w * phb Canadien Champion, Wedeesday, March 10, 1971 , ,Cross country skier orSesd tro WHOOPS! ST WAS RAllIER ICY Move to co-ordinateà education services Onte person mli b. in cbarge ut uf une ucteol sud co-ordmnating ru-ordination of continuing ulburs. educalion ut tb. Halton County He would b. expectod te shuw Board ut Education. leadersbip in lbe nlgbl urbaut Superinlendent ut Instructiun field, publicine courses and Oiei Gilmore tebi tb. board enlabliuk r e giration recently lbere wau o n.ed fur s pruceduron. Ti. board proposes perusun muiodZ c -nte day te acieve ibis wvtlbsul hiring uckuol, wight url sud uum r additlonal pensums or tigu hroo prugau addiliona1 muste lu thebar u Tbeman % mi besposibie for slulting muenpouer. tisvelopisg lb. cbangisg moncept _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of sumoer suinul sud pnuviding liaison wilb utb.r educuiosal agmncieu i lbe mommuaity. gommser whool Tbe co-ordlnatur muuld develup andl be respousible fur distribution ut registraiun forme sud sumen ncbuol bruchures. He wuid b. resposable tur ulafing lbe suner ucbuol or ,bolu asumeil as b.ing principal Plan trial Tmsuty-sevmn cbildirm bave ulneady neglstered for lbesor inars te b. beld ut Milton Plic Ukbrary beginning March 31. "w. onpect mure cbikdrea te registur ai soon ou lb. prograin gais suderway," suid librarlan Mnu. Ju Jubnson. The utery banne mii b. beld in Imu ueparate sessions, un, cmn.uring at 1.30 sud tb. olbor ut 2.30 p.m. Chlidren under Oive yearu of uge are melcome lu attend. Mr$. Anne Andersen, furmer bau ofth muoiyu' sud girls, depanlin.nt ut Burligln public librany, mil moducth lbone b uur sessions, leacbiug lb. ckildren te lisait o lu cb utery as weil au acllvely becmme invulvail i lbem. TE'E OFT0O Sessions or, plsn.d lu, i-on V E FFTRO front Mancb lbnuugb Jurai una trial imuis. TETW FMLO * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS IOCATED AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMERI E NOTEBRUCE MCKER Ma chc ihbulldozer aparueur ai WORKS SUPERINT th 0frdsoloe ab sd TOWN cOp MILTOP u By Roy Downs Mat IMuat t 55Wmau fs at.beut fro tyu t sprtI eClub enjoyed an ail-daycre Conr k ie i peyBide ores o Nassagaweya Towship en a recent Sunday Mike Foley of lbe Toronbo BrC thail ed lb. e mile bib. that fulwd the Bruce Trati, township moade and Halton Coonty furest arme. Foley sui Hialti bau sume of lb. b.st terrain for croseomlry sbiing lin Ontario. Paursurfare Tbe grup met uithb Flflb Lia. ntreilo on 15 Bideruad amI walbedne;7ly a mile uuuth on lb. Fh lb Lio a dead mnd, lbon dasued tb.lr pecial sbis and tuais off to the busb. Foîey suid lb. toucby weatber conditiuns probabty kept tusuy, biing ail- dicte ut bume thbIt day.M t cos contry iru are st evey Bellsud but Balurday'u ansd Bondayu cold la.t lbe asote bard and crusted. It was mure "like uk th . lbs blng .s lb. sur n ui et glidetg uvur lbe bard surface. The =ru sied dumn lbe Flt Une ru lallomance t b Rbertuon foreat tract, tolwo a trail lbrugb lbe haib to lbe Sixb Lin.. 'Ibm tbey tuured lb. Cou Tact sud st= Wd:o luncb et ae1 uelter lb lu a built neur lb. Towen Unte. ibm. quit lbere but lbree uf tb. men, Day. Beil, Adamu Zalu-nemebi sud Fred Turner continaid ou dusen lb. Firut Lino Esqueulng tu 10 ilideroad, foluowing lb. Bruce Trail olte &uxlbtUneand onto lb. uide trail to lOilton Fuis, betare retarnlng te tkeir caru ut lb. Flflb Lise. "il mou a very invlgorating, etrnuua np, sld c.Turner. k WTR WONDERIAN (staff Photos CIAL ST, R, ENOf NT, C2r-unutryàküng,lhe biburs onplalned, differs froam dasedeli àbiis In suu aoys. Ail lbe .tess Jsn ay' uti mere diebar crss cosuntry akdera, muet of lbemn former damebil ebierumbho bave opted fortb. Bati terrain. Ose mas sui b. bad beo ebil for 20 Ye=e u moolda't go bock te aeli sbin again. "Dow"tbi ukilng ba ,dgn. =edt tilng tua queue, bepelamd You ski down fur 10 seconda and tb.n get in Bno1 go back up lb. biil. ountry lsgaimoe k blbing, yure buallelm. Great on ffl Beverul of lbe skiera out Suday said lbey go ukllng evury meekmd Tbey don't bave fac to diebecae masty areas in oulbere Ontario pruvide guod Crss Countr'y steing - specilly su or er lb. Bruce Trail. Eutbauliastslocpoint oui cross CMnr ebisg la Imu exponsive lbs domebill ubling. You don't ueed speolal coulbm and lbe skis, toute, b arness and potes don't bave te b. au fsucy for cross country steing au lbey are fur dotenkili types. Anad tb.re are nu memb.rsbip fées, adiiln Cbarges or tom tees wb.n yos're doisg lb. cruess contry moute, lboy add. AIL SET Il LET'S TAKE OFF THROUGH TUE BUSH WANTED ADVANCE ORDERS FOR FRUIT TRIES NORTHERN SPY e MELBA e MACINTOSH e DELICIOUS e BARILEIT PEARS We offer Dwarf 2-year trees at 02-89 EACH OR "2790 FOR 10 IF Ord.red by April ist 10.CS SHD A L E WITH ORDER Vl 8784422 GEITING SET TO HIEAD) DOWN TIHE TNI . 5NIHA OT - asun 160Pîckup it's ail the truck you need at haif the prîce you'veý been payîong For aoud haift ho price of on ordioury truck, you gel s trucki that will gel Up tu thirty miles tu the galioe. crane 1) ut 70, and curry a ton uf avythivi. Evev eI.phants. For urouvdhl h rceo nod r tuk, yuu uet a 9 horse ha, cansh egis 6 f , hte on, 4-speed ultusyrchr sit ev uyupni ooservo h ake synte nd iea ls A Dalsun rc abil o 0,0 mil reib lySei wi un a long wayaddaloof r wi u uu a ot of trouble, wihu csig a o fmon The Dolsu 160 trc aattetukyu ed fou hall the price to'ebenpy whc laoe ressortwhy its North tmerc' betslg im tep ipckup. Tbe mure-fe peur-mssep aruis DATSUN 1600 PICKUP OAT 1 NORTH END BP 233 Basne Lino Roud Milton 878-2471 Thora are more thon 1000 Dateun derniers acros Canada and the U.S.A. ____ ,~,~.urn~______ il. Sanitary Land Fi Site OPEN FOR GARBAGE 1DISPOSAL THIS SATUROAY MARCH 13 MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON