ïhkt 4!rfgtbiauï Servnq the Communéty f., 10 VasY.. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, Eluimpio ceenlo Paons - Fifiron Crein NPrice tag reaches $1,330,OOO on improvemnents, diversions HAP~PY IN SUER NEW HOME, Mnr. Dais>'MCaifpion - sec OirsI page of Uhese conmd Metean la mne of fisc OrsI tenants ai 5lilton's Section. A2loi insitda' n pager: Sports on new senior etizes apaelment buidisg on Pages 4, 5; elassifteds, 8, 9, SU; Edilariala, Ontario St. se la ptbred relaxing ho bar lettons, colUilns and CWNA content entries. living oons la one of tise fi.ni floor B02; Ysjuti, Bs; Womcn's secen, B4; Ski bilan, apartsi. Tis wccis a spectai icatore MO; Farrs neces ami fraisies B7.-<(Staff report On tise builditng appes in Tise Photo) Worth $ 750,000 36-lot subdivision starts this spring Witsa tce nent maOst sarvices ssii lea gond styla of home, ail fland control report la Milaon hoe a 3&Wla nnbdivision nocOs of oce $20.O", salid liecnpn'Coneil recommende ns dcvclap- Rigbslde Dr. ondssent af Ontario prenideat. Tise Dcrryttosa re ment onti crack improvrmenn Si. 0420 la undcr construction, 0420 weconne qolatoirons nae Munie. spohesmon for Iso local local supplices and Iraden, bo flhc subdivision ban been a dcvelapora prodltoi Ibi cee. added.Thecflmm alan dosccsus freqacat and controveenlal Peter K . McWiliams, biding tee home kayers. s djc t h aradtMltn Coneil inada of Focus Deeopmnin ao Planing Board loisirs. 1.. l te Focus finm nd H. Boldasixilots Focon Ocselnpmenin bas bora O. Seseil bach siisn Lots intesubdivsinare firn aspnglgisprvofr Jointly d$eveiop te 20 lais anrd otl rsig.B oooontapntsyan c liasse asardo a cotrc t ravise losar bclagdcinayed a i l boS rnb.ln a sd POill fo installation ni RcganConsramsAUtrl dev=opent.10esawitn $100,000 sortb of services. Mwtalaaery la alieeady en tce site. Payrcapital ies The Icenfire plan an isvealmcsnt ni aimant Ibrer qoarlcra of o milion dollars before Ibrir subdivision la fnly developef. Tise homecs 0420 la soUsh oves' $600,006, seIrvices are la mest $100,000 and te lassn'n capital lot leviez of $1.146 piussa 9M0 bydro deposit per laI 0420 briag tce total onilay 10 cloe la $716.000, Me. McWilliamn repoi Mont of tise lotsin lte susnb division bave boau old 10 Ocrrydosn Homan, 1801 Eglinin Ave. W., Toronto ami Ose ftme plns tu enstruel aI ) eont 30 homes ninrting dbits spriog, McWilllams suld. "'lacey Like Kelso? Wants no recreation at Hilton Falls dam If and simca Bilon Foal Daon neerelary lu I00ton Planning projcl la cosupilatd il sI bo Board Rasa Pearea sosdcred stricly for saler control, alotai, "1'i hala siae Ibongml represecativen ni Halions Region Keian sas for shea il sas Consaervation Asîhorit>' tld conosuet." Milaon CooscO and Planning HRCA Manager Murray Bosai lanlsor aI st alaoi Sepnsui tce parpose nf Keiso meeting la dlacuten the flond bad chasgcd and lbs prime central report ha the sesl boBf of porpose sou recrealios nos, bal Ose 16 Mile Crerh. Osrre wso chmane of Mae ame Aiter insrisg Ose alatemeal. Osisil happening et RiOb alols. il[t will coat approximael c$1530000 ta impl7eeot props eboonel improveent land diversins n tise branch of lise 16 Mile Creack tisat flocen tbrougs Milton. At a meeting Wednesday between representatives of tise Onlarl Dprmnt of Energy and Reotre, iton Cafnncll and Planning Board and Olalon Regian Conservation Attbnrlty. proposais la tce flood control, report were discussed. to plaoe rnenng=Ucpirtins of tce varions recommendatins in lise report. OK Martin apart ment A 100-natte apartaseal anar Millan's central coea waa givra rezosing approvat isy Milton Cooscll ibis sseeh.* Developer la Mra. Marie bisellU, wse ai Dr. C. A. Martia of Min. The proporny la la tce noris-s corner of lands an Milide Dr. cnsumoniy kanssa as '"the fiais". Altbosgh MUrs. Mnartin han plana for five apartaseats en the proporty, bier husband who appesred before coneil sked rroalg for only one. Olimera are delsyrd pending adoptioa of a sew flood control report os tessa creeks. Thne apartmrant srouid be 14 atoeys la heigmt witb parking for MO0 cars - 71 above gratiai and 75 nderground, Dr. Martin cnplained. Mail 3,275 Eoster seals Milton Rotary Clobas sosnai Eaatcr Scal campaigo sas laoncncd today (Wcdocsday) wisen the clubs campaîga diairnoan Ray Ola mailed ont 3,275 IcOners 10 lasso ad district homes. Eacb lelter coninins an urgent appeal froan tce sponsoring RotaryçClub for fuods tusld in te retiabilitation of cripplcd cisidren. The letters alan coulaitn a siseaf of Eanlar Scola whic tce club tinpon recipienta will use on teir mail isctween 00w and Easter tise. iltudmis aI Sunsie Scsani for tce mentaily retardait, Horsky, did tce stsffisg of moclIopes agan Ibis year. In appreciation, Mr. Otan visitcd lin orbool Monday afIcano 1. delivor a treat nf ire creaco and cake la rctsrn for teir gond dord. 1,000 jam nominations Bob Blake Liberal candidate Bob Blake dcfcoted David He criticiord Ose Tories for Esqoeaing, David Butler soulnt mn siis Ose support of tce Butler la tce race for thess Rola ailosing dovil servants la cn te Pranassen tu1 set UP adoLuor>' peuple. He saint tce Liserais sere Eat Lberal nemation aI a province. He promiscnt"people toasrne on agricuilare, reglonal aident isy non-active Jam-pacised conventin belinl inooloemesca" if ie sere et. governeeo, assesoment and Cosservatives on one side ami te Os Clubs Giay la Oakisvlle lest Biaise in olce-prenident ni Ote goveesment probirma if radical NOP on Ose oter. Tlncnnay. manufaclsring sits a dlet. "If pou Osindi Ai Sons is a 'Tle convention sas s 'icnd b>' StrccIsoiillc brick coonpany and A giluatbatr oliaths citiser pbysicaily or banda pîaying for cacis ivsoe la Oakislle. Builer's spech tank a nnifying politicaSly, den't forget my nonse cadtelrnmpoio bisslsg an Naormard by Betty Raisma ni teme. He sold cntbor candidate la Davd,." bie quippont. boipipes piplag. Thne banpin sas la direct contrant ta tce NDP convention bonI a soesellarer OsaI featarent ose bond ployiag for noccandidate la parlienlar ami a crossd of onlp 150 coaspare tu1 dlose la 1,000 aI tce Làberal meeting. Pasdernoniam broise loone sn Ose ballots secountant nd Blaksesas esnedte siscer. "Oh,. Mien The Saints Come Marctong la," laomcd from ose carncer of the ron A bond on doage playent a song "Hello Bobby" taksent front "Hello DolUy". Mcassbilc Biaise es amblant wiOs scU-siscera. FoerLibrai MP Harry Hre ontd Blake ami toUent it as a stooneb Uàberai and a isard-aiugging opposent. ta o prepared speech Biaise sait! Ose Conservotive goocramnent bil ceosent toine a coscernet poitical force and ignoren thOe rad needa ai tce people. Face dangers RallessEattasone of tce foulent . - gro btg arcon la Canada ami d fces dag!of kalng tiaranct b>y btrcoSdhgbsayn, poilulad oie sont saler and blgber tares. Blake rlilment a Liborai HALTON EAST IBERKAIS chsea Bol Biaise (lait> wiOs gtst speaker LiseraS Leader govermnant would tespiement os lise man ta rcprenrnttsem in lise provincial Robert DFOxon ami David Boiter (rigst> cela One bineprinl fer govrenst riectin. Tise secesfotl candidate la shoncn also songist tise nomlaation.-(Staff Pisoto) Representativen from tise cbaanel improvements on 16 Mile province wcre marc conceraied Crcck alave Martin St. la tce ahout f1ood content on tho portion CNR, iselow Main St. and of te crois belos Main St. intseen Main nd Martin and Councillor Charles Joison nind latween Main and tce CR. tce main concere with tat OnarioStreet Crork slasld ant recommandatin snemed la ho la divertont into a second brandi sed on Hurricone Hanel. He soles s nccaaary channel ayn Ibits happons onco la 150 improvements arc made or- years nd ie calcolated thore cording la tce report. wee133 pcarn.lrt latrnce dvelopuent Mayor Brian Beat suggested Tise flood control report bas a te sors sisoold ho donc la tisree direct influence on tise phsen wit sors on Main tn develeponent ni tise lassa. UIJaes Martin inclodla in th m pond certain reqoiremnena are met, and Maints te CPR tracks toise developannt la ot apt tb ho donc mn the firal phse. He anosîd la may areas. ssggested tce toma allot $120,000 ibis year and $200,000 nent s:ear White tise Dcpartmcnt of for teir sisare of tce woris. Eanrgy and Renoorces pnle Represenlatives fomUte tomn, grants on aIl flondento HRCiland Departnt of Eacrgy programa tisere arc varying and ttnsoorces were to mant in a degreen la sisics liey will smaller group la diseuse sisen Potticipate Whie hasm e 75 te report sbonldl bc iplemeond par cmlt of the most ai flood and in wbat ordr tise control tcy only pop 55 per crn1 recommandationsnwosld ho actcd if it la cosidcred a devopaeni spon. ,cest. Tise report notes floodi Onsotraigol flood control tce prevenlion la lise ton of Miltn laws sare la 20 par ceol andi depondo on lin ose ai restrictins agaanst droclopanent la flood -More sns on Ssnday plana;ebne inpvmnt comisincd wst bigs wiods to ns sf04 irage reservoirs. make dia t reaine o Tise report recommande «Sictt rod wn iisas Okay channelization flot flood, f111 Une A crecis cisannolizatlon Tise HRCA report oins progran la te first ntin la e Utc ommde flood lises and fi20 lassos figisl la contrai future bacs wlacb il wona te lasso la flang, Or. C. A. Martin, tce ndopt, bol cosocil isnol fuany n lassos represenintive la Roln trir recommandatins. If te fiU itegion Conservation Autority linen are fnllnscd several tld Milton CO-acil on Monday. renidential devclnpmcnta in Milton ssonto bave isb be hlvrd. At kmt suggestion, coantil Or. Martio suggeslad aune of tce agreed tu adopl tise figures la tce HRCA englacera' ckaosrliaation suggestions report are "very sorcalistie" - coninad la RRCA'a toaginl onc place tce report ladtcates report n flood m"aonal Main SI. could la six fort Milaon, and assmi RRCA tu adopt undersoater if a storm sis tce tcanme wt te lasso poying potntiel of Hsrricane Honni 95 par cent of tce Autority'o ceotreditsclf onathe lama. He sait! nbare nf canin. Milaons oboce la tal wao Impossible. antimaind aI $513,000 os total Council approved lise enponditares of over $1,200,000. resoîstin. Town charts road work Wants Parkwa Fsture copendilaces on roodo Commnercial St. doa te Parssay and neso bridges in Milton, a Dr. route and the sors sOll $7000800 portion of tce $72303,800 uscînde a nrss bridge ovcr mhe five-pear capital budget Sainten Mile Creois on Parltsay. opprovent by conseil Ibis week, Contructin la slated for 1973. came in f or scrutiny and Assy front dosnssn discussion durlag tce Mondoy Couociflor Pop nolmi tere in a meeting of mocil. lot of traffic la the souOs endf of Cosocillors approvnd tise lama and il mont allab fansdiled capital forecast and tce roado la Main St.- "il sure la a espenditurca but Councillor hottesec. ak yDrwol Cisarles Fa>' oas adomant, OsâaI ch." Pcisays Or. thoe new bridge oe lin Stxteen mile Fatoc roe sd visin tise Crack and tce complotion of higlisclianltraffic a chaonce o get Parkwa Dr. hroughthe v la uand ont of lassn witout usiog cool of Milaon District H8gb te dosntossn streets, isy School la placod cloner la lin top funnelling traffie loaond froan of tce priority bast. Ontario St. nieur Ontario Scinol "Bottîcaech", lar te Oeuf. "feel tce Parkssoy Bridge la Prodision of a ness bridge and more Important ton te Pine St. reconstruction nf tise bridge recontruction," ssid CosoclUor accensen on Piso St. arc niaind Puy. He cali te rondo and for Unis ycor. Concillor Pop traffic situation around lise antamed tce Parsway br'idge Williama; Ave. hig scorool "te nhosld roreive isiglar priority worot hottienecs se've got." dm tce old bridge on Pice St. Councif estimnatas inolicate tce Counillors cnncsrrcd lise engineering wors ssdi la dsnc la Parkway projert could la movmi 1972 on biniing Ontario St. 0t ahecod, but nome oter oroimta Caipitail budget is $7#303#800 A five-year capital bsutdget foreront mticatng $7,3110,00 sorts of expanditores os paring, hiseary, parla, areoa, couda. ceaterceors, sesers, isydro ant erreeS nianselization sas approved Monda>' ho seshers of Miltes Cesincil. Proposais rail foc expantaru of $5,132100 la 1971; $2,342,550 la 1972; $5.274.500 la 1973; $1.174.750 la 1074 ant $930,000 la 1975. Thseestimates offuture capital npentisg needa muet ho traso eues year asnd nossittedt lahOe Ootario Municipal Bord for appooal. Aithongs fonda are carmariset for crtais projecîs ln acri of tise foce peurs upproval of lise capitaI budigetldoes sot meusn siil sWncessuril>' rose about - il la onty an indication ta, Ose 0502 of tise tomets futuire need. Parking facilities 0411 pick Up $200000 la Ose fisse peses of tise progeaed expenditores; isear>' board $010,000; pas $270,000; arena board $475,000; Milton Hydro $0,000. A fgure of $875,000 la foreast for agendlng on ereSk cisonnrlzation ta carry ont thse objectives of tise Raln Region Conservation AoOsority'n flond conirol report on tce laces. Tom roada. ceatecceorks, alormsearers ami saniter>' aneers accont for Ose resaaier of tihe $7.303.000 tce conservation uutinrity pays ramifications sdi la discsscd fîve par cent. agamtholfutre meetings. Nos final Tise report and ils decanions banc laen mette. SWORD DANC... Tisese Osree gltdc:k 101gh fisir berls ns Osey dane in te sord cospetiion. Nltetttrrnýe ymssgstra mole and feole participand in thseWestern Ontario Highsland Dnce Compotition hl iu Martin St. Sciasel on Somlay. Piger ceas Gadl Brown nf Milanr. Pictures, nlary Page 3 -<Staff Photo) y bridge first would bave la ise dclayed if il weemoord up lin prisriy 1044cr. BudgettItes Estimalas for te nent fine years as outiced isy OcpolY theeve Perey bore. include: 1971-rconstrsction of Thsomas St. front Qocen lu Hcnlop; Pine St. brcidge; Qucen St. reconstructin; rebsildlag of ltgissy 25, Rase Lise 10 401; pins engineering sork on Main St. from Machin la Bronla. and Commercial St. Mois la Pine laisl lasso coul $250,000. 1972-Recoanstuction Of Main St.; engineering of Commerclal St. extension 10 uhe isig s chool ond Parkway froan Ontario la commercial inclading bsridg, total $157,5W0. 1973-Rcoanlruehnon Commer- cial St.; engineering on Pise fron Commercial la Ontari, ttal $149.500. i074-Reconnlrsction Fine SI.; engineering. on Woodward frnont Martin ta Ontario, total $50.750. 1075--Reconntruction Wand- weard Sl.; engineering on Mais St. irons Ontario St. la Tisird Lise, ttal $00,000. ttReconstruction of Ose Main St. route snuld ba ondectaken us 1976.) 'E'.l A WHITE BOUTONNIERE for 105-prnr-old Simon Henry Baveesincs, sent isy Nansagosepa Rerve Mes. Anse Mat- Arthuor is planent on Sp Miss Sontira Blonde, a normse at Hallaln Masser. Me. Bavrstoc and friends and relatives rojoyed remlaiscing ovec tise oIt da aI a upretal isirtisday pacty lirn Sattirda>' for lise centenacin. Sisosshrnide Me. Bavrstocs la la son Franks of Gal.-(Stafi Pohla) VOL.. 111 - No. 45