halt decudes (Saf ph Alprs-m) ofSBsnsbas-s, No Tovn lise and Jimi ofB The liff le long distance car. ":Littie" because it's ove ot tise littiest cars ie North America. "Long distance" because if's built t tron a long, long way. A long erep bet'.eev gas stops, service sOcs-vals andi, very lkely, repair bis. Mechanically speaking the Pinto in a titttg gem whether it be the engive Ivehicis han been in use in Europe for yearsl or tise ail pressure light. Structurally speaking thse Pinto has been veeldeci into a single unit Ivehicis means that it sisoutin't start rattting atler a 0gw months or even a teve peurs.) Design veine pou get more ot everythivg. The only thing pos don't get more of, ns tise price. -Comptete setectios of cotours uni options -Immeiate delîvery -Highest traie-la atlowance ;ed Ms-. s-roil as Ontario ommite Jim iCoUsty uf As-tan, is-Kenze nDeputy- isy tise kl te Oie 'n pines-a mant ut tes-vics-e iycoke ta bahd ivltigs as njuyed a to tahOe es-eived it Elliot Witing -es-ently ided tise uer. Mr. liass A. s-ms ai Des-ing a meeting ufthOe tul coun-il tslluselsg o sepus-ata commitîge meetings Monduy, mmisgs-ns of Milton Coan-l -de i to-y tise Mitom tedsril Connt il cant as-sange te bave a pas-t lime employee s-eps-esenting tise comusitine ibis yesr. -Ag-eed ta pans n remsOlin indis-eteg local contr-us-tor and trudeemen vOli ie given peerence uni t! ta tstfly n-lfed visas qsotetioms are requis-gi for local municipal vus-k. -Tu-nei over n request fs-m RddeS Taxi tus- a telepisme attecisai te a bydre pole tei devutusen ars-g, te tise Mitom Hydre Commisson. -Agreei te support n bild ly RUdeS Tuni for a bus ser-vice te Maltanuand Toronto Iternmational Alrpes-t; uas a kus con le Streelovile uni a kus nervis-e te, Oakville GO Transit station via Higiswuy 25 and 5. -Autoiee a s-vey et Pine St. lielveen FuItes uni -Puis ctool studeete indu taIt hliiay tant Tuesiuy un tahr teddtba ses-on te-kers f a tteied e' f.Develpimnty Dly. CNEsCK THIS GREAT DEAL 19u Pinto 2180.00 Senevmisnleioe 109.00 LiomUe 20.00 Do- Puyeiv m3one 2079.00 36Ps-yvevnsi 73.00 15 s- et impl 5vv iverm tSubect le Cisdit Asmens Ask About Our A Fam Iy rotcte For $i.50 a month pour papment is eutomaticailp Famly rotcte isurci agaînst sîckness or disabulitp up ta36 moniths. No need to, repap sickness papments later. You just Finance Plan carry on for the balance of pour contract. SE IRE FIENDLY MAN AT MRAIAA 409 MAIN St. MILTON 878-2369 Commercial Ste and asked tise Sewa ordlaýci engineering consultants e 1 k reopsetcion aîndgswidfeningt lof:of t[ tp S Pine St. bridge and approacliee. USED SA. SPESIAL 1M6 PONTAC 4 diner hardtop - 327 V-8l, Positer staerssg, Regularfe, Vinyl top, radio, wiseel dines, wite wallo, all vinyl interior. Ovnei isy local man. 4litO original miles. Uoence N2MO. $2306 MILTON MOTOR SALES su mais St. maton 878-D MIX or MATCH FANCYC ISCORN 40Z.TI "ESPRESSO" eoonsAaN - 411OZ es ianREGa ea T sOYALE . ROLL COFFIE TOMATO JUICE 3N' OS' S 3 Ir 99ç- B9 OATH - E.2RL O 9 MAXWELL NoSuon- REana11 TIN B ROYAL R80I PA99 ROi.L FO LE. TISSUE ROI.LS "aICFFE~ 990 SWIPT'S PREMIUMORLAYOOAPLE-VACPAC SLiCao FREIN.* LEAN Side 5 q LE. Chuckcý Bacon J 7 aSeak La. MAPLELEAF CANAOA PACKERS MACL S AFRESiI- LEAN 5 ACK FREIN -LEAN- LOIN SAUS GE -59 Lc. PEAMEAL Pork Chops 59 Lç. SWIFT'S CREMIOM - AC PAC BACON FRESN - LEAN - EY S__L_.________abîmeo ork S2Oeis 9 WIENE Rs L5G 49ç P E5L50 LB. _ paLri . SHOULDER ROASI 35 399 CaESN, LEAN - F0011 DU"s Sho.Idor Roast - 45! MaclntoshLI.l ACIe.iw nSeia s in Enset tous 6 v. Saturs-00vf W te R oeiiSil LieOOnseooesf rewv ruzbaur;Nar or m u tian-Lmman nt .loc Mlltn, nami ut tise club& snnunl meeting on tise veeeemn, te Ms-. Frai Bousin, baft Me te pis-tns-a s- eeptitagsog-ats)ntions fromn Mr- AMmouo Crias-t, vins metlrei from thseexacutive niteraone year an psnient Ms-. Crstcivwiuhes tonaynasn-ere"tmnnk you" tonil viso sppotei hNm uni the Club iutirlng is yens- ns renident, amnd wlishe tise nev executive succm te 197-72. Me hians retirai from thse italan-Canaian Club exacutive te devete more Wum ta ise buies Aitanos Fruit Mas-ket; uni ta tise -e 1o2 :=al Cnadiao Club ci viicsh le isprenident. NEINZ-11 OZ. SOTTLE -REG. nia KETCHUP LIRBY'S - EG âNe MONTINi - REG.I PULP YO A NDe. SAUERKRAUT "BOILID' JUICE OF aO. MACKEREL * PEARS 25 TN oz- 94 * PEACNES MONTaNI - REna 3se UNICO - REG. 2 OC f or FRUIT COCKTAIL TOMATO PASTE * APRICOTS 14 OZ'0 26 OT. TTINS PRET j nppas Liti A de Coun-il atistai County propone severul Milton DeEpi clarifici ces-tain tes-over s-nntroli Blvi te truas Bs-i as ail] of tteeve P cousty d He pai .-uty s s-nneider, wisen 1 recon ituiled s-amety v the impr ani Oiei vocis pin dois byti vent Ohis- Mayor planioci t Uine Ros tae telt it i dune ms Sealinen and cutfiâ Nepteg tatae pres Skating guente entes-day. sisuting lamentai imading e including ini Nw i vans-y ne "Casse F counies. rI CNRISTIE'S PLAIN OR nnaAa aRa. 0 DONUTS 1971 FRESN PRODUCE AND 'Vi*,#TAB ttÔ4M* YELLOWRIPE CANADAFANCY BANANAS 51. SP BAG La y Apples 3LB-39% PKGS. 991; . Or là