Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 1971, p. 4

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4 lThe Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Marcit 10, 1971 Game coliId Bon toms oust club from Stoney Creek MILTON 1105 MUSTANGS copi tise East Raitn high RobinsStHig, Burlingtnn, Mamlay alternons Thin photo waa asant hockey championabl alfh unailnring vlrtuorleu over tuken durisg tae EHC fina lest ai'ut ahen tihe Mitan crea Blakelock and white Ouku achwol froai Oakvilae lest; waaiti huaipet White Osii fusai the nrni.-(Staff Photo> battaist tae cuunty final la a stroiger squati froni M. M. Millgb sistunitholekey tai sofruoni M. M. RbinusonSecundary arleul lausued Milthn Arasa Munday aflernuonnhowaurb Oie Burlegle scitunt utule Oieir daim a i lest higb amuIo hockey teani in Haltls Cuuntyo. hddfae lise Mutsitu l a efae Blaitelucitund Wtaea al re mieeting tle Berlingtun urleu la Oie fiut garne. M. M. Rbittno aise île gamne 2-t. Wild affafr Tse grme was bard buttine, inurit 'uni dutn, drag 'ei sut Milton Legiun Banlemu swun Oie riglit ta play in Oie Ontario aiinale aibea tltey uted Stuney Creek la Oie quile final irun bauaot a inlng the final gari 8-1. John Toinellluopened Oie acarlg eti r5.u lirle perled ali Oie Btutktasgui effort. Jules Tuneli RirkB Orlg=an Scilt MCnl a PeCle cb mark ail Bred taie goels earb fer tiewinng Bontera club. srdm i MrKeaote pirked up diresassisandToelli en Fey, Rai Tali and Pae CQuib marh balped un une gaal nacb. Manager Bill Reaney aid bits club bed pled really an, leven in a rugk gamns. Roaney uild il wus ail Oie Milteu club could do Semi-f Inai Sweet smell of revenge ~imii Welders whip Grimsby lia Miltn peu aiea club, mnute ment. Rati Gufni firedti , aote RGoodnguand Eric MMR stakes claint alminalad Grinsby fruai Oiair 0.M.55.A. quarter-fluet serina In Oiree utraigbt gamnes. Aller a jla t baie 3-t lest Mundiy, adgeiir astud-3 in Grlisby un Sady sigit aid bleshed six gale ai tha Oiird paclud Mundiy ngit le sain 0-2. lise gains in Grimsby uai Oie Grismsby club tuae an early tead un the Weldars only te bave Dive Turnser ucora taire befure Oie flcirai eiud au over hn ltb a 2-1 led inle Oie niiddte frarne. Grimuby scurad Oie unty guil ut Oie second perlodti l kist Oie nieut ut 2-2 amdilon scureti agaiuetOihe 4.20 arkt uf tle titird abîm. Storm u ln Tradling 3-2 und aitit tissa riasning uut Multon nturned lent ali fait powier as Steve Mc- Diulsheon huit a Rud Gouding peu uaid situved it in eithOe 1800 p hu Ei Eltisun unty 31 sacunds latar. Enis Munru utapped semeraI teigit drives le Oie Oiree bie attoed. Pater Rein dreai assiste un baOi of Turnerus geais abute Joe Saillie belped sut un tle second guil. Mt huomlue Oinefr sain fana on Munday sigitt, thse Weldars laIt lehind 2-0 lefr ek C.-flis moisid fruni Jue Sallea niidaiay la Oie Birut periud, Dive Turner lied Oie ni t Oie Oiree minuta mk MOescund perlud us a play ali Pater Ruta ami Eric Ellisun f ired wbat turueti out to le Oie winning guet au bae pimrced la a Rot Gundisg peun lete in Oie uane peciud. Turner bastin The final sessiun tas att ltln's as Dive Turner arured taioe wbile single goals rame fruni Steve McCutcmunn, Perry U 3 &Fs is News Anutineranineduureioluunstlysmeeingtasbeldstîai cluit basse Tlersday. Dite Gaciley trin thc Departinent ut Lands sot Fumaits spoke lu nienbers of Haltun Spurtsmai's Associstion ami gue tram Diitviile Rot sud Gmn Club. Fims tarre abusan un Oie Bobwvlte Qssil ami Oiý rentrel of deur. Tha filen sletaed deer starvig lereune ai populaion muntrelu led benptu.Did yu no tat arsuud 1900 yu mould gel a five yusr ilcu.r er nts and sibyear yu eaid sboottive deer or a total ut 25forMOcenle' Thalina ruallergalareaipared ttday'sei. Oosd prsluct ThseDiitviile Rot anI Gun Club les aibat air thi lu use Mllte lest prujehs of any spurluainis clubs. lIiey arc sponsoring a genie ami durit nstlg ares un Oie 12 Mle Creek. They are taurblag ali Oie junior meiubers oi teir club. lThe femed in aires la alruady undurtaay tO nsng boxes biteng lastallud. This urus taiS le strirtly patreileti and sigaud by Departsuent of Laids aid Foete and the Oaitvifl Club. Congratulations ulae le Jite ROierlagten un bis lutter ho Ceunly Cainiri runcerning tinsuse of lthe type of aeeti spray leieg sed. Wr toa Jiai persunaily fer his aoith e ruunly us an ardent con- servatiusisl and ae ien huusa bcu raiut tante suur a latter sunis ineallath ac. Wuuassportmen than youJim rtîub g i sand. Catcb aittelisb Ed and Jacitie Ruobertson fruni Hernby bave feue getlI beauliful taletefisit tram Laite Siairue ibis past taie ieele. Rd reports catches of 10 le 15 Rabi, ailla ine taie sud i balt h reu ptuud ca, su maybe ate ifaf are nut leu fem Simreyet. Wettii cOulumen fer the date et thte club's unnuel steak anti bam ubeo. Als lis year unranuelsasteruetagisla gl eea stugsno longer, as aie ure gulag te, invite île aismen te partate sud givu Oie mue a runtfor Oie jwryliamiandasteak. Haninlev Hsstiog suason la fmnisfed fur suoi yuar in Halleii. HunIers report a yusr of frustration un deep sauta sud bowineg taiuds un niest aieefaidsbhampered fmtog. Wu are afraid Oits lus gulag le lesa tugi peur ungame isp nis thîe uurtf tafere deep muta les cuvereti .ied vnOi ticceerrfur fut of mno. Partridgu aid osuil! gume aIse bave a f urd hume ho survive in isuci tausOier su lttu ail le rereful nit flS sud feep vour buts le s minimum ut aie tlad sut île survivul rate. Sprlag ns Dm1' forget tleî nit mouOi is Oie lime te sue Oie ralabeais us Oieir sprlag run. Twvuflictaaye near Mllistonst Nirultln dam aid île Oier atEecl Raae NationalParkt are inuupera timagsiu ibis year. Ralaletau aefing Oie usdaseru Mf tle Buyue or Nuttuassga Rivers tai le able le pote ttreugit tleae taie tisi ledderu. Muni Iceut slg Oie finit limiers are taeged, meaucet, usamineti for lemprey miarkts. Tbe firuttlubh tan ragbsd taggeditstyear on Aprit 11. :ONTARIO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION: .r Semi Finals * Entam "A"' * MILTON VSESE SSunday March 14, 1971 : * 2.45 P.M.e hemo effert aiere rettacted in Oie mole aclunin as Revin Hutadai led tvuauileusingle lelpers were earned by Tins Paarson, Peter Ruta, Bot Guuding, Erie Ellisun, Diug Stratit, Parry Capule aud Steve McCutciteon. Mlhugh thOe ucore aiuuld uot uuggnit it, Grimisby neyer gave up riglit loe end uf Oie garne and Brian Wilson playeti a grilt gaina la geaI as ite bad ho stop several lead drives fruni Oie uutscured but deterninad Grimait7 teani. The Welders nota lae Oieir revunge un titis club, au Grimisby was Oie hemi Oiat inarled Milles uut of the lver Stick Tuurnameut. lise Welders uta aweit taurd un Ohi Serni- Final O.M.H.A. uppunents. Blank Hespeler two in row. Milton Nuvice B's sunit Heupeler "- Saturday andti Oia aibippei lte; sanie club thte fliletaite dla inHaipuler fy s resounding t-t margn. Glus Young and Je Gaen flcud s pair nirit talue Dune Harntai single in lahOe lirai garnie. Assiste aient le Bilt Goer (3) Bren Arpe. BruSt Pallecain anti Je Gaeln. Tas earb lau Wantess, Gautue sud Hacdi ail liretwoai geals eac Bail annual on April 5 'Me Miltou Mimor Bai Associtioun tail itlti s geseral Oiung u April 5 aI Oie Stuaeieru' Nil un Pine Street at 7rte pari fer Oie electisu ut uffireru fer Oie rumine yusc. Ail parnts Or Personitslteraitet inl munr hll are urgetel attend. Coarches aid anripirni all le needeti fer Oie reaiing yusr and aill le eresily appeiatei. Titere us a psssibility et upecallag laie Osutan aid tait Mitilet teams eut Mf Milton Oi yuar. AU yuils la thee uge lesritutsaiig lu play hll Oui year are asietu l reutari as acou as possible ailler tailf Nuvins aI 878-2614, or Je Rals et 07845St. Evening raIls uuly, please. taule uther-lriggermn aiere Diane Starkt, Glai Young sud Goer mi singleu. Rtaf., Gornrz aid Vechllen pirleti up laie assista esrb tale Nadalie, asless ulagletin lahOe auuisl culumun. Tbe nuvires aiilt meut Gergeltwn or Barlinglue la Oie sei-finils aluni. The fans taere Oie nutseet Milton Arunaitas tusd for aime Ducing Oie Birut ttau parlotde ut thte ganie Oie Miltun fana asused une sidu ufthOe itk aud Oie MlM fanu Oie uOie. ur Oie Ohird perludMiltfn ssitotagad Oie aiaering seioai fruni Burbnglus mitai a giruup ut minai 20 plunieta Oesnselves la Oie mitddle of Oie Burington Mare noise Ibis taay tley taere able h out- citant Oie Burelnupuiu lanOicebleaer bthOe fart reniainu, lthe visitunt uutarored lise ttau clubs fuuglt le a arerelms Birut periud. Burlnghon ainitelead 1-0 ona galfri B. Murray in Oie secosd perlod. C. itapson put Milles beltinti 2-0 la Oie final parlud. Wui real clse Milles ituset ufficisis tabai a goaI taas diseiluaied during Oie Oiird peristi aid Oie tabule mitk errupted taita Pale McCuaig puppet in Milluns ouly goal et Oie gamne. McCuaig Iot a ruihtlt in Oie ganse aid did everytbing but wuate contrel tteaelva inavieai ut abat ho leruned --dmtt play" by Stoey Creeit. Taie Ogta braike ut mad layerais O e Stonay Cre&i heam lefi Oie bondi aid penalty bou te juin ici. lise garda aiu acore latine dylng minutes of the ganie. Me taas by tar thea meut inissive attenter in Oie bise and wbite Mustang sweater. evntaaily awarded te Milton wben reree aed Oie gam wli tour and a luitmntea ef taliteiitui lIiincident aiSi le recrded un a retereen talon MutaR il at ait fer esE am Orengevifle te tfian tef quarter final aeriea betere PâYwe ff i e ie.u4inal. Mi ute ganCElsit seanan la ap te et anderaiay Seturday nu Sanday. Fords win big game MUtta Trafalgar Ferda betfl a Olnd game la aseuoy Iit ill le au all-bnporlaul 4-3 Win bu playtirOura su aell. " Iw~J agaicul Logeraei ,in Oue final Miltao ai5ud 4. gama idh Oie arie miadkis. Haimiltan irered Oue rtji geais went ta Be li a s surel a tain ut lieu ci Oue g-m, p*igamsDis Mabitiri arraugemeut. Milton an et leblssd 1-0InO th priot. JhuCrwrgt lee La4y ba a ta Parislidin one plhmrti WaIly Merbuy ply Tagereil isu d dif fepleuBleir and DMa bac*s te aMiseraesthe tie Oie gasse and atheOulrut br iuet Pisd I-t. ef.,s. firad a pair and aled he put Aaisataon thon tlm Tuner (2), (2) and Jin hn MA Of atin d ut ezpactaed -eo ends. wt alOi lbari. Mixed bonspiel winning rinks A mised bunapil ali prises diinaa by a braaery nanpeny ae ajeyed by ltae aiuibers of Oie Miltan Curling Club Fab. 27. Tsa Latt trophy a aiea by Oie Bah McPhall riait abicit iclddPgyJohnson as vire, Lar Oaai= euaod aid Jean Sates head. Otisar ainnin thtea eOi Stewart Mcad cu li Glidyn Merrltt, Joli Nursie nd Micas Ornait; Dan Maia rbdt ali Nasal Raid, Vers Butcbers -Mardis eni l ite e lenit fer a chtange. Cougors put Hespeler out Gilfinger Cugur Pie *wee "Os'" unded op Oue smm la tsiirOi place ami led t ley Hespalar lin tfinitrud iy pisyed Hespaler un Sahdy ganlgu-l2vichory.Stv Hannu lthOe attark ithO tais guils aid une as"in, Kavin MCey arored once ami assahted uo. Roger Del-Nin, la Mc- Kerr aid Ravin Kitceai aere Oie uMler sevrerta iOi Gleerge Trencoa inlplag ouI once. Suuday the Cugars, playing et borne, cuuptately uverpetaered Hespeler 8 - t. Steve Heam collectaid a let-itict asnlasan a"-ut Garry Dance (2) Kevin MrCyKev itcban ami Paul Mn e Oie uOier marituma. Brin Flan (2), Tais Cberhnads, Jim MrKerr ad Rager Del-Nid gainad assista. Nex ste Cougr goon te msetOim alnsera of O aityle Orampton sers. ft-. an uruM aid lUtIn Murpity; Oie Fred Disan rink ithO Jauie Andersun, ttCurp aid Cindy Curp; Oie Bob Reed riak ithO Mary McEadiarn, BIS Banett ami Maidie Butritera; ahse Peut Johson wit Jane Hughtes, .Murray Granite and Sandy Beunett. IT'S ME TUE 11 7 WReTOUMIm.SvMl Wimter sorise Lisgar Twin $@&sens 141,l; and BnVice 828-3109 Book your Holiday Home NOW1 Leuse this camper from North End B3P Take your home wlth you on vacation this year. Travas sutr as you wish, stop vehen you Ilie at any of the cunvenient campuites locateti ail acrosu Canada. When you stop for meals, or for a guoti nlght's sleep, everytblng lu there for you. Nos-h Endi BP has equippeti the camper with everything for your cunvenlence anti conifort. There are tiuhes, pots anti panu, cutlery anti a utova anti fritige. Asti the camper steeps six. We've even inclutiat euater anti bytiro connec- fions fa let you take ativantage of the facilittes avoulable at many campuites. Ali theconveniencesof a f ixeti location-ani you are free to go anysahere. Corne In soon-soit over the camper anti you enili veant if for your holiday. if's at . DATSUN NORTH END BP 235 Base Lino Roud Milton 878-2471 rhee are nicethan MO0 Daeun dealers acroeaCanda asl the U.A. at Mustangs expense. meal= day ant aud Knl Oiret gaim lers ci ga ve da goal forl gnce as P 5 14 but ai Radukita rand1 the Orut arly la in thO FaUsogi scoe out lier, Fo, Pote Scuiden la titat 1 mavre il inate Soi Oea Nylu the salami Eugane]1 The ta taie gai the stage sail pa] a tatouer the susa Bhey wlll the finale Alter a aix goals fer licth Jini Reei Oie alie reunted 1 Sauve, E Luulie. 1 lune nier Hihuer i the aeni (Wed.) A geal Jiai Har Farley t Binaily br mark uf enyNi Mlepu ig 1.0 vit Bald op e play a fui 1ain lui Huin' un exb m-uNe TA CE yo Dm ~L2 J\REPEAT SPECIAL (By Popular Demand) SFAMILY PAK -9 S-16 Pieces Delîcious -4 Flavar-Crisp Chicken a -6~ Fresh RailS $ 9 -Cole Slaw Ra. -011 -FamîilY Frenci Fr4e 9s9 DELIVERY AVA,-.,.E N TOWNS LIMITS ON FOODORDERS OFS3 OR OVER SPECiAL GOnD UNTIL CLOSINO SUNDiT AT .,Mun&y HOGIDIV-N SPhane 878-6028, Base Lin , Milton, Ont. ntOaii5.SatUo0. WYLDEWOOD GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 6198 TRAFALGAR ROAD, HORNBY GOLF, SWIMMINC and SOCIAL Limited numberof speclal farnily membershlps avallable. Golf membership for husbands, full membership for talle'r anti ail chuldren. $21i500 18 Hole watered Golf Course l nteresting alnd well-groomed. Reserved startlng times for members -nu waiting. Large heateti swimmisg pool. Compte social and golf progrsm. No initiation or entrance tees. Full and 5-dsy memberships for men, ,omer, infermediates andi chiltiren mIss available. CALL TODAy 878-488 ýiý4 Paul Martin Pro Manager " 1-.7.

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